Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Sep 17, 2023


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

Karl grunted behind him as he tried to push in. It wasn't like he didn't want his ass to open up, but it just wasn't working, dry like that. Once the fucker was inside him, it wouldn't matter anyway. But right now, he was heaving in pain as Karl tried to penetrate him.

"Get yourself wet," Karl ordered in a frustrated voice.

Francesco was quick to spit in his own palm and work some on his hole. He grabbed Karl's cock even in that uncomfortable position and guided toward his hole, all the time willing himself to relax so that it wouldn't be so bad.

Karl pushed again, and Francesco whimpered. He was used to being fucked, but his body refused to open, and it was starting to scare him.

"What is it about this freaking hole?" Karl hissed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Francesco murmured. "I'll just try --"

Karl surprised him by turning him on his back. Then he began to rub Francesco's cock fast.

"Hey, wait," Francesco protested. "It's not like... What are you doing?"

"We need some fucking lube, you tight whore," Karl said through his teeth. "Make some."

"Make some? What am I, a fucking dispenser?"

Karl's hand on his cock was too rough, and he was only half hard. "Why are you so tight? You were looser before."

"Before I got slapped and threatened?" Francesco shot back at him.

"Threatened? How the fuck did I do that?" Karl let go of his cock and slapped it.

Francesco whimpered again. Karl pushed his legs up and began spitting on his hole. He was, however, a lot gentler when he began pushing inside again. Francesco focused on his breathing, as Karl moved slowly, grunting with each inch he was getting in.

"I don't fuck you for several days, and you're like this? How the fuck? You weren't this tight when I fucked you the first time."

Or maybe you're not hard enough, Francesco thought but kept his mouth shut. "Maybe hatefucking isn't your thing," he breathed out.

"Shut up," Karl said with a gloomy expression on his face.

Their bodies were getting reacquainted. Karl slammed inside him hard, making him gasp. This wouldn't be their usual. Francesco braced himself, the feeling of fear washing over him again. He didn't even know why. Karl had fucked him before. But now, Francesco was scared because he knew the guy was hating him. And a strange sensation of having lost something important flushed through his system.

"Stop it," Karl hissed in his face as he was fucking himself inside Francesco's body. "I'm not doing anything to you I haven't done before. The fuck you're crying about?"

Francesco had no idea he was, and none about how Karl could tell he was with all that rain pooling in his eyes and pouring down his cheeks. "I'm not," he protested meekly.

Karl made a cage with his arms, capturing him underneath. He caught his lips and kissed him, bit him, drawing pain and pleasure at the same time. "Do you want him out of here? Free in the world?" he asked between grunts as he pushed and pushed.

Francesco moaned and gasped, shivering from the sensations invading his body. Karl was punishing him, yes, but there was still love there, no matter how twisted. "I do," he whispered. "I'll do anything."

"Then it's your life for his," Karl hissed. "You just got yourself prison for life, you fucking stupid whore."

Francesco quivered as Karl slammed harder into him. His body knew that well. He liked his ass hammered like that. Only he could do it like that. "What do you mean? You'll leave me here in his place?"

He strangely felt at peace at the thought. He couldn't explain it why. He wasn't scared anymore.

"What? You fucking mental?" Karl cursed as he moved closer and closer to his climax. "But I'll put you under lock and key for me and no one else. For your entire fucking life."

Francesco had no idea what to say. Was that the sacrifice?

"You won't see him again. You won't talk a word with him again. You'll belong to me forever."

"I will," he whispered and wrapped his arms around Karl, clinging desperately to him.

That sealed the deal. Karl let out animal like sounds, angered and filled with lust, but he was done. He collapsed on top of Francesco and kept him there, crashing him, both muddy and soaked to the bone.

Karl was the first to move. He stood, hovering above. He pressed his foot on Francesco's cock, still half hard. "It won't longer be about you." His voice had a sing-song rhythm to it. "I'm not caring." As he said that, he just pressed harder.

Francesco winced as the rough sole of Karl's boot rubbed against the sensitive skin.

"And you'll tell him you're through with him. Right now."

"What?" He pushed Karl's foot away and jumped to his feet. He grabbed his pants, soaked and cold, and pulled them up.

Karl got in his face. "You'll do it. You'll do everything I freaking say, got it? Unless you don't really want to save his sorry ass."

"I do." Francesco set his lips hard and looked over Karl's shoulder. He dug his nails into his palms, willing himself not to cry.

Karl moved away. "Then go do it. When I get back tonight, be in our fucking hut, ass ready."

"Where are you going?" Francesco asked.

"To do what I have to do," Karl shot over his shoulder as he walked away. "Don't you dare follow me. Don't you dare do anything I'm not telling you to." He stopped for a moment and turned to look at Francesco, his eyes full of madness and hatred. "Go deal with him. Cut ties for real, or I'll know."

Francesco didn't have to ask what that meant. The unspoken threat hung in the air as he stood there, watching as Karl disappeared behind the curtain of rain and heavy foliage.

He grabbed Mouse and dragged him to the side. "I need to talk to you."

