Prison Food

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on May 20, 2000

Gay (M/M M/B w/s scat felching)


Warden Jenkins tapped his pencil on the desk. "So, Carter, you have any idea what's in store for you here?"

"Uh, just what do you mean, Warden?" the new fish wondered. "I have some idea of prison and I know I have five years to serve."

"Says here you were caught with your tongue up a boy's asshole. You know what they'll call you in here?"

"Oh, that. Yeah...Short Eyes. You mean everybody knows? SHIT!"

"Yep. Put you in general population and your asshole'll be raw meat inside of three hours. Not to mention what they'll do in your mouth!"

"Damn! Why not just take me out and shoot me? Can't...can't you put me in a security section or something?"

"Well, I could assign you to the queens' tier, but considering your uh, proclivities, I have a better idea."

"My proclivities? But wouldn't that be just the..."

"Not simple faggot stuff for you, my boy. You weren't blowin' the kid or fuckin' his butt. You had your tongue in his ass. Now we have a special section for cons like you. So special, in fact, that the outside isn't even aware of it...nor is the general population. I think you'll fit in quite nicely. Security, more freedom, all you can eat. Yes, I think I'll have you taken down there."

"Well...thank you Warden, I appreciate it."

"I'm sure you will. Don't mention it--you'll pay me back regularly."

Carter was escorted down to the lower tier...lower than the first level...lower than even that. Lower than John Carter could even imagine! It was sweltering down there. Damp and humid with poor air conditioning. Even the guards wore shorts because of the heat. It was dirty and squalid, yet he could hear the sounds of radios and televisions as he was led behind the clanging doors...down the center of the cellblock to be seen and observed by the inmates as he passed by. He'd seen movies, and expected to hear catcalls and lewd suggestions, but the remarks made to him were far beyond anything he'd expected.

"Hey, babycheeks. Cute bottom! Why don't you pass by closer and give me a fart! I love farts and I'll bet you got some sweet ones!"

"Fuck his farts, man. I wanna taste his asshole!"

"Fuck his asshole!"

"Why, so you can lick my dick afterwards?"

"Yeah, sounds good to me, man!"

"You shitty-dick lickers are so inhibited!" one queen squealed. "That hot man can take a big shit right in my mouth!"

"Who're you kidding? ANYBODY can take a big shit in your mouth!"

"Well, I am a little particular, darling. I don't lick nigger turds like you do!"

"Only cause you're such a pussy! You'd like it if you tried it!"

Carter noticed--not surprised because of the heat--that the inmates were either nude or nearly nude. Even the prisoner mopping the corridor ahead was clad only in a jockstrap, getting goosed as he worked his way past each cell!

The guard made no attempt to hush them up, and Carter was amazed at their gross suggestions...putting it all down to 'scandalizing the new fish' or something like that until the guard halted them about halfway down the corridor when the guy doing the mopping spoke to him.

"Mr. Benson, sir?'s Tuesday--you said Tuesday."

"Perez, can't you see I'm busy?"

"B-but you promised!" he whined, leaning against his mop handle.

Pointing to Carter, the guard said, "Just stand there. Don't move." Then to the prisoner, "Alright, Perez, do it quick...I got duties."

"That's what he wants, Benson..." a gruff voice came bellowing out from nearby, "YOUR DOODY!" They all laughed.

Carter didn't get the inflection until the guard turned away, spread his legs widely apart and bent over, resting his hands on his knees. Perez dropped his mop and knelt behind the man, eagerly slipping the guard's shorts down to his thighs-- baring his naked ass. Carter could even see his asshole for a second--just before Perez crammed his face in between the buttocks and started to lick his crack!

The shock of it all, and the prisoners' dirty words, gave Carter an instant boner in his pants. After all, this was why he was here in the first place. He loved licking assholes... especially young teenage boy assholes. He wondered for a moment if this 'special' tier was going to be a source of pleasure for him. He could, if necessary, get used to older, more fragrant, anuses to lick...rather than spend his time in solitary mastur- bation. He was intrigued at the enthusiasm Perez showed at licking the guard's ass, but Carter had to admit the man had a rather lovely one at that. Sure, he could get used to that!

But his illusions were rudely shattered when Perez' mouth was suddenly being forced away from the guard's anus because it was being filled up with a monstrous dark turd! THE GUARD WAS SHITTING IN HIS MOUTH! Moreover, Perez did not immediately pull off it. He did, eventually, but only to receive it in his fingers and lick all over it!

"YEAH, SUCK THAT TURD!" someone screamed out. Hoots and hollers were coming from all sides. Inmates were sticking their dicks through the bars and masturbating. One was wagging his dick in the guard's face. "Come on, Benson, you know you want it! BLOW ME!"

The turd slipped out. "Mr. Benson? Do you mind if I join you?"

"I don't care what you do, Perez, you're gonna clean it up. Just lick my ass clean!"

Perez dropped the turd into his washbucket and rubbed his cockfilled jockstrap. Getting up from his kneeling position, he squatted back down and rammed his tongue up the man's asshole. As he licked the leftover shit from the man's hole, he pro- ceeded to push, letting a huge turd hang from his asshole until it fell out...right there on the floor! He blindly reached under himself and picked it up. Taking a few seconds away from his intense rimming of the officer, he brought it to his face, licked some of the slime from it, then put it down to continue cleaning the guard's anus.

"Alright, back to work!" Benson cried, straightening up and pulling up his uniform shorts. The prisoner picked up his own turd and started to drop it into the bucket.

