Prince Caspian on the Set

By Bad Boy

Published on Jun 16, 2008


This story is of course fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of William Moseley, Skander Keynes, Ben Barnes or anyone else mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

This story is not condoning or encouraging underage sex with a minor. Sex should always be between two consulting adults

"The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" is owned and copyrighted by the Disney Corporation.

Thanks for all the comments. Please, keep them coming!

Skander was the first to yank his cock out, causing Ben's eyes to water as his hole snapped around Will's cock at the sudden loss of volume. Skander stood there, looking down at the two men. His chest had drops of Ben's cum on it and he started to rub it in to his wet flesh and then lick it off his fingers.

Knowing that he had made these two his fuck slaves for life, Skander picked up his costume and walked out into the cool night, buck naked, leaving Ben and Will alone to ponder their new lives of servicing the younger Skander Keynes. Content with what he had accomplished, he decided to head back and get some sleep, after all, tomorrow was a new day with his two new play toys, and he intended to make every day count.

One Week Later

It had been one week since the life altering event had occurred that night in the trailer. After Skander had walked out, leaving Will and Ben covered in sweat, both nursing sore and abused ass holes which were full of warm spunk, the two older studs were left alone with their own thoughts, trying to comprehend what had just happened, what they had just allowed to happen.

There was no doubt that they were older and stronger than Skander, that both of them, probably even one of them, would have been able to put a stop to the events that had just transpired, to reverse rolls and become the master of the 16 year old actor...but the fact remained that both of them failed to step up, both remained submissive to the dominant young actor who had fucked them both. They had picked up their clothes and left without saying a word to each other that night, but somehow they both knew that this was only the beginning...

The week had passed by quiet and uneventful. Will and Ben were filming together, while Skander had been ferried away to a different location by the director for shooting the entire week. While Will and Ben were, at first, both hesitant to discuss the events which had transpired that night between themselves and Skander, as the week wore on, it became clear that the air had to be cleared. Sitting down over a pint one night, the two actors had come to very different conclusions. While Ben almost shamefully admitted to being turned on by the dominant attitude of Skander, Will had taken the week to harden his resolve. He had been the first guy to fuck Skander, the first to introduce him to pleasures he had never experienced, the one to show him how it all was done. While he had acquiesced to Skander's sexual dominance in the trailer, he concluded that it had been a mistake and he was determined to show him who was boss, who was going to be the top. As soon as they got back, Will was determined to confront Skander and put an end to his rule of sexual tyrant and put him once again in his place of being a content and submissive bottom.

Will did not have to wait long. Upon arriving back at the main studio, Ben and Will found notes tapped to their make-up mirrors in their trailer. They were from Skander. Tearing the letter open, Will read the short note.

"My hotel, suite 312, 7 o'clock. Make sure to get your asses there on time."

The letter only made an already determined Will Moseley that much more determined to knock Skander off his perch. It did not ask Will and Ben to come tonight, it demanded, and while Will briefly considered not even going, he quickly decided against it; beating Skander at his own game, would be better than not going at all. Looking at his watch, he and Ben had an hour to get over to Skander's hotel. As Will climbed into the car, he could only imagine how Skander would take it when he fucked him up the ass as ruthlessly as he knew how, and claimed his rightful spot as alpha male once again.

As Will and Ben approached room 312, Will's resolve had never been stronger. He would make Skander his bitch once again by the end of tonight, and show him once again why he, Will Moseley, was going to be the only one doing the fucking for the rest of the shoot.

Knocking on the door, there was no answer. Twice more and no response. Getting fed up with the apparent nonsense; Will opened the unlocked door and entered the small vestibule of the suite.

There, dressed in only a pair of black bikini briefs, was Skander Keynes. Though it had only been a week since the three had last been together, both Ben and Will thought silently to themselves how hot he was looking. He was only 16, but he was becoming more attractive and desirable by the day. As Will let his eyes linger on the body he was eager to lay claim to once again, he drunk in every detail of Skander he could, his cock responding accordingly.

Starting at the top was Skander's dark brown hair, always perfectly tousled, giving him the look of not really caring what he looks like, but only serving to make him look that much better. His eyes were dark and deep, conveying a sense of intelligence, as well as sex appeal that would make weaker men crumble before him. His lips were full and soft. Will remembered how good they felt wrapped around his swollen prick as he pumped it in and out of Skander's willing mouth, how those lips followed every undulation, every ridge of his cock, culminating in a mind-numbing experience that he was eager to relive.

