Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jun 2, 2021


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

They couldn't see each other in the dark, but Francesco could tell Karl was a bundle of insecurities and fury right now. He needed to play his hand right, or else things could get nasty.

"I thought so," Karl eventually said with a short exhale.

"I don't even know what you mean by that. Did you forget you fucked my ass already?"

The low chuckle was a sign that the lie held for now. "How could I? Cesco, you have the most amazing ass I've ever had."

"Wait, did you have others, you mean?"

Karl shrugged and moved toward the makeshift bed. He grabbed Francesco's hand and pulled him along. "You're the only one that matters."

"Wow, you sounded almost romantic right now. Are you forgetting that I'm trying to kill your ass?"

He couldn't do much as Karl pushed him down and landed on top of him. "Here's something you should know, Cesco. If you kill me, no one gets to leave this island. Like ever."

"What's that supposed to mean? Do you know how to pilot a helicopter or something?"

"No, but let's just say I'm important."

Francesco snorted. "In your dreams."

That seemed to annoy Karl because he grabbed his hands and pinned them above his head, making a cage with his strong arms. "If you don't believe me, just ask that cocksucker Mouse."

He had called Mouse that, but he didn't like the sound of it in Karl's mouth. "Stop calling him names."

"I'm calling him what he is. Do you know he used to suck cock and take it up the ass for a living?"

"He told me, yeah."

Karl stopped for a moment, possibly surprised. "Then how come you like that cum dumpster more than me?"

"Are you so fucked up in the head that you can't tell why? He didn't fuck my ass," Francesco replied. "And why are you so fucking jealous? Don't tell me you're in love with me or something."

Instead of saying anything, Karl leaned forward and bit his neck hard.

Francesco hissed. "What the fuck, you idiot?"

"You're mine, get it?" Karl whispered.

"I'm no one's. Stop biting me!"

Karl lapped at his neck, this time sucking the flesh in. "You'll get a nice hickey by tomorrow."

"Get off me," Francesco said, thrashing against Karl's hold.

"Or what? You'll call Leon? He's busy fucking his wife, as I should be, too."

"No way, my ass still hurts," Francesco complained as Karl rubbed his crotch against his leg.

"So? You'll get used to it."

No way. He couldn't let that ass-wrecker of a cock ruin his hole. He had lived through the first two times, but not even his so-called stepdad had fucked him so often.

But even now, as he tried to deny it, his asshole was twitching in expectation. The first time his stepdad had screwed him, he had been in the shower fingering himself, moaning and wanting something better, longer, thicker.

And he had gotten what he wanted. The guy had made him double over, used some liquid soap to make him slick and had fucked him with his fat cock. And Francesco had begged him to stop while cumming two times only from that first fuck.

"I bet you're so wet as we speak," Karl whispered in his ear.

"How could I be wet, you fucking idiot? I'm not a girl! Don't you even know that?"

All his protests fell on deaf ears. Karl seemed suddenly interested in torturing him in other ways. He snuck one hand under Francesco's shirt and began pulling at his nipples. The only thing he could do was grunt and ask him to stop since he couldn't do anything with his wrists pinned down in a vice-like grip and Karl's muscular legs preventing his lower body from moving.

"Fuck, you have such nice nipples," Karl said and laughed. "I'll make them bigger. I want them to show through your t-shirt."

"Stop it," Francesco begged.

He didn't like it, but with each time Karl pulled at one of his nipples, his cock reacted. There was a tingling sensation now in his nipples since the fucker liked to play with both of them.

"I want to taste them," Karl declared.

Francesco grunted as Karl went straight for the right one and sucked it into his mouth.

"How can you say you're not a fucking girl, when your tits get so hard?"

"You've never been with a girl, you fucking idiot?" Francesco hissed. This was even worse. He felt the need to arch his back each time Karl sucked on his nipples to feel more.

"No," came the reply.

That gave him pause. "What the fuck? For real? Are you a fucking homo?"

The insult seemed to finally stop Karl. "I'm not a homo," he spat.

Francesco could feel his hot breath on his face and worried that the asshole would get violent. "Then why the fuck you want to fuck me up the chute?"

"Because you're the best, and not used like the rest of the whores around here."

That kind of logic was beyond him.

"I'm a dude, Karl. My ass is nasty."

"No, it's not. I fucked it. It's fucking it."

Francesco grunted as Karl remembered what he had been doing just earlier. He went back to lapping at Francesco's nipples and sucking them into his mouth like he wanted to find milk coming out of them.

"Stop, please, just stop."

"Other dudes might be nasty," Karl said as he stopped for a moment. "Like, I wouldn't want to fuck Leon's hairy ass. And he smells like a fucking animal."

Not that Francesco needed a reminder. Leon smelled like a man. The alpha dog in Karl probably couldn't handle the competition.

"But your ass is so smooth and plump. Fuck, I want to fuck you so badly."

