Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Aug 3, 2023


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

He had come to have a special sense when it came to Karl. Even without looking, he could tell that he was close. It wasn't even announced to him by the sound of leaves rustling, or branches cracking under Karl's steps. He simply knew, but he pretended to be busy gathering dry leaves and whatever he could for the fire at the camp.

Karl didn't say anything for a while. In the end, Francesco straightened up and looked around until he spotted him. "Don't be a creepy stalker."

Karl didn't comment on that but walked over to him. The way his lips were set in a grim line could be interpreted as bad news. That had been before; now, Francesco wanted to keep the fucker on his toes so that he could get what he wanted.

"He's gone," Karl said curtly. "Out hunting."

"I know," Francesco replied with a small shrug. "He does the same thing every day. I live with him, remember?"

"Come." Karl took his arm and began dragging him.

"Hey, easy," Francesco warned. "I'm not your puppet."

Karl turned brusquely toward him and let go of his arm. He bit his lips like he didn't have any idea how to say whatever he wanted to say. "Why are you being such a bitch?"

Francesco frowned. He knew exactly what irked the bastard, but he had to play his cards well. "You mean, why do I put my ass up for you, like a bitch? I thought you liked that."

"No." Karl scowled. "You're being nasty, saying that stuff --"

"What stuff?" To show that he had no fear, he pushed himself into Karl's face. They were close enough to kiss, and Francesco noted, with a small shiver, the warmth coming off the other's body. Yeah, he was a bitch alright, one eager to get fucked.

"You know what." Karl locked his eyes with his. "You're insulting me." He said the words like they were strange to him. "In front of him."

Francesco wrapped his arms slowly around him and gave him a soft kiss, lingering until he could feel Karl relax into his embrace. "I don't want him to suspect a thing," he murmured as he slowly bit on the other's lips, coaxing them to open. "I don't want him to get jealous over you."

"But you're okay with me being jealous over him," Karl mumbled. By how his body reacted, Francesco could tell he would win soon.

He brushed one hand over Karl's chest, feeling his hardened nipples. He hadn't gotten to experiment much with the fucker, as he seemed all about fucking. By the small and sharp intake of breath, he could tell that Karl might not have any idea his tits were sensitive.

"You can take it. You're strong," Francesco cooed.

"You're making fun of me again." Even as he said those words, Karl was turning his head so that he could feel Francesco's kisses more.

"I'm not. You have nothing to worry about. Do you want to fuck?"

Karl let out a small grunt. "Let me be your man again, Cesco."

The only thing the fucker was left to say was to promise that he would be a good boy.

Francesco squeezed the back of Karl's neck hard enough to make the hazy eyes regain some focus. "You are my man. Who's fucking me, eh? Mouse never does. I don't think he wants, and I don't think I want it from him either."

Karl was a tad confused. "But you want it from me? My cock? In you?"

Francesco brought their foreheads together. "Too bad you're a bastard, Karl, as I told you before. But your cock is good, yeah, it's so good." He bit his lips and began panting softly. "My ass is twitching only thinking of it, how it stretches me and fucks me deep... If I were a girl, I'd be so wet for you now."

Karl surprised him by grabbing his hair and pulling his head back to take a good look at him. Francesco licked his lips slowly and blinked, while letting out a small moan.

"You're playing me," Karl said.

Francesco closed his eyes. Shit, that was bad. But he could tell those things because he half-believed them. He wasn't a complete liar. His body wanted the fucker; his ass wished for nothing right now by to have that big fat thing buried to the hilt in it. And he was so hard just thinking of it.

He took Karl's hand and placed it on his crotch. "Is this playing you, too?"

"You're such a fucking slut." It was Karl's turn to pant. "You would get hard for anyone."

"I'm getting hard for you right now." Francesco pulled away. "Take it or leave it."

Karl's face twisted in brief anger. Francesco knew he was walking on a tight rope, but he started walking away. He wasn't in the least surprised when Karl grabbed him, turned him, and made their lips clash.

"I'll fuck you," Karl promised as he forced him to walk backwards until he landed on his ass, but on soft grass, by the feel of it. "I'll fuck you until you forget there's any other cock for you in the world."

Francesco watched without saying a word as Karl pulled his t-shirt over his head and lowered his jeans. He didn't protest either as Karl straddled his chest and pushed his cock through his lips. Instead, he let out small moans and began working Karl's cock with his mouth, without using his hands.

Karl was rough as he grabbed him by the back of his head and began pushing in more. Francesco made an effort to keep breathing through his nose as Karl's cock went deeper. With Mouse, he didn't deepthroat, at least not as a common practice. He had kept telling himself that he would get better.

It looked like the time for that was over. His eyes watered as Karl made sure to push his cock past his gag reflex. He choked and wheezed, but didn't try to get away, even with the panic rising inside him with each moment and each inch of cock forced down his throat.

