Privates Assignment

By Gloryhole Professional

Published on Aug 15, 2004


Private's Assignment: Serving the Military W(hole)-2 By: GHJ, Your Gloryhole Professional

DISCLAIMER: "Private's Assignment: Serving the Military W(hole)" is copyrighted to the author. No reposting or other use without the author's written consent is permissible. Do not read if underaged or in a location where such material is prohibited.

Private's Assignment: Serving the Military W(hole)-2 By: GHJ, Your Gloryhole Professional

Standing taller than the white helmets on the heads of the four soldiers escorting him down wide, cold corridors illuminated in only sterile fluorescent light, Private Dylan felt as naked as he was. As his large, muscular frame padded along the middle of the corridor, the young recruit was not sure as to what to do with his hands. Instinctively, he wanted to cover his genitals but the boy knew it was not the proper way for a solider in United States Army to march. So, instead, he let his arms hang at his side and his cock hang freely between his legs.

The four escorts led the youth to a series of wide elevator doors where one opened only seconds before the group reached it.

Entering the cold, gray elevator, Dylan asked, "Where are we going?"

None of the four soldiers replied. All stared straight ahead as they gripped their weapons.

"Man, this is crazy", Dylan said almost to himself as he looked toward the ceiling of the elevator. Numerous cameras were trained on his every move. In fact, the lenses moved with his every move.

In moments, the doors opened and the escorts led Dylan down another wide, empty corridor.

Suddenly they stopped at one of numerous look-a-like doors along the corridor. It was unmarked. As the group came to a stand still, the door slid open.

"Private Larson!", the lead escort shouted. "Enter here, please!"

Dylan looked in through the doorway before entering what looked to be a rather large conference room. As soon as he alone stepped through the threshold, the door closed behind him. Startled, he turned his head and saw there was no handle on the gray door.

Although no one else was in there, in the middle in room was a metal and vinyl stool. And along the furthest back wall was a long conference table with twelve chairs on one side of it all facing the stool. Dylan looked up toward the ceiling and again saw four obvious cameras, one in each corner, and all trained on his every move.

Dylan stood near the door he'd entered, not sure what was going on or what to do next.

As if reading his mind, the same calm male voice as before came over the P.A. system saying, "Please take a seat, Private Larson. Be seated on the stool in front of you, please."

Dylan looked around as he approached the high stool. He sat with his large hands on his lap. His breathing quickened as he was in a state of total confusion.

"Where am I?", Dylan asked into space again.

"You are in Area 51", the voice replied. "They will be with you momentarily, Private."

"Who will be with me?", Dylan asked in a smaller voice. He gulped and a camera seemed to focus on his adam's apple as he did so.

"Momentarily", the voice said in a genial tone.

Dylan sat on the stool and found that it pivoted around. His tall frame made it easy for the youth to rock himself back and forth a few degrees as he tried to calm his nerves. He looked around and saw no doorways other than the one he'd entered.

But suddenly a portion of a wall behind the conference table slid open, exposing a hidden doorway. The room grew louder and even tenser as twelve high-ranking Army officers in full uniform entered, some toting briefcases or laptop computers.

Dylan jumped off the stool and to his feet. Standing at full attention, he saluted while watching the twelve men take their seats behind the conference table. As they settled in, there was silence.

"Good afternoon, Private Dylan Larson", the man who sat in the middle of the long row of officers said. He was a fit man in his mid-50s with gray hair and bright hazel gray eyes. On his uniform were an array of impressive medals.

"Sir, hi, sir", the youth replied. He could see that the man who addressed him was a five-star general.

"At ease, young man", the man replied with a smile. "My name is General Acme. And no, that is not my real name. You will never be told my real name. But it is the name you may refer to me as and will suffice throughout your service to our country. Is that understood?"

"Sir, yes, sir", the well-built recruit replied.

"Be seated, Private", General Acme said as then continued. "These other men are also high ranking officers in the United States Armed Forces. You will refer to them only as Officers One through Eleven, counting from your left, son. No other names or ranks will be used in this process. Is that understood?"

Dylan nodded as he surveyed the men who were all looking at him in a happy although scrutinizing manner. The youth suddenly remembered that he was totally naked before them and went to cover his genitals.