"Can't it wait?" Mouse was tired. His face was drawn, and his eyes sunken, but he was still the most beautiful boy Francesco had ever seen in his entire life. It made his heart ache, just looking at him like that.

"No. Let's talk in private."

Mouse followed him to their hut. Their hut. It wouldn't be that anymore.

"Well, what is it?" Mouse asked, the soonest they were inside.

"I --" Francesco started and then stopped with a small sob.

"Francesco?" Mouse came closer, but he moved away from his touch.

He looked away and crossed his arms. "I'm moving in with Karl. Starting tonight. No, starting right now."

"What? Is this some weird idea of a joke? Now's really not the time, Kekko," Mouse said. He tried to get closer, but Francesco dodged him again. "What the fuck is going on?" He raised his voice.

"It's the only way," Francesco whispered. He clasped his hands on his arms, sure to leave bruises. "It's the only fucking way."

Mouse jumped in front of him and grabbed him hard. "What did you do?"

"Nothing, nothing, it's just... I need to do this."

Mouse was holding him by the shoulders, shaking him and trying to make him look into his eyes. He just couldn't do it.

"Is it because he fucks you?" Mouse asked, his voice low and hurt.

"What?" Francesco looked up.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Mouse continued shaking him. "That I don't know how you're sneaking around, barely waiting me to be out of sight so that you can go and jump on his cock at every fucking opportunity?"

"You knew?" Francesco stammered.

Mouse pulled him closer. They were now looking into each other's eyes. "I get it, Kekko. He's giving you that big fat cock up your ass. And with me, it's not like that. I don't mind it. I don't mind that I come home at night, and you stink of him. I don't mind that you look so freaking happy while you ride his fucking cock."

"Happy?" Francesco felt dizzy. It was like all the air had been kicked out of his lungs. "I'm not happy."

Mouse let out a small sob. His fingers were digging so hard into Francesco's shoulders that the pain was getting unbearable. "You are. Somehow, I'm not enough. And I can live with it. There, I say it. I said nothing, all these months, I kept fucking quiet just so you don't do to me what you're doing right now."

"Mouse, listen," Francesco whispered. "I love you."

"Then why are you doing this?" Mouse set his jaw hard, but his lips were quivering. "You can have him if you care so much. He can stay here with us, fuck you and have me watch, whatever."

"No, no, it's not --"

"What is it, then?"

Francesco stopped and closed his eyes. "He can do it, Mouse. But only if I do as he says."

"Do what?" Mouse was shaking, with anger, most probably. Francesco could feel him.

He opened his eyes. "He'll save you. When time's up, you're coming with us."

"What?" Mouse's face twisted in disbelief. "No, no, no, Francesco. How stupid can you be? He can't do that."

"His dad's important. He can. Karl told me," Francesco said quickly.

"He's fucking lying!" Mouse was shouting right now. "Can't you see what he's doing? He knows we have so little time left, and he wants to destroy it. He wants to steal you from me! No, no, I'm not letting you."

"You're not?" Francesco felt his own anger boiling. "It's not your choice, is it?"

Mouse surprised him by letting go of his shoulders to grab his cheeks. His eyes were filled with despair. "Kekko, no, listen," he began blabbering, "he's lying to you. He hates me. He told me that he can barely wait to have you to himself, how much he'll love it when I'm left behind. He's jealous because you care about me. He'll never let me leave, let alone help me in any way."

There was a part of him screaming on the inside that each word Mouse was saying was true. But he held on to that tiny glimmer of hope, and he couldn't let go. "He'll do it," he said. "It's okay if you don't believe me. But I'll still do everything I can to save your ass."

Mouse searched his face with frantic eyes. "Are you insane, Francesco? Don't you hear a word I'm saying?"

Francesco schooled his face not to give in anything. He pushed Mouse away. "I'm going. Don't say a word to me again."

Mouse caught him and pulled him close. "No, please, don't do this." He held him tightly.

Francesco closed his eyes and fought the temptation to turn and embrace Mouse with the same force. It had been a mistake to tell Mouse the truth. "You know, you're right," he said in an emotionless voice. "I think I just like the way he fucks me better than how I get to fuck you."

"No, no, I know you don't mean it," Mouse sobbed without letting go.

"I do," Francesco said flatly. "Even you said that I look happy while I ride his cock. I was trying to break it to you in a way that wouldn't hurt you, but it looks like you don't get it."

"You're lying," Mouse said pleadingly. "Don't do this for me, Kekko. Don't believe him. I'm not letting you."

Francesco struggled to free himself. He pushed Mouse away and turned to face him. "Look into my eyes, Ahab," he said, pouring everything he didn't believe into his words, "we're through. Don't dare say another word to me in your life. Or I'll fucking punch you in the face."

Mouse's eyes grew wide. "Are you a bastard, Francesco? Are you really?"

Francesco bit the inside of his cheek until he tasted blood. "I guess I am."

With that, he turned on his heels and left. It wasn't like he had things to pack.


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Next: Chapter 31

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