Princess Hope

Published on Nov 20, 1999



Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt

I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector to save the country. The evil duke also killed the newborn princess, or so it was said. It is also said that the white witches of the forest had hidden the baby, Princess Hope. Rumors were that they changed her into something else, so the Duke would never find her. Some said she was turned into a beautiful swan, others a unicorn, There was even one that they had turned her into boy. No one really believed any of them. They were just tales told by old men to small children, recalling a long lost golden age and perpetuating hopeless dreams of their return. But there was a need for hope. In the 16 years since, the countryside has been ravaged by tax collectors and any brigand with the wisdom to split his stolen loot with the Duke. The knights hated him but could not break their oath of fealty without proof of his treachery, and worse was yet to come. Upon the 20th anniversary of his villainy, he planned to have himself crowned king. He and his ruthless family, would rule - forever.

I was luckier than most. At the convent I was well cared for and taught to read and write. The miller was a kind man who not only taught me the trade, he left his gristmill to me when he died. I was sad at his passing, but very happy with his final act of generosity. I missed him, but I now owned a wonderful gristmill along with a fine house, the woods nearby and a fish-filled pond that also fed the great waterwheel that drove the millstones. Carrying sacks and working the great wheel and millstones had made me a strong, hard-muscled youth and many a shire maiden wished to catch my eye. Hester, the milk maid, had introduced me to the pleasures of manhood - many times. At the age of 17 I was looking forward to a quiet, but prosperous life and was making plans of marrying a sweet woman and have a family of my own.

I was repairing a leak in the chute that carried water to the great wheel when a knight and an old woman rode up to my humble mill. I was soaked and covered with green slime from the pond but a climbed down from the wheel and greeted my noble guests. It occurred to me I had never actually spoken to a noble before. I was getting ready to speak and offer some cider when the knight grabbed me by the scruff of the neck and dunked me in my own mill race! Several times my head was plunged under the water and pulled out. Convinced, I assumed, that I was clean enough to be in his presence, he dragged me out. He turned to the woman and said, "Is he the one?" The old woman looked me over, smiled, and said, "Yes. He'll be perfect." I was thrown roughly over the knights saddle and we rode off.

It was almost nightfall when we arrived at our destination. I was scared now. It was the royal palace! What could they want with me? I protested that I had done nothing and begged for mercy. My entreaties were answered by a swift blow to the head. Dazed, I found silence. The knight dragged me into the throne room, while the old woman followed us. I had never laid eyes upon the Duke before this day and I prayed with all my soul that I could have avoided it now. He was tall and angular with a hard, cruel face. His head was shaven and he wore a pointed black goatee. All of his clothes which deep, shimmering black, as if reflecting his soul to the world. My blood ran cold. Hands behind his back, he walked confidently to my prostrate form.

"Do you know who I am, boy?" he commanded. I whispered that I did. He signaled that I was to stand before him.

"Have you heard tales of my treachery? How I had King Stefan, his wife and newborn daughter killed?" I was trembling as I said I had heard those 'lies' but did not believe them. He laughed evilly.

"Then, you're a fool. I DID do all those things. Have you heard the rumors that white witches of the forest rescued the princess and turned her into a boy to hide her from me?" Nearly fainting, I answered I had heard those tales, too.

"That's good, boy. Many people know them. Worse. They believe them. I had planned to ascend the throne on the 20th anniversary of Stefan's death, but this belief that a princess still lives amongst us is making the people restless. But fear not. I have found a solution. Would it surprise you to know that I have found our dear princess? That I will restore her to her girlish form? That I will MARRY her? And sire a new dynasty through her?"

I was shaking as I answered that I did not know these things. I still didn't understand why I had been brought here. The Duke chuckled at my torment and continued. "You should know, boy. YOU are Princess Hope." My eyes went wide! The Duke took my face in his hands. His dark. cold eyes bore through me. "At least that's what I will tell the people. They are such sheep and so convinced of their own fables that I will use it against them. I assure you, the princess IS dead, but you were born in the right month of the right year. You have no family to deny my claim. YOU will become Princess Hope in front of all the knights of the realm. Then, after an appropriate courtship, announce your love for me and our betrothal. And do this you will - BOY. If you defy me or betray me you have my oath that 100 peasants will suffer in your place. Do you understand me ... boy."