"Hey, Perez, hand it here! Rip and I know how to handle something big and smelly like that!"

Quickly, with a smile, Perez approached one of the cells and handed his turd over. The two occupants beamed in pleasure. Together, they cradled the turd as if it were something precious, and retreated to the back of their cell, Carter didn't get a chance to find out what the two men did with it ...but his mind was reeling! If there was any shit left on Perez' asshole, he left it there and went back to his mopping, whistling. He had a huge erection in his jock, but was obviously saving it for something later.

"Come along, come along," Benson gruffly ordered, taking Carter to the end of the cellblock. Snapping his finger, he ordered Cell 12 to be opened. The door clanged open and he was pushed inside. The door shut.

Benson looked through the bars with a smirk. "Sorry we don't have any colts in here, but I'm sure you'll find the stallions to your taste...eventually!" he laughed.

Carter stood there, aghast, his erection still lingering. Dejected, he turned around, A figure lay upon the top bunk in the dark cell, staring at him nonchalantly. Carter approached, willing to make the best of it, and introduced himself to his new 'roomie'. The guy ignored his outthrust hand. He glared at Carter for a moment, then spoke up with some no-nonsense advice.

"Let's get this straight, punk. I don't lick turds, I don't smell shitty assholes, and I don't drink piss. I'll suck your cock, lick your ass if you keep it clean, and fuck your hole every day. You can come in my mouth if I'm in the mood and I'll let you plug my ass once a month. Other than that, I do the shitting and do the licking."

"Uh..." Carter waved his hand, "I'm not interested in any of it. At least not yet. But t-thanks for the offer." He was desperately trying to hide his embarrassment and disgust. He had to get his bearings!

"Ha! Ha! Sure. You're a breath of fresh air...considering the smells usually coming from this place!" He looked at Carter hard, trying to figure him out. "Name's Conrad. Say, you are kinda fresh, hunh? If you're not a shitlicker, how'd you end up....hey, wait a minute. You're the guy got caught licking boyass, aren't ya?" he chuckled.

"Yes," Carter stated, matter-of-factly, "I do enjoy licking young bums. But nothing like this place!"

"Oh, I see! Well tell me, Mr. Purity, just what was it you hoped to taste from those precious bungholes?"

"I...I just..."

"Another fuckin' idiot!" he cried, laying back, staring at the ceiling. Then, exaggerating his 'voice of experience', he intoned, "SHIT, YOU FOOL! Tell yourself what you want, but you were digging your tongue up their little butts so you could taste their shit! You licked their fuckin' assholes hoping they'd left some tangy teenpoop! Betcha sometimes they weren't so clean, hunh? Liked it better then, didn't ya?"

"Uh...I..." Carter started to defend himself. But always the honest one, no matter how hard he tried, he took a big, sighing breath. "Yeah. Guess I probably did..." He swung onto the lower bunk. "God knows I licked them out as deeply as I could. Jeez, I can't count the number of times I sprained my tongue muscles from doing that! I thought I just liked assholes, but..."

"Big surprise, hunh? Well, you won't be able to pretend down here."

"Wha...whadda you mean...exactly?" Carter blanched.

"You're here. The Shit Pit. Turd Tunnel. The Sewer, man! Didn't you hear those guys? This ain't a normal place. How many times you heard a guy ask for your farts in normal company? You think any guy would say that on the upper tiers? They suck and fuck up there. They blow and drink cum...they fuck and get fucked. Maybe they do more on the queer deck. But down you've seen...everything goes. EVERYTHING!"

"WOW!" Carter gasped. "B-but sound like you don't fit in, either. How come you're here, anyway?"

"Never mind," he passed it off. "Maybe I'll tell ya some time. 'Sides, I don't remember half of it. I was fucked out of my mind at the time. So, while it ain't so predominant as upstairs, the strong still order the weak. I'm're weak. I lick! Got it?"

"You're gonna FORCE ME?!!"

"Of course. What did you think? Everybody ain't down here cause they like to lick shit. Some of us like to see somebody lick OUR shit! Big nigger down in 84 shits black, smelly monsters. Loves to see a white guy suckin' his turd! You don't say no to Black Bart!"

"Even you, Conrad?" Carter ventured.

The man became quiet. Then, with a tinge of pain in his voice, he whispered, "Even me. But not since I bit 'im in the balls!"

"You...had his balls in your mouth...and bit him!" Carter mused.

"Yeah," he chuckled, more relaxed, "never minded that. Fucker's got huge black nuts...great for sucking...and you know how hot niggers smell...especially down there. Well, maybe you don't, hunh? Anyway, fucker says he's gonna shit in my mouth next, so I just chomp down! Nearly bit the fuckin' sack right offa him. Almost castrated him!" he laughed. "Glad I didn't, though. I sure woulda missed them stinky nuts! We made up, and he don't suggest shit to me anymore. Fuckin' acorns draw right up inside, though, every time I get my lips on 'em."

"He still lets ya?"

"Yeah, cause I'm the best ballsucker on the block. Still, it rattles his nerves, though."

"Listen, Conrad, I can't get into all this filthy business. I'm not really interested..."

"Punk!" Conrad screamed, his voice echoing through the block.

"Hunh?" Carter was taken aback.

"HE SAID YOU'RE A PUNK!" came from down the hallway. "But I'll let ya sit on MY face, baby!"

"SIT?" came from somewhere else, "Hell, he can SHIT on my face!"

