Pro Rehab Rutting

By Scott Coffin

Published on Jan 24, 2018


From: scoffinator69

Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fantasy, and should in no way be believed to say anything definitive about the characters involved, their sexual orientation, or their personal desires. It is 100% about the author thinking that this scenario would be fucking HOT. You should also realize by now that in a fantasy world, everyone is always safe from disease and disfigurement. We do not live in a fantasy world, so do with that knowledge what you will.

If you are underage according to your jurisdictions applicable laws (18 or 21 in most cases), please do not read or disseminate this story in anyway.

This story is copyrighted by the author as of 01-24-2018

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Pro Rehab Rutting 3: The Carson Wentz Blues


The celebrations in the locker room were off the chain. The Eagles had just dominated the favored Vikings to win the NFC Championship and were on their way to the Super Bowl in two weeks. Some of the braver (or crazier) guys had even decided to mingle with the crowds of fans sure to be setting the city ablaze (just hopefully not literally, or at least very much). Everyone was in a state of euphoria tonight, everything was right with their world tonight!

Except, everything wasn't right.

As proud as he was to be an Eagle; as proud as he was to know what his contribution had meant to this years success; as amazed as he was at how deftly and completely Nick Foles had handled the last few games of the season (and especially the Vikings), Carson Wentz was feeling down. Was feeling somehow less than necessary.

And of course, those feelings were magnified by the fact that he knew he should absolutely NOT be feeling them.

No team was only one man, no matter how talented. Still...

Zach Ertz observed his buddy and QB, caught the fleeting looks of doubt that crept on to his face in more unguarded moments. The understanding that he needed to snap Wentz out of this funk, as well as the instinctive knowledge of how best to do that, was reinforced by the brief glance he shared with his head coach. The slight nod from the tight end to Doug Pederson was enough acknowledgment and went unnoticed by any of the other men in the now emptying locker room.

While Zach hadn't planned on needing to do anything to help a buddy out other than giving a ride to and from the stadium, he was glad that his SUV awaited the two men and for the privacy it would afford them.

Part 1

By the time Zach and Carson reached the tight end's SUV the conversation had moved from slightly stilted and awkward to jovial and celebratory, it was only in the recounting of a couple of Ertz's bigger catches, and Wentz noting wistfully that he had wished he was the one to have thrown those balls to his tight end, that anything bittersweet intruded between them. By the time the two men were well away from the stadium and heading toward home Carson had found it within himself to just enjoy the moment of celebration and the time with his buddy. So much so that he hadn't even noticed the detour until he realized they were pulling off an unfamiliar, and apparently little used, road onto a graveled space alongside a cell tower and surrounded by scrubby brush that nearly hid the vehicle.

Zach parked the SUV and left it running, pulling back the plastic liner that normally covered the inside of the moon roof before hitting the controls to lean both seats back. Carson gave a short start at the suddenness of his backrest falling away before settling back and smiling questioningly at his teammate.

"The victory isn't complete yet." Zach said, simply. "In about an hour our vanquished foe will be taking off for home, and I think we deserve to watch that."

The quarterback laughed as he glanced around, realizing this spot was under the path for the main runways at the airport. Shaking his head at the thoroughness of his buddy's competitive spirit, he smiled wider at the sight of the silver flask the tight end produced from his pocket. While not normally much of a drinker, Wentz was glad for the availability. The two men handed the flask back and forth for several minutes, sipping what was some very fine bourbon and toasting to victory, teammates, and especially friends.

When the flask was empty both men leaned back, Carson Wentz gazed up at the stars through the glass of the moon roof, trying to figure out how to tell his teammate what these few moments meant to him. When he thought he knew, he turned his head toward his teammate, only to find Zach Ertz already gazing at him instead of the sky. The well crafted statement about buddy hood flew from his brain as nerves swept in.

"Thanks, Zach."

It was almost a whisper.

"You're welcome." the tight end smiled back. "There's also more to come, if you want it to."

The slightest parting of Carson's lips, the shallow nod, the smallest hint of a gasp told Zach everything he needed to know right now and it was all he could do to keep himself from shouting 'FINALLY!' before he moved in. The tight end recognized the look in his quarterback's eyes, recognized the way the ginger stud held his body, for the nervous anticipation it was. Nervous anticipation that was echoed in his own body. Even as his body was rocketing up off his seat and lunging toward his stud teammate, Zach thought he should be taking it slower.