My head was swimming. This was all too much to take, but I knew I had to answer, or forfeit my life - or 100 innocent lives. "Y-y-yesss," I whispered, my head down. The Duke smiled, knowing he had won. "So. What is your name," he commanded. "M-m-m-miles," was my reply. His gloved hand slapped me hard across the face. "I SAID. WHAT IS YOUR NAME!" he roared. I understood. "P-princess ..... H-hope," I answered.

"Good answer- princess. This woman is Zanta. She is a sorceress of some talent. She will say she is Druscilla, the forest witch, who will reverse the spell that disguised you. Actually, it is a potion of her own devising that will make a female of you. I understand the process is not ..... pleasant, but I am sure no sacrifice is too dear for your subjects. Right, princess." I agreed.

I was immediately taken away where I was bathed and dressed in fine clothes. Heralds went throughout the land announcing the 'happy' news. Five days later I was, once again, led to the throne room, this time dressed in a white satin robe. The lords of Caldonia were all assembled. They huddled around me, telling me stories about my 'parents' and how much they missed them. Their devotion was genuine, and touching. It saddened me that I was an impostor. They deserved better, but what could I do. Outside the window, a crowd could be heard murmuring. Duke Mondragon led me to the window. The crowd grew louder. He spoke. "People of Caldonia! I bring joyous news! After many years of searching, I have found our long lost Princess Hope!" The crowd roared. "I, too, had heard the legends but being a man of reason, I found them hard to believe but with the help of the good witch Druscilla I have found the boy who is our dear princess in disguise! And Now! DRUSCILLA WILL BREAK THE SPELL!!!!" The crowd went wild. Druscilla stepped forward. "People of Caldonia. This is a powerful spell. It will take a full cycle of the moon to break. I have asked that the lords of Caldonia stay at the palace during that time to witness this miracle. And the Duke has decreed that those weeks shall be declared - A FESTIVAL!" Once again the crowd went wild. The din continued for almost an hour.

Meanwhile I was led back to the assembled peerage. Druscilla came to me with a goblet of a thick liquid. She said that I would drink a cup a day until the spell was broken. I took the foul cup to my lips and drained it. My fate was sealed. I became light-headed and needed a bit of support. "It has begun," the duke said to the lords. I was led away - to become a princess. Halfway across the hall I groaned and fell to my knees, clutching my stomach. My teeth were clenched in pain. It was agonizing, but I did not, would not, scream. Two handmaidens were instantly by my side, stroking my head and soothing me. After a few moments the pain faded away and my ladies-in-waiting helped me to my feet. I was humiliated by the display of weakness. "Look!" Someone shouted. Murmurs of approval flowed from the crowd. "His hair has turned red!" I grasped some of my, now, longer hair. It was, indeed, red! I felt ill. This wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare.

Back in my new chambers, I was shocked as the ladies helped dress me for bed. I tried to cover my manliness, but it was useless. I was so ashamed. I got an erection! The ladies just - giggled. "Be not shy, milady," Lady Penelope said. "We are all married women and mothers. A manly shaft cannot shock us. It is merely a part of your disguise, milady. Beneath your rather handsome countenance beats the heart of a woman. Soon, you'll be one of us, with a maidenhead - and a maiden's modesty we hope." They all giggled at that. I was dressed in a silken gown that seemed like it was made from spider webs, so light and soft was it. The sheets were soft and sweet-smelling, the bed plush. In spite of my fears, I fell into a deep, restful sleep.

A week later I was much changed. While I still looked like a boy, I was no longer the strapping lad I had been. My muscles were but a shadow of their former glory and my complexion was paler. Rich auburn hair covered my ears and nearly reached my narrowing shoulders. My waning strength was beginning to frighten me, as was my loss of stature. I was 2" shorter now and felt much weaker and more vulnerable than I had since I was a child. The most awful change was not so plainly seen, however. My balls were gone. While I still had a cock, albeit a smaller one, my balls had pulled inside me.