"No need to do that, son", General Acme replied. "It's very impressive. We've all seen it. And in fact, we've all got one ourselves."

The other men chuckled at a bit, which put the youth at some ease.

The men watched as the handsome blonde recruit sat on the stool, his heavy cock and scrotum hanging big between his widely spread, muscular thighs.

"You have no idea why you're here, do you, son?", General Acme asked with a fatherly smile.

"Sir, no I don't, sir", Dylan said as he again scanned the tribunal of officers who sat across from him.

As Dylan spoke, it seemed that the officer on the far right end of the table was documenting everything as the man typed into his laptop computer. And another officer, on the opposite end of the table, began pressing a button. It seemed to Dylan that he was being photographed when he spotted what looked to be a small lens atop the man's laptop computer.

"Well, we're here to clarify things as much as we can", General Acme said. "Of course, there are things we cannot disclose but we'll try to help you as much as possible to understand why you've been brought here."

"Let us begin by stating the obvious and I'm sure what is easily considered 'the good news'", General Acme explained. "Although it may be your last recollection, you were not in a field training exercise accident with an Army Corp. vehicle. That much should be apparent to you."

"Yeah", Dylan said, as he again looked his body over seeing not even a slight scratch on his well muscled flesh.

"I can see you're a little uptight, Private", the General said. "And that's understandable. But let us start by reassuring you that you are in no trouble with the Pentagon or the U.S. Armed Forced. So please try to relax, son."

"Take a deep breath, Private", another of the officers seated at the table said. "Breathe in deeply and exhale."

"Officer Six is a physician, son", General Acme said indicating the man who just spoke. "Do as he says, please."

Dylan took a deep breath of sterile, forced air into his lungs and exhaled. It did seem to calm him.

"That's better, Private", General Acme said as the men all watched the strapping youth's muscled torso ripple as he breathed in. "See? Much better. We are your commanders but rest assured we are your friends in this process as well. You're on our side and we're on yours, son."

Dylan breathed in again and smiled a bit - for the first time since joining the Army, in fact. "Sir, thank you, sir!", he said.

"Let's get on with things then. We all know we want to begin the process as soon as possible. You have been informed of your location, that is correct, son?" General Acme then asked.

"I think so", Dylan stated. "Area 51? That's what the voice said."

"That is correct", the General replied. "And what do you know of Area 51, Private?"

Dylan swallowed a little not sure if he should say it's where the UFOs were suppose to be hidden. "Um, not real sure, sir. It's in Nevada and super secret, right?"

The men laughed a bit amongst themselves as they listened to every syllable and scanned every movement and every inch of the youth's physique.

"Well, you would be correct in saying that...if you watch a lot of movies", the General said with a grin. "It is a secret location. But you know more than that, don't you son?"

"Um, not really...", Dylan said, still fearing to have the word 'UFO' come out of his mouth.

"We think you do, Private", General Acme stated nicely but firmly. "We know you do. So relax and tell us what we know you know about Area 51, please."

Dylan looked at the floor and then heard the four ceiling mounted cameras zoom in as he replied, "It's where the aliens are kept?"

The men again all chuckled as they heard the handsome recruit say it.

"Yes, we're known for our aliens, here", General Acme said with a laugh. "Thank you for being honest. You may have noticed that we have all been listening and watching your every movement since you arrived at Area 51. So we are informed as to your prior conversations with the voice that greeted you this afternoon."

The General then nodded to Officer Nine who sat two seats down from him.

Officer Nine spoke, "We have all been quite taken with you, Private Larson. I am certain I am not out of turn saying that. As well as listening to everything you have said, we have all watched you since arriving. And we are all very, very impressed."

"Very impressed indeed", Officer Six, the physician stated. "You're a perfect specimen of male youth, soldier,"

Dylan blushed and modestly said, "Sir, thank you, sir."

"You are a select young man", Officer Six continued. "I have assessed scores of healthy young men but none have approached your caliber."

General Acme then added, "We have had our eyes open for quite some time now, four years in fact, looking for a young man such as yourself, a recruit of physical perfection. And in you, son, we think we have found that perfect specimen for our Project S."

Dylan sat on the stool not quite sure what to say.

"You have been selected, son, from the most select young men who have entered not only the United States Army. But from all those who have enlisted in the Armed Forces in its entirety. Do you understand what that means, Private?", General Acme asked.