It was definitely too late for that now, and the widening part of Carson's full lips, not to mention the quick flick of pink tongue along them, told Zach that his quarterback didn't want it to go any slower either.

The weight of Zach Ertz's body on his own was as sudden and as necessary as anything Carson Wentz had ever remembered feeling. The quickness with which the tight end had shifted his position was as unsurprising to the quarterback as was the realization that he had known from the moment Zach had picked him up earlier today that exactly this was going to happen. His teammate's face crashed hard against his own and he felt the forceful spearing of Ertz's tongue against his own as the two men let themselves slip into the inevitability of the bliss.

Carson Wentz felt Zach Ertz's hand greedily mapping his body as their tongues danced together in erotic need. In absolute hunger for each other. Hands scrambling now to remove each others shirts, the two men sank deeper into the kiss, Carson's cock gave a sudden pulse as Zach moaned deeply into his teammate's mouth at the grazing of quarterback thumb along tight end tit. Wentz returned fire, gasping into Ertz's mouth as his buddy's hand slipped swiftly lower to slide his hand over the bulging mound of quarterback cock through two thin layers of fabric.

Pulling away from his sprawled out quarterback as little as possible, the tight end yanked both of their shirts off, and then quickly moved back in, playfully nipping at Carson's lower lip with his teeth before trailing them along his jawline to nibble and lick at the red head's earlobe.

"I've wanted this so fuckin' long, Car!"

The deep moan of the declaration felt like it was vibrating directly onto the tissue of Carson Wentz's lust addled brain. Ertz was suddenly abashed at the swearing, knowing his buddy didn't much care for it.

"Fuck, me too, Zachy! Me. FUCKING. Too."

Zach Ertz chuckled at his teammate's uncharacteristic statement as much as at his own timidity, laughing into Carson's mouth as he reclaimed his quarterback's mouth for a few more wild seconds.

The still hidden cock under his massaging grip drew him like a magnet. While Zach was quite familiar with what Carson was packing under normal circumstances, the motion of his hand over the impressive package belied more than a little surprise at what the quarterback would be showing hard. The tight end nipped and kissed his way along Carson's neck and throat as he began the long dreamed of journey down the torso of the 6'5" quarterback. Slipping his lips quickly over the pert left nipple of his teammate, Zach flicked his long tongue over the tip before lightly running his teeth along it's sides, and then switching back, causing Carson's back to arch up off the seat sharply, and drawing deep moans of untoward passion from the full, pink lips of the 25 year old football stud.

Zach's next move, teasing his fingertips along at the waistband of his quarterback's pants before slipping his hand under the fabric and grazing his rough palm along the proud length of cock, brought Carson's hips into play as they came up off the warm, soft leather of the seat in desperate need of pressing tight against the hot, rough palm of his tight end's hand. Zach drew a long, sharp breath at the first feel of quarterback cock, then exhaling just as sharply and suddenly. The rush of breath raised goose bumps on the pale flesh, and shivers running through the body under him.

Zach Ertz began fighting against the pants and shorts of Carson Wentz, nearly rabid now to witness the full visual glory of his quarterback's cock. Wentz shifted his right hand toward assisting his tight end, as his left pressed lightly on Ertz's buzz cut scalp. The confines of the SUV's passenger seat, the fact that they needed to be mindful of the quarterback's injured knee, and the now nearly desperate need of both men conspired to make the unveiling of Carson Wentz's genitals much more of a production than either Eagle liked. Zach shifted his gaze downward, even as he kept his lips, teeth and tongue in play against the muscular left pec. The added assistance of sight helped the men to finally lower Carson's pants and shorts to just below his knees. Zach slid his hand around the hard column of flesh and raised it, awestruck, from the tangle of fiery red pubes. The suck of air he drew in was accompanied by a sharper than intended grazing of nipple.

The tremor caused by the bite was still reverberating through the quarterback's body as Zach Ertz took in the full glory of Carson Wentz's hard cock. If ever a cock was perfectly matched to it's owner, it was the cock that the tight end now held nearly perpendicular to his quarterback's body. While noticeably leaner than his own, Zach knew that he was definitely wider than most. No, the girth of his teammate's cock seemed exactly the right thickness to match up with Wentz's slightly slimmer build compared to Ertz. While both Eagle studs were exactly the same height, Zach outweighed his quarterback by nearly 20 pounds.

