Prison Island

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jun 17, 2023


Copyright 2021 -- Daemon D. Hart

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Prison Island

Francesco froze. Even Karl wavered and he wiped quickly the sweat off his brow. Morgan lowered the gun. "I mean it when I say that I'm not against you," he said.

Now, they could take a good look at the guy. Morgan had to be 35 or a bit older, and had a strong square jaw. Francesco had to give it to Karl for being able to put to the ground a dude built like a shit brickhouse like Morgan was. He had dark brown hair, cut very short, and his eyes were black and staring at them from underneath thick furrowed eyebrows. His clothes seemed made of good materials, and looked like tactical gear, the kind to see in hunting catalogues and whatnot. Was he a hunter wandering about by accident? But the island was supposed to be off limits or it couldn't serve its purpose as a prison.

Karl still held his knife high, ready to strike.

"You're losing precious time, Karl, by not believing me."

"How the fuck do you know my name?" the blond asked.

"I heard you two talking."

Had they mentioned any names while talking earlier? Francesco wasn't so sure. Karl's eyes were wild now, and it was easy to tell that he didn't buy that, either. Still, he trusted Morgan. He didn't look like a guy who had been sent there to serve a sentence like everyone else on the island.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I already told you what you need to know," Morgan said, his eyes set on Karl hard. "I'm a hunter. I know what this island is all about."

"Bullshit," Karl hissed.

"There are 5 of them." Morgan pointed with his chin toward the camp. "When they are all back, good luck with taking them all, only the two of you. I can just walk away if that's what you want."

"No," Francesco intervened. "Karl, we need this guy, whoever he is."

Karl didn't seem convinced. Morgan began walking. "Then I suppose you'll have fun watching your friend getting raped. And worse."

The worse part was what Francesco feared the most, even without knowing what it was. He grabbed Morgan by the arm. "Just help us, please."

"Cesco, what the fuck?" Karl said through his teeth.

"We need to get Anya out of there and fast. Let's not search a gift horse in the mouth, okay?"

"Listen to Francesco, Karl. He's a smart boy."

Now, Francesco was pretty sure that Karl hadn't said his name like that for Morgan to know it. It could be a logical guess from Cesco to Francesco, though. They didn't have time to lose.

"All right," Karl said, "but I'm in charge." He pointed at his own chest. "I don't know who the fuck you are, but you'll listen."

"Fine by me."

Francesco was surprised by Morgan's reply, but he didn't say anything.

"Cesco, you shoot your sling, there," Karl pointed out to the far left. "One of them will go check. "You," he turned toward Morgan, "will rush in from the right. They see your gun, they piss their pants. I'll sweep in and grab Anya. Make sure," he added, "that they keep your eyes on you, the whole time. You, Cesco, stay out of sight, no matter what. I don't want any of them to see you and remember your face. Got it?"

"Got it," Francesco replied. "And Morgan? What will he do once we run away with Anya?"

Karl's lips twisted in a scowl. "Whatever the fuck he wants since he offered."

Morgan squeezed Francesco's shoulder. "Don't worry about me, son. I'll make sure these assholes won't bother you again."

He stared into the black eyes and gulped. A shotgun wasn't exactly a hunting weapon, unless the man who had it hunted something else, not wildlife. Morgan winked at him and smiled.

"Cesco, ready?" Karl's voice brought him back to reality.


He snuck farther away and aimed high. At first, none of the men in the camp moved, but then one began walking to check on the source of the sound. Francesco retreated and watched Karl walk quickly while crouched through the tall grass. His heart was in his throat. He moved along the line of shrubs and small trees so that he could meet Karl halfway once he had Anya.

He heard shouts of surprise. Morgan must already be brandishing his gun at those fuckers, but he didn't have time to stay and watch. Karl was running toward him with Anya thrown over his shoulder. Even encumbered like that, he was fast and kept low so that no one could see him losing himself in the forest around.

"Got him," Karl said through his teeth.

"Can I help you?" Francesco asked.

"Not unless you can carry him and run."

Francesco nodded and fell in line with Karl. "We should untie him. Maybe he can walk by himself."

"He's out of it. No time," Karl grunted and took large steps.

Francesco followed. "What about Morgan?"

"Why do you ask? He your daddy or something just because he called you son?" Karl spat.

"No, what the fuck," Francesco murmured and blushed only thinking of those black eyes on him.

"Piece of advice, Cesco. Never worry about the guy with a freaking shotgun."

The sound of a gun firing pierced the air, making the birds in the nearby shrubs take flight. Francesco stopped. Karl didn't seem surprised. "Keep moving, Cesco. We need to put as much distance as we can between us and those fuckers."

And maybe between them and Morgan, Francesco thought but kept it to himself.

When they were back, everyone was waiting for them, including Mouse. Francesco hurried to him and kissed him, holding him in his arms for a long time. Everyone else took Anya from Karl's arms and placed him on the ground. The boy had come to his senses, and after drinking a bit of water, he began murmuring his thanks.

"I heard everything," Mouse said quickly as soon as Francesco let him. "How did you two manage to save Anya? How many were they?"

His questions were cut short by Karl kicking a stone off the groud, hard enough to bounce against the small construction they used as the place to make fire. "Anya, stand up," he said through his teeth.

Anya obeyed. He was shaken and he was holding one hand over his ribs where that asshole must have hit him.

"You almost killed us all today," Karl continued.

"I know, I'm sorry --"

"Shut the fuck up!"

Francesco expected Karl to slap Anya as he had done with Ty, but nothing like that happened.

"I don't give a fuck about sorry! We," Karl gestured around at the entire group, "don't give a fuck about sorry!"

"What is he going on about?" Francesco muttered.

"He's right," Mouse said.