"You're a punk," Conrad continued. "You know what a punk in prison is, right? You take it up the take it down the craw...on demand. The difference down here is...what you take also involves a lot of turds and gallons of piss!"

"WHAT?!! I have to?" Carter shuddered.

"Well...only rule is you don't hafta actually eat it... shit, that is. But you hafta lick on it. And you hafta drink question about that one. See, in some ways we got it made down here, what with extra freedoms and such. But it's still prison, and it's still supposed to be a form of punish- ment. Now if you're gonna have trouble with that, maybe you oughta climb up here and get your first taste of my asshole. Time you got used to it, right? You can lick any shithole in the place...if you want. If you don't want, then you'd better have protection. And I'm the only one here that can give it to you. Unless you'd rather have a strict diet of nigger shit for the next five years! You go to him and I won't put up a fuss. It's up to you, baby."

"Damn!" Carter sighed, knowing he was being pressured, and that he had to make a quick decision. "Are...are you clean?"

Conrad laughed. " don't fuckin' matter. You pick me, and you're gonna be licking shit anyway. Might as well come on up here and find out what it tastes like, it's gonna be your new prison food!"

John Carter was exhausted. Still, he knew when he'd been had. He'd been had by the justice system, and he was gonna be had by the inmates in this hole. Besides, Conrad wasn't bad looking at all, even though John's thoughts ran more to younger guys. But he hadn't had any sex since his trial first began. The scene in the corridor had given him a severe boner that still hadn't totally diminished, and his natural hunger for licking an asshole had him excited. He didn't think he'd mind this guy's butthole at all, so he half-reluctantly got off the bunk and climbed up.

With a devilish grin, Conrad nodded to the near-stranger and showed him the huge erection he'd been sporting with all this time.

"Want ya to blow this fucker, man. But first..." he lifted his legs, exposing his spread, naked bottom, and large mascu- line anus. Purposely turned so his ass caught the light from the corridor, Conrad reached down and spread his own cheeks apart. "Get down an' smell it!"

Carter's prong--he'd stripped first--quickly bobbed up, up, up... until it was rigid just from the sight. A pleasant sight it was, and he ducked his head down and sniffed at the man's shithole.

"Do it stink, sugar?" Conrad joked.

"Do it matter, 'sir'?" Carter joked, sarcastically, the aroma quite prevalent...and not totally displeasing to his nostrils.

"Nope. You'll find most of us don't bother to wipe very good. Depends on where we are. There's paper in the latrine next to the showers, but you'll notice there's no paper in here. Now drag your tongue up my crack and get a good taste!"

Hunching down--his ass on his ankles--Carter lifted the man's butt to his face and began to lick his asshole. It was flavorful, but not least not too much for Carter's taste. He realized quickly, now that it was brought home to him, that he'd always enjoyed some flavor on his boys.

Apparently, Conrad had been building up for a while. As much as he was enjoying the man's tongue at this ass, he had a severe case of cock throb. After mashing the guy's face in his balls for a bit, he ordered him onto his prick, gushing spurts of jizz down his throat in record time. Then he brushed him off and told him to go to sleep. It was nearly time for lights-out.

Carter had arrived late in the evening. He had trouble getting to sleep, in spite of his exhaustion over the first day's trauma. He flowed in and out of twilight sleep, finally dozing off about an hour later. Sometime during the night he thought he heard rustling. But then, the constant sounds of the cellblock was something he was going to have to get used to. He dozed off again.

Suddenly he was being jabbed awake. And there was this horrible odor...he thought at first...then recognized it and knew it was horrible.

Again the jabs on his shoulder.

"Hey, wake up! Come on, man. I just took a dump. CLEAN ME UP!"

"Hu...hunh?" Carter's eyes quickly shot as open as his nostrils! A butt was sticking in his face and a hand was back around his neck, pulling him toward it!

"Lick me. Lick me off. Lick me clean. Lick my shit!" Conrad ordered. "Come On, I wanna get back to sleep. Get used to it, turdbreath. Suck the shit from my asshole and don't give me any backtalk!" He ground Carter's face into his dirty crack, mashing shit onto his lips!

Disoriented, afraid of suffocating, Carter stuck out his tongue and licked all over the smelly anus. He was dead tired, and wanted only to get some sleep. He increased his speed, hoping to get it over with as soon as possible. He cleaned the brown wrinkles...thoroughly...then just for good measure he dug his tongue into the pit and cleaned it out as deeply as he could. He hardly had the strength for anger and disgust...he just did it! But after the man had climbed back up to his bunk, Carter wondered why, instead of spitting on the floor, he was analyzing the taste of the man's shit. He fell asleep licking his lips!

The next morning he awoke late--alone--the cell door open. He noticed that all the cell doors were open. Being at the end of the corridor, he looked left out the door leading to a small courtyard. Quite a few prisoners were out there. To the right were the showers. He figured it would be a good time to take one. Stripping, he dashed around the cellblock corner, then another corner, and stepped onto the tile.

Three guys were in there--naked--but the water wasn't running. One guy was on his haunches. A second guy was standing, holding a big floppy dick...pissing in his mouth. The hot stream of piss was being gulped down as quickly as possible--the overload running down his chin. The third guy was squatting next to the piss-drinker. He was digging his fingers up the guy's asshole and jacking off. Piss-drinker seemed to be in heaven, eagerly swallowing hot urine while getting finger- fucked!

