Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Oct 9, 2023


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

Francesco kept his eyes closed. As much as he had promised to himself that he would endure anything Karl would throw at him, getting fucked like that, with everyone else watching, was making him feel acutely aware of how things looked like. A part of him enjoyed it, in a twisted, fucked up, way. He felt his cock slapping against his abdomen as Karl was riding him hard. No one was talking, and just their grunts and moans could be heard.

But he knew that everyone else was watching, drawn to that scene in front of their eyes like a fucking car crash. And it wasn't yet the worst. Evening was falling, and Mouse wasn't yet back. What if he didn't return? Francesco curled his fingers, gathering soot and dust under his fingernails. They were by the fire, and no one, absolutely no one was talking.

But they were watching. How did he look, forced on all fours, that belt still around his neck, Karl holding it by its end, riding him?

"Why are you all staring like this?" Karl asked in a gruff voice. "When Cesco was fucking Mouse for all of you to see, you only cared about jerking off to them."

How the hell could Karl talk while still pounding into him like that? The fucker jerked the belt and made him arch his back in an effort to avoid the discomfort caused by that move.

"Because it wasn't wrong, Karl," Ollie replied. He seemed to be the guy in charge of talking for everyone else. "What you're doing now, it's fucked up."

"Cesco's loving it. Right, Cesco?"

His knees were scraped and hurting, but just as always with Karl, it still felt good. His cock was just a proof of how fucked up he was. "Yes," he croaked an answer.

Ollie made a disgusted sound. "Karl, how the hell should I tell you this? You're not making Francesco love you back this way."

"I don't care," Karl spat. "All I care is to fuck him until I'm done."

"That looks like it's taking you a long time. C'mon, guys, let's hit the hay. We're not indulging this fucker in his sick fantasies."

Francesco tensed. What if Karl wanted them to watch? He could control himself and bend so that he could please the asshole, but he couldn't do anything about the others.

"Fuck off, then," Karl said with a grunt as he bottomed out in Francesco's ass again. "No one cares what you think."

He heard shuffling, and soon everyone was gone. Karl wrapped his arms around him and pulled him upward, while still fucking him. The change of angle surprised him and his cock began spurting. Karl laughed and grabbed his dick after he let go of the last drop of cum in his balls, making him shudder at the extra sensation. "They don't know shit about us, Cesco," he cooed in his ear.

Francesco let out a small sob as Karl's rubbing on his dick was getting more and more unbearable.

"Get the fuck away from him."

His eyes snapped open at the sound of that voice. He gasped as he saw Mouse who was holding a sharp spear, which he might have improvised only that day, and pointing it toward them.

Karl laughed. "What are you going to do? Kill me? Like you killed that dude? Then no one leaves the island."

Mouse shook his head. "No. But I can hurt you enough so that you let him go."

"Mouse, please, no," Francesco pleaded.

The redhead didn't spare him a glance, his eyes trained on Karl alone.

Karl pushed him away and got to his feet. Then he grabbed him and turned him with his ass toward Mouse. With satisfaction, he pulled Francesco's ass cheeks apart. "I got about four loads in him today. And each time, each freaking time, he came. Do you think he cares about you, huh? Why the fuck does he come when I fuck him if he's so into you?"

"I love him," Mouse said in a strained voice. "You're just using him. How about you let go of him now? Or do you want to use him as a human shield?"

"No shit." Karl dropped Francesco and pushed him away.

He stood up and threw his arms out. He was completely naked and didn't have his knife. Francesco watched the scene with growing dread. Mouse was clasping the spear and it was easy to tell how tense he was. No, he couldn't let him do that.

He jumped to his feet and placed himself in front of Karl. "Mouse, please, no," he said the words again. "If you injure him, it will be bad for everyone."

"Not for me," Mouse said through his teeth. "Why are you on his side? When he's treating you like you're garbage?"

"You don't understand," Francesco replied. "That's who I am." He choked on the next words but forced them out anyway. "I... get off on being treated like this."

Mouse wavered. "What do you mean by that, Kekko? That's not who you are. Stop lying."

His blood was like lead in his veins. He swallowed all the things he truly wanted to say. "I'm not. Please understand."

"I can't let you do this for me," Mouse said through his teeth. "Get out of the way, Francesco."

"Yeah, just let him try," Karl said and made another move to push him away.

Francesco stood his ground. "Are you both nuts? I'm just a fucking dude, just like you. Nothing worth fighting over."

"You're everything worth fighting over," Mouse replied. "Get out of the way!" he shouted.

"Yeah, he is everything worth fighting over," Karl said, "but he belongs to me now."

Francesco stumbled as Karl pushed him away hard. His eyes grew wide when he saw Mouse pushing the spear forward. He lunged without thinking. The sudden sting on his arm followed by the sight of blood was enough to make all hell break loose around him.

Karl tried to jump at Mouse, but he put himself in the way and blocked him. That caused them both to land on the ground, and despite the pain in his arm, he wrapped all his limbs around Karl to keep him down.

"What the fuck is going on now?"

