Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jul 19, 2023


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

"You take care out there, okay?" Francesco pulled Mouse close.

"Will you let me sleep already?" Mouse complained.

Francesco had made sure to tire his boyfriend out. The dawn was still far, and Karl and Mouse were supposed to leave at its break. As soon as he heard Mouse snoring, he moved quietly from their bed and out of the hut.

Karl had taken to sleeping by himself, and as always, he didn't care about Ty and Anya. Francesco entered his hut and crouched by his side. "Hey," he whispered, "you asleep?"

Karl moved in his sleep, but soon he appeared to be awake. "Cesco?" he asked groggily.

"Yeah. I want to talk to you."

"What about?"

"Out there, keep Mouse safe, okay?"

Karl snorted and stretched. Francesco smirked, knowing that the fucker couldn't see him in the dark. Let him believe he was on top.

"Did you come to me with that kind of stuff? What's in it for me?"

"Dunno. Respect as a leader?"

"Bullshit." The asshole sounded so smug.

"Okay, thought so. Let me speak your language. You'll get a blowjob."

"For real? A bj? What the fuck? I can get thousands of blowjobs every day."

"Not from me, you can't," Francesco pointed out. "I'll lick the head the way you like it," he added.

Karl stirred. "You here to pull my leg, Cesco? I can tell you think I'm dumb."

"No, idiot. If you keep Mouse safe, I'll blow you."

"No way. Too little."

"Okay, should I throw in two blowjobs?"

Karl moved so fast Francesco had no time to react. Soon, the blond was on top of him, and the memory of those times from before rushed to him. His entire body stiffened, but Karl did nothing but keep him there. He was naked and Francesco could feel his tool, pulsing and alive against his own crotch. "I'm not your pity fuck," Karl said through his teeth.

Francesco knew how to pay attention now. There was the same desperation in Karl's voice, as he had noticed before. "You're not. It would be payment for services rendered." He struggled against himself to relax.

Karl hesitated. He was starting to consider it. "I want your ass, too."

Francesco sighed as if it pained him to acquiesce to such demands. "Fine, whatever. Just bring him back in one piece."

"I want it now."

"No," Francesco said firmly. "How will I know you'll keep your word if I give you everything upfront?"

Karl wavered. So he wasn't keen on forcing himself on him again, which was good, since Francesco counted on it. Probably for the first time in his life, Karl wanted more than a quick fuck, and that was something he could work with.

"Okay," Karl said through his teeth. "But I want it all, the whole thing. Ass, mouth, you know. And I get to live with you."

"Mouse cannot know," Francesco said harshly. "We'll fuck, but he cannot know. So no deal on living together."

"What the hell? Am I your side piece and he's the husband now?"

Francesco bit his lips not to laugh. Karl was a bit funny in his stupid ways. "He's the wife," he said lightly, "and," he added as he turned his voice down a notch, "I'll be your woman as long as you protect him."

"So," Karl asked, confused, "all I have to do is make sure his ass gets to live?"

"Not just live. I want him unharmed."

Karl was starting to sweat a bit. "Wild pigs are crazy bastards. What happens if he gets a little, I don't know, scratched?"

"Okay, so I won't be a bitch about it. As long as he's fine, has all his limbs and other important things, you'll get my ass. What do you say?"

"But not only once," Karl said quickly.

That was where Francesco wanted to bring Karl. Once the fucker stopped hating on them and began getting what he wanted, Francesco could start prepping him for more important demands. Mouse was a skilled hunter. If there was one of them who might get fucked during their hunting trip, it could be Karl rather than him.

"Fine," he said, after pretending to think about it for a bit.

"But you need to give me something now," Karl demanded.

He tried acting tough, but Francesco knew he was actually begging for a scrap like a starving dog. "Okay, what do you want?"

"Suck me off," Karl said in a strained voice.

Francesco could feel the guy's dick getting harder. "I'll tell you what. I'll give you a hand. We'll jerk off together."

"I can do that by myself," Karl hissed.

"Not like I do it."

Francesco pushed Karl away, and it looked like the fucker actually knew how to listen to others for a change. He removed his pants and climbed on top of him, pressing his balls against the other's nut sack. Then he aligned their cocks and began stroking them together.

Karl let out small grunts.

"Do you like it?" he asked. "You see, it's good like this."