Continuing down his body, Will was once again taken back by how developed his young body had become. While he was rather pale, it suited Skander, the paleness somehow serving as an accent, a compliment, for the otherwise dark hair which he possessed on his tight, fit, hard body. While Skander's face betrayed his relative youth to a casual observer, his body was that of a man, hair and muscles in all of the right places. While the costumers had decided on loose fitting tunics and chainmail, Will could not help but think that they were missing a golden opportunity to display not only Skander's rocking body, but his and Ben's as well. All were fine specimens of manhood, their bodies a thing to be desired and lusted after, not hidden behind expensive cloth and fabrics.

Starting at Skander's chest, Will could not help but admire the mounds of muscle that formed Skander's pectorals, dark hairs having already taken root and sprouted, spreading across his muscled chest, surrounding the two quarter-sized pink nipples which crowned each of Skander's pecs. Skander's nipples stood proud and erect, protruding from each of his pecs, begging to be pinched, twisted, bitten and gnawed upon, to be feasted upon as though they were rare delicacies. Skander's arms were muscled and defined, he did not have to flex in order to flaunt his biceps, they were clearly on display for all to see without him even trying to impress. Underneath his arms Will could make out dark pits, full of dark hair, both of them warm and moist caverns where Will loved to lick the sweat which had accumulated there during their fuck sessions.

Continuing down, Will was confronted with a developing abdominal region. While not as cut as his own, each ab was clearly defined, separated by a ridge, creating a washboard stomach which Will yearned to rub his body over, to feel the delicious friction one can only achieve when two hard bodies meet and the creases and folds of a six-pack stomach ripple against a body equally as fit. The center ridge became dark with hair starting at his bellybutton and continuing downward to his tapered waist, before his dark treasure trail was swallowed by those briefs which were barely able to contain Skander's trapped python.

Almost upon cue, Skander removed his bikini briefs, stepping out of them and tossing them across the vestibule. His cock, having not even been touched, stood proud and erect from his body, anticipating the bodily pleasures it would soon be engaged in. Framed by a dark pubic bush that had recently been trimmed, it served to frame the impressive glands which belonged to Skander. His cock, 8" of steely thickness, a slight curvature upwards at the end, allowing Skander to hit spots in Will ass that had made him shutter with both pain and pleasure. Below swung two testicles, egg sized, swinging freely in their sac, coated with a light dusting of hair. While his cock was already impressive, Will had no doubt that Skander had more growing to do and that included his dick. While intimidating now, it would be a sight to behold in another year or two he figured.

Behind this was Skander's ass, the prize which Will wanted to claim once again, to stuff to capacity and fill with his own sticky and hot semen, marking his territory once again. Skander's bubble butt was like a marble sculpture, pale but hard as rock, furry with the same dark hair which could be found on the rest of his body. Spreading those buns apart revealed a surprisingly hairy crack, Skander's ass hole a pink star in an otherwise dark night sky of hair. Finishing his survey, Will took in Skander's legs, thighs as hard as steel, with a light dusting of hair to be found upon them.

Taking in all of Skander's tight, hard body had been too much for Will. His cock was raging, creating an almost obscene bulge in his trousers, his monster straining for release. He was ready to tear his clothes off, force Skander face first into a wall, and fuck him senseless, with or without his consent; his lust was just that great. However, before he could act, Skander spoke once more in that dominating, condescending tone that drove Will so insane, a trait he intended to break Skander of tonight.

"Take off your clothes and get on the bed" Skander said as he motioned with his head to a bed behind him, in the other room.

Both Will and Ben stood their ground.

"I'm only going to ask nicely one more time. Take your clothes off and get on the bed."

Again, Will and Ben stood still, their faces stoic. Will was the first to break the silence.

"You piece of shit, you took us by surprise last week, we'll grant you that, and you had your fun, but now it's time to let the big boys have their fun, so why don't you get that tight little ass of yours on to that bed, spread those buns of yours and get ready to get rocked by two monster cocks. If you do it quick enough, we might even let you feel what it feels like to have two dicks in your ass at the same time; Ben can't stop talking about it"

Skander looked Will up and down, impressed that he stood his ground, but not surprised. He had known at the conclusion of their fuck session last week that Ben Barnes had been broken, he was little more than a mare, a pleasure ride that was more than willing to be fucked whenever the chance might arise, but Will was different. Will was a stallion, a mustang, a horse that had to be broken in, that had to be trained, disciplined. However, once broken, he would give the greatest pleasure, a pleasure Skander was greedy for.

"I figured you'd put up some sort of fight Will, and I see you got our bitch Ben to go along with you, but don't think I came unprepared either, I brought along some friends too that might just even the score."

