Prisoner of Love

By Robin

Published on Jan 30, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know *N Sync or their sexual preferences. This is a story...a piece of fiction, not a word of it's real. If you are underage or you don't like stories with male/male relationships, please leave.

Hi y'all. Thank you to everyone who's given feedback on the story. I haven't been able to reply to all of the feedback, but I will, I promise. :) School and work are just not playing fair this semester. Let me know what y'all think! If you want to read the chapter in the proper format, it's up on my site. boybands/nsajscgirl

***** Prisoner of Love Chapter 7





The screeches of fans and the cajoling shouts of the paparazzi that lined the red carpet all vied for Justin's attention. His solo career was going well...very well. He smiled his patented million-dollar smile that made the girls scream and posed for the cameras, his mind actually a hundred miles away in a little cabin by the swamps of northern Florida. News of JC's escape was everywhere and Justin couldn't breathe fast enough to take it all in. He was terrified for his best friend. He couldn't have contact with JC; he was going crazy inside, not knowing whether or not Josh made it to the cabin safe and sound or if he was being chased by the police. Justin snapped out of his thoughts as another flash went off near his face, causing stars to float in front of his eyes. As he and Britney strolled down the carpet, he plastered the smile on his face and chatted pleasantly with other famous stars that were attending the charity benefit.

"JUSTIN!? MR. TIMBERLAKE?! BRITNEY?! CAN WE HAVE A WORD WITH YOU?!" a nearby reporter shouted. Her press pass swung wildly around her neck as she waved her microphone at them. The emblem on her mike declared that she was from Entertainment Tonight and Justin moved towards her, knowing that she would probably bring up questions concerning JC. He and Josh had spent several hours on what he was going to say to the police and the statement he was going to make to the public about Josh's escape and Justin figured the faster he got it out, the less people would bug him about it. His manager had already sent written statements to dozens of newspapers and magazines, but Justin realized that he had to say it publicly if only for the believability factor.

"Thank you for taking the time to come and talk to us," the reporter quickly said with an entirely fake smile, turning to her cameraman and nodding. Britney looked at Justin oddly for a second until he shot her a reassuring smile. They had grown even closer since JC's incarceration and Justin didn't think he could have gotten through the period just after JC had been sent to prison if she hadn't been there to lean on. She had no idea what Justin's involvement was in JC's escape. Justin completely intended on keeping it that way until everything blew over and Josh proved his innocence. Justin had utter and complete faith in JC when it came to the older man's innocence and he didn't think it would take too long. As they waited for the reporter to begin her questions, Justin's assistant tugged at his sleeve. He pulled his arm away without bothering to look at her just as the cameraman nodded back. The reporter faced Justin and Britney; this time her smile was a little too real.

"Hi, there! I'm Cindy Garbe from Entertainment Tonight at the AIDS Foundation Benefit. Standing next to me, as if you don't know these beautiful people, are Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears." She gave a little false laugh that Britney echoed and Justin almost couldn't stop the smirk that crossed his face. "How are you doing tonight?"

"Good, thank you."

"Good," Britney said quickly as the mike was thrust in her face.

"That's great. Now, you've both been pretty active with the AIDS Foundation recently, right?"

"Yes. It's an important thing to us to be involved with charities and groups that help others. We were both blessed with our talent and we both feel that it's our responsibility to give back to those that are less fortunate," Justin replied from memory. He just wished she would get to what she really wanted to ask. After about five minutes of useless teenybopper article fodder, she finally got to the point.

"Now, I've got to ask you about Mr. Chasez. I hope that's alright." She smiled sympathetically and Justin nodded, his gaze serious. "I'm sure you've heard about Joshua Chasez's escape from prison. A statement was released earlier today on your behalf that stated that while Mr. Chasez will always remain one of your closest friends, you can't support his decision to escape from prison." Justin nodded and opened his mouth to reiterate his statement, but was cut off by the reporter as she continued. "Are you aware that there is more late breaking news about Mr. Chasez's escape?" she asked.

"More news?" Justin repeated as dread curled in his stomach. They must have captured Josh. He couldn't believe it. /'Josh couldn't have been caught'/, he told himself. Justin could've sworn that the reporter's ears perked forward at his confusion. Justin's assistant tugged at his sleeve once again, but ignored her as he stared down at the reporter.