No, Carson Wentz's proud cock was exactly as thick as it should have been for his body. It also seemed exactly as long as it should be for his body. At least 10 iron hard inches, an inch and a half more, maybe even two, than Zach's own big cock, the crown hidden by an ample but snug fitting foreskin. A copious trail of tight end drool slid along quarterback torso unnoticed until Zach Ertz began kissing and nibbling desperately down Carson Wentz's powerful frame, greedy to feast on his teammate's cockflesh. As his buddy increased pressure against his skull, urging him downward faster, Zach wished he could take more time to explore the muscular torso, trail his tongue more fully along the ridges and valleys that marked out Carson's sinewy frame. As it was though, both men were too desperate for the tight end's lips and tongue to make contact with the quarterback's massive prick.

Zach Ertz shifted his grip from the base of the cock, allowing it to slam loudly, bruisingly, back against his face, as he cupped the impressive scrotum of his stud quarterback, working Carson's plum sized nuts under rapidly dancing fingers. The tight end turned his head and neck uncomfortably but eagerly, slipping his tongue between his parted lips to make first, fiery contact at the underside base of the long shaft, then began to slither his way upward, prying the rock hard cock away from Carson's pelvis with his cheek as he continued licking his way skyward. The long, steady climb was worth it when Zach finally reached the apex and was able to trace his tongue along the edge of the foreskin before forcing it under to lave over the sensitive, slick crown of Carson's cock.

The forced separation by Zach's tongue, the feel of the rapid wriggling of his teammate's taster against both cockhead and foreskin brought a long, low moan from deep within Carson, filling the cabin of the SUV with a lust drunk ballad of sexual need that had been too long denied. For Zach, the first, savory taste of pre-cum hitting his tongue had the mind bending effect of focusing him on the moment finally arrived and sending him forward through time in anticipation of reliving it over and over as many times as his quarterback wanted.

Zach Ertz slid his lips into place, pursing them over the small area of cockhead exposed by the foreskin before slipping wider, and then lower over the entire crown, foreskin sliding down like an advance guard before them. The salty, rich taste of Carson Wentz's cock snot was like ambrosia as it flowed liberally onto Zach Ertz's exploring tongue. And still, the quarterback was moaning in abject need.

Zach Ertz was inhaling his quarterback's cock now as much as he was sucking it. Unbidden, a switch had been flipped in his brain, driving him to service his horned up teammate for as long, and as hard, and as fully as was required to sate their profound and animal needs. Nearly halfway along on the journey down to Carson's ginger bush, Zach's gag reflex balked at the impalement, sending him back up by a couple of inches before he tried again. Taking it a bit slower this time, the tight end recommenced his willing impalement only to find it wasn't the speed of the descent it was the angle. The split second decision he would have made on the field of play to beat an opposing player morphed into a clear reading of necessity in this circumstance as he shifted his body up and around. One leg bent, knee in the driver's seat, the other stretched behind near the brake, the tight end came at the play from a higher angle, and slid his tongue and lips down the massive, pulsing shaft once again. Still taking it slower, he swelled with pride as he made it well past the point of resistance, and continued inhaling his quarterback's perfect cock.

Tongue and lips working wildly, Zach continued his progress down the thrillingly long shaft of Carson's cock, hoping madly that he would feel the fullness of the quarterback's nut sack and pubes against his lips, but unable to make the last lonely inch of the journey he grew frustrated. Shaking it off as soon as he realized it, he set his tongue into more avid swipes along the beautiful column of jock flesh, and began working his throat muscles in the way that Coach Pederson had helped him master.

Forcing his tongue to stretch more fully than it ever had, Zach Ertz was able to just slip it past his lips and swirl it partway around the base of his buddy's cock, teasing himself with the feeling of Carson's pubes tickling at it's tip. The tongue work coupled with the constant clench and release of his throat muscles sent his teammate's entire body into a rolling tremor. Carson's hips came sharply off the seat again and as his torso twisted toward Zach, the quarterback dug his fingers deeper and harder into the tight end's fuzzy skull.

And Zach Ertz felt Carson Wentz's bull nuts pressing hard against his nose.