In the bedroom behind Skander, Will could make out some movement in the shadows. Though there were no lights turned on in the bedroom as of yet, there was a table lamp in the vestibule that produced enough light that some spilled into the other room, creating a sliver of light. Into that light stepped three naked figures, all of which Will immediately recognized.

On the left was Daniel Radcliffe, 18 and star of the Harry Potter series. His body was toned and fit, showing the handwork he had put in to getting it ready to be seen naked by the whole world in his West End production of Equus. He was dark, like Skander, but not as muscular; his cock was 8" and stood out eager to serviced.

On the right was Alex Pettyfer, star of the film Stormbreaker. He was not dark like Dan and Skander, but was blonde and buff. His body defined, a machine made for pleasure. He was 18 and well endowed with a 9" cock, veins running up and down, pulsing with lust.

Behind Skander stood Harry Eden, a relative new comer to the profession of acting, staring in movies such as Peter Pan and Oliver Twist, but a stud by the very definition of the word. While not as built and defined as the others, his body was smooth and soft, and gave him the look of being passive and gentle. As first glance his blue eyes gave the impression of innocence, but as Will gazed deeper, there was a fire of lust, desire and aggression which burned deep in them, an observation only proven correct by his hard 7" member that was swinging between his legs.

Confronted by the four young men, Will's stomach sank.

"You don't think I would come unprepared, did you?" Skander asked in a mocking fashion. "I figured you would have something up your sleeve so I asked a few friends to come and help me. I've been busy between our films Will, you showed me how good it could feel to be fucked at the end of our first one, and when you left, I craved more. I ran into each of these guys, doing various independent projects and charity endeavors, and like you, I let them have their way with me at first, but one by one I dominated them, made them my slaves, and now they live to get fucked by a boy two years their minor. I loved breaking them in Will, but only because I knew it was a way to get to you, and now the time is right, by the end of tonight you are going to be begging for me, and I'll only be too happy to give you what you want.. So before you make my friends angrier than they already are, why don't you two get naked and get on that bed behind me and get ready to be split open by four monster cocks."

In a flash, Ben Barnes was shucking his clothing and making his way through the hard naked bodies to the bed. While he had agreed to help Will, his heart was not in it. The moment Will had first penetrated him, the moment Skander took control of him, the moment his ass hole was stretched by two dicks at the same time, he knew he was an insatiable bottom, a cum slut, willing to do anything and everything, just to get filled up. As he revealed his tan and muscled flesh, the three new comers could not help but drink in the stud that was Ben Barnes, as he passed by them to get to the bed, they all turned around, catching a quick glimpse of his tight bubble butt, stroking their cocks, eager to sample the wares he so willingly had put on display; to find his tight opening and stuff him with their ample pricks.

Deserted by Ben, Will was unsure of what to do, but his stubbornness and resolve got the best of him. He stood there silent, unsure of what was coming, but ready to put on one hell of a fight.

Skander smiled. "Good, you don't disappoint Will; I was hoping it would come to this." Turning around and showing his tight ass to Will, he faced his three cronies. "Boys, you know what to do."

Almost simultaneously and with surprising speed, all three young men were on William Moseley, their hard naked bodies taking hold of his arms and feet. He struggled against them, but three against one was a losing battle, and the three quickly gained an upper hand. Dragging a still resisting William Moseley into the bed room, the light was switched on and Will caught a quick glimpse of Ben, sitting on the bed, stroking his hard cock, enjoying the spectacle taking place in front of him. The three men were not gentle; they tore the clothing from Will's body as though it were merely a wrapper, trying to get to the sweet candy which was inside. As Dan tore his boxers off his body, Will was now naked, and caught his first glimpse of the room. Suspended from the ceiling was a bit of rope. Its usage was a puzzle to Will, but it soon became clear what its intended function was.

Gripping his wrists tightly, the three men yanked them above Will's head and quickly tied the rope tightly and securely around his wrists. Skander had guessed as to how long to make the rope, and he had almost gotten it correct, but as the three men backed away from their new captive, Will's feet were just barely able to touch the ground, but he was forced to stand on the balls of his feet, leaning a bit forward in order to be able to touch the hotel floor. As he stood there, suspended from the ceiling, his arms and hands tied above his hand, Alex reached into the drawer of the room's desk, removing two objects, one he kept for himself, the other he handed to Skander. Not being able to see what the objects were, Will was frightened of what may happen to him as Alex moved behind him, the object still concealed in his hand.

Feeling Alex reach from behind him, Will opened his mouth to cal out for help, to call out for them to stop, for them to let him free, but that was exactly what Alex had wanted. Forcing a ball gag into the open mouth and quickly snapping it shut around Will's head, he made it impossible for Will to cry out for help.