Ollie rushed to them, together with Leon and Anya. They tried to pull him away, but Francesco didn't want to let go.

"Fuck, you fucking crazy people," Ollie grunted, "not a moment of peace and quiet with the lot of you."

"Kekko, I'm sorry," Mouse sobbed and tried to reach for him.

"Get away," Karl warned and struggled against Francesco's hold.

No, he wasn't going to let go if it cost him everything.

"Mouse, take a walk and clear your head a little. Now." That was Leon's voice, harsh and authoritarian. "You two, if you don't behave, we're going to throw cold water on you until you stop acting like two fucking dogs in heat. The fuck's matter with you? Is the world ending and you can't stop fucking?"

That must have been the longest and angriest speech he had ever heard Leon giving.

Mouse wasn't there anymore. Francesco let go of Karl, and right away, Leon grabbed the fucker by the scruff of his neck.

"You have Francesco now, all to yourself. Go fuck him in your hut, but not in front of us. And give him some fucking clothes or I'll shove my foot in your ass so deep that you'll taste it in your mouth. Get it? And Francesco, stop putting up with all this shit Karl's pulling, or I'll find a way to deal with you, too. All clear, you fucking fuckheads?"

Francesco held his injured arm. He had no idea how bad it was, but the pain was clearing his head a little. So he waited for Karl to talk first.

"All clear," Karl admitted reluctantly.

Francesco nodded. "You're right, Leon. Sorry for all this."

Anya knelt by his side. "Let's get this cleaned up a little, okay?"

He just nodded.

Karl was lying on his back, away from him. Francesco didn't know how to deal with the silence. What kind of torture was the asshole thinking up for him now? Something that had to go under Leon's radar, for sure.

"You protected him or me tonight?"

"Both," Francesco replied, knowing, for a fact, that it was the truth. He felt tired and empty inside. He didn't know if Mouse had gotten back yet. He worried. But when did he not worry these days?

Karl laughed harshly. "Don't lie."

"Think what you want. I love you both, although I have no idea why."

Karl turned toward him. "How can you love us both?" he asked.

Francesco shrugged, although he knew the other couldn't see him do that in the dark. "I have absolutely no idea."

"Because it's not true," Karl said. "You'd say anything just so that I save his ass."

"True," Francesco admitted. "But that doesn't change the fact that I do love both of you."

"Why would you love me?" Karl's voice was suddenly filled with longing and self-deprecation.

"If you expect some romantic speech from me, you better go to sleep. Every feeling you have toward me, it's mutual, fucker," Francesco said dispassionately. "I also love you and hate you. And you're ruining me, too."

Karl snorted. "How do I do that? You mean, I wreck your ass, right? With my cock." He laughed after that, but there was nothing denoting amusement in his laughter.

"Be crude and an idiot as much as you want. I shouldn't enjoy getting fucked by the likes of you. I have... had Mouse. He made me happy. Whenever I fucked him, it felt so good I could cry."

"I can make you cry, no problem," Karl said.

"Yeah, because you hurt me. You make me so fucking twisted, you know? I fuck Mouse, my world is whole. You fuck me, and my world shatters."

"And you said you wouldn't give me some romantic speech. Just save your breath, Cesco. And stop getting so philosophical about liking to get fucked hard. That's the bitch inside you, liking it. Is all."

Francesco frowned. He would never reach Karl, no matter what he said, no matter how honest he was. "You're no better. You just get off on dominating and humiliating me. FYI, it's not love you feel."

"No shit, smartass. Then what it is? Because it fucking burns and hurts like fucking hell. And it stops only when I'm balls deep inside you."

"It's power. You get drunk on it, and you're a fucking addict," Francesco replied. "Do you say it hurts? What about other people who are hurting? Me? Mouse?"

Karl remained silent. There was no way of telling if any of that got through him.

"Do you want to fuck me again? I'm beat, and I could use some sleep," Francesco said in a weary voice.

There was still no reply, so Francesco turned on one side. A couple of minutes passed, and there was suddenly a warm body gluing to his back.

"It's not about power, Cesco," Karl whispered in his ear. "It's about love, but you can't see it. You're the one with all the power, asshole."

It was his turn to remain silent. Karl pulled him close and held him. As much as he hated to do that, he relaxed in his arms and, soon enough, he fell asleep.


For other short stories, visit my SubscribeStar:

The latest story I offer there is the third installment in The Used Boy series.


Andy owes money to some people after gambling too much, so he has no choice but call Mr. Torelli again and ask politely to suck cock for money. However, Mr. Torelli has another task in mind for Andy and sends him to a party where he's supposed to suck off the birthday guy, and as many cocks as he can get his mouth on.

Things don't go exactly as planned, and Andy finds himself on his belly, taking it up the ass for the first time. Only that his first time is also his second, third, and fourth at the same time.

This story contains graphic depictions of sexual activities between men, such as unprotected anal sex, gangbang, rough handling, cum swallowing, anal creampie, sloppy seconds, and many others.

You can read a fragment of this story on my blog at:

Next: Chapter 34

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