Francesco stopped his thrashing. To get Karl off him, he needed to be smarter than that. "Karl, you don't want to wreck my ass, right?" he asked in a measured voice.

It was hard to do that while the fucker was still sucking his tits.

"I'll wreck it if I want to," Karl replied after a while. "But, whatever, I'll just let you off the hook this time."

Francesco didn't dare to relax just yet. There had to be an angle there.

"My cock is hard," Karl added. "Whatcha gonna do about it?"

"I'm not gonna suck you off if that's what you're thinking," Francesco replied.

"So, you like it up the ass more?"

Francesco was not at all amused. He thrashed, and Karl finally let him go. He climbed out of the improvised bed and sat with his back to the wall, trying to keep his eyes on Karl, as much as he could do in the dark. "Don't try to do anything nasty, or I'll bite your cock off," he warned. His voice was shaking, but he hoped the self-absorbed asshole wouldn't notice.

"I won't put it in your mouth," Karl said. He moved and came closer to where Francesco sat. His crotch came level with Francesco's face.

He winced when Karl grabbed him by the hair and tilted his head. Karl leaned over and breathed over his face. "Here's the deal, Cesco. I like you, but don't push it. Now, if you don't want your ass wrecked, and you don't want to suck my cock, you'll sit here, like a little wife, and do nothing while I do my thing. Move an inch, and... well, I'll let it be a surprise."

Francesco wasn't in the mood to run screaming and wake up everyone. It was enough that even Ty and Anya were looking at him with pity in their eyes. "Just do whatever the fuck you want," he replied.

"Okay. Just sit tight."

"Not moving," Francesco said again like he was bored and tired with everything.

He kept his eyes close, not wanting to know what the fuck Karl was doing. He heard him unzipping his fly, and then he felt something poking his cheek. "What the fuck?"

"Hush, darling," Karl cooed. "Don't forget your promise."

Francesco steeled himself not to move. Karl began rubbing the head of his cock against his cheek.

"You have such a pretty face and lips," Karl said slowly while pumping his cock and brushing it against Francesco's skin. "Feel my balls, too."

The asshole was now rubbing his sack all over Francesco's face, letting out small grunts of pleasure. In a way, that was bad, too, because it was easy to smell Karl's cock. Francesco was a bit dizzy from that scent, and he could feel his cock chubbing up. Even worse, each time Karl moved his cock over his lips, he had to fight a growing impulse to open up his mouth. But he had never sucked no one's cock before, and he wouldn't give this fucker head now after all he had done to him.

"Here comes my love, baby," Karl whispered.

Francesco winced when the first spurt hit him in the right eye. Good thing he kept his eyes close because Karl was shooting like a fucking hose. Within seconds, his entire face was drenched in cum, and there was even some in his hair. It was thick and smelly and now dripping down his chin and most probably on his clothes. Tomorrow, he would have to walk around with his t-shirt smelling of Karl's cum.

"Ah, so good," Karl said with satisfaction. "Now, don't move."

Francesco didn't protest as Karl straddled him and began moving his fingers all over where his cum had landed.

"The fuck are you doing?" Francesco asked.

"I'm giving you a facial," Karl said cheerfully.

"Like hell --" Francesco stopped as Karl pushed a little inside his mouth. "You fucker!"

Karl laughed. "I'll give you all my cum, Cesco. Get used to it."

Francesco fell silent, not wanting to feel the asshole's fingers slick with cum on his tongue. But the damage was done, and now he knew the taste of Karl's jizz. It was heady, and he squirmed, his own cock hard and weeping in his jeans.

"There. Tomorrow you'll be so beautiful," Karl said once he was done. "Now let's go to sleep."

"Like I could sleep next to you now," Francesco said with venom in his voice. "How do I know you're not going to jizz in my ears or something?"

Karl laughed. "Not a bad idea. C'mon, Cesco, don't be stupid. I don't want to fuck your ears. I'm old-fashioned, not into kinky stuff, like you."

"Old-fashioned? In what fucking way are you old-fashioned?"

"I married you, and I promised I wouldn't fuck around."

"You're so fucked up," Francesco said, but he was thankful when Karl moved away.

"Come on. Get rid of your clothes, and let's sleep."

"No way I'm sleeping naked!"

"Yes, you are." Karl found it funny to struggle him out of his clothes, so in the end, he was naked.

Karl undressed, too, and then pulled him on the bed and spooned against his back. "Hmm, you smell so nice of me."

"You're a disgusting freak," Francesco mumbled.

He hated the fucker's guts, but his body was warm, and it wasn't that bad to have him wrapped so closely around his.

"Nighty-night, Cesco. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

"Fuck you."

Karl chuckled in his ear and kissed his neck. Against Francesco's ass, his cock was sporting a semi. "Don't worry. I won't fuck you until tomorrow."


Next: Chapter 9

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