Prison Food

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Jun 4, 2000

Gay (M/M w/s scat)

PRISON FOOD--Chapter 4

We made a slight detour on our way to the library.

"Let's check," I suggested, intrigued at the outrageous story he'd just told me.

"Like clockwork. See all the guys watching?" Blunt pointed.

We tried to maneuver our way between the gawkers. There was just enough room to see through the bars if I knelt down. Blunt got behind me and looked over my shoulder. Outside of some rude grunts and breathless intakes as some of the men gasped, they were all absolutely silent.

"He likes an audience. That's why he does it at 2:00," Blunt whispered in my ear as we watched the naked con squatting over his cellmate's face. "The little Mex wimp has to go through this nearly every day. It's the talk of the prison. Nobody would or can do anything about it. Even the guards ignore it...or run everyone off so they can watch themselves!

Tony Barrante ruled the roost, I learned. He hated the Mex bastard that had maimed his sister in anger when they'd been on the outside. He'd fixed it so they bunked together. Now, like always, the Mex sat on the floor--his head way back over the toilet bowl as Barrante bared his ass and proceeded to take a shit in his mouth! And when it was real solid, like today, he enjoyed hanging a good portion from his anus and riding it into the guy's throat! Up and down he'd slide his steamy turd between the guy's ovaled lips--choking the bastard on the downstroke and making him lick over it when it popped from his lips!

At that moment he was sucking on the end of Barrante's fat turd. It suddenly broke off and tipped over--sliding down the side of his face into the bowl with a big splash! That was quickly followed by three more turds that shot out onto his shit-smeared face!

"Awright!" Tony bellowed. "I got things to do. Hurry up and suck my ass clean! Suck out that shit!" He planted his anus over the open mouth and got it thoroughly reamed out by a long, swirling tongue!

When Barrante stepped away, the Mex wiped his mouth casually, looking at the men peering into the cell without a trace of surprise or shame. He'd licked too many turds...eaten too much shit from Tony's asshole...been observed too many times to feel humiliation any more. He was a turd-sucker and everyone knew it. That was now simply entrenched as a fact of life. It wasn't even particularly horrible anymore. Once in a while he'd get irritated by the stares and obscene remarks and impatiently yell something at them.

"Go get your own turds to suck on, ya creeps! Especially you phonies that never miss a performance then go wank off while you kiss your buddy's ass!"

But this was more because he'd appreciate same privacy to suck Tony's turds once in a while, not because he felt debased. And not because he liked them--or Tony--just simply that he was tired of living in a goldfish bowl.

Tony? Hell, that fuck sometimes sells his services for a pack of smokes! Make him kneel down in the shower room and let some grungy fuck take a shit in his mouth! That wasn't too often, though. Most guys would rather watch it than give up a pack of smokes. And that fucking nigger with the diarrhea! Tony charged him a whole carton for that little scene!

On the way to the library Blunt asked, "Ever had a guy suck on your turd?"

"No," I chuckled, staring at him. "Of course not."

He stopped me before we reached the doorway. "Listen, I'll suck yours if you'll suck mine. That scene always gets to me, you know."

Again I stared at him, but with a much different expres- sion. "You're out of your fucking mind, man!"

"Aw, come on. We've jerked each other off and traded head a couple of times. Why not?"

"Go fuck yourself!" I scowled.

"Alright, but don't mention I suggested it, okay?"

"Okay," I said.

But I did.

I spread it around. That scene got to me, too. But it was too hard to get a good seat for Tony's performance. I figured I'd arrange my own shows. So like the dirtbag I am, I told a couple of the rougher, sexier studs I thought might get a charge out it. Then I'd invite them to our cell and beat my meat while they forced Blunt to his knees, making him suck their turds while they shit in his mouth!

He hated me. Especially when the stud would hold him down so I could take a shit in his mouth. Just so I didn't get a shiv in my gut during the night, the studs warned him about hurting me, saying a quick death wouldn't be their revenge. That made his anger boil, but he never tried anything. Heh, I didn't think he would. The little shiteater.

