Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jun 2, 2021


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

"Leave me alone," he hissed as Karl grounded his crotch against his.

"Hush, hush, no use to fight me. I fucking want you so much," Karl whispered.

"Leave me the fuck alone!"

Karl grabbed his hair and forced him to look back. "Read my lips, Cesco. Fucking no."

It made him gag the way Karl pushed his tongue inside his mouth while his relentless cock was trying to get inside his ass. But the worst part wasn't that. To his own ears, his panting sounded different than it should.

"Damn, your mouth," Karl whispered, letting him breathe for a moment. "I need to get your pussy wet, though. Don't try anything, or I'll go in dry."

Francesco closed his eyes in shame, as Karl moved a little to spit and get some of that inside his ass. He jolted as rough fingers entered him.

"Oh, damn, fuck, you tight." Karl chuckled and then changed tack.

Francesco whimpered as he felt the tip of the guy's cock against his hole. That wasn't happening. He pulled his knees to his chest quickly and kicked Karl away. He rolled and tried to push himself up using his elbows, but he wasn't fast enough. Karl grabbed him from behind. He was all over him in an instant.

"Do you want it like this, Cesco? Like a bitch in heat?"

It was useless to try to fight off the beast keeping him down. Karl wrapped one arm across his chest and held him tight. Francesco sobbed as his knees were pushed apart and then cried out as Karl didn't miss his target again. The guy's cock was splitting him in half, and there was harsh breathing in his ear, as Karl worked himself to get inside more.

The pain subdued, letting in something else.

Francesco let his head down. Even through the tears, one look down at his body told him what he knew. His cock was hard. He was getting fucked like the fucking bitch he was, and that part of him still wanted it.

He was lucky Karl didn't care about that part of him.

"Oh, yes," Karl whispered, grunting with each thrust, "your boy pussy is so good, Cesco. Fuck, your cherry's delicious."

Yeah, dream on, fucker, Francesco thought bitterly. Not only he had had more girlfriends than Karl's accusation counts, but he had had also more cocks in there than that.

"I'll fuck you again," Karl promised, "so this is it for now."

Karl increased the rhythm of his thrusts. Francesco squeezed his eyes tightly as the asshole's blunt cock head brushed against that thing in his ass that turned him into a pathetic little bitch. He masked his own grunts by clamping his mouth shut, but his cock started shooting in the grass before Karl finished.

He fell to the ground as soon as Karl let go of him. He kept his head turned and breathed heavily.

"Man, what an ass!" Karl slapped his right butt cheek, making him wince and whimper again. "I came so fucking good. Did you come, Cesco?"

"No, what the fuck, you idiot," Francesco mumbled, weakened and disgusted with himself.

Karl ignored him. He was busy now pushing his ass cheeks apart and teasing his hole with rough fingers. Francesco buried his face in the grass to hide another traitorous moan.

"I don't care about Ollie and Ty and Anya, you have the best ass," Karl said with admiration. "Hey, you should feel this."

Francesco said nothing as Karl released his wrists. His hand was limp as it was grabbed and brought to his ass.

"See how much I came inside you?" Karl said and laughed. "You're my bitch now."

"Screw you, asshole," Francesco protested.

"What did you say?"

Francesco used all his power to turn enough to look at Karl. "I'll fucking kill you, Karl. That's a promise."

Karl's face stretched into a large grin. "Really? You don't have the balls." He grabbed Francesco's balls from behind, making him gasp. "Don't wanna hurt you or anything, but don't try anything funny. I can fuck your ass even if you don't have no balls left."

"Got it. Now let me go," Francesco said through his teeth.

But now the asshole had a new toy. Karl wrapped his fingers around his balls and played with the sack. Good thing his cock was limp now, or the fucker would have a laugh at him. "You have nice balls, Cesco."

"Oh, yeah? Wanna lick them or something?"

He grunted as Karl slapped his sack and finally let him go. "Upsy-daisy. We need to find a place to take cover."

Francesco pushed himself up. Karl threw his jeans at him, and he dressed quickly. "We need to find the others," he said.

"Why?" Karl watched him like a hawk. "Do you wanna go cry to Leon that I fucked your ass?"

Francesco shook his head. All wasn't lost. He still had his pride. "No. But you'll fucking pay for this."

Karl grinned and began rubbing his crotch. "Say more, Cesco. I like it that you have a mouth on you. I'll fuck your mouth soon."

"If you want to end up with half a dick, just do it, fucker."

Karl surprised him by grabbing him by the back of the neck. Their faces were close, so close that they could taste each other's breathing. "I like you so damn much. Fuck, I wanna do you again."

"No fucking way." Francesco tried to push Karl away, but the other was stronger, and his ankle was killing him the moment he put it down, so he ended on his back.

His jeans were pulled from his legs again.

"This time, I want it like this." Karl moved only enough to whip his cock out. "You know, like we're married."

His words sounded like a joke, but he wasn't joking. Francesco protested weakly as Karl pushed inside him again. He was already lubed with cum, so this time the fucker slid right in.