He liked it, too. Their cocks slid nicely together, even with the difference in size.

"Cesco," Karl said breathlessly, "spit in my mouth."

"That's weird, man," Francesco teased. "You can just say that you want me to kiss you."

He pushed the other boy back and hovered slightly before he smashed his mouth against Karl's. There were hitched breath and wandering hands, and he increased the pace at which he stroked their cocks. He pushed his tongue inside Karl's mouth, withdrew and spat, only to chuckle later and kiss him again. Karl was fucked up about the exchange of fluids. Maybe he needed to be eased into normality gradually.

Karl kissed back with incredible force. He held Francesco's head in his hands and kissed him hard, fast, and deep. He murmured something he couldn't make sense of. "Do it more," he asked, and Francesco spat in his mouth again, only to have Karl kiss him back with even more strength.

He felt both their cocks shooting at the same time. It was funny that they could make it work that way, but it did.

Karl fell on his back, and Francesco put his pants back on. "So, we have a deal?" he asked.

"Yeah," Karl replied quietly. "You don't have to worry about Mouse."

Francesco crouched by his side and touched his chest. "Thanks. And make sure you come back in one piece, too."

"Do you care?" Karl snorted.

He didn't reply to that and just got up and left. Yeah, he did, and not only because Karl was Mouse's ticket out of that hell. It was just a little something he needed to think about later. How later, he didn't know.

The third day after their departure, his worries began to multiply with each passing moment. He couldn't stay in one place, he couldn't sleep, and Ollie had had to insist that he ate something.

"Francesco," Leon called for him, to stop him from his non-stop pacing. "They'll be back."

He just nodded. Not even Leon's calm demeanor could make him less worried now. He cursed himself for not insisting that they took him with them on their hunting trip. "What if --"

"Don't," Leon warned him. "They'll be back."

"They're coming!" Anya came running toward them.

It appeared that the beautiful boy had taken to climbing trees like a monkey, and he must have seen them from one of his vantage points.

"How far are they? What direction?" Francesco kept Anya by the shoulders to stop him from bouncing up and down with enthusiasm.

He barely waited for Anya to finish and he was running. The small branches scratching his arms and face didn't bother him, and he just kept flying over small rocks and shrubbery, anxious to see them back, alive and well.

When he saw them, he stopped, his heart too full and in his throat. They were dirty, bloodied, and carried something large and heavy on an improvised pallet. Karl saw him first. He stopped and smiled, but then he turned his head toward Mouse. "Your husband's here."

Karl's face was in the shadow now, and he couldn't tell his expression. So he just hurried to them, and Mouse jumped right into his arms. "You, guys," he barely managed as he squeezed his boyfriend tightly.

"Yeah, we got him," Mouse said proudly while embracing him back.

Francesco pulled away only slightly so that he could take a good look and feel Mouse's arms and torso for any signs of injuries.

"He's fine," Karl said through his teeth. "None of this is our blood."

Francesco gave Mouse another short kiss and then he walked over to Karl. He could read in those blue eyes, now darker than usual, all that he needed. Mouse was fine. So it was all right to surprise Karl by pulling him into a tight hug. "Thanks, man. Glad to see your ass alive," he whispered low enough for Mouse to miss it.

"Yeah, yeah, just make sure to keep your part of the bargain," Karl whispered back, without hugging back.

Francesco laughed and pulled away. And then gave Karl a hard kiss on the mouth. He turned toward Mouse like nothing happened. "Let me help you carry this thing."

If the redhead had anything to say about him kissing Karl, he was keeping it for himself, or for now. He started asking them about how they managed to take the beast down, and soon the entire camp was on them.

When he looked again at Karl, all he could read in those blue eyes was hunger.

He had taken both Karl's and Mouse's clothes to the river to try and get the blood stains out of them. They didn't have any others, and as threadbare as they were, they had to keep them in as good a shape as possible.

Although they weren't anything like new, after he had used the soap made by Mouse days ago from ashes and animal fat, they were as clean as they could ever be. He stretched them over a branch to let the wind do the rest and then lay on a boulder under the sun.

He didn't open his eyes when he heard a branch snapping. It couldn't be Mouse. He was in charge of turning the wild boar into food and anything else they could use from it.

He could tell there was someone throwing a shadow over him now. To keep his clothes from getting wet, he had undressed before washing the others' garments, so he was stark naked.