My ladies-in-waiting also wrought changes of their own. Twice a day, upon waking and before bed, they brushed my hair. Creams, lotions and scented oils were rubbed into my softening skin. I still wore the white satin robe. It was part of the spell, but my ladies added a pink silk sash about my waist and some jewelry. They also had begun to apply some rouge to my cheeks and lips. I tried to deny it, but my face was changing subtly. Days were spent learning how to walk gracefully, embroider, ride side-saddle, dance or other womanly skills, and always I was surrounded by the hen-like clucking of ladies gossip. Sometimes I feared I would go mad from the brainless chattering. The worst part of my day was at noon, when I drank more potion. I felt awful a considerable time afterwards and my insides spasmed painfully. I was finding it harder and harder to hold my tongue. The only real joy in my day was from Toppi the court jester. He was a nimble dwarf with a quick wit and sweet voice. He could do acrobatics, juggle, tell jokes or sing a madrigal. He helped me forget my pain, both of my body - and soul.

The palace staff already treated me like a princess. They all bowed or curtsied when I entered a room and I could feel everyone's eyes upon me, noting each new growth or shrinkage of one part of my body or another. At meals, the Duke treated me as a girl, as well, though it was with a certain condescension or possessiveness that I found annoying. The men rose from their seats when I entered a room, and held my chair for me. It was a nicety but also a constant reminder that I was, in many ways, inferior to them; weaker, more helpless, in need of the aid of a big, strong man. It angered me, though my anger turned to dread as the weeks passed and their aid changed from a courtesy to a necessity. To my astonishment, the chairs WERE too heavy to move easily, the doors, too, as my muscles withered away.

Two weeks into my nightmare found me a shrunken, pathetic shell of my former, robust self. I was, again, two inches shorter at 5'8". My muscles were almost completely gone. My Adam's Apple had vanished into my slimmer, ever more graceful neck, raising my voice to a childish pitch. My hands were femininely slim; my feet wore ladies slippers comfortably. While before, I was being treated as a lady, now I was being treated as a female. When the ladies-in-waiting brushed my shoulder-length hair, or washed my smooth, child-like face, they would do it in the bath with me! Naked! As was I! You see, by now my cock was also gone. It had withdrawn into the folds of what had been my man-sack. Outwardly, I looked like them. Since I was no longer capable of an erection, they no longer felt any need for modesty. No dream of Eros that I had had when a man compared to the parade of naked female flesh that I saw for hours of every day, but it brought me no pleasure, for I was indeed, just like them. My white satin robe now revealed a slim waist when the sash was tied; a slight swell of a future, womanly bottom could be seen when the light was right, as well as girlish nipples.

The pain when I took the potion was getting worse - I suppose. I moaned and groaned through each dose now, my manly forbearance all but gone. Druscilla seemed to derive pleasure from that, as did the Duke. When we were alone, he would touch me in a way that made my flesh crawl, as if I were already his - bride. The true horror of my situation was only then being revealed. He not only intended to turn me into a woman and marry me, he intended to - to - USE me as a woman!

It was the 22nd day of my transformation. Druscilla and my ladies were gathered around me as I writhed on the floor, screaming. My insides were on fire! I could feel them moving! "Fear not, ladies," the witch told them. "She is growing her womanhood; her womb, her eggs. Much like childbirth, they must be earned through pain. Such is a woman's lot." My ladies-in-waiting, especially the mothers, nodded with agreement. Pain is part of the sisterhood's ritual, and I was joining that sisterhood whether I wanted to or not.

My agony passed, for today, and I was helped to my dainty feet. I was no longer taller than them, and shorter than some. As the last spasms trembled my body I felt my vagina twitch. Yes, I had grown a love canal between my legs. Even I thought of myself as a girl now. My robe was down to my ankles as I became still shorter. My face was that of a young girl, a pretty young girl, and my skin was smooth, soft and milky. A pink satin ribbon kept my long hair flowing down my back. It was no longer difficult to see my girlish behind, or my burgeoning hips, and now, the small cones of my tender, new breasts were there for all the world to see.

I went to my rooms. I couldn't bear they way everyone examined me. The palace was full of eyes and all of them seemed to be on my chest. I looked out a window. Way down in the street, beyond the walls, some young men were keggling. They rolled the heavy balls, balls I could no longer even lift, at the wooden pins and laughed and drank their ale. How I envied them. I felt trapped. As I grew smaller, my world seemed to grow smaller as well. I had even come to welcome the gossiping and was turning into a clucking hen myself!

