Probing Mildred

By Jeff Exilimar

Published on Dec 27, 2004


Mildred woke up and sleepily went into the bathroom for her morning routines. Her stomach rumbled reminded her that she didn't eat since before her midterm the day before. She walked out into the living room to see Lena sitting there in the outfit she'd came with. Grabbing a bagel and the cream cheese, Mildred plopped down next to Lena.

"We need to get you some clothes, Lena. One outfit isn't going to make it."

Lena smiled at Mildred, "Nope. I was told to use this outfit as a template, with some input of course from you. What you're wearing is not acceptable to my parameters."

Mildred looked down at her old oversized sweater. "If I went out like this, it wouldn't be up to many people's parameters, including the Las Vegas Police Department's.", Mildred giggled.

Lena smiled. "Your news is filled with a lot of negativity. I have seen stories of violence and disaster, do good things happen?"

"Yeah, but the other stuff sells nationally, so the good stuff is used for 'fluff' in the locals."

"How depressing."

"When we get clothes, I don't suppose..."

"I have a credit card which will be 'paid' by my superiors."

"Good. I don't have too much spare cash. I guess I'll get ready to go out."

"I should watch to know how to properly use cosmetics, I suppose. It is hard to judge from your media what is and isn't appropriate."


Mildred walked into the bathroom, turned on the water and for the first time noticed the suite came with a fairly large tub rather than the over glorified sink in the main tower. Stripping off her sweater she climbed into the tub and got underneath the water. After a rinse she began lathering up with a bar of soap. Lena picked up a spare bar.

"What is this?"

"Soap. It cleans skin."

"Oh. Last night I just used water."

"Water's fine, but soap is a lot more effective in getting things clean."

Lena watched Mildred soap up and rinse off. "You missed some areas."

"I can't reach. Sometimes I use a scrubber, but I don't know which box marked 'Misc.' it's in."

Mildred then gasped when she felt Lena press the bar of soap against her back between her shoulder blades. As the soap went up and down her spine, she felt tingles rush through her. Lena noticed Mildred's flushing and rapid breathing.

"Is this better?"

"Well, two people don't usually shower together for cleanliness, Lena."

"Foreplay again? I am sorry. I didn't know."

"It's ok. It was just unexpected, if not unpleasantly so." Mildred smiled. "If you want to have lesson two..."

"Since you are interested, it seems like a good time."

Mildred picked up the soap and kissed Lena in the shower, their breasts mashed together as Mildred soaped up Lena's back by wrapping her arms around her. Moving apart, Mildred's soap bar armed hands rubbed over Lena's breasts leaving a trail of lather behind. She then knelt down and soaped up Lena's legs while taking Lena's penis into her mouth. As Mildred's hands moved up and down Lena's legs, Mildred's mouth moved up and down Lena's shaft causing Lena to moan in pleasure. Mildred stood up then and made Lena rinse off and laid down in the large tub, spreading her legs apart. She grabbed Lena's hands and pulled her down so she was kneeling between her legs. Gently grasping Lena's penis, she put the head at the folds of her vagina.

"Push into me, Lena. Please!"

Lena moved into Mildred under the hot spray of water, filling her with the first penis Mildred had in her for years causing Mildred to moan. Lena sighed as the warmth of Mildred's opening covered her shaft completely. Soon instinct and programming took over, as Lena began sliding herself in and out of Mildred's opening. As the thrusting picked up tempo, Mildred's moaning and writhing became more pronounced and Lena's breath came faster and faster. Finally Mildred arched back and released her juices over Lena's penis in the throws of orgasm. With a great groan of contentment, Lena's penis began pumping 'semen' into Mildred. The two lovers then kissed under the spray of water until fully content.

Disentangling themselves they quickly cleaned up and got out of the shower. Drying off and dressing took just moments and Mildred put on her make up. Lena watched intently and then copied Mildred's applications.

"It's a good thing I use a lot of neutrals.", Mildred mused.


"We see things differently, each person and colors are seen as 'good' or 'bad' together. A red head can't wear purple. It'd clash. We are similar in looks, but your lighter complexion makes dark colors stand out more. We'll probably get you a make up kit of your own too. That's good enough for a day out shopping, though! Let's roll!"

Next: Chapter 4

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