"Well, are you just going to stand there and ogle me?" he asked.

He didn't protest as Karl climbed on top of him, and he opened his mouth as soon as the other's hungry lips were on him. Karl mumbled something as he kissed him like his life depended on it. "...hate you."


" you."

"You hate me, and you love me?" Francesco moaned softly as Karl moved his lips along his jawline and began biting his neck.

Karl stopped only for a moment and stared at him. Before, he would have been scared by that wild stare. "I do," he said and the next thing, he sank his teeth in Francesco's neck until it hurt.

"You're such a bastard," Francesco whispered. "It hurts."

It didn't, at least not too much, and he found a strange satisfaction in how Karl claimed him.

"It should. You hurt me more," Karl said and kissed him again, pushing his tongue inside like he wanted Francesco to feel the penetration even before sticking that fat cock in him.

If Karl thought anything of punishing him by going in hard and fast, he would have a little surprise. Francesco had taken upon himself to use a little fat to prepare, knowing that the fucker wouldn't care.

"On all fours," Karl ordered. "I want you to take it like a bitch."

He wouldn't stop and feel pissed about that. Even more, he wiggled his ass as he assumed the position and threw a lewd look at Karl over his shoulder. "Just fuck me already."

Karl flashed an angry look at him. Francesco counted on it. The more pissed off the fucker was, the more satisfaction he would have when fucking him. So, he was surprised when Karl wetted his fingers and pushed them slowly inside him. "You got ready for me?" the blond asked in a gruff voice.

"You're not the kind to care for preparation. So what if I did?"

Karl was all over him in an instant. "How come you're such a willing bitch now?"

Francesco shrugged. "As long as I get what I want, why shouldn't I be?"

Karl wrapped one arm around his chest and placed his cock at Francesco's ass. He went in slowly, with small grunts of barely reined in frustration.

"I'm good, you can just shove it in," Francesco said.

"No way. Each time I mount you, I'll make it count."

He couldn't tell what the fucker meant by that. The feeling of being stretched made him moan shamelessly. Yeah, he was a whore for cock, but he could embrace it now that he knew he could use it to his advantage.

"Do you like it, slut?" Karl began moving, and his harsh breathing was a sign that the pleasure Francesco felt was matched by what he went through, as well. "Like my cock in your whorish ass?"

"Call me names all you want. If it gets you off faster, I'm game."

Karl grabbed his face and forced him to face each other. His eyes were searching for something. "The fuck is wrong with you?" He didn't stop moving, so each of his words was accompanied by another thrust that made Francesco buck his hips back in unhidden pleasure.

"What? Is it better for you if I say I don't want it? I can tell you whatever the fuck you want."

It was easy to tell that Karl was fighting against himself as he continued to pound Francesco's ass. He was also losing, and by the confusion in his eyes, he didn't even know why. "You want it," he said, a bit unsure, but seemingly willing to take it as truth.

"I do." Francesco made sure to squeeze his ass and use it to drive Karl mad with desire a little.

The immediate gasp from the other told him that he was doing well.

"Say it."

"I want your big fat cock up my ass. You know how to fuck well when you put your mind at it. Too bad you're an asshole." Francesco moaned and shivered as Karl made his moves ampler.

"Tell me..." Karl's breath grew harsher, "...tell me you love me, Cesco."

"What? Do you want me to lie?" Francesco asked, all the while making sure to milk the fucker's cock with his ass.

"Yes, yes, lie to me, you fucking slut!" Karl's moves became frantic, and each time he hammered Francesco's ass, they were both being pushed closer to their climax.

"I..." Francesco could barely talk, as his ass was in heaven, and his own cock was slapping against his hard belly. "I... love... your cock in me!"

Karl grunted in despair. No, he wouldn't get what he wanted so easily.

But that didn't mean that he would get nothing. Francesco brought one arm back and grabbed Karl by the back of the neck. "Shoot your load in me. Breed me with your nasty cum, you bastard," he whispered against Karl's lips and then bit hard on them.

That was enough for now. Karl was letting out strange, animalistic sounds. He clasped both hands around Francesco's belly and came for what seemed like forever.


If you enjoy Prison Island, drop by my SubscribeStar for more kinkiness:

And for a tidbit of a missing scene between Karl and Mouse while away on their hunting trip, here is where it's at:

Next: Chapter 23

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