Carter stood watching, frozen in his tracks. Finger-fucker saw him and grinned. He took his hand from his dick and crooked his finger, motioning Carter forward. Carter stood his ground, however. With a smirk, he yanked his fingers out of the other guy's ass. He looked at them. They were covered with shit. Staring at Carter, he put them in his mouth and ate the shit off them! Carter cringed, making the guy laugh and stick his digits back up the asshole.

Done pissing, the first guy ordered, "Gimme a taste of that!"

Shit-licker pulled his fingers out and offered them to the man.

"Naw, I'll lick it from his hole." He grabbed the piss- drinker and lifted him up--only to bend him over and put his face in his crack and start sucking his shitty asshole. No. 2 quickly licked the No. 2 from his fingers again and hurried around to rim the first guy. But he only got a few licks in before the guy got up.

"You done already? Ain't ya gonna shit me a turd, Brooks?"

"Naw, I just wanted a taste. Eat him...he's got more in there. I promised mine to Fuller later on."

He left them, pinching Carter on the tit as he walked by, but not saying a word. Then he suddenly returned. He surprised Carter and took hold of his neck with a strong hand and twisted it...mashing his lips to Carter's in a big sloppy kiss...the taste of the man's shit still lingering. Five minutes, and all three of them had tasted the crap from the guy's shithole! He walked away chuckling.

Piss-drinker also decided to leave. That left finger-licker standing there with a roaring hard-on, leaning against the tiled wall, staring at Carter as he entered and approached a far shower.

"Hey, don't turn that thing on!" he said.

"B-but, I want to take a shower." It was then he realized that the other two guys had never gotten wet. Except for the guy who'd gotten piss-drenched. And Carter saw him shortly, out in the courtyard letting the piss dry on his chest.

"Why? Nobody here gives a good goddam if you stink. Come on over here, I'd like to smell you all over!"

"Just lemme take my shower, okay?"

"Fussy, hunh? Ain'tcha gonna shit first?"

"Uh," Carter hesitated, realizing he did have to go, "y-yeah, guess I oughta. Where's the toilets?"

"Do it right over here, man."


"Only toilets are in the cells," the guy approached slowly. "Do it right here. I'll lick it while you shit. Just dump it on the floor."


"Why not? Perez will clean it way or another," he chuckled. "Unless you got nervous diarrhea. Nobody likes soup 'cept for Sadam. He's an enema freak. Come on, lemme be the first."

Carter moved away, stepping out of the shower area. Just then he saw Conrad coming in from outside and heading for their cell. Not knowing what might be in store for him there, he stepped back in.

"Crazy fuckin' place! I go shit in my cell and my new roommate'll probably make me eat it! Fuck it, can't eat what I don't have. You want it, hunh? Okay. How do I do this?"

"Like you always do, man. You push it out of your asshole! Oh, I get it. You never shit anywhere but in the pot, hunh? You'll like this, man. Gives you a great sense of freedom just bending over and taking a big dump." The guy got to his knees. "Come on, I'll lick your asshole. Don't have to warn me or anything, Just shit it in my face!"

A few minutes later, two guys came strolling into the shower area. "Well, well, look who's gettin' the new guy's turd already!"

"Tsk, tsk. You're a fuckin' animal, Brewster!"

Brewster held his hand on Carter's back, keeping him from moving as he looked at the intruders. Five inches of hot turd was sticking out of his asshole, and Brewster didn't want to break the connection. Luckily, it didn't break off and he was able to continue his licking of it, even though Carter's anus had flinched.

The guys approached. "How's it taste?"

"FUCKIN' HOT, MAN! GET DOWN HERE, I'LL SHARE! Don't squeeze it off yet, Carter! My buddy wants a taste."

Carter tried hard not to, enjoying the feel of the man's tongue licking around his expanded, sticky anus. He even was able to hold off when the other guy began to lick him there, then down along his turd.

Without asking, the third guy walked around and put his dick to Carter's mouth. "Shit 'n suck, baby...shit 'n suck!" John Carter opened his mouth and took the knob in. He started eagerly sucking on it, and shit the rest of his turd out. He squatted his ass down to give the man a blowjob, not knowing ...or caring...what the other two were doing with his turd. Brewster caught it, gave it few more sniffs and a lick, then tossed it aside, leaving it for Perez to gather up with his pooper scooper. They all left turds laying around for Perez.

They kidded and joked about what he did with them, but fact was unless he received a turd directly into his mouth, he did nothing but clean them up. But that wasn't bad duty for Perez. Until he came along, they'd traded time on that job. But Perez took over full time. He got some kind of strange kick out of cleaning up piles of men's shit. Oh, sure, once in a while he'd get down to sniff a particularly nice one. But that's as far as he'd go. For him it was in the mouth or nothing, and he had a distinct penchant for Guard turds. Something about having a person of authority shit in his mouth really turns him on.

"Thanks, Brewster. Now get the fuck out of the way, willya? Blow me while I get down there and lick his hole out."

Laying on his back, the man scooted under Carter's bottom and pulled his butt down to his face, shoving his tongue up his asshole and licking away any leftover shit.

Carter settled comfortably on his face, loving the rimjob and loving more the hard cock in his mouth as he blew the guy. More used to boy peckers, he was finding it a challenge taking on a big mancock. He liked big pricks and only wished that either boys had big ones, or men had little boybutts. Still, the probing tongue up his ass was sure increasing his ability as a cocksucker! Good thing, too, because the man was standing there pumping into his mouth, occasionally driving his cock right down his throat!

