Prison Doctor

By b 2409

Published on Aug 7, 1997



I am a prison doctor. One of the best parts of my job is giving medical exams to the new arrivals. Who wouldn't drool over the opportunity to view and touch the 'privates' of dozens of young men, without having to worry about some official spoiling the fun!

Today I was due to examine a batch of prisoners who had arrived the day before. Some of them are a bit apprehensive, especially the first timers, of what the examination entails. They usually wait in the waiting room, separated from my office by a door. To save time, they strip down to their underwear before coming into my office.

I had just finished my examination of prisoner k85179. As he left my office, leaving the door ajar as I had instructed, I started to write up my notes. I heard one of the others in the waiting room ask him what happened. I decided to listen and see what he said.

This is what I heard.

He told me to pull my pants down, then he told me to move over to his chair where he was sitting. The Dr then took hold of my penis-I stiffened straight away, he just smiled at me as he pulled back my fore-skin and rubbed the tip of my penis. I asked him what was he doing and he said he was insuring my penis was clean, he then started fondling my balls with his other hand while stroking my penis I just about came right then! He then told me to turn around and bend over so that he could take my temperature. I turned around and bent over, he told me to part my checks for him, this I did. The next thing I felt was his middle finger rubbing grease around my hole, then a slight pain as he forced in his thermometer. After a few minutes he pulled it out. Before I knew it I was coming! He just laughed, gave me a tissue and told me to dress as he was finished.

That's a fair account I thought.

"Next!" I called out to the other room where they were all waiting. Shortly after, in walked the next prisoner. A cute, black-haired twenty year old boy, clad only in his underpants. A first timer. He stood there in front of me, fidgeting a little and rocking back and forth.

I quickly consulted my records.

"You are k85180?" I asked, looking up into his wide green eyes. He was obviously a little afraid of the coming ordeal. He nodded his head shyly and whispered "Uh-Huh." I noted from the records his name was Frank.

"There's nothing to be worried about Frank" I said. "I'm just going to check you over It won't take long."

The boy smiled and seemed to relax a little more now. I started with the top of him, and checked his mouth ears, eyes, and all the boring stuff. He certainly was a healthy kid. No problems at all. I went through the standard questions, even getting him to laugh once or twice. Then it was time to listen to his chest. He shivered a little when I placed the cold stethoscope against his warm flesh. The boy had a good, healthy set of lungs, as well as a very strong heart.

At last the time had come for the good stuff! Putting away my stethoscope, I again positioned him in front of me. I asked him to spread his legs and lower his underpants. I get different reactions all the time at this point. Frank seemed to know that this was coming, and dutifully slipped his fingers in the sides of his briefs and tugged them down just below his crotch. His smallish member, now released from the tight confinement, bounced a couple times, then came to a stop, dangling between his legs like a finger. His scrotum was tightly contracted, hugging his balls to his groin. I feasted on this sight for only a second or so before reaching over and sliding his briefs down to his knees.

I looked up at Frank's face again, and saw his expression of slight embarrassment, as he stood there with his body exposed to my eyes. I smiled as reassuringly as I could, then proceeded with the examination. Slipping my hand between his legs I quickly performed the check for a hernia (one of the greatest tests ever invented!) It was really hard pulling my hand away from his body, but all good things must come to an end.

Frank reached down to pull his briefs back up but stopped in mid-tug when I said "Hold on a second. We're not done yet."

Shooting me a look of confusion, he stood straight up again, leaving his briefs half mast.

"I need to take your temperature."

I didn't have to be a mind reader to know what the boy was thinking at that moment! I'm sure he hadn't had his temperature taken rectally for years. I saw it all in his eyes as he stood before me with his mouth half open.

"Yes, that's right, Frank. It's going to be rectal."

"In my arse?" was all he said.

"Come on now, it's not so bad, I'm sure you've had it taken this way before."

I took the thermometer from its antiseptic tray, and began to shake it down. Frank's eyes were wide, and staring directly at the glass rod in my hand. Glancing at the thermometer, I turned to the cabinet and lubricated it well with K-Y. I turned back again to Frank and told him to turn around, bend foreward a little, and put his hands on the couch. He did as he was told, but I knew he was not very happy about it. As he turned back toward me, I pushed him foreward, and down a little, and told him to spread his legs a bit. I then put my hand on his rump and spread his cheeks. He was shaking a bit, and very embarrassed at my probing of his behind. I located his puckered anus, and slid the thermometer into him. He jerked a little, then seemed to accept the intrusion of the cold instrument into his body.

"That's it, Frank, " I said as I finished the insertion "You're doing just fine. You see, it's not so bad, it'll just be in there for a few minutes, that's all."

I saw the boy nod his head. I quickly reached down and adjusted my now VERY hard tool, and then sat back. I made a few notes, glanced over at the boy and asked.

"How 'we doing, Frank"

"Oh O-K" Came the quiet reply. I looked at the boy standing there before me. The end of the thermometer just visible between the cheeks of his ass. He was still shivering slightly once in a while, but on the whole seemed to be taking it rather well.