Approaching his suspended and gagged captive, Skander took a look at Will's impressive member. Skander did not doubt that Will was afraid, but his cock told a different story. It was as hard as Skander had ever seen it, and it was a good thing too, as Skander took this moment to reveal what Alex had given him, a leather cock ring. Skander took hold of Will's turgid member and began to put Will's cock in its new leather prison. Placing each of Will's golf ball sized testicles into their own leather compartment, he snapped the leather rings around them, separating his two balls and pulling them apart, all while being confined by their tight leather restraints. Pleased with the tight fit on Will's cock, he finished by snapping the rest of the leather ring around his massive prick, encasing Will's glands in a prison of leather. While his cock had been hard before, it was now swollen, engorged, as the leather prison encircled and entrapped Will's blue-ribbon genitals.

Taking a few steps back, Skander surveyed the work done by him and his three slaves. There, hung from the ceiling, stood the object of his desires, William Moseley, High King Peter, and fantasy of thousands of women. If only they could see him now.

Skander began to survey Will much the same way Will had ogled him earlier. Starting at his bound and tied wrists, Skander could see that Will was no stranger to working out. His muscles were defined and cut, his biceps bulging as he struggled not only to stand up straight, but to try and escape the predicament he found himself in. His shoulders were straining, his sinews like iron as they struggled against his captivity.

Continuing down to his blond hair, so often styled to perfection, but this time messed up in the struggle, but not detracting from his ruggedly handsome face and his defined masculine features. His blue eyes were wild with anger and rage, perhaps even fear, exciting Skander all the more, as rage could easily be transformed into sexual appetite and urges, making the breaking of this stallion all the more interesting. His swollen lips, wrapped around the ball gag as though it were a massive cock; saliva dribbling out the side of his mouth and down his chin.

His arms being suspended above him, allowed an unfettered view of Will's armpits, dense with dark blonde hair, begging for Skander to bury his face in them and inhale the very scent that was Will. His chest was hairless but defined, a sharp ridge running down the center of his chest clearly delineating his two pecs. His nipples, though smaller than Skander's, were swollen, enticing Skander to flick his tongue against them, to play with them in as a seductive and agonizing means as he knew how. He was panting, his chest heaving, rising and falling, creating a rhythm that enticed Skander all the more.

Will's abs were a thing of beauty. Skander recalled the old adage of being able to grate cheese on a man's abominable muscles they were so defined, and in the case of Will Moseley, he for the first time believed it to be possible. They were hard and defined, with only a light dusting of dark blonde hair beginning at his bellybutton and traveling down to his pubic region. There it was joined by a trimmed bush, darker than one would expect, framing the now confined 9" cock, erect, straight as an arrow, standing proud and defiant from Will's pelvic regions, even though it was a confined as it's owner.

Taking a look behind Will, Skander was once again in awe of Will's ass, plump and hard at the same time, it was like a paradox, an oxymoron, but the evidence of it's perfection was staring Skander right in the face. Spreading those delectable buns apart revealed a hairless crack, his tight resisting hole, having only been breached once before, taunting and enticing any man to want to breach it yet again with their own cock. His thighs and legs were strong, straining to support the rest of his body, as he struggled to stay balanced as he was suspended so precariously from the ceiling.

Pleased with what he saw, Skander nodded to Dan, Alex and Harry, all of which had retreated to different corners of the room after they had secured Will from the ceiling, stroking their cocks as they watched their master drink in the body of Will.

That nod was the signal they had been waiting for, and they fell upon their pray. Dan Radcliffe and Harry Eden approached Ben Barnes as he lay on the bed, enticing them with his body, while Alex Pettyfer circled the helpless Will Moseley; letting Will see him eye his body, before finally stopping behind Will. Will tried to turn his head, to look at what Alex was doing behind him, but his attempts were futile. Taking each of Will's delicious buns in each of his hands and kneading them, Alex separated them, taking a look at his target.