"Sir, no, not really, sir", Dylan muttered.

"That means you have been hand selected by the Pentagon in Washington, DC out of all the young men who are serving in its military. You have surpassed and been chosen over any other young man in every branch of military service", General Acme said.

"You are the best specimen of young manhood in the entire United States military, Private Larson", Officer Three piped in. "By selecting you for Project S, you are clearly the finest young man in the Army, the Marines, the Air Force or the Navy - having a physique superior to even the finest of our S.E.A.L.S."

"What's Project S?", Dylan asked, amazed to hear that his Larson physique out-ranked any other in the entire military.

General Acme smiled as he explained. "Area 51 is a top secret military facility, as you and most of the World knows. But it is not notoriously secret for the reasons you or the rest of the World may presume...or been, shall we say, misinformed to presume."

Dylan listened as the men and cameras scrutinized his body.

"There are no UFOs here", the General laughed. "No aliens, no space craft, no powerful metals from unknown galaxies. Do you understand, son?"

Dylan nodded as he continued to listen.

"Of course, its convenient to the Pentagon to let the World think those things, of course", General Acme further explained. "We do not publicly admit nor deny the existence of extraterrestrial beings. There are personnel within Area 51, those with lower Security clearances, who, quite frankly, also fully believe that this base contains alien corpses and craft."

"And it doesn't?", Dylan asked meekly.

The officers all laughed out loud at the handsome recruit's na^Ëve question.

"I am here to tell you, son", General Acme stated. "That Area 51 does not house and has never housed anything but human beings and craft built by human beings. There are no aliens here nor any we are aware of out there either."

"But its something you want the World to think? Why?", Dylan asked.

"It's sometimes easier to distract the World with their own conspiratorial stupidity than have them poking around at certain realities and truths which the government has decided is not in their best interest for them to know about." General Acme said.

"No aliens...but we have other secrets though", Officer Nine added with a smirk as the men all laughed once again.

"Like what?", the big-dicked recruit asked.

"Most of them will never be revealed to you. But we can tell you that Project S...and YOU ...are our latest secret, Private Larson", General Acme stated.

"A secret which has been four years in development...", Officer Six added as he looked at his colleague.

"That's right", General Acme acknowledged. "Doctors, scientists, military commanders, the finest the Pentagon can supply have steered Project S from its conception. And you, Private Larson can now make it a reality. You are a very special recruit."

"What is Project S?", the blonde youth asked.

"It is at this point, General Acme, if I might interrupt", Officer Two interrupted. "That we must get the Private's videotaped authorization if we are to continue."

"Yes, thank you, Officer Two", the general replied as he scanned some paperwork that sat before him. "Private Larson. Are you or are you not a committed soldier in the United States Army?"

"I...I, sir", Dylan replied.

"Good, we thought you are", the man said with a smile. "And as such, are you willing to do anything that this country and its military might ask of you?"

"Sir, I think so, sir", Dylan replied.

"Think so?", Officer Seven muttered. "We need to clarify that reply."

General Acme took a deep breath and asked, "Son, are you willing to serve your country in any way the Pentagon and this facility may ask of you? You must not have any hesitation regarding your commitment. You do not seem to be a young man who is not fully committed to his service, are you?"

"Sir, no, sir!", Dylan found himself saying and truly believing. Spontaneously, he knew he had to do whatever the military requested of him.

"Good, good", the general replied. "So you are prepared to do anything we may reveal to you and ask of you?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Dylan said as it came to him that he was on the verge of being admitted into a valuable project to serve his country.

"We must let you know that you are being given a choice. We think you know what we would like your choice to be", the General continued. "But it is still your choice to make. And you will not be penalized in any way, no matter that choice. You are in a top-secret facility but still a soldier in the United States Army. Understand?"

"Yes, sir, I think so, sir", Dylan said.

"Explain his choices, please, Officer Six,", the general asked of his colleague.

"You may choose to participate in Project S, which is certainly our hope and desire of you, young man", the physician stated. "Or you may decline. In declining, as the General explained, you will suffer no penalty or negative consequence. Should you decline, at that moment, the other officers will exit this room as I administer an injection to you. This injection will not harm you. It will make you go unconscious and have no memory of the events of the past few weeks. You will awaken, unharmed, in a Navy hospital in San Diego, California, where you will find yourself enlisted as a naval recruit. You will have no recollection of having enlisted in the Army. You will then begin your military career in the U.S. Navy. Those are your choices."