I glanced back at my notes one more time, and saw something I had not noticed earlier. Frank had consented to be part of a special project I am working on. (Some prisoners agree to this as they hope it will improve their chances of early release.) This was almost too good to be true! I don't know why I had not noticed it earlier. Frank was going to have a good time today!

'Almost time' I thought to myself as I walked over to him. I put my hand down and took the thermometer between my fingers. I felt him tense up a bit, I then grasped the instrument and pulled it from his anus.

Frank stood up and watched me as I read it, and entered the reading into my notes. When I turned back to him, glanced between his legs again, and noticed that, as I had expected, his cock had become slightly erect , and was now sticking out a bit from his body.

"I see you liked having your temperature taken" I said, indicating the condition of his member. He blushed, and moved his hands to cover up.

I laughed a little, and said; "Don't worry, that happens a lot to a lot of boys your age when they are being examined, it's quite normal".

"Can I pull my pants up now?"

"Not yet. There are a few more things that have to be done, since you agreed to be part of the study."

"Like what?"

"Well, " I said, trying not to sound too eager. "Certain measurements have to be taken, as well as some sperm samples. Let's get the measurements done first, then I'll take a sperm sample. Come here." Brain once more came and stood in front of me. As he walked over, his briefs happened to slide all the way down his legs, and were now around his ankles. I told him to step out of them, since he would not be needing them for a while, and he complied. I gently reached over and removed his hands from covering his groin. His penis was now quite erect, pointing more towards the ceiling. I took the rule from my pocket and held it in my hand while grasping Frank's tool between the fingers of the other.

"As you know, we're doing a study on the growth and development of young males. We a particularly interested in their sexual development and activities around the ages of twenty." Frank nodded, and watched me as I gently started to stroke his penis. It was not long before I had a very stiff member between my fingers. I stopped rubbing , and quickly measured him. He was 6.25" long, and a little over 1.5" thick. Quite a growth of pubic hair. (I checked VERY closely), and he was circumcised. His scrotum was pinkish in colour, and the glans were reddish-blue, the scar nicely placed about .5" behind the glans.

"Is that OK?" He asked when I told him.

"Yes," I said, "Just about right for a boy your age."

He smiled, and I again grasped his tool and resumed stroking.

"I need to know a few more personal things about you, now. Do you masturbate?"

"Yes quite often."

"I see. Do you rub it like I'm doing now?"

"Sometimes, it feels great when I do."

He was starting to breath more heavily now. His hips swayed back and forth as I worked on him. I would occasionally stroke his balls a little which would make him sigh.

"Just hop up on the couch, and lay back" I told him. "You will relax more easily."

He did so. I replaced my hand between his legs, and resumed masturbating him.

"Have you ever let anyone else do this to you?" "No this is the first time. I feel it OK?"

"Yeah, Frank, it's just're doing really well, just relax and let the feeling build"

"OK." He moved his hips around a little to get more comfortable. At this point, he was lying fully back on the couch. His legs were spread wide, and I had free roam over his entire genital area. His ball- sack was drawn up tight, and his hips were moving up and down with increasing frequency. I worked on him with one hand, while the other stroked his thighs.

"You're doing' great." I told him. "that's it, let the feeling build, you'll get there!"

"I'm really feeling' it" He said breathlessly. "'s great!"

His whole body was shaking now, as my hand continued its duty between his legs. His cock was stiff as wood between my fingers, as I continued stroking faster and faster. He was breathing much harder and I noticed that he had closed his eyes, seeming to concentrate even more on the new feelings he was experiencing down below.

I gently stroked the inside of his thighs, at times making way for his own hand, which he would occasionally use to touch himself. I knew he was getting ready to climax the next time I looked at his face. His eyes had closed, his lips were slightly parted, and his expression was one of almost wonder, as I felt his whole body convulse in a complete virgin-boy orgasm. A slight moan escaped him, and I felt his penis pulse four - five - six times between my fingers. I continued stroking him slightly, as he sank back on the couch exhausted.

"Good job Frank you did great! How do you feel?"

"Uh....It's great! I never knew it would feel like that when someone else did it for me!

He smiled and looked down at his genitals. His penis was now only semi- erect, and his ball-sack had loosened slightly. I moved my hand and allowed him to rub himself.

"I hope you realise, that as a part of the study you have just provided me with a lot useful information."

"I didn't know it would be like that, I was a bit afraid at first, but I enjoyed it."

"You realise what happened is confidential, and you must not talk about it to any of the other prisoners?"

"Will you need me again?"

"Only if you want to help me some more, there are other experiments we can try."

"Like we just did?"

"There are other ways of obtaining sperm samples, if you enjoyed that, we might try some different ways."

"I would like to if they don't hurt"

"Since it was the first time someone masturbated you, have you thought what it might be like if you did the same to someone else?"

"Would I have to do it to another prisoner?"

"No we have to keep it confidential. You would have to do it to me."

"Alright, let me know when, and what I have to do"

"O-K Frank, I'll send for you, I'll make sure the authorities know you are co-operating with my study."

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