Aw, I still blew him once in a while. I still preferred to get off in a dude's mouth, and I wasn't taking any chances that he'd bite my cock off...not with his prick in my mouth, he wouldn't.

I think what pissed him off more than anything--besides the fact that I'd betrayed him so maliciously--was that I wasn't getting any 'trade' for his services. Just inviting guys in to watch him lick their shit. That just amused me. Hell, what was he griping about? He wanted to do it, right?

I'd grin at him whenever I sat on the pot taking a dump. He'd be reading on his bunk or something, and I'd whistle at him.

"Wanna lick me off when I'm done?" I'd ask with a smirk. He'd grunt and turn away or just look at me with a disgusted scowl.

Once, I caught him unconsciously wipe his tongue over his lip while I was reaching back to wipe my asshole. I stopped short.

"I haven't wiped it off yet. Come on, you want it." When he didn't answer, I stood up and stepped out of my pants and walked over to his bunk. I looked into his eyes and saw the anger and disgust disappear. I turned around and arched my back as I rested my thighs on his bunk near his pillow. My dirty asshole was only inches away from his face and I soon heard him sniffing.

"Yeah, smell it, man. Nobody's around...lick it off." I waited. I could feel his breath as he got closer. I could hear his nose.

"N-no, it's...too filthy," he whispered unconvincingly.

"Naw, not for a shitlicker like you. Tongue me out or I'll call the other guys off. Then you won't get any more turds to suck on."

I grinned and bent over more when I felt his tongue begin to lap up and down my dirty crack. He was cleaning me off... licking up the sticky goop I'd left around my asshole and poking into my anus for more of it.

"Mmmm, you like that, doncha baby? Dig in there...lick that hot chocolate right out of my ass! Lemme push it open for you. I know how you love to go to sleep with the taste of my shit on your tongue."

Just then the lights went out. Blunt grabbed my hips, urging me up.

"Climb over me. Sit on my face so I can suck your hole out. Shit, why didn't you pull this before you took a crap, you bastard?"

"Don't like being teased, hunh?" I climbed over him and squatted my gaping hole over his mouth. "Just waiting for you to admit it. I only squeezed out a little one. You want the rest? Wanna eat my shit?"

"Yes, yes, do it, you prick! I wanna eat your turd. Do it slow."

Unh, hunh. I knew he was a shiteater. I eased out a soft, mushy turd and let him gradually feast on it while I sucked his stiff cock and licked his hairy balls until he gave up a tremendous mouth-filling blast. I gulped down his creamy load and licked his softening shaft while he cleaned off my asshole.

"Want me to call off the other guys?" I asked afterward.

He shrugged. "No, not if you don't care. You like watching me do it, don't you?"

"Yeah, it's a turn-on. Besides, you like their turds, right?"

"Yes. At least you picked hot guys. But how'd you know?"

"Fuck, man, you were drooling on my shoulder while we watched Tony and the Mex go at it. Not to mention the hand you were running over my butt the whole time. I could tell you were getting off on it...not at Tony's part...but the Mex's. And when you suggested doing it later, I knew you were hot to suck some guy's shit."

"Not some guy's, dummy...yours! You think I'd go around making that suggestion to just anybody?"

"Well, you shouldn't have said it had to be mutual."

"I didn't. I just hoped it might be."

"It won't! I don't suck shit!"

"Okay. That's okay. I liked it, though. Guess you'll go tell 'em now how I ate yours?"

"Naw. Guess I can keep that to myself. Long as you keep sucking my ass for me."

"Quit being such an asshole...I said I would! I might... well, I might eat Johnson's turd. If you wanna see me do it, I will."

"Kinda thought you liked that nigger's ass. Okay, his then just mine, alright?"

"Alright. Unless...uh, unless you'd like to see me eat Parker's."