"And what if I pick Project S?" Dylan asked.

"Until you freely choose to participate in Project S, details of which are highly classified, all that we can tell you is that you will be serving your country to the fullest extent that any young man can." General Acme explained. "But be assured that you will be held in respect and highest esteem by every branch of the Pentagon. You will be well cared for, never be in physical harm's way and in the end earn the highest honors this country can bestow upon a young soldier. Are you with us, son?"

Without further prompting or convincing, Dylan replied, "Sir! Yes, sir! This soldier will do anything the Pentagon needs of me, sir!"

The panel of men were clearly elated and relieved knowing that after an intensive four year search, they had indeed selected the ideal and correct young recruit to participate in Project S.

"Fine! Fine!", General Acme said with a handsome grin. "We knew we could count on you, Private Dylan Larson. A fine young mid-western youth, a perfect physical specimen and an ideal recruit. You embody all that we expected from you and have been looking for as this top-secret project has developed. The Pentagon commends and thanks you for your willing participation."

With that, the officers rose and closed their laptop computers and briefcases. In response, Dylan quickly stood at attention and saluted. The men came around the large conference table to shake his hand. In a much more relaxed manner, two and three at a time, the men shook his hand, some gripped his muscular shoulder and one even quickly squeezed Dylan's impressively large bicep. Taking a good feel of the recruit's right bicep as he thanked Dylan for agreeing to participate, Officer Four's left hand glinted its gold wedding band. "Big boy we got here!", he said to the others, clearly impressed with the young man's physique.

Officer Six, the military physician agreed, saying, "Every inch of this young man surpasses any other young male I have clinically analyzed in my thirty years as a physician at the Pentagon. He'll make an ideal subject for Project S." Then looking upward and directly into Dylan's eyes, Officer Six said with great reverence, "Thank you, Private Larson. This will begin fulfillment of four years of research and work. You embody all we at the Pentagon and Area 51 have been waiting for in order to make this special project a reality. Thank you, thank you."

General Acme came up to Dylan last. He gripped the young man's large hand firmly in a handshake. "Thank you, son. You are what this country, this military, what noble young soldiers are all about. You ARE the ideal young American male...and American soldier."

Dylan proudly shook the man's hand yet the man would not let go.

"You are an incredible specimen as Officer Six has stated", General Acme continued. "Simply amazing physique you have, soldier."

Still in the grip of the General's determined handshake, Dylan said, "Sir, thank you. I hope it can help the Pentagon and your project out, sir." He said it although he didn't even yet know what Project S entailed.

The General grinned as his eyes scanned up and down the young recruit's nude body. "Simply amazing", the man said. Then in an almost hushed tone, although clear and loud enough for his colleagues all to hear, he made a comment that stunned Dylan.

"So, Private", the General asked as his gray eyes ran across the young man's ripped abs down to his genitalia. "You sport a full twelve and three quarter inches down there when aroused. Amazing specimen, son."

Dylan blushed not sure how the General could know such a thing.

Sensing the youth was confused, Officer Six quickly added, "A full clinical profile was done on you prior to your selection for Project S. And don't bother trying to recollect such an exam. You won't recall anything of that extensive examination since, for security purposes, you were unconscious throughout it. It was all simply an initial requirement for any recruit who might have been selected to be used in Project S, Private. You should be very proud of yourself. You exceeded all clinical expectations in that exam."

The men again enthusiastically thanked the handsome Viking-built youth as they casually departed the room using the same hidden door from which they had entered.

Alone again, Dylan stood in the middle of the room.

"Thank you again, Private Larson", the same male voice over the P.A. stated warmly. "In a few moments you will be escorted to a physical examination room. You will be midly sedated as they prep you for further training in Project S. Again, on behalf of the Pentagon, your country and the President of the United States, your Commander-in-Chief, we thank you."

Dylan heard the camera lenses again zoom in. As he looked closely, he could see that each was trained on a different part of his corn-fed Nordic physique.

MORE TO CUM... GHJ, Your Gloryhole Professional

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