During the next week, the potion had to be forcibly poured down my throat. I couldn't stand the pain! The halls echoed my screams. Lady Penelope would shed tears for me as I suffered, clutching my heaving belly like a woman in labor. Druscilla merely smiled. My bosom was becoming noticeable, especially to me. The young breasts, though still small, were of sufficient size to bounce slightly, especially in the high heeled shoes I was required to wear because my gown reached the floor without them, so short was I, and the white satin accentuated a youthful, female physique.

I was walking down a hall when I felt the Duke's eyes roaming over my backside. I spun around, and there he was. "Good day, princess," he gloated as he bowed. He was mocking me. "Zanta tells me you have resisted your potion. Need I remind you of my promise?" My cheeks flushed with rage. The pain was getting worse everyday, but couldn't let 100 innocents suffer for my weakness. "I will - obey," I replied without looking at him, in my new, soft, girlish voice. "May I add, you are looking lovelier by the day. When I began this scheme, it was merely to insure my power, but now it seems I will be receiving serendipitous gifts," he crooned as his stared straight at my expanding bosom. I crossed my arms over chest to impede his view, turned and walked away. "My, my. You are lovely from EVERY angle, princess," he taunted. Fortunately he couldn't see me cry.

My hands were trembling as I raised the 30th dose of potion to my lips. Lady Penelope stood by my side to steady my hand. The pain had been getting worse every day. I wasn't sure I could endure it anymore. I had barely returned the cup to Druscilla when I clutched my abdomen and shrieked like a banshee. It had NEVER been this bad before! AAAAAA!!! I clutched at Lady Penelope's arm. "OH, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!! I can't - I can't .... UUUU -OO- OOO. AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! " I fell to my knees. My body was on fire. My insides were churning and pulling until I thought I would turn inside out. My breasts throbbed, my very bones ached. I writhed on the floor and heaved as if to vomit, then it would start all over. Mercifully, it passed, though I ached all over. I was soaked in sweat all over my body. More so between my legs. As my vision cleared I looked up and saw the faces of my ladies-in-waiting looking down on me, but they were smiling, some crying for joy. I was confused. They weren't looking at my face, but at my groin. I looked at it, too. Immediately I saw my bosom had grown considerably. I was blessed with breasts the size of large, round apples. I gasped from the sight between my legs. I was bleeding! They all stared at the red stain spreading across my satin gown. "She bleeds like a woman. It is done. Our princess has returned," said Lady Penelope. I was helped up and quickly rushed to my rooms. They all were talking at once. I came to understand that I wasn't bleeding from an injury, it was my time of the month! I was not just a girl, I was a woman! I felt faint.

I was kept in my rooms for the next two days as I suffered through my first bout of Eve's curse. My ladies kept me to bed and brought hot water bottles for my cramps, and chamomile tea. Every few hours they would change the blood-stained towel between my legs. Until now, I hadn't even noticed that I had re-grown my pubic hair. They tried to reassure me. I wish they hadn't. "It's actually a blessing, princess. Tis a sure sign you're ready for marriage and babies, and a small price to pay it is, I assure you, for the joys of motherhood." On the third day I was allowed to go out again. I no longer had to wear the mystical gown and my ladies were eager to dress me in all the fine garments they had prepared for me. We spent hours getting me ready for my first public- appearance as a grown woman, and what an event it was to be- a grand ball to celebrate the return, and betrothal, of Princess Hope.

I thought I had suffered all the indignities of womanhood, but I was mistaken. While in the mystical robe, I had been spared all the problems of panties, petticoats, bustles, silk stockings, corsets, bodices, tiny shoes and arm-length gloves. Dressed thusly and with my waist-length hair elegantly coiffed, I felt as trussed-up as a Christmas goose. It was a challenge just to walk with all this weighing me down. At the Duke's urging, my dresses and gowns had been styled to show a good bit of cleavage. My gown was pale pink with rose highlights, and long train. I wore a tall, pointed coronet on my head, with a veil, but the bodice was extremely tight fitting, and low cut. In this gown, it was all I could do to keep my perfumed nipples modestly concealed. On the hated Duke's arm I was presented to my subjects, and I danced with all the lords of Caldonia, until my womanized constitution could bear no more. My lose of stature was all the more dramatic. I had to look up into the eyes of the shortest man there. I disliked being small and frail; being female. I stayed for the toasts to 'the future happiness' of the Duke and I, and I wore a false smile, but my heart was aching. I had to, somehow, save these good people from the Duke's tyranny.