"Why don't I just invite the whole cellblock in? After watching the Mex go at it, they'll all take a dump in your shiteating mouth!"

"Hey! Quiet down in there!" the guard banged against the bars. "You fuckin' turd-lickers go to sleep or I'll come in there myself."

"Oooh, him...him!" Blunt hissed at me.

"Hey, Wilson!" I loudly whispered. "How'd you like to get your dirty turd sucked on? My buddy loves shit in his mouth. Gotta take a dump?"

"Hmmm," he scanned the block, "I'll need a blowjob to do that."

"Sure, he'll blow ya too," I offered.

"Why don't you blow me?"

"How much you got?" I asked.

"Eight inches."

"Alright," I agreed, "but after I watch you shit."

"Fine. You can blow me while we both watch him suck it."

I winked at Blunt who had a big smile on his shitty face.

Wilson put the walkie-talkie to his lips and whispered, "Open 47."

Maybe it was minimum security, but it was still prison. In fact, it only meant the guys could get to him that much easier.

Stacy layed on the lower bunk mattress--his knees held back, spreading his ass wide. Brick held onto the frame above for leverage as he slammed down into the once virgin, gaping asshole!

Muffled groans came from the new boy...unable to do much more since Clyde was squatting on his mouth--making him lick out his asshole. Shithole would be more like it, the damned thing stunk! His whole body smelled. At least Brick was clean. He was grateful for that when he'd had to suck that big cock earlier. That big cock that was plunging in and out of his wide-open hole now that the pain had subsided.

Brick kept pulling out, showing Clyde how the hole stayed open.

Clyde was already leaning over, sniffing around while squirming his anus over the lapping tongue. He loved everything about assholes. He especially enjoyed forcing his own on some guy that'd never done it before...and probably wouldn't again after his!

"Look at that wide fuckhole pulsing," Brick admired his handiwork. "Kisses my knob sweetly then cries O! O, give me more! You like his funky smell? Sure you do. Lap your tongue around that ring. Slurp his assjuices...yeah! Suck my knob and I'll stick it back in!"

Licking his lips from the delightful anal washing, Clyde took the sticky knob into his mouth and sucked the bitter-sweet syrup from it...following it down back into the kid's shitpit and teasing around the cockstuffed anus. Then he leaned back, glancing up at Brick.

"Tasty, chump?" Brick asked. "Sorry there aren't any brown streaks? You sure enjoyed them when I fucked that Polak. How's the kid doing at your raunchy rearend?"

"He's a natural. The deeper you go, the faster he licks," Clyde whispered. Then he twisted his head and spoke over his shoulder. "Suck that hole, kid. Shove your tongue up my ass and clean me out!"

Stacy managed to jerk his head to the side. "P-please! It tastes like shit!" he pleaded, knowing it was probably useless.

"Really? Imagine that, Brick! Kid's surprised he tastes some shit while he's down there sucking out my ole rectum! Jeez, kid. Guess the only way to get over that is to just lick it all out!" he chuckled.

The tears that kept threatening to form in the kid's eyes never did materialize. That long mancock plungering his tender rectum kept his mind occupied elsewhere...mainly around his tingling, badgered prostate and the intense enjoyment it sent to his throbbing, leaking dick.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go along. He thought he'd try. A few minutes afterward he discovered it sure made the depraved thing he was forced to do with his mouth a lot more interesting...even kinda gave him a delicious sense of what these perverts felt and why they went around doing filthy things to each other without caring what anybody thought.

Clyde thought he'd been getting a swell rimjob before, but when he sensed the change it made him gasp. The kid was sure as shittin' using that tongue the way a bung lover does... sensuously, knawingly, deeper than ever! He was showing real promise.

During Tuesday's semi-lockdown I took my pass and headed for the library. Officially, a semi-lockdown meant all the doors were open but everyone was expected to stay in their cell. It was daily from 5-6 pm...right after visiting hours.