"Yes, apparently after Mr. Chasez escaped from prison, he kidnapped Lance Bass, another ex-band mate of yours." Justin could feel his face turning pale and he stared at her before glancing at Britney helplessly. Britney shrugged at him in confusion and surprise. Justin had to make a conscious effort to put himself under control. He erased the shocked expression off of his face and looked back at the reporter.

"No, I wasn't aware of that." He turned and pinned his assistant with questioning eyes. She shrugged in apology. Evidently that was the reason she had been tugging on his jacket.

"Yes, well, what do you make of this new turn of events?" Justin's mind burned with thousands of questions, the least of which being if JC had gone absolutely crazy.

"No comment," Justin muttered as he looked at Britney again. He jerked his head towards the exit in a silent message to his long-time girlfriend. She nodded slightly, her eyes full of understanding. "We have to go now. Sorry." The couple simultaneously turned away from the reporter and left the red carpet area quickly, their assistants and bodyguards all in tow.

Cindy Garbe watched the couple leave quickly, her eyes alight with curiosity. Everyone, the reporters and the fans, had noticed their abrupt departure. The rumors starting flying, the most prevalent one being that Justin and Britney were in the middle of a lover's quarrel. That rumor was quickly dispelled when Entertainment Tonight ran the segment of Justin and Britney's interview at the benefit. The fans saw a young man who was surprised and confused at the new turn of events, a man who was worried about one of his best friends. The police, on the other hand, saw a young man who knew more about the entire situation than he let on.


"J...Justin? Is that you?"

"Yes, man! Who do you think it is?!"

"Hell if I know! Give me a minute and I'll open the door!" Chris shouted sleepily through his apartment door. His alarm clock had read 1:23 a.m. when the pounding started on his door. As he pulled the chain off the door, Justin burst through, causing Chris to stumble slightly before he righted himself and glared at the younger man's back. "What the hell's your problem?"

"Did you hear about JC?" Justin asked as he whirled around to face Chris. Chris nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, I did. The police came by here around four-thirty, asked a couple of questions, and left. It's wild, right? I just hope JC's okay...that he doesn't get hurt."

"Did you hear `bout Lance, too?"

"Lance? No, what happened to him?" Chris asked, not entirely concerned about Lance's well-being. After what Lance did to JC, Chris could care less about the son of a bitch.

"JC kidnapped him," Justin stated. He crossed his arms and stared at his older friend as he waited for Chris's reaction.

"He what?! You're kidding, right?" Chris said, his eyes wide in disbelief. Justin shook his head and Chris started laughing.

"What the hell are you laughing about? This isn't funny!"

"S...sorry, it's just that at least now JC can kick some sense into Lance's ass." Justin stared at Chris for a moment before frowning at the ground.

"Dammit, I shouldn't have given those directions to Josh," he muttered softly.

"What'd you just say?" Chris asked sharply, unsure if he'd heard Justin correctly or not. "You gave JC directions?! What kind of directions and how'd you give them to him?"

"Nothing...never mind. I'm gonna go..." Chris grabbed Justin's arm as he headed for the door.

"The hell you are! You didn't have anything to do with his escape...did you?" Justin didn't reply; his silence was his answer. "JUSTIN! What the fuck? What possessed you to actually think that helping JC escape from prison was a good idea?" Chris demanded with his arms crossed in front of him as he glared at Justin.

"I...I don't know! Okay? I don't know! JC told me that he wanted to escape to prove his innocence and...and I just couldn't let him try to escape without helping him. I know he can do it, Chris. I know he can." "How the hell's he supposed to convince people he's not guilty when he's on the run from the police? Especially after he just kidnapped Lance!"

"Goddammit, Chris! I don't know!" Justin shouted as he pulled at his curls in frustration. "Kidnapping Lance definitely wasn't a part of the plan. I don't know what the hell Josh was thinking. He told me that he just wanted to talk to Lance...he never said anything about kidnapping him!"

"Okay, okay! Calm down. Dammit, Justin!"

"Chris, what's going on?" A new voice entered the conversation. Chris stiffened and looked down the hallway towards his bedroom.