As Alex relished the ride he was about to take on Will's ass, Dan and Harry did not stop to savor Ben, knowing full well that he was a cum slut, an easy lay, where Will would be the real prize. Skander had instructed them to use Ben merely as a warm-up, as practice for the main event. They were to use Ben, to fuck him in every orifice, but to save their seed for Will and his tight hole. Dan and Harry roughly pushed and pulled Ben into a doggystlye position, Harry positioned near the mouth while Dan took his place at Ben's ass. Neither of them were gentle or coy, they wanted to fuck and they wanted it now. Ben opened his mouth, expecting the 7" cock in front of him to taunt him, to play with him, to slap his tongue and check before entering his mouth. Instead Harry merely grabbed Ben's dark locks and forced his dick in as deep as it would go, his heavy balls slapping against Ben's chin, Ben's eye's bugging out at the sudden intrusion. Dan was no less gentle with Ben's ass, spreading the cheeks apart, before spitting on the hole. Satisfied, he jabbed his middle finger into Ben's ass, feeling the heat and tightness, how the hole gripped around his long finger. Inserting another finger, he began to perform a scissoring motion, opening up Ben's resisting ass hole even more, prepping it for his prick. Pulling his fingers out, Dan did not waste time in plugging the hole up once again, but this time with his dick. Shoving it up Ben's chute in one motion, Ben cried out, but the sound died in his throat, as it mouth was already full of hard cock. Dan began a ruthless fucking of Ben's ass, filling it to capacity before pulling out the entirety of his cock until just the head rested in the tight opening, before pummeling the ass again. His testicles slapped against Ben who was overcome with the feeling of once again being fully stuffed, inspiring him to push his ass back to meet the oncoming dick, to take it ever deeper. Dan was grunting, wiping the sweat from his brow as he fucked Ben, telling him how much of a whore he was and how good his cunt felt wrapped around his big cock.

While Dan and Harry had been able to breach Ben's defenses quite easily, Alex was having less luck with Will, who still maintained his resolute and defiant attitude. As Alex tried to insert his raging boner into Will's hole, he found it resisting. Will, having precious few options, clenched his ass together, denying entrance to any invader. Alex was prepared for such an attitude, and Skander's instructions were to be ruthless in breaking in Will Moseley. Ceasing his attempts to enter Will, he began to spank Will's ass mercilessly, the sound being made when his open hand palm came into contact with Will's pale globes of ass flesh resonating throughout the room. Alex alternated between the two buns, giving it all he got. Soon the pale white ass turned a rosy pink, only to be replaced by the sting of red flesh. Will was in agony. The pain from each slap was increasing exponentially, and coupled with the humiliation of the whole affair, made him start to cry, whimpers coming from behind his ball gag.

Alex took this as his opportunity to strike. Spitting on his cock and rubbing it in, he spread Will's ass apart and shoved his 9" baby-maker into the hilt. Will's eyes nearly popped out, a scream being muffled by the gag stuffed in his mouth. His whole body became taut, each muscle bulging and protruding. He struggled, his whole body shaking, swaying from the rope as his feet momentarily left the ground, trying to expel the invader, but it was hopeless, Alex began to plunder the deep regions of his ass as Will hung there, and dangling from the ceiling as this 18 year old stud forcibly fucked his ass. Taking hold of Will's slim waist, Alex began to give Will a royal pounding, hard, fast, and deep. Will could do nothing, his body helpless to resist, his leather clad dick and balls, sore and engorged could only bob and sway with the rest of his body as it was racked by the power fucking it was taking.

As Skander surveyed the room, he was pleased by what he saw, Dan and Harry were totally engaged in stuffing Ben's two holes; Ben in a state of euphoria, totally consumed with deepthroating Harry's cock and taking Dan's cock as deep as possible. Alex was power fucking a helpless Will Moseley, hands on Will's waist, pulling the ass back to meet his thrusts, try to get ever deeper, Alex's tongue hanging out of his mouth, concentrating on the task at hand. It was only Will that was not lost in the furry of sexual fervor and pleasure. His mouth was agape with the ball gag, his face flushed with pain, and his eyes were wet with tears, but they were locked on Skander, hatred burning in them.

Skander picked up a chair and put it in front of the still dangling and helpless Will. He turned around, leaned over the back of the chair and spread his ass cheeks, his pink hole winking at Will, his hand reaching around to tease his own hole, before he turned his head around to speak to Will, making sure Will was looking at his tight and delicious ass before he began to speak.

. "This is what you came for tonight, right? You wanted to fuck me, to make me your bottom bitch again. Well it's not going to happen. By the end of tonight you'll be begging for cock up your ass, you'll never want to fuck again, only to be the one being fucked, but I can see we still have a ways to go, so for now, let me treat you to a little show."

Walking over to the same drawer which Alex had taken the ball gag and cock ring from; Skander produced an obscenely large black dildo, probably almost a foot in length. Walking back to the chair, he spit on it, making it slick, before assuming the same position he was just in on the chair, leaned over the back, his ass open and on display for Will.