Apparently the guy under him was finding his asshole quite tasty, because Carter heard Brewster gulping and choking on a big load just as the man's tongue shot up his ass several inches! The obscene position and the pleasure he was receiving at both ends caused Carter to totally relax his muscles... shooting out a little surprise into the man's mouth--a miniturd neither was expecting!

Still spurting his cum, the man wantonly tossed it around in his mouth and swallowed it down!

Carter was getting a big splash of jizz to toss around at the same time as the man's cock exploded in his mouth. Carter swallowed it. This was his second load since arriving, and he was quickly to realize that while big pricks were great to suck on, they certainly didn't contain that precious boyjizz he had learned to savor. Still, pungent mancream was certainly better than no cock cream at all. Sucking a spurting cock was worth every bitter drop! Now if only...

The man who'd been sucking his asshole moved forward and took his cock in his mouth. Even though he'd just come, he threw his legs up and silently urged Carter to hold them back while he fucked his mouth. Looking back over his shoulder, he saw that Brewster had his mouth attached to the exposed hole and was avidly licking it out. He turned back and watched the man blow him for a while--bobbing back and forth. Suddenly, his sucker jerked, nearly biting off his dick. Glancing back, Carter saw that Brewster had stuffed his prick up the guy's ass and was plugging him mercilessly.

On top of that, the guy he'd just blown was wiping his dick across Carter's lips.

"You drink piss?"

"N-no, I don't!" Carter gasped.

"Too bad. I need to go and you got nice lips! Open your mouth. Don't swallow if you don't want to, but I'm gonna piss in your mouth!"

Carter couldn't pull away, unless he just got up. But he didn't want to dislodge his cock from the guy's mouth, and while Brewster was back there fucking, he'd stuck a finger up Carter's butthole and was twisting it around his prostate. It all felt so good...he just didn't want to drink the guy's piss.

Just then, Conrad walked into the room and approached them.

Carter looked up, pleadingly. "Thought you were gonna protect me? Guy wants to piss in my mouth!" Conrad stood there smirking.

"Anybody make you lick shit?" Carter shook his head. "Then you got no complaints. Everybody knows the only shit you hafta mine. Didn't say nuthin' bout piss, though, did I?" he laughed. "Go ahead, Dillon, I'll hold his mouth open!"

Conrad grabbed Carter's jaw and forced his mouth apart. Dillon, the guy he'd sucked off, rested his peckhead on his lips. Brewster dug his finger in deeper, and the other guy worked his prick nearly down his throat. Everything felt so wonderful that when he guy started to squirt his forceful stream against the back of his throat, Carter began to gulp. His mouth being held open allowed him to just let it flow back out, but his excitement got the better of him. If these guys drank piss all the bad could it be? So he took himself a good taste. It seemed forever that the guy was pissing, and finding the first mouthful not exactly horrendous, he swallowed down a couple more. By the time the dick started to dribble, Carter had his mouth over it and was taking all that was left.

Getting a kick out of his reaction, Conrad stepped up and took the man's place.

Carter looked up at his face, gasping. "I'm...gonna come!"

"Close your eyes!" Conrad warned, standing back and aiming his prick. He watched Carter jerk and jump in orgasm, squirting his load down the guy's throat...getting his butt finger- reamed. He let loose and started to piss all over Carter's face, in his open mouth, down his chest, and over his cocksucker's face!

John Carter finally got his shower. He stood there, luxuriating in the hot water splashing on away the stale urine. He was alone. Still, no one else had washed themselves in the least.

Back in his cell, he dressed then wandered outside to see what was available. Weights and pumping stuff, of course. A ping pong table. Guys milling around. Guards apparent for the first time--some getting groped by the prisoners in passing. Even out here, some of the inmates were naked--or nearly naked.

A few feet away he saw two naked cons laying on a picnic table. One guy was fucking the hell out of the other one. The guy getting fucked had his legs wrapped around the other man's back and was humping his ass up for more. Nobody was paying attention to them. That surprised Carter, who was never able to take his eyes away from a sexual scene. He looked at the guys standing around and noticed where their eyes were focused.

Turning around, he got what he thought was his first glimpse of Black Bart. Probably because he was the only black guy he'd seen there. But the size of the guy made him feel that it had to be Black Bart. Tall, handsome, with a superbly built body and sweat-glistening ebony skin in the swealteringly hot afternoon sun. But his magnificence was quickly overshadowed when Carter realized what was happening.

Over at the side wall...certainly not for privacy (because nobody here seemed to have any shame at all!), but because that was probably where it just happened to start...Bart was leaning against the wall, his large, round luscious buttocks thrust back lewdly.

If nothing else had done the trick, this scene certainly made Carter realize he was not in Kansas any more! Two guards knelt behind Bart, kissing his black butt, taking turns licking up and down his dark crack and around his puffy anus, and not turning away when a huge sweltering turd began to emerge from his hole! Carter gasped as the two guards began to lick on the black's turd! He was a big man, probably had a big appetite, and definitely shit a BIG TURD! And those guards went crazy over it. The most remarkable thing, Carter mused, was that they didn't give a fuck who was watching. And it didn't diminish their standing as law officers, either, because when he'd finally squeezed it out, Bart turned around and watched them licking his shit, grabbing his huge cock and jerking it.

"You gentlemen want me to come on it?" he asked, politely.

Equal respect was apparent when one guard looked up. "Yes, please!"

Black Bart proceeded to flog his huge meat as the two guards sucked on either end of his massive turd. He shot streams of creamy white jizz all over his own turd, and purposely aimed several streams right at their shit-licking lips!

