Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Oct 28, 2023


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

"Why did you do that?" Francesco asked, as Karl took his hand and began dragging him. "And where are we going?"

"You need to get all his cum out of you." Karl was walking so fast that Francesco had to break into a spring to keep up with him.

"Well, it looks like you both came in my ass. Don't tell me. Did you guys do it at the same time? Like simultaneous climax? You two must be more alike than you think."

Karl stopped abruptly and stared into his eyes. "I'm nothing like that fucker. I can't tell what the fuck you see in him."

"The same thing you see in me," Francesco replied calmly. "It's completely nuts and can't be explained."

Karl chewed on his lips nervously. Whatever he had wanted with that little stunt, it must have backfired or something because he looked pissed like hell.

"Would it be so bad?" Francesco dared to ask. "We could be good together, the three of us. I'm telling you, we could be so good." Seeing how Karl was saying nothing, just working his jaw, he leaned in closer until their lips were almost touching. "We could both suck your cock so well, and you could fuck us both--"

He was stopped by angry lips taking his. Karl was soon so deep in, his tongue moving with the same determination his cock did each time they were fucking, and Francesco couldn't tell if it was a good or a bad thing. Had he managed to make Karl horny at the thought of having him and Mouse at the same time? Or had he just pissed him off more than he already was?

Karl let go of him just as quickly as he had kissed him. He continued to drag him along. "You need to wash that ass," he said and kept his head turned so Francesco couldn't read his face anymore.

Francesco groaned as Karl forced in the fourth finger. He was doing it slowly and it made the stretch unbearable in a different way than hurting. "What are you doing?" he asked in a breathless whisper. "Your cock is not that thick, so you're just working on getting me loose for nothing."

They were at the river, and at least, this time, they had no audience. Karl was holding him bent over one arm, while his other hand was working at worming its way inside his ass. Now and then, Karl pulled him upwards to kiss him everywhere his lips landed on, the back of his neck, his shoulder, a turned cheek. It was strangely gently, and Francesco felt his knees going soft from too much stimulation.

"I just want to know just how much you need. You're a whore," Karl said matter-of-factly, "but you're mine, so I need to find out what could finally satisfy you."

Francesco could tell his eyes were rolling in his head from too much pleasure as Karl flexed his fingers in such a way that his knuckles were rubbing against the best spot in his ass. "No more, please," he begged.

Just as he said that, he spurted into the water with convulsive shudders. Karl brought him close and nuzzled his neck, making him tremble in the aftershock. "No way, Francesco, you only came once since I started."

"My balls are fucking dry," Francesco complained. "I don't think I'm even jizzing real cum at this point. And I came already too many times when you and Mouse fucked me."

"It doesn't matter," Karl whispered. "You need my whole fist in your ass, baby."

Francesco shivered. Karl was licking his neck slowly. "Your fist?" He gulped, not sure if in fear or something else. "No, Karl, it's too much already, please."

"You won't get loose," Karl promised. "You're clearly made to take it. That's why you're such a good whore, and I can't get enough of you. Your boy pussy could make the world go nuts. I need to keep you to myself, or else, who knows what might happen?"

"Not everyone's so obsessed with sex as you, fucker," Francesco keened softly as the fingers in his ass continued to work him relentlessly.

"I'm only obsessed with sex with you," Karl said promptly. "Come on," he encouraged gently, "just a little more."

Francesco gasped and bent more while spreading his legs as much as he could. The fucker was really going to do it, he thought, as he felt something else, most probably the thumb, sneaking in to join the rest of the fingers. And then, Karl moved his hand, curled it into a complete fist, and Francesco felt like all the air had been kicked out of his lungs. He reached blindly for the other, for something he could hold on to, although Karl was keeping him from falling with his arm placed under his body.

"How is it?" Karl asked in a heated voice. "That enough for you?" There was teasing in it, too.

"Karl, please, I cannot," Francesco whimpered.

"Hungry slut," Karl threw at him, but he didn't sound angered. "Always hungry for more."

He couldn't really say it wasn't true. Messed up feelings aside, and worries and whatnot, Karl was giving it to him as much as he wanted. He couldn't complain that it wasn't enough, and there was as little as half a day going without having the guy's cock in either his mouth or his ass, he was starting to miss it. He turned and twisted his body to grab Karl's half hard cock, and as difficult as that was from his position, he stuffed his mouth with it until the guy's pubes were tickling his nostrils. Yes, it was true, he was nothing but a hungry slut.

Karl's cock swelled in his mouth, almost chocking him, but it was alright. He was stuffed on both ends so hard that he could barely breathe, but it was what he wanted. That was where Karl was right about him, the part he couldn't deny, and the one that worried him about how his real life would be once they left the island. Sure, Karl was talking big about keeping him, but Francesco doubted it. Those were just the words of a guy in lust with his ass.

Karl was breathing hard and groaning as Francesco deepthroated him, moaning around his cock. At the same time, he was moving his fist slowly inside Francesco's ass, finding new ways to trigger pleasure. But his moves soon turned harsher, hitting and pounding, and Francesco looked up at Karl to meet his eyes.

"Fucking whore, the way you look with your mouth full and your ass fisted. Is this enough?" Like before, his words were passionate but not angry.

Francesco couldn't talk, so the only sounds he was making from his throat could be interpreted as anything. Karl twisted his fist, making him arch his back. He was coming for a second time, without any other stimulation. Something in the way he shuddered and moaned helplessly had to be a giveaway. Karl laughed.