"Nothing, Dani. Don't worry, it's just Justin havin' some girl problems. We'll try to be quieter, sweetheart," Chris said as he grabbed Justin's arm and pulled him into the kitchen. He sat the younger man down and opened the fridge. Chris pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to Justin before sitting down across from him.

"Thanks," Justin said softly as he twisted off the cap. Chris nodded.

"So you know where they are?" Chris questioned. Justin debated whether or not he should tell Chris what he knew.

"Yes. Or where they are supposed to be, anyway. We can't turn them in, Chris. I promised JC that I wouldn't say anything to the police about where he was." Chris frowned at him, trying to understand Justin's position.

"Lance could be in danger. What if JC..." Justin scoffed.

"Josh would never hurt Lance. I know that and you know that." Chris nodded reluctantly as he drummed his fingers on the table.

"I know, I know. Do you really think JC can prove his innocence?" Justin frowned down at the table.

"Yes," he said softly. He looked back up at Chris, his eyes burning with hope and faith in JC. "Josh didn't do it, Chris. I'm one hundred percent sure that Josh didn't do it and I'm willing to stand by him until he proves to the world that he didn't." He paused for a second, deep in thought. "Maybe it's a good thing that Lance is with him. Josh talked almost constantly about Lance when he was planning the whole escape...I think it's really important to him to prove his innocence to Lance."

"Is there any way we can get in contact with them?"

"Besides going out to the place, no. JC didn't want me to have any contact with him; he was worried about getting me in trouble."

"Well, at least he's not as stupid as I was beginning to believe," Chris said. Justin opened his mouth to protest, but Chris waved him off. "Do you think we could hire someone to go to them and make sure they're alright?" Justin shook his head and frowned.

"I don't know, Chris..."

"We have to at least make sure they are okay, Justin. I know you're worried about them. Wouldn't it help ease your mind a little?" Justin nodded.

"Yeah, but I told Josh..."

"Justin," Chris warned, his little bit of patience wearing thin.

"Okay, okay. Yeah, I want to know if they're okay." Chris nodded in satisfaction.

"K, I'll start looking for someone tomorrow. Do you want to crash here tonight?" Now that Chris had something to keep his mind occupied and off of JC and Lance's well- being, he was ready for bed.

"No, Britney might wake up and wonder where I am. I gotta go. Listen, Chris, thanks for not totally freaking out on me," Justin said, as he got up from the table. Chris followed him to the door and opened it for him. Justin turned to look down at his friend. "Do you think we should tell Joe?"

"If he asks you if you know where JC and Lance are, don't lie to him. You know he'll freak, but we can't not tell him," Chris said simply with a shrug. "I still can't believe JC did this." Chris shook his head in disbelief as he pulled Justin into a hug.

"He shouldn't have been there in the first place," Justin declared before he pulled away from the older man. Chris nodded sadly and watched Justin walk down the empty hallway. He closed the door as quietly as possible and hurried back to the warmth of his bed and his girlfriend's arms.

Lance was warm and comfortable and he never wanted to move. His eyes fluttered open reluctantly and he studied the ceiling in confusion. The sun was barely up yet, as was evident by the soft glow that filled the room, casting a faint yellowish sheen across the bed. Lance tugged the feather comforter up to his chin and allowed his eyes to slide shut. Images flashed past the dark screen of his closed eyelids and JC was in every single one of them. /`I can't get away from the damn man even in my sleep,'/ he thought with a frown. But amazingly enough, his sleep had been incredibly peaceful and he couldn't remember having his nightmare last night, which was a little odd to him.

Eventually, more images and memories of yesterday began to slip into his mind, fighting against the sleep the clung stubbornly to his brain. The soft sounds of someone snoring captured his attention; his eyes snapped open and he quickly pushed himself up on his elbows. The room was completely unfamiliar and he surveyed it in silence as he pushed himself up on his elbows. Lance knew without looking at the sleeping man beside him that it was JC. He slowly turned his head to watch JC sleep. The older man's mouth was slightly open as he snored gently, his forehead creased with frown lines.