"Take it, slut," Karl panted above him. "Take my cum. I'll fucking wreck you to make you mine."

Francesco was starting to feel a little lightheaded. He struggled to breathe and pushed against Karl's strong thighs. All this time, his fucked up dick pulsed in his pants, like a retarded fucker. It was the random mercy of fate, or Karl finally realized he was choking him, but the hard thing lodged in his mouth twitched a few times and soon it got pulled back, allowing him to take a gulp of air. He began coughing and turned on one side. There was something viscous coming up, but he swallowed with difficulty and stood there trembling, without saying a word.

He threw Karl a loaded look. The fucker was breathing hard and staring at him with those mean eyes. Was he miscalculating, trying to get this bastard to heed?

But then, just like that, Karl grabbed his face and kissed him hard. He protested only meekly by slamming his fists against the guy's shoulders. "Stop fighting me, Cesco, please," he whispered.

"You fucker," Francesco mumbled, "you were choking me!"

Karl held him and caressed his mouth. "I just wanted to punish you for lying. And don't tell me you didn't deepthroat your boyfriend or anyone else."

Francesco sputtered and pushed Karl away, or tried to, because that wall of muscles didn't budge. "I didn't!"

"For real?" Karl's eyes lit up. "So I'm the only guy who fucked your throat? The first?"

Francesco finally took hold of his breathing. "Is everything about this with you? Being the first? Then, for your information, you're the first guy I hate the way I hate you."

Karl placed him down with surprising care. He threw one leg over him to keep him down, but he was less forceful than before. Then he pushed Francesco's t-shirt up and began caressing his belly. "My swimmers are in here now."

"Wow, so romantic," Francesco commented. "Give a guy a warning before you spring something like this on him. And who the hell says swimmers anymore?"

Karl caressed his face and insisted on his lips. The look in his eyes was now nothing short of adoration. "I want my cum in you so much it fucking hurts," he whispered.

"Blue balls can be painful, yeah," Francesco admitted.

"No, it hurts differently."

The guy couldn't get irony easily, it seemed. "How?" he dared to ask.

Karl shrugged. "Before you, I thought that one day, I'd fuck girls. Not anymore. There's no one else in the world I want to fuck. If I could, I'd put a baby in you." He massaged Francesco's lower belly as if he could work some weird magic and get him the needed equipment for that.

"Come on, Karl, you don't believe that." He wanted to make light of it all. "It's just all guys in here. Of course you'd want to fuck a dude. What's there to do?"

Karl shook his head stubbornly. "You don't get it, Cesco. I fucked a lot of dudes. They were nothing but holes to fuck. It's not the same with you. It simply isn't."

Francesco patted his cheek. "Wait till we get back home. You'll forget about it all in an instant, the moment you see a pair of bouncing tits out in the street."

"No. I won't."

There was no point to contradict the fucker. Francesco sighed. "Do you want to fuck my ass, too? There's a lot of things to do, and it's not like I want to rush you or anything --"

Karl kissed him, the same hard desperate kiss from before. "Tell me about the guys who stuffed you with their cocks."

"I had no idea you wanted conversation when I saw you creeping about."

"Tell me."

"Fine. So, first was my stepdad. Didn't I tell you about this all?"

"Just tell me. How many times did he fuck you?"

"I have no idea. It wasn't a regular thing or whatever, but it's not like I counted, either."


There was something a tad frightening about how Karl got suddenly focused while asking those questions.

"I dunno, about a dozen times, maybe?"

Karl frowned and nodded. "After him, who fucked you?"

"The two guards at that compound. C'mon, Karl, I told you that."

"How many times?"

"Once. They were searching my ass for hidden stuff."

"What's your stepdad's name?"

"Why do you want to know that?" Francesco was starting to get a bad feeling about it all.

"Don't bother, I'll find out." Karl's face was hard now, like carved in stone.

"Wait, what the hell? I mean, what's going on? Karl, Leon fucked me, too. Are you going to do something to him?"

Karl shook his head. "He's lucky."

"Lucky? What --" Francesco didn't even know what he needed to ask, too afraid to find the answer.

Karl held him tightly. He buried his head in the crook of Francesco's shoulder. "When we leave here, I'll make you mine completely. Do you understand?"

Francesco stiffened. What was going on through Karl's head? "I'm sure daddy won't approve."

"Let me worry about that."

"Man, you're thinking with your dick. Just fuck me until you get your fill, okay? Come on, there's a world of pussy out there."

Karl raised his head and tipped his chin so that their eyes could meet. "No, I'm not thinking with my dick. I'm thinking with my heart."

He said those words so solemnly that Francesco didn't dare to laugh to brush it off. All this playing Karl thing was getting much more complicated than expected.


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Next: Chapter 25

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