Unofficially, it was 'morale' hour...a time for sneaking in and out of your nearby neighbor's 'bedroom' to get your itchy balls drained or drain a few sweaty pairs yourself. It was also a respite for the guards, who kept out of sight (unless they had a special appointment with a particular con). Mostly they gathered in a cozy office area to allow prisoners that one hour of unsupervised shenanigans--as long as they kept their tempers checked.

A call just prior to that time announced the names of any invited guests expected to high-tail their asses to the guards' lounge pronto. A no-show was out of the question, as fresh, arrogant newcomers sometimes had to learn not only the hard way but in a most humiliating manner: an embarrassing public debasement before the whole cellblock. Not one was ever tardy twice, and never was a new fish wisened up beforehand ...even by the nicer guys.

Why? Cause it was the best show in town! Cons even encouraged the new ones to ignore the summons by playing on their already threatened machismo with hints of being used as a bitch if he showed up.

It really tickled us whenever some swaggering rough dude started cussing about the "fruits and fags" and adamantly refused to go. They stirred the most excitement in us as we formed a circle-jerk to enjoy seeing him suck, lick and blow tough guards...front and back...while large cocks repeatedly impale his upturned, blushing, virgin rump. Hell, we'd have popcorn if the salt didn't sting our sticky shafts!

Anyway, a couple of bareassed eager-beavers nearly decked me as they hurriedly made the rounds from cell to cell, collecting as much hot, milky sperm as they could manage in the allotted whatever orifice of theirs a cock could be shoved into. The second queen nearly fell on his ass rounding the corner of the next cell on their tour--his feet slipping in a small puddle of cum that a moment earlier accidentally blasted from the first guy's overflowing butthole! He quickly grabbed the bars and slid only low enough to plant a big smooching kiss on his buddy's slutty, dripping rearend.

Chuckling lustfully, the first one wiggled his rump and reached back, lewdly exposing his reddened, engorged anus. A horny groan was followed up by a protruding tongue that joyfully swiped a trail up the entire moist and succulent asscrack being offered--eagerly lapping up the escaping cum from whatever pricks had recently wallowed up there! The first one reached up and hung onto the doorway bars, throwing his legs into the air, and proceeded to shit out his cum loads into the greedy mouth attached to his asshole below.

I moved on, but not before catching a glimpse of the two burly, naked and tattooed scumbuckets waiting impatiently for them. Without a word, they snarled their irritation, continued to brazenly stroke the massive, frightfully engorged erections rising proudly from beneath grossly unappetizing beer guts.

Spreading the pudgy, hairy thighs hanging over the edge of the bunk, the younger fellows simultaneously nestled their face into a pungent scrotal area--gleefully performing outrageous obscenities with their tongues. I turned up my nose and moved on--the loud sounds of obsessed sniffing echoing from between each sadistically grunting pig-man's steaming valley. Working with businesslike efficiency, the two prison nymphs from the upper tier swooned over the rancid aromas rising from the moist privates of the unwashed fag-haters.

The hour was also recognized as a special time when things could be done that would not be discussed later nor become public knowledge. I couldn't get over the number of times I saw white lips nursing on a coal-black, bursting prickhead, or a huge pair of sensuous ebony lips glued over a brown or white mound of gaping, twitching asslips as thumbs spread the arched, inviting buttocks widely apart. The long-suppressed desire involving the spicy orifice is about to be fulfilled: administering to that dank, obscene cavity a probing, badly- needed tongue washing!

Likewise, a redneck can't go for long constantly witnessing white faces noisily slurping between glistening, contoured black bottoms without succuming to the temptation themselves to freely wallow up a nigger's stinky butt, suck his asshole and taste his shitty leftovers! On his knees, lapping away with every secret animalistic urge he ever hid within his lily- white, 'superior' body.