"What?" He couldn't believe his ears.

Mouse had his mouth set in a hard line. "We're in this together, Kekko. One of us makes a mistake, we all pay for it."

Francesco wanted to argue, but Karl began talking again. He was circling Anya and bored his eyes into him like he was vermin and needed to be put out. "You," he said and pushed one finger hard against Anya's shoulder making him lose his balance for a moment, "have to make up for it."

Anya just shivered and nodded, his eyes cast down.

"The fuck you're waiting for? Strip and go over there. Ass in the air," Karl ordered.

"What?!" Francesco could no longer keep it in. "What are you going to do to him?"

"Cesco, keep your mouth shut. Anya needs to learn. All of you need to fucking learn."

"Leon." Francesco turned toward the giant, but he looked just as pissed as everyone else.

Leon shook his head. "Listen to Karl, Francesco. He knows what he's saying."

Francesco watched in disbelief as Anya obeyed. He was on all fours, bent over a log. His bubble butt was up in the air, as ordered, and he wasn't saying a thing. Karl pulled down his fly with steady hands. "I go first," he said, "but you're all going to take turns."

"What the fuck?" Francesco stared at the others, not believing what was going on. "Ollie, are you okay with this?"

He hoped that at least Leon's gentle boyfriend would have something to say against that. Ollie sighed. "Francesco, it's for the best. We won't hurt him like the others could have done, get it?"

No, he didn't get it. He heard a small grunt and turned to watch Karl pushing his cock inside Anya. The other boy was letting out small labored sounds. Karl was moving fast like he needed to get the job done, and in less than two minutes, he bucked his hips one time, hard and kept Anya close.

The most surprising thing was that Karl turned Anya's face and gave him a hard kiss on the lips. "Never again, okay?"

"Yes, Karl," Anya said meekly.

Karl wiped the tears off the boy's face with his hand. "Okay. We're good." He stood up and pushed his cock back. "Next," he then ordered, giving Francesco a dark look.

He shook his head. "No way I'm going to fuck him. What the fuck logic is that?"

While he was arguing Ty was kneeling behind Anya. Francesco wanted to crawl out of his skin and scream. Wasn't Ty Anya's friend? But Ty held Anya gently and rocked together with him while whispering kind words into his ear. When he stood, there was a trail of cum pouring out of Anya's ass, and Francesco winced at his own body's reaction. He turned, not wanting to look anymore.

Karl grabbed him and made him face the scene. "This, Cesco, is the price for disobeying."

"Fuck you, Karl," he spat.

Ollie took Ty's place and he moved slowly at first while caressing Anya's back.

"Do you think it would have been better for him to get fucked by those savages? Do you think they would have left him walk out of there alive?" Karl hissed in his ear. "Let me make it clear to you. They would have tortured him until he spilled everything about us. And guess what would have happened next."

Francesco didn't want to admit that Karl had a point. "How is fucking him like this going to mend things? How is turning us into fucking savages going to make us better than those people?" He struggled against Karl's hold but to no avail.

"It helps us to forgive Anya," Leon told him as he gave Ollie a kiss and followed his example.

Francesco continued to shake his head frantically. He was suddenly surrounded by hardened men, not boys who seemed so carefree until only hours ago. Karl caught his face with one hand while he placed his other over his crotch. "Look, Cesco," he whispered, "don't you like it how the little whore is swallowing Leon's gun? Listen to him moaning like a bitch in heat. Do you think I'm punishing him? I'm giving him all the cock he needs."

The words were not supposed to humiliate him, but they felt like that. Each of them was a slap, and Francesco increased his effort to get out of Karl's arms. But the fucker only laughed and worked his fly, pulling out his cock. Francesco keened as Karl began stroking it to full length.

"Can you get down already of that high horse, Cesco? Why the fuck are you so hard if you're against it? You'll even look at your boyfriend riding that boy's pussy. Do you know how it feels to fuck a hole pumped full with cum?"

Francesco sobbed as he pushed his back against Karl and his cock into that vice like grip. Karl slowed down. "Nah, nah, nah, keep it for Anya. He needs all your cum in his little whorish ass."

He wanted to look away as Mouse began fucking Anya. Unlike the others who had been gentle, Mouse seemed angered. Not like Karl who had acted as if he had just wanted to get it over with. No, the way he moved his hips was punishing. By how Anya moaned louder, he could tell that even after all those cocks, he could still feel Mouse.

"Does he ever fuck you?" Karl whispered in his ear. "Like this?"

No, he never had. And that was another face of his boyfriend that he was scared to discover. Mouse looked vengeful as he grabbed Anya's hips, leaving the imprint of his fingers red on that unblemished skin.

When the redhead finished and moved away, Karl pushed him forward.

"No, I don't want to." He tried in vain to push Karl back.

He was forced to kneel behind Anya.

"It's all right, Francesco," Anya said as he turned to look over his shoulder.

"Shut it," Karl barked and slapped Anya's butt. "Ass up and take it!"

Any obeyed. His hole was puffy now and slick with cum. Francesco ground his teeth as Karl took his cock and pushed it inside. The velvety channel was so smooth now that Francesco almost came on the spot. He didn't protest as Karl snuck one hand in his pants from behind and pushed two fingers against his hole. He began panting, no longer in control of his body. Karl held him tightly and he came while locking his eyes with him.

The blond had an intense look in his eyes. Francesco went all limp and Karl held him.

"You're so freaking beautiful when you come," Karl whispered and brushed his thumb against Francesco's lower lip.


Hot short stories and chapters ahead at:

While the most recent chapters can be found there, all the chapters and the entire story will be published and completed on Nifty, too.

And if you want to learn more about what I plan for this series, this is my blog where I pour my ideas on planning and whatnot:

Next: Chapter 18

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