Ten and a half rock hard inches of quarterback cock was buried balls deep in the tight end's throat, claiming it for his own. Zach was held there, fully impaled, as much by his own desire to serve his stud QB as by his stud QB's hands pressing hard down on his skull from above, and his hips pressing up hard from below. The tight end gave himself over to the euphoric dizziness that was brought on by the lack of oxygen, frantic swallowing motions by the cocksucker ripped loud, guttural moans from the quarterback's mouth, the avidly working tongue swirled slick pre-cum along the cockshaft deep inside him, and then let it slide down his throat into his stomach like a feast. After several ball tingling seconds, Zach finally sucked air in through his nose and began a retreat back up the powerful shaft until just the last couple of inches remained locked between his lips.

Zach worked his lust addled face up and down Carson's big cock like a perpetual motion machine, now able to deep throat his buddy with something like ease, the tight end huffed in lungfuls of the musky aroma emanating from the quarterback's pubes and scrotum, holding himself in that paradise for long moments on every third or fourth sucking dive.

One of Carson's big hands slid from his skull and trailed downward along Zach's muscular, glistening back before the fingertips slid along the waist band of Zach's jeans and worked to force their way in and under the denim. Zach, nose and chin deep in nut sack and moist pubic bush, silently cursed himself for not wearing looser pants even as he scrambled to undo the buttons and slide them off. The frantic motions required shifted him into a newer, better position , as Carson's hand slid easily in to cover most of one massive glute, before helping to force the pants lower still.

Carson Wentz's long, deft fingers trailed their way into the jock crack of Zach Ertz, digging for his tight end's hole, and then sliding teasingly around and over it. Zach continued to suck quarterback cock, and released a chorus of vibrating moans that drove both men to even higher planes of lust. The gasping, low moan of deprivation from his cocksucker brought a smile to Carson's lips, even as he slipped two long fingers deep in between them, slicking them up with copious wads of saliva. Zach Ertz hiked himself higher, did his best to move his needy jock ass closer to his quarterback in a desperate search for the now greedily needed fingers. The shift in position worked better than either man could have known.

Carson Wentz slipped his spit soaked fingers from between his lips and moved them quickly, perfectly, to Zach Ertz's waiting and willing jock hole.

Part 2

The feel of his tight end's big muscle butt brought a tingling kind of heat to Carson's forearm as it draped over his buddy's powerful glute. The damp heat of the lightly furred ass crack against the palm of his hand magnified his lust dangerously, just as the jock pucker seeming to wink under his fingertips sent a pulse of desire directly to the quarterback's massive nuts still being manipulated under Zach's rough touch.

Zach moaned around the cock fully seated in his mouth and throat at the first feeling of the spit slick digits along the rim of his hole and hiked his ass back against them as best he could. Two long, thick quarterback fingers slipped inside him to the first knuckle and paused there briefly before spearing in the rest of the way. With as little experience as he had with another dude, Carson thought he had gone too far too fast, given the deep rumbling groan that was vibrating around his throat fucking cock. Zach seemed to instinctually know what his teammate was thinking and twisted his free arm from under him painfully around to grasp at Wentz's wrist. The tight end held his quarterback's hand and arm motionless before he started to direct it's motion, pulling the digits nearly out, then plunging them forcefully back into his aching, greedy jock hole.

The depraved sight of watching his stud teammate essentially fucking himself with Carson's fingers brought a gaping look of disbelief at the erotic debasement the tight end was willingly...eagerly...inflicting upon himself to the quarterback's lust twisted face. That disbelief was quickly overrun by a desperate need to give Zach what he so clearly wanted and needed. Carson Wentz began jamming his fingers hard into the tight muscle butt of his brand-spanking-new fuck buddy, before pulling them back almost all the way out.

Zach Ertz held his hand in place, tightly gripping Carson Wentz's wrist, until he was convinced the quarterback was going to keep the deep, rough digital penetration up. As the quarterback continued finger fucking the tight end, he began to get adventurous, wriggling his fingertips around inside his buddy at the deepest point of penetration, and then spreading his fingers apart as he pulled back toward the gaping ass lips of his teammate. Convinced he was doing right by Zach as his buddy's muscular body literally vibrated against his. Zach pulled suddenly off Carson's throbbing cock in a back arching move that seemed somehow to lower his ass harder and deeper onto the stud QB's fingers.

"Fuck, that's fuckin' it Car! Just like that, baby!"

The tight end's gasping plea was followed by his hunching back over his teammate's groin, this time to work his tongue and lips over the overloaded nut sack of the quarterback. Zach scrambled blindly to open the glove box and search desperately for the small tube of lube he knew was in there. He only hoped it would be enough, and then realized as quickly that that didn't matter, as he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that he would willingly take Carson's fuck dry if that was the only way he could get it.

