Prince's Private Lessons

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jan 25, 2017


Prince's Private Lessons 6

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prince's private lessons 6


As the time passed the date for Erick's assumption of his duties as the abbot of St. Maurice drew near. The ceremonies would occur in the fall, after the harvest was in. Duke Ludwig would spare no expense in the preparations. Invitations had gone out to the nobility. The Prince-Archbishop himself would consecrate Erick. There would be 3 days of ceremonies.

Erick became more worried as the time drew near. He feared separation from Klaus and his loyal staff. Finally, seeing no solution, he consulted with Brother Ernst. Ernst had himself become fond of the prince's household. In a quiet meeting in Erick's study the boy laid out all of his fears. Ernst took a few minutes to think and then smiled at the prince. " I think that maybe there might be an easy solution. One of the duties of the abbot is to appoint a high sheriff for the lands of the abbey. The late sheriff died some years ago and his force was allowed to disband. It is the reason that so many misfortunes have occured. You might consider appointing Klaus as the high sheriff. He could, of course, then bring in men to serve with him. Your other staff could easily be accomodated as lay workers at the abbey. I have noticed that you and Klaus have become very close. He has been valuable in restoring order to the abbey. It is only natural that you would want trusted people around you. I have grown very close to the household staff, giving them spiritual guidance. I would be loath to see them seek that from some other person. It might endanger their souls and reputations."

Erick smiled broadly and immediately began to make a list of appointments with the help of the good brother. Klaus was called into the study and consulted. He agreed with the plan and thought that Karl would make a good deputy for his new position. Erick left the drawing up of new appointments to Brother Ernst. He could now face his new position with confidence.

The harvest had been brought in now. It was bountiful and assured everyone would have food for the winter. The repairs to the abbey had been completed and the appointments to positions announced. There were few objections. The people of the village had suffered for too long under corrupt abbots and with no sheriff to keep order. They were happy for the order that had now been restored. The tenants had been able to pay their land rents from the abundant harvest.

The ceremonies themselves would take place over 3 days. First, Erick would be tonsured by the prior of the abbey. Then he would spend the night in prayer wth Brother Ernst. Klaus and Karl would stand guard at the chapel doors to make sure that there were no interruptions. The next morning Erick would be ordained as a priest. This would be followed by a feast with the guests and the monks. On the final day the Prince-Archbishop, representing the emperior would consecrate Erick as the new Abbot of St. Maurice.

The guests, all of them, would need to be accomodated in a large tent city outside of the village. No one dared refuse an invitation for the ceremony lest word get back to the emperior. Erick's family and the Prince-Archbishop would occupy the abbey's guest house. Klaus, his deputy, and the other soldiers were in the newly repaired barracks, next to the abbey. Erick, Hourst, and Brother Ernst were installed in the old abbot's quarters with it's own chapel.

Due to the recent appointments some of the monks had been forced to double up in their small cells. None objected to the arrangement. Now they would have a fellow monk as a companion. A quiet satisfaction settled over the abbey as the day of the consecration arrived. Tables and great barrels of wine and ale had been set out in the square in front of the abbey church. Another square had been equiped with barrel of ale for the villagers and servants.

The final ceremony was long, lasting all morning. Erick sat erect on his raised throne. Klaus, as the High Sheriff stood on his left with the abbey banner in his hand. Brother Ernst stood on Erick's left with his staff of office. Karl stood next to Klaus with his official sword and mace. Erick nodded off during the ceremony. It had been a very long night, first with a feast and then with Klaus in his bed on "guard duty". Hourst stood in the background with warm, damp cloths to revive Erick. The final part of the ceremony was the most important. Each of the abbey's vassel swore loyalty to the new abbot and to the abbey. Then the final, grand feasting began! The Duke was proud of his son's achievements. He was also proud of Wilhelm's role in bringing much of this about into good order. He held a quiet conference with the Prince-archbishop about his youngest son. It was decided that the boy would best serve at the imperial court as the Archbishop's personal representative.

Wilhelm was informed after supper that night. His only reservaton was his immediate staff. The archbishop agreed that the staff should accompany his representative to the imperial court and be suitably equiped. Wilhelm gathered his 2 monks and 2 of the guards he trusted. He informed them of his new position and the conditions that it required. All were eager to join him in his new role. It would bring added salaries and prestige. They woud trade in their old livery for that of the Prince-Archbishop's household. A small palace was already available for their use in the capitol.

The the next day the tents came down and the guests all departed with the abbot's blessing. For the abbey and Erick's staff life took on a new, normal appearance. Erick's first task was to divest himself of his monk's habit and then to strip Klaus of his uniform before falling into bed in his lover's embrace.

ok, that's part 6 comments welcomed:

Thanks to all those who have encouraged me to write more.

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