After the ball, my intended made some changes. One that hurt me was he sent Toppi, the jester, away. I missed his laughter terribly. All of my ladies, save for Lady Penelope, were also returned to their families. The witch Zanta, still known to all as Druscilla, had begun a new daily ritual for me. Each day I was bathed in milk and then bathed in warm, rose water. It was dramatically more pleasant than her previous ritual, and had no choice but to enjoy it, though I was certain it was more of the Duke's treachery. My monthly periods came with all the agony of my transformation. They were heavy and regular, so I planned on being 'indisposed' for three days of every month. Over time I learned that women have courage, too. It was in my 4th month of maidenhood that I discovered what that treachery was.

I was trying to put on a dress that I had worn many times before. It didn't feel right and Lady Penelope could not button it up the back. "Princess. I dare say that you have become more womanly these past months. I see more flesh upon your hips and your bosoms are fuller," she grunted as she tried to close the dress. I had her remove it and went to a mirror. Indeed. I had become more shapely. I was fuller and rounder of figure. I cupped my breasts. They seemed to fill my hands more. Even my nipples seemed larger. Initially we both assumed it normal for a girl my age and had the seamstress let out my clothes. It was just about then that the dreams began.

They were always the same. I was naked and astride a snow, white unicorn. I was passing through a forest in spring, the air heavy with the scent of blossoms and soft, petals falling like show all about me. The unicorn was being led by a tall, handsome man in the garb of a forester, except he too was all in white. A sensuous warmth would fill my belly and I would experience some wonderful sensations. Upon waking in the morning, my womanly parts would be engorged, moist and tingling.

I continued to fill out as well. My hips grew wider and rounder, while my breasts grew fuller and heavier by the week. I sometimes felt sharp twinges through the bones of my hips. By the 8th month of my maidenhood I was quite voluptuous and full bosomed. My breasts were now the size of small melons and were much admired by the court. Zanta's glee at my development convinced me she was responsible. I confronted the Duke at dinner. He didn't try to deny anything. "Yes, my beloved. The magic used to make you a woman is now making you more of a woman. Now that you know, there is no further need for discretion." He clapped his hands and servants brought out many platters of food and placed them in front of me. Zanta entered the room and forced another of her foul potions into me. I didn't feel ill this time, merely hungry. I began to eat. "Eat hearty, milady. Beef and beer, and Zanta's magic, will put a woman's curves on you. I'll be needing a buxom maiden to be broodmare of the Mondragon dynasty. By our wedding, you'll be as broad-hipped and full-breasted as a peasant woman."

The Duke announced that Lady Penelope had, also, been sent home. The arrogant monster could now reveal his fiendish plot. When all the lords of Caldonia were assembled for our wedding they would asked to give a toast to the 'happy couple'. The wine would be poisoned! The Duke as my husband would become Prince Consort, then I would name him king, and we would replace the dead noble houses with our sons and daughters! I couldn't believe it. I was to be the mother of evil.

Zanta had now replaced Lady Penelope as my lady-in-waiting. I continued to expand from her ministrations. Though my belly and waist stayed slim, my hips widened further so I wouldn't be too uncomfortable during the many years of fruitfulness that awaited me. But it was my breasts the became truly awesome. Each day my view downward was more restricted by my growing breasts. My nipples were becoming enormous, too, and very sensitive. I began to wonder if I was meant to suckle just the heirs to the throne, or the entire nation! Week by week they grew larger and heavier. It was no longer possible to look modest in anything I wore. My breasts were always jutting out regardless of the dress. Once, while reaching for a roll at the dinner table, I knocked over a wine glass with my left boob. My pubic hair grew thicker as well and my womanly parts stayed engorged and puffy. While I was still a virgin, there were days when I did not feel very virginal, as my fingers diddled my wet hole. When Zanta gave me my daily milk bath, she spent much time sucking on my growing nipples. At first, I was repulsed, but to my shame came to enjoy it. Wanton, un-virginal thoughts filled my head. Only when I thought of the mysterious man in my dreams did I feel pure again.