Positioning the dildo at his ass entrance, Skander slowly begin to insert inch after inch of the huge cock, his hungry ass swallowing more and more, possessing a seemingly insatiable appetite for this fake cock. Will could only watch as more and more of this dildo was greedily swallowed by Skander's ass, until 10" rested in his ass, Skander leaving it in, moaning from the pleasure he was giving himself. Will could only watch as Skander slowly removed the dildo, almost pulling it entirely from his ass, before he began to fuck himself with the monster dildo, stuffing his chute to capacity, whoring himself upon a sex toy. Will watched as Skander fucked himself with his own hand, pistoning the dildo in and out of his ass ever faster and faster, the dildo becoming sleek and shiny as it began to be covered not only in Skander's sweat, but the juices from his sweet ass as well. Will could not help but take note of the sheer pleasure Skander was reaping from having his ass pummeled by such a large cock, at the way the dildo slid in and out of Skander's ass, his ass ring expanding and contracting as it struggled to take the thicker parts of the dildo, the way the black onyx color of the dildo was being swallowed by Skander's milky white ass. Will was almost in a trance as he watched Skander fuck himself, only to be brought back by Alex hitting that special place in his ass.

As Will reeled from Alex hitting his g-spot, a smile spread across Alex's face as he once again slapped the red hot flesh of Will's ass.

"Looks like I finally found this bitch's weak point. Hold on slut, it's only going to get rougher from here on out." Alex said as he fucked even harder and faster, causing Will to groan, his sore and abused hole pleading with his brain to be left alone, but Will was powerless to stop it powerless to stop Alex from fucking his tight and resisting hole, his engorged leather-clad cock still bouncing along with the fucking he was taking.

It went on like this for about two hours. Once Alex had unloaded his cum into Will's ass, it was Harry's turn, who eagerly took his cock out of Ben's mouth and stuck it into the already well used and abused hole of Will Moseley, already filled and leaking Alex's jizz. Ben was like a baby who needed a bottle, and Alex was only happy to oblige, offering up his cock to be sucked, Ben cleaning the funk and sweat which had accumulated on it from Will's ass. As one man fucked Will's ass mercilessly, the other two would stay ready by using Ben, keeping their cocks hard for when it was their turn to fuck Will's cunt. By the end of the two hour gang bang, all three boys had fucked Will twice, unloading four huge loads of their stored up cum into his gut, Harry having the honors of jizzing twice into his prize. They had fucked him without mercy; they slapped his ass, twisted his pert nipples savagely, called him names, and raped his unwilling cunt. Semen was pouring out of Will's abused hole, streaming down his legs. His blonde hair was matted with sweet to his head, his face streaming with tears. He had whimpered and moaned through the gag for the first hour or so, but since then he had fallen silent, saliva running out of his open mouth and down his face. His body was one fire, he had been kept suspended from the ceiling in an unnatural position, and his muscles ached, begged for a rest, but he was unable to grant them their much needed respite, as he dangled there, being gang raped against his will.

It was only his cock that had remained unchanged, kept impossibly hard and swollen by its leather prison. The blood which had engorged his cock was trapped there, his balls sore, each one confined to their individual leather prison. The whole time Will stood there, tied and helpless, his cock had begged for release, to be pleasured, to be allowed to release, but no one dare touch it. It stood there, pulsating, 9" of steel, begging, aching for release, but no one had touched it.

This whole time Skander had made sure to always be in Will's line of vision, always making sure that Will was watching him plow himself with his massive dildo. Fucking himself in front of a totally helpless victim such as Will turned him on, and made him ever more eager to have Will for himself. As Harry pulled out of Will's ass after having unloaded for the second time, Will's ass ring still resisting, Skander put aside his dildo and sat down on the chair, giving the sign to let Will down from his suspended prison.

As Harry undid the bounds around Will's wrists, Will was so weak, so totally spent that he collapsed on the floor at Skander's feet. Barely being able to raise his head, he looked up at Skander Keynes, his tight and hard body glistening with sweat.

"Are you ready to do what I ask, when I ask? Are you ready to stop being such a stud and start being my bitch?" Skander questioned Will.

Will could only nod meekly, his gag still stuffed into his mouth.

"Good, very good, now get the fuck up here and start pleasuring me." Skander commanded, while Harry reached around and undid the gag, giving Will's sore jaw a respite.

Getting weakly to his knees, Will's mouth went for Skander's cock, while his hand went to his cock, eager to unleash it from its confines and stroke it to ejaculation, relieving him of the built up pressure which he had been feeling there. Skander slapped him hard.

"Two things first bitch. One, you don't ever touch your cock without my permission and two; you don't ever touch my cock without my permission. Sooner you get that in your pretty little head, the sooner we can have some fun."

