Prince's Private Lessons

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jan 6, 2016


Prince's private lessons 3

This is a work of gay historical fiction, any resemblance to real persons is coincidental. It is the sold proeprty of the author. The characters in the story engage in gay sex acts. If this offends you, leave. If you are underage or it is illegal for you to read this- leave. If you are still here, unzip and enjoy the story.If you enjoy the story make a contribution to so that it may continue to bring us works such as this.

Setting: 12 room hunting lodge on the edge of the grounds of a Grand Duke's palace estate in southern Germany in the 18th century.


Prince Erick-age 18, 2nd son of the Grand Duke, bound for a high position in the church.

Captain Klaus-age 24, captain of the palace guard, Erick's weapons instructor and lover.

Horst- Ericke's valet, an older man

Karl-young soldier,19,selected to join Erick's household as a guard, the valet's sometime lover

Hans, 17, soldier selected by Klaus to be the housekeeper-cook

Ludwig- Erick's father

Brother Ernst-28, a monk sent to be Erick's tutor in Latin and church rituals

Wilhelm- 16, Erick's younger brother

Part 3

Some weeks after the household had been settled and organized, a monk arrived as Erick's Latin tutor. He was met at the outer gate by a guard and directed to go to Horst in the lodge. Horst received him with some suspicion. The monk, Brother Ernst, explained that he had been assigned as the tutor for the young prince, the future abbot. Horst appraised the new addition to the household. He suspected that under the monk's dark robes there was the body of a strong young man. Horst sent Hans to Erick and Klaus to tell them of the monk's arrival. Ernst was led to the prince's study and entered. Klaus stood behind Erick, who was seated by the fire. He looked up and said-"Welcome, Brother Ernst to Prince Erick's household." Ernst bowed to the prince and was offered a seat on a low bench. Seated, Ernst began explaining to his duties to the 2 men. As he spoke, the monk noticed that the prince looked up to the captain, smiling. The captain smiled at the prince and rubbed his shoulder briefly. It was an unusually intimate gesture on the part of 2 men of such different social positions. When he had finished the captain spoke, "As you have noticed we have an all male household staff. This is to avoid any idle gossip about the prince. I'm acting as the de facto steward of the household. Will you be staying here at the lodge or at the abbey?"

The monk hesitated for a moment, deciding which would be best. It had been a 3 hour walking journey from the abbey. He didn't relish the long walk back. Finally, he spoke up "If it would not be a bother I might stay here. All I require is a small room and pallet to sleep. My needs are few." Both the prince and the captain nodded their approval. The captain reached over to pull a cord to summon Horst. When he arrived Horst was informed that the monk would be staying at the lodge for a while and that one of the attic rooms should be prepared for him. Horst looked at the prince with a questioning face. Erick simply nodded. Horst motioned for the monk to follow him.

When they'd departed Erick asked Klaus "Will we be able to continue our love making with a monk living in the lodge?" Klaus thought a minute before responding "I think that our young monk knows of the ways of the world. He has lived in a place with only other young, lustful men. I'm sure he will soon learn that we are no different than those men." After he finished speaking Klaus pulled Erick up into a loving embrace and a deep, lustful kiss. Both could feel their hard erections straining at their pants. Reaching behind Erick, Klaus gently pushed him in tighter until their erections were pulsing against each other. Klaus took the prince's hand and led him to the nearby bed chamber. For the remainder of the afternoon they made passionate love, Klaus roughly taking the prince in many different positions. Erick let out loud moans as he felt Klaus's tool push into his body over and over again. They were interrupted only by Horst and Hans bringing in a light meal to replenish their energies. Both servants were unashamed by seeing the 2 naked men in the bed. It was now known that the virile young captain was an ardent lover of his young ward. Their cries of passion could often be heard in the corridors of the place. These sounds often inspired the other men to join in their own copulations no matter where they were. Hans' own tool was stiff as he left the bed chamber. Horst made a fast run to find Karl for his own release.

Dinner that night was a subdued affair at the common table. The prince had insisted that the whole household eat together each evening. The presence of the young monk did put a dim mood on the meal. After grace was said by the monk, the prince stood. "My friends," he began " we have an addition to our household, the young monk, Brother Ernst." Men around the table nodded to the monk. The meal was eaten in relative silence. At the end of the meal the wine was passed around and the men relaxed. One young soldier began singing a bawdy song. He was soon joined in the chorus by the others. By now most of the men had removed their outer cloths and some even removed their shirts. The monk sat, unsure of what to do. Klaus spoke up "Good brother, join us in relaxing, remove that tattered habit and have more wine with us." With some hesitation the monk removed his outer habit only to reveal that all he wore under it was a pair of small under pants. "That's better," Karl said, "maybe we should all strip down to our underpants to make our young monk comfortable?" They all looked at the young monks muscular body and the bulge hidden beneath the small cloth garment. As a unit the men stood and removed their clothing until they were all dressed similar to the monk. More wine as passed around until everyone was feeling its affects. One by one and in pairs the men left the table to go out into the court yard to relieve themselves. The monk noticed that some pairs of men returned displaying stiff erections. By this time Hans had moved to sit next to the monk. Both were in need of emptying their bladders. The monk made to stand but the wine had made his legs weak. Hans stood to help him and lead him outside.

When they had departed sly smiles crossed the faces of those at the table. Hans had not yet found a man to warm his bed. Perhaps this young monk might be the one for him. Hands reached for nearby crotches. Each hand was met with a stiff reaction. Pair after pair departed the table until only Klaus, Erick, Horst, and Karl remained when the monk and Hans returned. Erick stood to speak, "Gentlemen perhaps it is time for all of us to repair to our beds to rest for the day ahead." The 6 men stood to leave with Hans still supporting the now very drunk monk. When they reached the prince's bed chamber, Klaus spoke up "Hans, perhaps you'd better make sure the good monk makes it safely to his bed?" Hans smiled and mumbled "I will make sure of that, sir."

So that's the end of part 3! Will Hans make sure that Ernst is safely bedded down? Will the household return to its lustful ways? How will the monk react in the morning when he realizes that he has broken his vow of chastity? How will the "lessons' between Erick and Klaus progress? If you want to read more email me at jaskejr@hotmail.

Next: Chapter 4

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