"More spit!"

The command shot out of Zach's mouth as his hand slipped around the lube. Carson's fingers were rudely ripped from his needy ass and slicked up once again in the quarterback's mouth. As Zach uncapped the single shot lube package and moved to let it drizzle along his teammate's big cock, the fingers returned, jamming three wide this time back up into Zach's aching jock hole.

The tight end raised himself up, reveling in t he feel of the deep, strong penetration for several seconds as eh dropped the now empty lube container, and grasped the quarterback cock to slick up as much of the surface area as possible. Zach shifted himself, pulling away from the stretching, digging fingers to straddle Carson. Careful to put as little pressure as possible against the still healing knee, he came down to his knees, wedging them uncomfortably at either edge of the passenger seat, reaching behind him to raise Carson's slick, iron hard shaft away from his belly, Zach realized his buddy had already taken care of it. Looking down he saw his teammate's strong forearm wedged under his crotch and smiled, raising his head to cast his gaze up to meet Carson's.

The look that greeted both men as their eyes met was one of a shared, absolute need. Of brotherhood too long denied.

Zach shifted his hips back until he felt the thrilling contact of Carson's firm cockhead against his desperate jock hole. Sucking in a bracing breath, the tight end pushed back against the hard column of flesh his quarterback was offering to him, freely. The domed, flaring crown slipped inside him and Zach didn't pause. The slight pain felt in the stretching tissue of his ass was entirely right. Was as necessary to Zach Ertz's well being at this moment as it appeared to be for Carson Wentz.

The look that flashed across his quarterback's face as Zach continued to slide deeper onto the man's cock, was one of purest need and gratitude. The tight end knew the look was reflected in his own face as the proud cock slipped further still inside him. When he felt his balls press against his teammate's forearm, Zach was grateful for the obstruction. Grateful for the chance to get used to the length of the behemoth he so desperately needed. Pressing his palms flat over Carson's muscular pecs, Zach hiked his hips back up the welcomed invader, stopping when just the head was still inside him. Keeping his eyes locked on his buddy's the entire time, the tight end took three more languid trips up and down the powerful cock, giving himself over to the connection with his quarterback.

Even the feeling of Carson shifting his grip, bringing his hand from around his cock to slip around Zach's muscular thigh, and then mirroring the grip on the other, the first hard thrust upward from below caught Zach by surprise. Suddenly the quarterback's big, powerful hands dug deeply, painfully into the tight end's powerful legs, and then Carson's hips shot up hard off the seat. The look in his teammate's eyes told Zach that somehow the fuck stroke came as much of a surprise to the quarterback as it did to the tight end.

Ten and a half inches of power fucking QB cock tore it's way through Zach Ertz's ass as Carson Wentz drove his hips forcefully upward. For a second or two, the tight end didn't comprehend the feeling that was rocketing through him. Then like he was watching on a screen somewhere, the first blast of his cum shot out of him and came to rest thickly in the quarterback's beard.

Another shot fired onto Carson's sternum, the massive wad slick between Zach's hands. A third and fourth pulsed out of him soaking the quarterback's treasure trail and pubic bush. Even as the tight end was realizing that he had cum, he knew it wasn't anything like the end. The knowledge that his cock was not going to go even remotely soft, that the was still a copious amount of cum left to be fucked out of him later, washed over him like a divine revelation. Scraping as much of the cum out of his buddies pubes as he could manage, Zach moved his sperm laden fingers toward his mouth, wondering what his buddy would make of the twistedness of his hunger.

The answer came in a harder than ever thrust up into his ass as he slipped his fingers between his lips. The groan of the quarterback he was riding told the tight end that his teammate was jealous, not disgusted. Zach scooped up another fingerful of his load, and moved his hand toward Carson's lips.

Carson Wentz groaned like the fuck addled zombie he now was as he tasted Zach Ertz's seed for the first time, fucking himself hard against his buddy's powerful jock ass as his lips clamped around the cum laden digits his tongue was working over like a mad man.

Fingers still between Carson's sucking mouth, Zach hunched himself over, at once driving himself harder against the hard, fucking cock in his ass, and clamping his lips over the pool of his own cum on the quarterback's chest, sucking all of it up before rising slightly to dig the remaining wad out of his teammate's sexy, ginger beard. Looking into his quarterback's eyes, Zach saw the perfect reflection of longing and need that he, himself felt, as his lips locked with Carson's and their tongues wrestled in sharing the last of the tight end's first load of the night.