As the guards continued to lick his 'nigger cream' from the turd, Bart snapped his fingers. He bent over, close up to watch the guards slurping on his goodies, and another inmate immedi- ately got behind him and eagerly tongued out his asshole of all remnants!

Carter could see quite clearly that huge bites had been taken from each end and the cream had totally been licked off!

"Thanks, Bart!" one guard gushed, dragging the back of his hand across his mouth.

"Jeez!" Carter muttered to himself.

"Whatsa matter, Carter? Envious?" Somebody had approached him. He looked at the con. "No. Just blows my mind!"

"Ah, never tasted nigger turd, hunh?"

"Certainly not!"

"Well, I ain't sayin' they're all great...I've had some nasty ones myself. Used to eat nothin' but nigger shit on the outside, and some of 'em were really obnoxious! But let me tell ya...when you get a good one, nigger shit's the absolute best! Fuckin' melts in your mouth, man, even the hard ones! Watch, see there? You don't see those guards just leaving that turd on the ground, do you? No siree! Fucker's putting it in a baggy! Those bastards are gonna share it later--fuckin' and suckin' each other...pricks!"

"You don't like the guards?" Carter asked, a little surprised.

"Sure, I like 'em. They're just selfish bastards, that's all. Got that juicy nigger turd they got to lick all over, then instead of passing it around, they take it away for themselves!"

"Y-you'd want it?"

"Hell yes! Ate a turd outta his ass once, man, and never had the chance again. JEEZ, WHAT A TURD HE PUTS OUT! FUCKIN' GOBBLE HEAVEN!"

"Whatever," Carter remarked, turning toward the table where the two guys were still fucking.

"There goes Shorty," the guy pointed. "Watch. He'll grab that dick as soon as it's pulled out."

"Hmmm, bet I can guess why," Carter smirked self- righteously, folding his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, fucker loves lickin' dirty dicks. Everybody knows when they get done fuckin' Shorty'll be there to cock-clean 'em!"

Sure enough, when the fucker collapsed on his boyfriend he didn't even bother to pull his dick out. Shorty got his face down there and licked the still-embedded prick and around the anus. As the cock softened, he sucked until it came out and popped into his mouth. Then he cleaned it avidly.

"I suppose he doesn't mind if it's..."

"Shitty? Says he doesn't like it, but we've all seen him clean off some pretty raunchy pricks. Like I said, he does it to everybody. And there are guys in here that like having a cock fucking into their shit. Their holes are so loose from getting plugged a million times, they say it increases the pressure. Kinda pleasure/pain, you know? And there ain't a guy in here that cares about getting shit on his dick...not with Shorty around! He even sucks and licks out their pisshole in case some gets lodged in there. But we humor him, and say things like, 'Gee, Shorty, that sure was a bad break about Conrad's dick coming out all covered with shit, ain't it?' And he'll grumble something like, 'Yeah, what a bitch it was! Fuckin' goop queens!' And everybody knows he fuckin' loves it!"

"If I was anywhere else, I'd say maybe he does hate it, but that ain't the picture of a fussy guy over there." Carter grinned.

"Nope, fussy he's not. A little prissy once in a while, but..."

"Damn! How the hell does a guy get started d-doing..." he gulped remembering the night before, "I mean, liking that?" He gulped again.

The guy looked at him, knowingly. "Easy. Take a guy that likes blowin' prick and suckin' assholes...put him in a pisshole like this where nobody gives a fuck what you do...and experimenting with shit is the next logical step. It's amazing how readily a guy gets into it when he's got the total freedom to do it. In Shorty's case, he was getting his ass drubbed by the Warden. After filling his hole with jizz, the Head Honcho pulled his prick out and made Shorty get down and lick it."

"The...the Warden?!!" Carter gasped, picturing the handsome man.

"Oh, yeah, fucker's inta everything! Why do you think we even have this place? This is the Warden's playpen. But, you'll see for yourself. Anyway, after Shorty ate his own shit off the cock, he was hooked! No big surprise. I've eaten it myself. Kinda nice."

"Uh, yeah, just where do you fit in?" Carter asked.

"Anywhere my dick aims me!" he laughed. "Mostly I like ta fuck, but you can stick my face just about anywhere. Drop your pants and I'll show you!" he grinned. "By the way, name's Fuller."

"Fuller? Guy named Brooks has something for you," Carter smirked.

"He'd better. But that's for later. I like to take a turd on my bunk. You know, havin' the guy over ya doin' it real slow so you can lick all you want, take a bite, lick some more, suck his ass, then turn over and let him fuck ya while you play with his shit! It's a little more romantic than havin' twenty guys watchin' while someone shits in your mouth. Not that I haven't done that, too."

"Uh, you mentioned Conrad."

"Oh, yeah, you're his cellmate, hunh? Conrad's one of those guys that likes to fuck shit--long as somebody's there to clean him up, of course. Conrad won't do it, but he really gets off on seeing other guys eat crap...especially his! Always somebody to do it, too. Guess you've already tasted it, hunh?" he chuckled. "You've been here almost a day."

"Yeah," he shrugged, knowing it was useless to try to hide anything in this place. "I had the dubious pleasure about four in the morning!"

"Ha! Ha! He always does it that way with a new roomie. Guys in the cells close to you probably stayed up to listen."


"To see if you'd put up a fuss. Had some real rumbles in the past til he got 'em trained. He'd make 'em lick his ass after a shit every night for a week, then he'd make 'em do it the courtyard in front of everyone...right from the git-go... seein' the turd and all."