Sorry, chump, but that's one act the black cons don't keep confidential. A white dude going ape-shit to suck nigger assholes is carefully disseminated info among certain brothers who dig watching up close a honky sucking out another brother's pungent, greasy shithole...their own bulbous anus twitching and flared out in anticipation...waiting patiently their turn. Newly-converted rimmers are grateful the word spreads, giving him a clandestine supply of overpoweringly strong, dusky cheeks sliding along his earlobes in their own grease. A quick, backward lurch for overdue oxygen allows another prolonged safari into that dank jungle with a wet, wiggling tongue.

Only needing to pick up a novel, I stopped to sneak a peek into Bronk Willard's cell. He had rather simple, voyeuristic obsessions that his position as 'top con' afforded easy fulfillment. His erotic coupling often sang throughout the entire wing, producing boners and hungry grunts to those within earshot to catch his demanding, lustfilled orders aimed at whoever he's putting through their passive, obedient sex paces...often for the first time. He's most excited when forcing a young straight guy to service a queer or two, then himself, with balls-deep blowjobs.

It was amazing how quickly he transformed belligerent punks into cock-hungry animals eager to offer their mouths and butts to a stiff prong. And fascinating to hear him during training sessions.


I pictured a skeptical look appearing on a spit-wet face at that moment, followed by Bronk's pointed assurance.


Yep, Kenny was just then in the process of splattering a streaming ball load in Bronk's face--pounding his big meat as he slammed his little butt down, repeatedly impaling himself on the thick black dildo. (It had been specially carved for Bronk by a Cuban dude down in the cabinet shop, in return for the monthly opportunity of climbing onto it himself and giving his asshole a wild ride on the polished pole til his bloated anus hung grossly from his rectum raw and afire with tingling nerves in desperate need of a wet, soothing finger or two to carry spit back and forth. A final flaring open to accept the deeply invading digits so they can carefully wipe down each rectal wall of its seasoned coating, and the tangy glaze can then be transported to his gasping, oh-so-darned-curious lips and mouth! He'll love and savor it thoroughly before returning to collect more of the mind-boggling rectal syrup he adores. Generally more circumspect when indulging in these increasingly frequent, intimately personal excursions into dick-throbbing spells of whory lewdness and filth-worshipping behavior, the Cuban has gone so far beyond embarrassment that an audience only makes him more insanely pig out on his own ass juices...even hopping off the thing to lay down and lick the slime from it while his upthrust asshole pulses loose you can see so far up his rectum you think you can make out the backend of the tongue that's lapping up the warm butt sludge he's going spastic over! Riding the peg in Bronk's cell allows him a good screwing without going overboard and making a gross spectacle of himself!)

Kenny slipped his battered and gaping moist asshole off the big rounded knob of the greasy dildo.

"D-do I hafta, Bronk?" the other fellow whined in an embarrassed half-whisper.

"You bet, baby!" Bronk gushed, loud enough for the craned necks and dilated ears breathlessly listening from the upper level, cock in hand (or someone else's). A line of five inmates had snuck up to the railing to hear better. They huddled all together, trousers bunched around their ankles as they groped and pawed the other four hot-scented crotches, bouncing bags of juice-churning balls and leaky, rampant pricks that nearly burst early uncontrollable loads when Bronk chuckled his reply.

"Go down on it, Frankie. Blow that greasy cock while his assjuices are still warm!"


"Cause I wanna see you do it. Turns me on watching a straight punk who's so young and arrogant he'd never admit he ever once had a curious thought to himself what it'd be like to suck another guy's big, hard cock and eat his juicy load if it squirts in his mouth instead of spitting it out. Lyin' cocksuckers like you gotta wake up, sugar. Especially if you actually believe you never did think about it."

