Probing Mildred

By Jeff Exilimar

Published on Dec 25, 2004


Mildred and Lena pulled into the Vegas Docks employee parking lot and went into the building. As they entered, Mildred's (and Lena's she supposed) supervisor greeted her. Barry Wilkins let Mildred know that her stuff had been moved to a new suite like room in the back bungalow wing since her and Lena had agreed to room together, according to Lena's computerized employee record. Barry welcomed Lena aboard the crew of the steamboat-themed casino (rather cheezily) and then let Mildred and Lena walk back out and across to their room.

Upon entering Mildred took a look around the suite. A small living area was separated from the sleeping area (containing two full-sized beds) with a small kitchenette along the wall. She then did a quick inventory of her things, which weren't much, and found nothing she could notice missing. She came back into the living area to see Lena sitting on the couch. Mildred took a deep breath, and sat in the easy chair opposite of her.

"I assume they didn't leave you a blank slate Lena, right?" Mildred asked.

"No. Basically I will learn by doing. It is their hope you will tell me my mistakes so I will not repeat them. Right now, in human terms, I am naïve."

"Ok." Mildred said, pausing a minute to gather her thoughts. "Tonight, since it's still early but I'm a touch tired, we'll just stay here and get a better definition on each other. I'll ask a question, then you'll get to ask me a question, ok?"

"If I can answer them, yes."

"Ok. Why did they continue this mission? I mean, a mistake like that..."

"A: We were already here when the error was discovered. B: If a surmountable problem to your millions-of-dollars Pioneer probe had been discovered, would you just destroy the investment out of hand?"

Mildred shook her head.

"I represent a similar investment. And lastly, C: I wanted to continue. As an artificial intelligence, by the rules of my world, I had a say, and cannot be summarily deactivated."

Mildred blushed.

"For my question, why did your face turn red? I think because of embarrassment, because anger is not likely."

Mildred nodded. "Yes. I was embarrassed because I didn't know what to expect of you and was thinking you were a robot."

"I am."

"No, I mean like a walking toaster or something. I didn't consider your, I dunno, awareness."

Lena nodded in understanding.

"Ok Lena, what is your physical construction? I mean, how much inspection can you take?

"About skin deep, the full layer. I have been given a coating, which will provide comparable fluid samples to a human. So even a detailed visual inspection won't reveal anything unusual."

"Except an eight-inch penis."

"Yes. And the semen from it will be totally inert. They did not want to attempt replicating sperm."

Mildred giggled, "That might have been a little much, yes."

Lena nodded. "Yes, without a fuller knowledge of your chemistry, as evidenced my problem." Lena blushed slightly at that. "It was deemed both a hindrance and an unnecessary complication."

Mildred smiled, "Apparently you've learned a little something, being a bit embarrassed about a problem like such."

"Thank you. Now for my question. What or how are we going to handle my problem?"

"Well, certainly and eventually you can date. But I don't know how far you can go. Transsexualism isn't too prevalent, and is considered by many to be wrong. You might have to not have sex during your mission."

"Not acceptable."


"I must engage in some sort of physical love during my mission. Your drives are paramount to each culture's social development."



"Well that presents problems. With your form, and programming, are you to have sex with men or women?"

"Regardless of form, both. It is a survey after all, and would be incomplete without both since according to our data, it does happen."

Mildred looked shocked. "And who are we going to find to do this? I mean, this is unusual to drop on someone. And people, us, we sometimes make attachments during or because of sex!"

"Well, as far as the second part, I know, and we'll have to either deal with the people we select, cautiously select I might add, or hopefully erase their memories in time before things get bad."

"Bad? Like how?"

"If it comes to ridicule, I, no... we; may have to relocate. If physical harm is attempted, I can utilize... access if you will, my greater strength from my robotics. I can't just turn it on or anything."

"Oh. I guess that makes sense."

"And the first part: there is an 81% chance that your friend Kurt Wilcord could be amenable to intercourse with me."

"Kurt?! He always seemed so... normal."

"His internet access shows he has downloaded 41.2 gigabytes of files from various transsexual newsgroups."

"Wow. And if it's a roommate or something?"

"If he has a roommate, then if we approach him and he 'freaks' you 'zap' him and I will subdue him if necessary."

"Riiiight. And the other part? You know, girls?"

Lena looked at Mildred intently, gently arched her eyebrow and said, "You haven't had sex with another person in two years."

Mildred blinked. "You mean me? But I'm not... it's not... I don't know..."

"We are going to be together for five years. You have a very high curiosity quotient, but a fairly big inhibition for action. I am here to relax the second without damaging your cautiousness. In fact you were chose for your compatibility to me. Your curiosity mirrors my mission, and your reluctance to act is an opportunity for us to become a team in this. Since sex is in the mission..."

Mildred sighed and trembled. "If it's not ok, can you 'zap' me?"


"Why not?"

"You must trust me. I have been programmed to trust you, until you betray it."

"So, do you want to, like to do it, well, now?"

"The question is, do you?"