Will had no choice to do what Skander had told him. Forced to leave his aching and begging glands in their prison, he began to worship Skander's tight body, licking and lavishing attention on his built chest and washboard abs. He used his tongue to trace along the ridges of Skander's abdominal muscles, tasting the taste of sweat that had accumulated in these creases. He licked and sucked at Skander's nipples, sucking one and than the other into his mouth, alternating between the two, while his hands roamed across Skander's body, running them over Skander's abs, massaging his hard pecs and grabbing onto Skander's biceps. The whole time Skander's cock stood there proudly, content in the knowledge that it had broken Will Moseley, but he still had one final step to complete before Will's humiliation and domination were total.

Pushing Will off him and onto the floor, he made his way over to the bed, as Dan and Alex stopped using Ben for their pleasure and pulled him off it along with them, leaving the bed totally vacated for Skander. Giving his three slaves yet another sign, he laid on the bed on his back, his dick standing turgid and erect, while he gripped it at the base with his one hand, steadying it.

Meanwhile, Dan, Harry and Alex went over and picked up Will Moseley. In sharp contrast to the struggle he had put up against them earlier tonight, he was not now much more than a rag doll, unable to resist. Carrying him over to the now reclined Skander Keynes, they positioned Will's red and gapping hole, still filled and leaking with their own warm spunk, above Skander's cock, letting him hover, waiting for permission to lower him onto Skander's cock.

As Skander's played with the hole above his cock, collecting some of the cum that was oozing out of Will's ass onto his flared cock head, he made sure Will knew what this moment symbolized, that this was the culmination of his total domination of the Narnia stud.

"Your days of fucking pussies are over bitch; from now on your pussy belongs to me and only me. When I want to fuck it, you will let me, and you will think only of my cock, is that understood? You ready to get royally fucked?"

Will could only nod, eager to end this night of humiliation and pain.

That was not enough for Skander. "Come on, beg bitch, and tell me how much you want it?" Skander said.

Will had to do what he was told; he was in no place to disagree. "Please Skander, fuck me, and let me know what it is like to be with a real man. Fill me up, shoot your cum in my ass, mark me as your own, oh please, just fuck my brains out, make me want it." He went on and on, blabbering like a sex starved fool, describing just how badly he wanted Skander at that precise moment. Satisfied, Skander interrupted Will's speech.

"Then get ready to be fucked." Skander said as he thrust upward while the three men lowered Will's loose hole onto Skander's impressive cock, impaling him onto the prize dick of their master. As it gained entrance, a wet noise was heard, no doubt caused by the already four warm loads incubating still in Will's ass cavity. Will could not sit upright, he was too weak, and he fell back, his body lying on top of Skander, as Skander began to eagerly fuck Will's hole. As he thrust up, ever more urgently, he began to hit the same spot in Will's ass that Alex had hit earlier in the evening, Skander's curved cock perfect for reaching this spot. Reaching around Will's chest, Skander grabbed Will's already sore and abused nipples, pinching and twisting them, eliciting moans from out of Will's throat, Skander's hot breath felt along the back of Will's neck.

Will was not sure what happened, but it was at that moment that things truly and forever changed for him. He could never be sure if it was his weakened position, the dick up his ass, the humiliation he had endured, the gang bang from the three younger studs, or what, but as Skander continued to plunder his ass, his own leather clad dick rocking along with his Skander's motions, Will heard himself cry out, asking for it harder, whimpering not with pain, but with pleasure. There had been a fundamental shift; he would never again crave female pussy or male ass, his only sexual release would come when he was filled with Skander's cock firmly planted in his bottom ass.

Skander knew that he had finally broken his will, and began to fuck William Moseley with reckless abandon. He fucked so hard his ass began to raise off the bed, forcing Will up with it, the contact of his loins with Will's ass creating an audible slapping noise.

"Oh yeah baby, that's right, ride that cock, ride it, show me how much you want it. Make me cum, squeeze the cum right out of my dick with that tight ass of yours." Skander said as he continued to pummel Will's ass.

As the 21 year old Will began to ride the 16 year old Skander, the four other men sprang into action. Ben, hypnotized by the jiggling of Will's cock as he was being fucked by Skander, got up on the bed and squatted over Will, his well-worn hole sucking in Will's cock, Ben not even bothering to remove the leather cock ring that held Will's balls and cock so tight at the root of his dick. He squatted and rode Will's big dick as Will himself was riding Skander. Feeling his cock being enveloped in a velvet tunnel, Will's opened his eyes, closed because of the ecstasy Skander was making him feel, only to be confronted by Dan and Alex squatting over his face, hard dicks in hand, about to feed their sausages to Will Moseley. Finally, Harry stood in front of the squatting Ben Barnes and began to suck Prince Caspian's own impressive tool as he played with himself.