Carter noticed that the fucker was still getting his cock licked off. But he'd gotten off the table and was eagerly sucking on the asshole he'd just fucked, tasting some of the same shit as Shorty had, along with his own cumload! The fuckee, meanwhile, holding his thighs back, was encouraging another con to sit on his face.

"Come on, man, I haven't come yet. Gimme a butt to suck!"

In short order, naked buttocks were spread above him as someone climbed up and squatted over his face. His tongue shot out and began to lick the spread, gaping anus. The man took over the duties of holding the guy's legs back so his rimmer could use his hands to spread him open, thereby getting his tongue deeper up into his asshole.

The guy sucked his hole as avidly as his own was being sucked out. The fucker slopped his tongue over the crack one last time, then urged Shorty to get up and fuck his boyfriend. Shorty quickly stripped and climbed up, nestling his knees up and plunging his prick into the used rectum...fucking like a bunny! Fucker rammed a finger up Shorty's ass, urging him on. He pistoned his middle finger into the guy's hole for a while, then pulled it back out. Sucking on it, he moved around to where his buddy was rimming out the squatter's shithole. He got his face down for a good look.

"EAT IT OUT, MAN! I LOVE TO WATCH YOU SUCK ASSHOLES WHILE YOU GET FUCKED!" The guy was getting another erection already! "OW, YEAH! YOU FUCKIN' LOVE LICKIN' OUT SHITHOLES, DONCHA BABY?" He ran his hands over the man's buttocks while his lover licked in between them. "SPREAD IT OPEN. LET ME SEE INSIDE THAT FUCKIN' HOLE." The rimmer thumbed the gash apart, exposing the gaping, purple lips, letting his lover dig a finger in there...all the way! "Mmm. Fucker's got a turd in there, baby, I can feel it." He pulled his finger free. "SUCK IT OUTTA THERE, BABY! SUCK THAT SHIT FROM HIS ASS ...I WANNA SEE HIS TURD IN YOUR MOUTH!"

"Come on," Fuller urged, "let's go get a closer look. Those two do this all the time. They're wild!"

"You want it, man?" the squatter asked. "Want me to take a shit? Jeez, keep wrenching my hole open and there ain't gonna be any choice!"

"Y-yeah!" the rimmer squealed. "SHIT IN MY MOUTH!" Then he leaned his head up and attached his lips to the dank pit, working his tongue inside and building up a powerful, though useless, vacuum. Al1 he got for his troubles were a couple of farts down his throat. But when the guy started to grunt obscenely, the rimmer's head was forced down to the table, his lips wrapped around a hefty, dark column of manshit that came shooting out of the guy's asshole! Down as far as he could go, he pushed up on the guy's buttocks to keep from choking.

Everything froze for a moment. The turd was still stuck up the guy's ass...the other end firmly embedded in the other guy's mouth. The lover gasped and put his mouth to it, licking the turd...his lover's lips... and the guy's expanded asshole. Then he put his hand around it and held it in place while the guy lifted off...squeezing shut. He twisted it around in his lover's mouth, letting him suck on it.

"Suck it good, baby, everybody's watching. Take a little bite. Chew on it!" he panted, then set the turd aside. "YEAH, I LOVE TO EAT ANOTHER GUY'S SHIT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH!" He quickly mashed their lips together as they traded it back and forth in a passionate, unholy kiss!

Meanwhile, the squatter had moved slightly forward. Just as Shorty was coming up the guy's ass, he let loose and pissed all over Shorty's face! Eyes closed, in the throes of orgasm, Shorty kept his mouth open in an attempt to catch as much piss as he could. He gulped down the fluid as his cock spurted other fluid into the tightening rectum.

The pisser climbed down. Shorty climbed off, letting the guy put his legs down. While Shorty leaned back against the table in exhaustion, somebody came up and licked his dick off. The shitter/pisser sat on the bench seat and leaned over the lover's body and began to suck his dick while a guard knelt down and began to blow him, first licking away the leftover piss drops. The guy who'd licked Shorty's dirty dick began to move up his chest to lick away the dribbling piss!

The lovers were still kissing each other's smelly lips, reveling in the taste of the other guy's shit!

The whole affair had been the most disgusting thing Carter had ever witnessed. He wondered where Conrad was. The hard prick in his pants made him strangely looking forward to his next taste of the man's crap! What Fuller had said was true, he reflected. Given the freedom, and the peer acceptance, a man could learn to enjoy the ultimate perversion!

Just then a finger tapped him on the shoulder. Ignoring Fuller, Conrad said, "Come back to the cell. I feel like blowin' your prick."

"Uh, o-okay," Carter stared dumbly, following him. As Conrad swaggered through the doorway and around the bend into the cell, Carter watched his tight buttocks moving sexily back and forth, unable to put out of his mind how the crack between them had tasted the night before. He reached down and idly stroked the big boner in his pants. Conrad turned quickly, seeing him playing with himself. Carter blushed.

Conrad stepped up and grabbed him by the crotch, feeling his hard prick, his face up close to Carter's. "Surprised? Take your fuckin' pants off. I know you dug my did you like my piss?"

"I...I was just h-horny, that's all," Carter stammered.

"Like now? Come on, get your dick in my mouth. I'm not in this cellblock cause I'm an angel. I wanna suck your cockjuice!"

Conrad crouched, helping Carter yank his trousers down. The hard prick sprung out. The older con grabbed the shaft tightly, squeezed the knob into a huge purple head, and immediately plunged his mouth over it and started to suck vigorously. Carter threw his head back, luxuriating in the man's cock work.