"Can't...can't I just suck...I mean, I coulda sucked him off. When...when it comes to a blowjob or..." He squinched up his nose, looking disgustedly at the slimy dong. Seeing his cellmate's cute bottom being impaled upon the thing...Kenny's protruding asslips hugging and sliding along the shaft in its own shiny, sticky juices, had easily given the horny, boner- addicted young stud a tremendous, mouth-watering erection no pants could conceal. And since Bronk had already ordered the reluctant 20-year-old butch newcomer cellmate out of his clothes, Frankie's prong quivered like a fishing rod in confused turmoil. The sight of Kenny's sloshing asshole caused excited bulbs of precum to jerk from his spasming pisshole and slither down his shaft before branching off into several tributaries of tasty juice over his foaming balls. Now or never...before he had no hardon left.

"WAIT!" Bronk cried just as Frankie was about to dive onto the pole. "Suck later. I wanna see you lick up and down the sides. Slow, so I can see you clean off his spicy assjuice and swallow it. Yeh, fuckin' makes my prick hot! Now, don't curl your nose up, stretch your nostrils wide and enjoy the smell of his hot asshole and wild tangy shit. Oooh, lemme see ya lick off that streak there. The long one that's definitely a line of poop. Turd in there must be bruised along one side. Go on, suck his shit, Frankie. You know if you don't perform every filthy, nasty thing I say you get THE BIG PRIZE, BOOBY. A Saturday night cellblock party where you're the guest of honor and get your choice of which three guys come up and sit on your open mouth and take a big shit while you suck the juicy turd in return for your nose being released so you can breathe. Yeah! Breathe his heavy and powerful shithole air like welcomed life- saving fumes! NOW GO DOWN ON IT!"

Usually seen naked on his bunk, cock in hand and available, Dwayne was 27, sandy blond and slender with a longish, smooth face. If he liked you, he'd suck your prick. Even if he didn't like you, he'd lick your asshole. I actually saw him rimming his sworn enemy through the bars one night. Dwayne never turned down an asshole.

"Pssst, Carlson. Don' ya ever leave that thing alone, ya putz? You fags are all alike. Wherever you are, yur mouth goes from prick to prick--cocksuckin' and swillin' jizz fur hours, and even then you keep playin' with yo'self. Betchur all turned on thinkin' 'bout a nice dirty asshole all smeared with stinkin' shit. That when you come? Right at the point when you've licked that filthy ass all clean? I heard what a diseased pervert ya are, you fuckin' homo. Even lick out smelly nigger buttholes! It true you're not a full blown queer until you've tasted niggershit? And all you guys really dig it at first taste 'n have big orgies where ya bring in busloads o' niggers and line 'em up...crack-lappin' and watchin' one another sucking their turds each time one of 'em gets disgusted and decides ta take a big smelly shit right then and there? An' you guys let it go right into yur mouth and suck on it?"

"Rocky, you're just pissed cause nobody ever wanted to lick your ugly asshole and you're dying to see what it feels like."

"Hey, when'd you see it? I don't let nobody see my asshole. I wouldn't associate with anybody sick enough to lick one."

"So you came by here. You hate my guts anyway, so why not drop 'em and back up to the bars? I'll lick your smelly twat. It'll be just the thing I need to get my rocks off."

"Um...alright, turdbreath. But make it fast."

"Okay, get behind me. No, don't kneel. Crouch so you can move with me. I want you to glue your mouth onto my asshole and suck it while I fuck him. I'm gonna steadily drive my fat cock up and down into his rectum and I want my shithole sucked at the same time. You don't want my big prick up your ass--so you're elected!"

George Landry left the office early. Once home, he wondered where his worthless nephew was. Four months out of prison and Eddie still hadn't found steady work. The 26-year-old tattooed beanpole was pleasant enough to have around, usually, but he was lazy and irresponsible after serving time.

George heard sounds coming from the back yard. Sliding the glass door open, he peeked around. His eyes nearly popped out when he spotted the naked trio over by the barbecue patio! Eddie had friends visiting...obviously ex-cons by their looks, tattoos and scruffiness. One rough stud, while naked, still had on his black leather boots. Laying on his back across the picnic table, he was waving them in the air while another surly fellow stood between his legs slamming a huge piece of meat up his ass!