It was now only two weeks to my marriage. I was soaking in a warm bath. I found it a pleasant diversion. The warm rose water helped support my huge bosom and relaxed my sore back. I was drifting into a pleasant dream of unicorns when a hand was clasped over my mouth! I couldn't scream, but began to thrash wildly, my fat breasts sloshing the water from the tub. My assailant faced me. It was Toppi! "It is only me, princess. I have come to rescue you." He released me and I began to speak but he hushed me. He offered a towel as I stood up, my huge bosom swinging heavily. "Princess, what happened to you," he gasped, astounded at my metamorphosis. I covered myself as best I could, but I was too much woman of late to conceal much. My breasts were now the size of watermelons. I hoped to, at least, cover my thick, red nipples but only succeeded in making my breasts ripple. "Zanta did this to me. I avoid the dairy these days for fear of making the cows jealous," I quipped in an attempt to relieve our mutual embarrassment. "But that is not the half of it. I am not really Princess Hope," and I told him everything. He smiled. "I know, dear princess. I have always known. And others know, too. Others that can help you. That can help us all."

He had me get dressed in a modest gown suitable for travel. To my shock, he opened a secret panel in my room that I had never known existed! I tried to run, but my bosom bounced too much. A brisk walk was all I could manage. It led to a cave beneath the palace and long tunnel to the outside, way beyond the walls. There he had secreted a horse - a white horse. He hoisted me, with some difficulty due to my increased bulk, into the side saddle and led the horse deep into the forest. We traveled this way for many days. It was an arduous journey, but Toppi kept a hard pace for we both knew the Duke would be in hot pursuit. In spite of the risks, I found myself wishing to stop and rest. The last year of pampering and idleness had taken its toll. I had become too soft and dainty for this journey. The wool traveling cloak felt coarse and irritated my now delicate skin. The trotting of the horse caused my generous bosom to sway uncomfortably. I tired easily and the deep woods I had once loved now just seemed chilly. I couldn't endure much more of this. It hurt to admit it, but in more ways than just my body, I was not the man I used to be. I was a spoiled, lazy .. useless bit of fluff. I told Toppi that he must leave me behind. "Go. I'm only slowing you down. The Duke won't hurt me, but his vengeance on you would be terrible." Of course, dear Toppi didn't listen and pressed on.

It was getting late. My hands were chafed from holding the saddle horn all day and my back and shoulders were in absolute torment from the shaking of my enormous bosom. I begged Toppi to stop for the night. To my surprise, he did. We stopped at a small cottage deep among the trees, beside which flowed a cool refreshing stream. I just HAD to bathe and change my clothes. Toppi went to gather firewood while I disrobed and slid into the water. MMMMM It was heavenly. It was always such a relief to have the strain taken from my back. The water was cool and my nipples grew hard and aroused. This place looked like the place in my dreams. I floated on my back, my bosom forming two islands of pink flesh. Toppi had returned but I was too lost in my comforts to hear him. He slid, silently into the water and came beside. I looked at him but felt no fear, only warmth, safety and, dare I say it, desire. I looked into his eyes and saw all the love a woman could know and inside myself I felt love growing, a woman's love. I understood now, that here I complete my metamorphosis. I asked Toppi to remove his clothing, then kissed him deeply. I surrendered my maidenhead to him. Moaning contentedly, my breasts rippled as he thrust into me again, and again, ...... and again. The colors filling my brain were wondrous. I was now, truly, a grown woman. Later that night, by the fire, we again made sweet, passionate love. I felt so - perfect to be lying by the fire, my womanhood filled with his nectar. I was meant for this.