"Remember this, Cesco. I'm the only guy in the world who can make you come like this. I'm the only one who knows what kind of crazy ass whore you are."

There was no point denying that, not that he could do it with his mouth full anyway. He continued to watch Karl from that position, trying to communicate with his eyes what he couldn't otherwise. He was aware of the tears streaming down his cheeks, which weren't tears of pain or joy, but just came from too much arousal.

"But you're beautiful," Karl whispered, "even messed up like you are right now, so frigging beautiful. That is what I see in you, the most beautiful thing in the whole fucking world. And you belong only to me."

With those few words, Karl threw his head back and shouted, an animalistic victorious shout, and soon, Francesco had to adjust his position as fresh cum spurted down his throat. He clamped his lips hard on the base of Karl's cock to make sure not to miss anything or let one drop go rogue. He did the same with his ass, as much as he could to stop Karl's fist from moving. The walls of his ass were pulsing around that thing inside, and another wave of pleasure hit him. This time, he moved his hand to his cock and began rubbing it desperately until his third spurt hit the water.

It was hard to stand after all that, but he struggled to his feet anyway. Karl was washing his ass slowly, with considerate moves, and he said nothing. Now and then, a small shudder coursed through him, and he felt so tired. Karl used his hands to fill them with water and then spread it over his back.

"Can we not do this as a regular thing?" he asked in a gravelly voice. Somehow, sometime, as they had done that crazy stuff, he had lost it.

Karl glued himself to his back, his warmth all around him. His hands brushed casually over Francesco's nipples. "As a regular, no. But come on, Cesco, you liked it." He bit Francesco's ear playfully. "You came like... how many times?"

"It doesn't matter. My ass is on fire," Francesco complained.

Karl played with his fingers around the hole, but thankfully, he didn't push them in. "Your asshole is so hot, yeah." He poured more water over Francesco's ass and brushed his hand along the crack. "In the real world, you could be doing porn."

"The real world? What's that?" Francesco said with a small snort. He was holding on to Karl's shoulders and leaned against him, all the strength inside him gone.

"But I wouldn't let you." Karl continued to pour water over his back and ass with one hand, while holding him with the other. "It makes me crazy to think... you know, those cocks that were in you before."

"Then why did you let Mouse fuck me? Goad him even into it?"

He wasn't really hoping for an answer. So he was surprised when Karl began talking. "I didn't think he had the balls, the slut. But he got it hard for you. Really hard. How the hell did he do that? I thought he only took it up the ass."

Francesco sighed and rested his cheek against Karl's shoulder. It was abnormal to feel so relaxed around the fucker, but hell, what was normal these days anyway? And Karl's skin smelled nice, of sun and water, familiar, and it comforted him in a way. "He fucked Anya that time, just like the rest. And it's not like he lacks the equipment. It's just a matter of preference, like you liking to top."

"With you," Karl said stubbornly.

"What? Who do you bottom for?" Francesco teased him.

To his surprise, there was a small rumble underneath his cheek, and then he realized that Karl was laughing. Francesco tilted his head back and stared at the fucker in utter astonishment. It wasn't Karl's usual harsh laughter, or the kind meant to taunt, or mean or anything like that. It was so completely different that Francesco didn't even know where to start.

It even looked good on him. Karl's laughter became subdued, and he stared at Francesco. "What?" Suddenly, he appeared to be more like his age, not the mean motherfucker he always seemed to be.

"I don't think I've ever heard you laugh like this."

Karl gave him a long, thoughtful look. "Like what?"

"I don't know. Like you're really amused. Like... you're finally feeling good a little."

"What're you talking about? I feel good all the time. With you." The blue eyes were suddenly guarded, and Francesco frowned as he searched his brain for an explanation.

"It wasn't a reproach or something," he said defensively. "I just thought that it looked good on you."

He didn't dare to look anymore, afraid that Karl would just get in a funk again. After all, he didn't know the guy that well. He remained silent and tense as Karl cupped his cheeks and kissed him slowly, starting with just a small brush of the lips.

"Hey," Francesco struggled meekly, "I had your cock in my mouth."

"So what?" Karl said softly. "As long as it's only my cock, it's okay. You know what else looks good on me?"

"Have no idea," Francesco murmured, a bit dizzy from how slowly Karl began to devour his mouth, starting from a corner and inching his way in with short and playful darts of the tongue.

"You," Karl said simply and his voice dropped to a ragged whisper. "You look good on me."

Francesco had no comeback for that, no witty retort, nothing. He had yet to understand Karl and his ways, but this? This felt a little nicer than usual, and a small glimmer of hope started to flicker inside his heart.


For other short stories, visit my SubscribeStar:

The latest story I offer there is the third installment in The Used Boy series.


Andy owes money to some people after gambling too much, so he has no choice but call Mr. Torelli again and ask politely to suck cock for money. However, Mr. Torelli has another task in mind for Andy and sends him to a party where he's supposed to suck off the birthday guy, and as many cocks as he can get his mouth on.

Things don't go exactly as planned, and Andy finds himself on his belly, taking it up the ass for the first time. Only that his first time is also his second, third, and fourth at the same time.

This story contains graphic depictions of sexual activities between men, such as unprotected anal sex, gangbang, rough handling, cum swallowing, anal creampie, sloppy seconds, and many others.

You can read a fragment of this story on my blog at:

Next: Chapter 36

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