His lanky, 6'10" nephew stood on the table...a foot on either side of the prone guy's head. He was just in the process of sitting down on the guy's chest. Spreading his feet wide apart and reaching back to rest a palm on the tabletop, Eddie idly masturbated as he scooted his exposed anus up to the fellow's mouth. It was just hairy enough to have that raunchy appearance--making the sight lewdly obscene. Eddie helped that impression through his words of encouragement.

"Yeh, wrap your lips around that smelly asshole, man. Lap it up. Lick it out. Knowing you dudes were coming by this week, I haven't wiped it since a week ago yesterday. How's it smell? You like it, Darrel? I know how you love sniffing up my filthy aroma before you start sucking out my shithole. Mmmm, cram that nose up in there. Get it all greasy. Then mash your whole face up and down my stinky crack so you can smell it the rest of the day."

"Mmmm, YEAH!" Darrel muffled between Eddie's pungent buttocks. His eager, deep sniffing could probably be heard halfway down the block.

George imagined the mailman remarking to the crossing guard, "Hey, listen. Over in Landry's yard. Sounds like some guy's really wiffin' out somebody's asshole!"

Other than that, the man stood there frozen and disbelieving. He'd heard, of course, about homosexuality in prison and thought he remembered something about it ceasing upon release for most of the men. Then he realized Eddie didn't have girls hanging around him like he did constantly before being incarcerated. Unlike his previous demeanor his manner now was more crass and arrogant. To the guy beneath him, he was downright abusive and demeaning.

"You fuckin' love the stink from my ass! Shove your tongue in deep, you faggot. Damn, I miss having a bunch of perverts around. You know what he'd do, Cal? I liked taking a shit about a half-hour after lights out when it's nice and quiet. This cocksucker would be kneeling right between my legs, smelling and watching my turds plop out. Then he'd lift my legs up and tongue-clean my asshole. You'd heard laughing and crude remarks. The whole cellblock knew what was happening. They knew he licked and sucked my shithole clean every time I took a crap. If I felt horny for a blowjob, sometimes I'd pinch off the last chunk and make him suck it out and eat it. And if a guard happened by, he kept right on rimming my cruddy hole-- even with the flashlight glaring in his face! If necessary, when finished with my anal maintenance, he'd scoot over before blowing me and suck off the guard to keep him from putting up a fuss. But he would make him wait, wouldn't you, Darrel? You got no shame when you're suckin' ass."

Darrel smacked his lips away momentarily. "Not when I'm sucking your ass, man! I love licking and smelling and tasting your shit. Like right now, there's nothing in the world better than eating out your filthy butthole! I'd like to cut out your asslips and sew 'em onto my mouth so I could lick 'em for the rest of my life. Trouble is, I'd have all the sweat and shit licked off 'em inside of two minutes. That's why I haven't chewed them off. More delicious to keep 'em attached to your tasty rectum!"

"Right. Gotta keep that sweet shit coming, hunh? Remember that time you got caught by that new guard on a week's reassignment? What a foul bastard he was, Cal! He got his blowjob, alright. But then he wraps this belt around Darrel's neck and pulls on the ends to keep him from moving while he takes a shit through the bars right into Darrel's open mouth! What a pig. Right in the corridor, he's got his pants around his ankles, bending his fat butt over and blowing a slimy turd out of his asshole into Darrel's mouth. It wasn't all that big, but he didn't release him until he ate the whole fuckin' thing!"

"Yeah. I'd never done that before then. I'd licked a lot of shit...mostly yours, you depraved bully...but never actually eaten another guy's turd. That creep! I'd have much rather it'd been yours, Eddie."

"I remember you said it was all yellow, like babyshit. Easy enough to devour, but a sissy turd nonetheless." He layed further back and pushed his spit-licked anus up to Darrel's lips. "I got a surprise for you, buddy. I'm gonna shit in your face!"