Upon morning light, he went into the forest to gather some berries for my breakfast. He was so sweet and attentive. For the first time since all this began, I was content as a woman. I hefted my fleshy mounds. I now welcomed their bulk. I was looking forward to all the joys of womanhood - with my dear Toppi. I sang sweetly while dressing myself and brushing my waist length tresses. Suddenly- THE DOOR BURST OPEN! IT WAS THE DUKE! He smiled evilly and dragged me outside where several of his personal soldiers were waiting. "I warned what would happen if you defied me - Princess. I wasn't able to find 100 peasants so deep in the forest, but I had made compensations. In a meadow, surrounded by archers were a dozen peasants, all showing great terror. The row of archers parted and in came --- Toppi and Lady Penelope!! Toppi looked at me without fear. I could still see his love for me, even as he faced death for me. I began to weep. Lady Penelope, however, had her eyes upon the Duke. She turned to the assemblage of archers and peasants and raised her hands. There was a flash of light and they all disappeared ..... replaced by the Knights of Caldonia! The Duke was livid with rage! He reached for his sword but fell to the ground, clutching his chest, blood dribbling from his mouth, before he could draw the weapon.

Lady Penelope came to my trembling form. "Fear not, my brave princess. It is about time I introduced myself. I am the forest witch Druscilla. We had planned this ever since he murdered the king and queen. We started the rumor of the princess turned to a boy in order to get the Duke to use Zanta's magic in a powerful spell, and get him deep into our realm. Zanta's powers are depleted from changing you. Even as we speak, my sisters are at the palace, sending her - away. We thank you for your sacrifice, for we can never change you back. You see, you are with child now." I was amazed! It was all a plan, and we were free! The real Druscilla then waved a hand at Toppi. In a flash he became a tall, handsome lad. The man in my dreams! "Princess, meet Stefan II, son of King Stefan and Queen Felicity." I was about to bow when Toppi, uh, Stefan came to me and said, "My bride must never bow. You carry my child, but will you marry me?" I was crying tears of joy when I said yes.

As we rode back to the palace Druscilla said, "Princess, you know childbirth will as bad as your transformation." I placed a hand on my belly and replied, "It is a small price to pay for the joys of motherhood - and a good husband." We were married that very evening by a very flustered shire abbot.

I returned to the palace as a true princess, but also, a wife and future mother. My ladies-in-waiting returned, save for Lady Penelope. Now that she was able to live openly as Druscilla, again, she was no longer my lady, but a dear friend none the less. I needed my ladies. As my pregnancy advanced, I became very round and ponderous, while my already huge breasts inflated to astounding proportions! For the last few months, I needed their help to get out of chairs, to get dressed, and eventually, just to walk. But I welcomed my extreme womanhood. I was going to be mother to the kingdom, and later when I was a fat, old woman, a doting grandmother. My knowledge as a miller served me, too. I suggested to Stefan that he direct the people to build canals, irrigation ditches, dams and mills. The harvest increased 100 fold, trade flourished and our long suffering people, at last, enjoyed real prosperity. Of course, Stefan got all the credit, and in truth, he deserved it for organizing such a heroic effort.

Childbirth was painful. I remember screaming, but in time, I somehow remembered it to be as good as sex. My breasts had swollen into veritable udders when my milk let down and I comfortably nursed my new infant, plus six others born to the palace staff! That gave me another idea. I issued a proclamation offering to suckle any infant in the kingdom. The people were very happy with my offer. I soon became the royal cow and had infants suckling my bloated teats for hours a day. It was a wonderful experience. I would orgasm several times, though discreetly, and though my nipples would be sore, would be positively begging for my husband by the end of the day. Hester, the milk maid, joined my staff and milked me several times a day so I would stay drained and comfortable. After the first time she milked me she said I had produced as much as 'a fine, fat cow'. She meant it as a compliment and I took it as such, though my ladies blushed and giggled. Of course I knew my breasts would be down to my knees in a few years but my subjects were worth the sacrifice.

On the 20th anniversary of his parent's death, the day Duke Mondragon had planned to assume the throne, King Stefan II had his coronation, and I became Queen Hope. We went to the balcony to greet our cheering subjects. They cheered Stefan and me .... and the well-fed Prince Stefan III, that was nursing at my bosom. As the years passed, he became known as King Stefan the Compassionate, and I became known as Queen Hope ... the Fruitful.

The End

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