He pulled his gaze away from JC to look around the room. His eyes trailed around the room, taking in the expensive furniture and curtains, the closet door and the bathroom door, both closed. Near the bathroom door, both his and JC's clothes were piled together. Lance's suit and JC's T-shirt and blue jeans made for an odd combination; Lance thought idly that it seemed as though they were thrown there while two people were making love. That thought made him blush slightly and he berated himself for even thinking about such a thing with JC in mind. Lance stared at the clothes for a second, lost in thought. With a furtive glance towards JC to make sure he was still asleep, Lance slowly pushed the comforter off of him. He slid out of bed quietly, making sure not to move the bed too much.

Lance padded across the room; the gleaming wooden floor was cool beneath his bare feet. When he made it to the pile of clothes, he knelt beside them and sent a prayer heavenward for this to work out the way he was hoping it would. His heart began to pound in his chest as he picked up JC's jeans. He spared a worried glance towards the bed and the still sleeping figure hidden underneath the covers before looking back at the jeans. Lance wanted to scream for joy when he heard the telltale jingle of keys hidden in deep pockets, but instead he tightened his mouth and controlled the urge. His fingers slid into the first pocket they came across, plunging deep inside the cloth, but coming up empty handed. Lance quickly pulled his hand free and stuck it in the next pocket, his fingers closing around the cool metal of JC's key chain. A sob of relief threatened to overwhelm him and he couldn't stop the strangled gasp that left his throat.

Lance quickly stood and froze when he heard JC moan. /Please, God,'/ he thought, /I just want to get out of here...away from him.'/ He felt that his sanity was possibly at stake if he didn't escape. JC turned over onto his side and he moaned again, obviously still asleep. Lance quickly bent down and picked up his slacks. He pulled them up and buttoned them swiftly. He slipped on his shoes and picked his shirt up off the floor as he began walking towards the door that led to his freedom. Without a backward glance towards JC, Lance left the room, buttoning his shirt as he went. He clutched the keys tightly in his hand, gripping them until they cut into his palm.

As he pulled the front door open, he paused. There was a curious feeling deep in his chest and he didn't understand it. /This is what I wanted in the first place. To leave. Then why do I feel like my heart's aching?'/ Lance asked himself. The sudden image of a broken JC at the piano last night flashed before his eyes and he froze by the door. /Why would he go through all of this trouble to prove that he didn't kill Meredith? Why is he making it a point to prove it to me? Because you turned your back on him,'/ Lance frowned at that last thought; he suddenly wasn't so sure that he wanted to leave.

"Lance?" JC's voice drifted softly down the hall into the living room. It was rough and confused; he'd obviously just woken up. Lance's heart doubled its pace and he shook himself to clear his head of the confusing thoughts. He didn't want to stay with JC...he didn't, so he ran. He sprinted through the front door, across the porch, and down the steps to the car. The area where the car was parked was a smallish clearing, full of tall, sparse grass and sand. With only the meager morning light to guide his path, he stumbled on a hidden root and went sprawling on the ground, his mouth suddenly full of sand. He looked up to find the car a dozen feet away and to him in that moment it seemed like a million miles away. Lance slowly looked back over his shoulder and wasn't surprised to see JC stumble out onto the porch, his eyes wild and alert.

"Goddammit Lance!" At JC's shout, Lance scrambled to his feet, his eyes focused on the car and getting out of there. He only made it a few feet before he was tackled to the ground, JC's body slamming into his. The force of hitting the ground with JC's body on top of his took Lance's breath away and he lay there for a moment, too stunned to move. "Don't do this!" JC's breath was hot in his ear and Lance jerked into motion. He got his arms beneath him and pushed up off the ground, knocking JC off of him. Lance tried to get back to his feet, but JC grabbed his right calf and pulled him back down to the ground. JC crawled up Lance's body, making sure that the younger man's arms were trapped. Lance squirmed beneath him and his elbow came back and slammed into JC's left eye. "Fuck!" JC shouted as he pulled back slightly, his hand already holding his burning eye. Lance took the opportunity to stand up and move away from the injured man on the ground. He didn't bother to look at JC as he hurried to the car, but he knew the older man wasn't following him this time. "Lance..."

JC's tone of voice told Lance everything he needed to know. It was full of warning, pain, and anger. He knew without a doubt that JC's gun was leveled at his back.

Welp, that's that. I'm working on the next chapter so it should be out fairly soon. You'll just have to wait and see whether or not JC would harm his prisoner. :) Later! Robin

Next: Chapter 8

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