Mildred stood up and walked next to Lena. "What do you know about our sexuality?"

"Just the general mechanics."

"Well, then, I shall 'do' you first so you can see what I like done to me."

Mildred slipped off her shirt and undid her bra, freeing up her 36D breasts, then dropped her baggy jeans and panties to the floor and stepped out of them. Lena moved to remove her own blouse, but Mildred motioned her to stop. Standing in front of the sitting Lena she bent over to pull Lena's shirt off of her, placing her breasts right in Lena's face. When Lena did nothing, Mildred giggled as she stood up.

"What is amusing?" asked Lena.

"Most men would have taken a feel or a nibble at a boobie so close to their face. I figured you would too."

"I can feel stimulation like you, but the meanings behind the actions I don't understand."

"Taking of your clothes in front of your lover, or taking theirs off is 'erotic'. It's foreplay, meant to set the mood or be playful. You should be getting 'aroused' by these antics."

Lena nodded and then gasped slightly as Mildred kissed her for the first time, just a light brushing of lips, with a caress of Mildred's tounge. Lena looked at Mildred as she backed away. "I felt that. It stimulated a positive reaction in me."

Mildred giggled. "It's funny, you analyzing this. Prepare for more 'positive reaction stimulation' right now."

Mildred pressed her lips to Lena's more fervently this time, and moved her arms around Lena. Lena, calculating that this should be mirrored brought her own hands up, causing their breasts to move together. Slight moans of pleasure interrupted their kissing each time a pleasingly erect nipple brushed against another. After a bit of this, Mildred pushed Lena back against the couch, smiled, and took one of Lena's nipples into her mouth. Lena jumped in pleasure and watched as her lovely (as per standard parameters) female partner licked and nibbled and sucked all over her breast. Mildred began to kneed the other breast, flicking the nipple of one with her tongue while keeping time on the other with her finger.

Finally she stopped and Lena smiled. Mildred smiled back and slid off Lena's skirt and panties, revealing Lena's eight-inch penis. Gently she caressed it with her hands as she left a trail of kisses from Lena's neck down to her belly. She then gently licked the opening at the head of Lena's penis, causing Lena to moan. Flicking her tongue at the head, Mildred soon had Lena wiggling in delight. Judging that the time was right, Lena's penis slowly entered Mildred's mouth. Lena's hips rose as Mildred's head would descend on the shaft, making a natural rhythm between the two lovers. Finally Lena's programming reached a certain threshold and pumped 'semen' into Mildred's mouth as Lena's back arched with an accompanying moan of pleasure. Mildred swallowed Lena's fluid, thinking it was really quite good (much better than she remembered from the few other experiences she'd had) and feeling rather mellow herself.

Mildred got up and gave Lena a kiss before sitting back on the sofa. She draped herself against an armrest and motioned for Lena to come to her. "Lena, feel free to caress and kiss me where you like. We'll save other thinks for other days."

Lena smiled and started rubbing Mildred's breast with intense fascination at Mildred's swollen nipples. A soft moan from her broke Lena's concentration, so she moved up to give her a kiss. Once again Lena felt tingling from the touch of their breasts together and from the soft press of Mildred's thigh on her penis. Sliding down Mildred's body, leaving a trail of kisses on her throat, Lena took a nipple into her mouth. Mildred arched her back pressing her breast into Lena's face. Lena's tongue traced rings around the areola and then flicked up and over the nipple, causing Mildred to squirm.

After a few minutes of breast-play, Lena again started kissing downward, and then paused. Looking up at Mildred, whose eyes were closed in ecstasy and anticipation, she said, "This is unfamiliar. What would you recommend I do?"

Mildred's eyes popped open, "Huh?"

"What do you recommend I do?"

"Oh... oh!" Mildred giggled. "Right, penis-no-penis. Um. Here, try this..."

Lena listened to the instructions and then kissed Mildred's belly button. She then ran her tongue over Mildred's exposed outer lips and clefts where her legs met her hips. Then, tightening her circle of attention, Lena's tongue bather Mildred's exposed genitailia. After a couple of minutes, she then opened the outer lips and ran her tongue up and down the length of Mildred's very wet slit. As Mildred writhed under Lena's tongue, Lena reached her ultimate goal and began flicking Mildred's clitoris rapidly with her tongue. Mildred came soon afterwards, arching her back, crying out in pleasure, and grinding herself into Lena's face.

After a moment or two, the two girls got up. Mildred looked over at Lena and giggled, as Lena's face was wet from her enthusiasm. "You better clean up, and then get to bed. Tomorrow is a busy day."

Lena smiled. "Certainly. I hope you had fun. Actually, I think I know you did." Lena's smile got impish, then she took Mildred's face in her hands giving Mildred a long French kiss.

After she broke the kiss, Lena went into the bathroom, leaving a bewildered and pleased Mildred. As she tasted her own juices left there from the kiss she said to herself, "And I don't think the fun is going to end for a while." And with that, she headed to bed.

Next: Chapter 3

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