"Too bad you won't know how good it feels to fuck an ass like yours. It's fucking it," Karl whispered as he fucked Francesco.

This time, he better not screw it up. Francesco closed his eyes and pushed against Karl's chest while trying to kill off his erection. But Karl pulled back so that he could hold his legs and pumped his ass like that.

"The fuck, Cesco, you're hard?" Karl chuckled.

"It's just a body reaction, fucker," Francesco protested.

"Yeah, right. You like being a bitch."

That was it. Francesco began fighting, bringing his knees together and trying to get Karl off of him. But Karl just kept on laughing, pulling him close like he was a toy and hammering his ass. "Fuck, fuck, you're so good," Karl said as he drew back and pushed inside with all his strength.

Francesco tried to hit him but his wrists were caught and Karl was on him again, licking his face like a fucked up dog.

"Fuck, I'm shooting!" Karl growled one last time and let himself limp on top of him.

"Get off, idiot," Francesco asked meekly. "You're crushing me."

Karl rolled off. "Man, you came all over."

Yeah, he knew that. It was enough for some fucker to hammer his ass like that, and his cock didn't know how bad it was to be a bitch.

Karl gave his cock a small slap and laughed. "I knew you were a bitch in denial, Cesco, but, shit, this is on a different level."

"Fuck off," Francesco snarled. He dragged himself up and pulled his jeans on. He wiped his nose with the back of one hand and kept his back turned.

He found his sneakers and grunted as he put them on, as that ankle looked bad enough. He began to limp away.

"Where are you going?" Karl called from behind.

Francesco didn't stop or turn. "You got what you wanted, fucker. Now I'm on my own."

"The fuck you are." Karl reached him in a few steps. "You're mine, now, don't you get it?"

"I'm not. Just because you fucked my ass, it doesn't mean anything."

"Francesco, don't be stupid. You're good with me. We're going back to find the others. Didn't you want that?"

Why did Karl sound all desperate now?

"I don't need any of you. I'm on my own as I should have been from the start."

"Stop." Karl put a hand on his shoulders. "We're going back."

Francesco jerked his shoulder. "Not with you. I'm not going anywhere with you."

"Don't make me punch you in the fucking face, `cause I like that face," Karl warned him.

Francesco stopped. "Punch me in the fucking face," he said. "Come on, do it. You're the man, right?"

Karl didn't know exactly how to react to that. His eyes were wild as they searched Francesco's face.

"What? You don't have it in you?" All the self-shame and wish to self-destruct spoke through him. "Come on, just do it. The only way I'm coming with you is if I'm stone cold dead."

He staggered as Karl's fist connected with his jaw. The next thing he knew, he was falling.

"Good thing you're all here."

"Almost all. Mouse is still out there, hunting."

Francesco recognized Leon's voice. He groaned as he came to his senses. The pulsing pain in his jaw was only matched by the one in his ankle.

"Francesco," Leon called. "You're awake."

"Yeah." He looked up at the gentle giant. Ollie was also there, looking at him with concerned eyes.

"My princess," Karl said with a snicker. "Had to carry him all the way here."

For once, Karl wasn't talking out of his ass. Francesco looked around and noticed they were at their old camp. Ty and Anya were huddling together, not far from where they stood.

"We must wait for Mouse," Leon said. "Francesco," he called for him again, "what happened?"

"What happened where?" he asked while he rubbed his jaw where Karl had hit him.

"With your face. With your leg."

"I fell." Francesco winced as he struggled to his feet. Karl offered him a hand, but he ignored it. "I rolled down a hill like I was a snowball. Too bad, there's no snow around here," he added, forcing a snicker out of himself.

"And we got hitched," Karl said and threw one arm over his shoulders. "Swore we would be together and all that."

"Is that true, Francesco?" Leon asked. "Don't be scared of Karl. I can straighten him up if need be."

Francesco didn't dare to look at Leon. Instead, he turned his head and met Karl's eyes. He smiled. "Yeah. Till death do us part, whenever that may be." He grinned and, for a moment, Karl's disposition seemed to falter.

"What's going on?"

Francesco winced at the sound of Mouse's voice. He was relieved, but now he only had one more witness at his shame, the one he cared about the most.

"We got attacked. This place's no longer safe," Leon explained.

"Who attacked you?" Mouse asked.

"Other people who are on the island," Karl said.

"And Karl killed one," Francesco added, but without looking at Mouse.

"He did? Where's the body?" Mouse asked.

Francesco looked at Karl again. The guy no longer looked too self-assured. "Maybe I just wounded him. I don't know. It happened fast."

"What's next?" Mouse asked in a neutral voice.

Francesco could feel Mouse's eyes on him. They were burning him, branding him with questions.

"We found a place, much better. It's got a romantic significance for Cesco and I," Karl said. "It's where I popped his cherry, and we said our vows."

"Oh," Mouse said. "I see. Let's get going then. We don't want nightfall to catch us here, right?"

Was that all Mouse had to say? But it wasn't like the redhead hadn't warned him about Karl. Francesco hanged his head low. Now he would never feel Mouse's sweet lips on his again.


Next: Chapter 7

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