"Ahhh, Conrad, what a mouth! You've done this before, haven't you?" He couldn't help joking, spreading his legs to let the man play with his balls. Conrad took the prick deeply several times, then lifted it and gave the nuts an energetic tongue wash.

"Turn around," Conrad ordered hoarsely, "let's see if your butt's clean." He twisted Carter at the hips, pushing down on his back to bare his bottom. He gazed at the hole, moved up to sniff it, and found it satisfactory enough to begin licking it.

"Well, don't see that too often!" a voice came from their open cell door. Peeking over his shoulder, Carter saw a guard standing there. Smiling, the bull walked up to them. "Use a brillo pad on it first?"

Conrad glanced up. "Just cause I don't lick shit like the rest of you doesn't mean I don't like rimmin' a sweet ass! Make yourself useful or get the fuck out!" He went back to his butt- licking.

The guard pulled the leg of his shorts back and flopped his dick out, slapping it around. He reached over and gave Carter's ass a good feel, gripping his cheeks without getting in Conrad's way. He stepped around and put his dick to Carter's face. Bent over, his ass splayed apart with a tongue lapping at it, Carter automatically opened up and took the prick in to suck on. But that didn't last long because Conrad wanted to get back to his cocksucking.

Frustrated, with his dick now dripping, the guard rushed around to the other side and worked Conrad's pants down. He got down on his back and scooted under the man's buttocks to lick out his ass. He nibbled at the anus while jacking off. Conrad deep-throated Carter's prick while grinding his asshole over the guard's face. At one point he froze long enough to sputter a long, noisy fart over the guard's lips--loud and stinky enough to get the man pumping his prick wildly while taking the noxious fumes deep up his nostrils!

"Oh, you fuckin' bastard! Damn! You always got such nice farts. Gimme another one, willya? A big chessy one will get me off!"

Conrad pulled off for a second. "Blow some air up my ass, man, and I'll give ya another, you fuckin' fart freak!"

"Oooh, yeah!" The guard took a deep breath, attached his mouth to the anus, and blew up in there to mix in with the man's gas. Several more times he did this, pounding his dick faster in anticipation at what was bound to come back out. Did it ever! Every molecule of air he'd pushed up there had mixed thoroughly with the dark fumes festering inside Conrad's rectum. A long, lingering, gooshy fart was sputtering out through the man's fluttering asslips...licked and smelled by the happy guard. But it was the next one that got the man off. >From deep inside Conrad's colon came the most fragrant one. It invisible cloud spreading the stink over the guard's face. He gasped and sniffed while his cock shot out globs of jizz over himself! Still, he put his lips back up to the con's hole and sucked for more!

Carter was hearing all this...and invariably smelling some of it! And the hot cocksucking he was receiving only made the shit stink put more of a tingle in his dick. Conrad felt that tingle and put more effort into his tongue action, soon receiving large, gooey globs of tasty sperm from Carter's pisshole. He gulped it all down, showing he was a cocksucker to rival anyone there.

John Carter slurped his dick out of the man's mouth and stood back quite satisfied. "Thanks. Want me to blow you?"

"Later. I'll work up a good load for you. I just wanted a mouthful of cum...and I wanted it from your cock. I got it, I farted...that made me happy, you happy, and the shit-licker under my ass happy."

The guard ignored the good-natured jibe. He was busy scooping up his own cum spurts to lick.

Carter was, of course, in a total daze at the activities taken for granted in his new home. He could almost accept the perverted actions of the cons. What amazed him was how eagerly the guards themselves got involved. Obviously, they'd been hand-picked because of their own deviate proclivities. Later that day he even witnessed two of them going at each other... doing things just as filthy as he'd seem them do with some of the inmates.

Another thing that finally dawned on Carter...something he was surprised he'd missed before that...was that while the place wasn't exactly filled with beauties, there didn't seem to be a dog on the whole cellblock. All different types, but not a one of them that wouldn't appeal to someone else. He also got the sense that there was so much mixing-in that individual sex appeal wasn't all that important. A guy might not be his personal type...he might not care to kiss him...but that doesn't preclude his zeal at licking the guy's turd while he takes a smelly shit! It was all the atmosphere. He couldn't imagine the two white guards on the streets kneeling in an alley behind Black Bart, licking his bolting turd with the same enthusiasm.

Things settled down for the rest of the day. Carter watched some television and read a bit from their sparse library... which included a fair amount of fuck books. Actually, it was just a converted cell with low bookshelves lining the three walls. Lawbooks, classics, fuckbooks and several copies of TV Guide. There was no shame in the place, he thought, looking at the posters on the surrounding walls. Poster blowups of guys taking a shit in some far-out places...on a kitchen table, in the back seat of a car, off a diving board, on the hood of a patrol car, through prison bars. And a cleverly animated one of Robin, The Boy Wonder, with his red tights slipped down shooting a big turd into Batman's eager mouth while the Commissioner blows the Batcock!

That night he sucked off Conrad, receiving that big load he'd been promised. In the morning, he noticed that even the chow was better than he'd expected. Toast, eggs, and hamburger tubes in the shape of little turds! Except for Perez rimming one of the morning guards in the corridor, everybody seemed to be taking a rest from sex. Even out in the courtyard the activities were unremarkable. Just a few gropes here and there.

About an hour after lunch Carter was returning to his cell from the TV room when a guard made an announcement.

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Next: Chapter 2

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