As the kiss deepened, the need in both men grew. Carson's big hands dug deeper into Zach's legs as the two rutted like the crazed beasts they had become. The quarterback let loose with a sudden, livid scream into his tight end's still lip locked mouth as he broke the contact.

Zach Ertz felt a sharp stab of momentary fear as his body was heaved off and away from the quarterback, disorienting him for nearly the entirety of the forceful motion. The tight end found his back resting on the scratchy carpet of the SUV's cargo area, his legs being raised and split, Carson gripping tightly at the back of them as he slid in between, crawling bestially over his teammate. A quick glance assured Zach that the quarterback was paying at least some attention to his injured knee in the split second before he felt Carson's massive cock slipping back inside him.

The quarterback made three bone crushing drives into his newly minted jock bottom bitch, staring lusty daggers at the tight end as he did so. On the fourth fuck thrust, Carson looked down and was captivated by the pulsing, angrily hard cock of his studly teammate. A bestial groan slipped from both men as Carson hunched forward, crushing his lips against Zach's as he drew his cock back out of his well and truly fucked tight end's clutching ass. Each driving thrust of his quarterback's cock was punctuated by a lust addled moan from Zach directly into his buddy's mouth. Each withdrawal was punctuated by Carson seeming to suck air directly out of Zach's lungs, as the two jock studs rode tidal waves of lust along the crest of their fuck. Zach's big ball handling hands slipped around Carson's broad shoulders, his legs shifted around the driving hips, ankles locking just below the hard pounding glutes of his top. Carson fucked hard into his bottom, fighting through the desperately clutching muscles of Zach's inner most being, as he felt the hard pulse of the jock stud's cock pressed tightly between their rutting bodies as it seemed to grow harder and thicker with each deep penetration.

Carson was sure that the rough tickle of his pubes and treasure trail along Zach's cock was helping to drive his bitch crazier with lust. The confirmation came when the quarterback pulled away from the tight end's lips. The screaming moans of the tight end echoed through the cabin of the vehicle, only to rise in volume and tone when the quarterback clamped his lips and teeth hard into Zach Ertz's diamond hard nipple. The heels digging deeper and harder into his ass, the hands digging almost painfully into his shoulders, drove Carson Wentz into an impossibly higher gear as he pounded himself in and out of Zach's fuck addled body.

The screams of the tight end shifted to whimpers, to low rumbling gasps of 'pleasepleasepleaseplease' as the quarterback continued power fucking his beautiful, powerful, lust drunk tight end.

Carson came up off Zach's body, staring at the impossibly widened eyes and obscenely gaping mouth of his teammate, knowing he had the exact same look on his own face. The quarterback hunched over without thinking it and sank his teeth hard into his tight end's shoulder.

"Oh fuck, Zachy...Oh, fuck....gettin clo...fuckfuckfuck..." escaped the quarterback's lips as Zach shifted one hand into the shaggy red mane, and turned to whisper into Carson's ear.

"Do it, baby...Fuckin seed my jock cunt, Car!"

Two men felt the inescapable swelling of two cocks in the final seconds of the rut. Zach's against Carson's hard stomach, Carson's deep inside Zach's clenching, milking jock hole.

Zach Ertz felt the slackening cut of Carson Wentz's teeth a quarter second before he felt the first copious wad of cum expelled deep inside his gaping jock ass, another quarter second later, Carson felt the first molten blast of Zach's cum spew along his abs. The two jock muscle studs thrashed and trembled against each other through the length of their shared and massive orgasms. The powerful load deposited inside the tight end soothed the raw fucked tissue of his jock cunt, while for the second time in less than fifteen minutes, Zach's own copious load washed hotly along the pumped up and over heated muscles of Carson Wentz's stomach and chest.

The sudden screaming of jet engines taking off behind them, drew the quarterback's lips and teeth away from Zach's scraped and bloodied shoulder to look for the source of the rudely interrupting sound.

"I think we missed take off, Zachy."

The tight end slid one hand a long the quarterback's chin and jaw, turning Carson's scruffy face back toward his own.

"I don't think we did, Car."

The smile was just beginning to form on Carson Wentz's face as Zach Ertz's lips and tongue met the quarterback's own in a kiss more meaningful to both men than any of the others they had shared through the course of the rut.

The two jock buddy's sank slowly into each other fully and freely.

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