If anyone had walked into the room at that precise moment, they would have been shocked at what they would have seen on the bed. A writhing mass of muscle and flesh, sweat and cum. All of these young men had been going at it for hours, yet they were young and virile, able to go for hours as long as their release and pleasure at the end was assured.

As Skander continued to pound up into Will's pussy, Will was thrusting up into Ben, whose own impressive cock was being serviced by Harry Eden. While Skander and Ben were muttering, swearing, moaning, Will had no such opportunity as he was busy servicing the dicks of Dan Radcliffe and Alex Pettyfer, sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes both, sucking them into his mouth, using his tongue to play with their piss slits, running it along their full lengths, slobbering all over them. Sometimes the cocks would be completely removed, only to have them replaced with a ball sac, of which the owner gladly tea bagged Will's handsome face, dropping their nut sac in and out of Will's open and welcoming mouth..

As Skander became ever closer to ejaculation, he let the whole room know it, calling out how he was close, how he was about to cream, how he was going to shoot his searing hot load right into Will's tight little cunt. Taking it as a sign, all five others began to feel their balls tightening, getting ready to fire off another volley, to fill their partners mouth, hole or whatever with their creamy spunk. Harry took the opportunity to release Will's dick from its leather prison that had kept it so hard and rigid, yet had denied him the pleasure of release. Finally free, Will not only fucked Ben harder, eager to fill his ass, but also bounced on Skander's cock ever harder, swallowing Skander to the root.

The first to go was Ben who fired off a sizable load in to the mouth of Harry Eden who, being a cum slut himself, had no trouble swallowing the entire load, coating his throat with the sweet tasting cum of Ben Barnes. Harry was the next to go, masturbating and stroking himself to his sexual apex, firing off four loads that hit Skander's cock and Will's ass, serving as additional lubrication for the intense fuck Will's ass was taking. Dan and Alex were next, cuming almost simultaneously, their churning balls contracting, with their cock heads resting in Will's mouth. So much cum was coming out, that while Will tried to swallow it all, he found it to be an impossible task, and while most of it found its way down his greedy throat and into his belly, a good portion of it leaked from the sides from his mouth and down his face.

Will was the next to cum. Having his aching balls freed from their ball spreader prison and his sore cock freed from the leather ring, he buried his cock to the root in Ben's ass and painted his insides with his cum, Ben loving the feeling of once again being fucked by the same cock that had taken his virginity, Will just happy to have some release.

Skander, feeling Will's ass muscles contract from his intense orgasm inside Ben's ass was the last to cum. Pumping upward the last few times, Will's young body had never felt this way before, as Skander humped away at his weaker victim, pounding into his upturned ass with punishing blows. Will felt broken, getting raped up his sweet young cunt by a boy only 16 years old. Skander groaned, getting closer to blowing his load. He pumped harder at the ass above him, crashing his pelvis into the soft cheeks. Will opened his legs wider, and began throwing his ass back into Skander's groin, meeting him thrust for thrust. The act caused Skander's thick dick to punch dangerously deeper. With an animal howl, Skander shoved into Will one last time, and rocketed blast after thick slimy blast of rich potent sperm into the young man's tight gripping anus, white washing the liquefied innards in hot gushy cum.

They all stayed like that for awhile, coming down from their sexual peak, one by one they got off the bed, until only Skander and Will remained, Skander's cock still buried deep in Will's ass. Pushing and rolling Will off him, his cock popped out of Will's ass. Looking down at the ass he had just plundered, Skander was shocked and pleased by its transformation. While it had been tight and puckered at the start of this evening, it was now red and abused, a gapping hole, stretched by the pounding it had taken from so many young and handsome studs, unable to close as tightly as it once had. Skander stood up and surveyed what lay before him. There was Will, laying there; panting like a bitch in heat, helpless and broken...Skander had done what he had set out to do. As he walked towards the bathroom to clean himself up, he motioned for the four others to do their final task for the evening, the cleaning of his prize. The descended on Will, Ben and Harry lapping at his cunt, now sopping wet with the cum cocktail of five loads, while Dan and Alex licked and worshiped his tight and clenching body, cleaning it of sweat.

Skander was pleased with himself, he had claimed Will as his prize, and was looking forward to tomorrow morning, when he, Ben, Dan, Alex and Harry would enjoy using him again when they woke up. Morning could not come soon enough.

That is the end of part 5; I hope you enjoyed reading it. I love to get feedback from both people I have heard from before, letting me know what they think so far, as well as from new readers. Don't be shy; let me know what you think. E-mail me at any comments you may have.

Look forward to hearing from you!

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