Instantly, the anal ring rolled out and a stubby dark turd slid over his mouth and nose. Darrel gasped loudly and shot his tongue out to lick the skinny man's steamy excrement as it fell from his skinny ass.


He'd seen the man approching from the side...caught his arms moving frantically and heard the indignant bellowing coming from his outraged sensibilities to CEASE THAT VULGAR PERVERSION!

Cal, who'd been slowly deep-screwing his 11" thick prick into every rectal crevice, felt the gaping anal ring suddenly snap like a vice around his shaft. It was an automatic reaction to the unexpected intrusion, and soon relaxed. Darrel's tongue, however, never missed a lick. Nothing short of a bomb going off under the table could tear him away from licking Eddie's delicious shit. He might have been the stud before the lanky goofball showed up, but that was soon to change. In fact, it changed that first night sharing a cell when Eddie chuckled at Darrel's demand to be cocksucked and pulled the punk off his bunk by the hair and forced his face into his greasy asscrack.

"Tell you what, dicklick. You tongue everything clean back there and lick out my smelly shithole just as deep as you can, then we'll see how you like it and go from there."

By the time he pulled his ass from the breathless guy's face, he'd already decided there was no need for discussion. Darrel nodded at each of his remarks.

"First off, I'm no longer gonna wipe my asshole when I take a shit. You'll lick the damned thing clean...regardless of its condition. From now on, you're my personal shit-licker. I shit--you lick. You blow me any time I feel like it, and if I wanna screw your faggy ass you bend right over and hold it open for me. I'm not a queer, but I do what I damned well please. So I'll suck your prick off here and there and might even lick your asshole just to be nasty. After we get your fuckhole worn in I'll be sellin' it around. I see you got a big asshole, so it shouldn't be very long before you can take every prick in the joint. But I'll be selling you for fucking only...and the occasional blowjob. You suck MY asshole only. And if a guy wants his dick sucked after he fucks you, I'd better hear you got down and licked his dirty cock thoroughly. Especially if you got any shit on it. But besides your own, you only lick MY shit--cause you'll be licking a lot of it and don't need others to distract you from appreciating it."

Eddie wasn't a bit concerned about George's tantrum...he'd already noticed the bulge down his leg and figured he'd been watching for a while. He just slowly turned his head toward the man--eyes lazily half-closed...blase and jaded.

"...treating him so inhumanly. And a good thing your Aunt Ethel isn't home to see..." George continued his indignation.

"No problem. Cal's 11 fat inches plow sloppy cunts just as well. Get that stuffed up her pussy and we'll have her sucking assholes and everything. Ugh. We'll get to your pleasures in a moment, Unc. Right now I got another hot turd to shit. Don't feel sorry for him...just watch him. He's been eating shit from my rectum for five years. That's why he's here. He misses my luscious crap. ERRGH! AW, SUCK THAT JUICY LITTLE BEAUTY! AWW, YEAH! Look at him go, Uncle George. Nobody can suck the juice out of a turd like Darrel. I've seen guys lick dirty assholes and suck pricks that have shit on them as if it was candy-coated. But I've never seen a guy so horny to see, lick, smell, suck and eat shit like him. YOU LOVE MY ASS FILTH, DONCHA BABY? EAT IT. WE WANNA SEE YOU CHEW UP THAT TURD AND GOBBLE IT DOWN. Take your pants off, Uncle George."


"Yeah, and climb up. As soon as he's done with that and licks my asshole clean, squat down on his mouth. If you can take a shit, go on and do it. Otherwise, he'll lick your ass and see if he can suck some shit out of there. It'd be hot if you can shit in his mouth...I'd love to watch him suck on your turd. How 'bout it, Darrel? Think you'd like sucking an old man's turd?" He winked at George.

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Next: Chapter 5

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