Prince Caspian on the Set

By Bad Boy

Published on Jun 1, 2008


This story is of course fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of William Moseley, Skander Keynes, Ben Barnes or anyone else mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

This story is not condoning or encouraging underage sex with a minor.

"The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian" is owned and copyrighted by the Disney Corporation.

Thanks for all the comments. Please, keep them coming!

Will's manhood bounced enthusiastically in his hand as he lined up his massive prick with the tiny target that was Ben's hole. Placing it at the entrance, it quivered with delight in anticipation at fucking this young stud beneath him. Taking a deep breath, William Moseley began to push forward against the resisting hole of Ben Barnes, preparing to fuck this hunk for the first time.

As Will began to apply pressure, it quickly became apparent that while Ben's mind was saying yes to Will's sexual advances, his body had not quite caught up, as Ben's ass remained shut against all intruders, stymieing Will's quest of deflowering Ben's virgin hole. As Will pressed his cock against the resisting ass, the mixture of sweat and saliva caused his prick to slip up the crack, his cock coming to rest between the two delicious mounds. Realigning himself, he tried again, only to have Ben's impossibly tight ass refuse him entrance again. With both men frustrated, Ben turned his head around, looking at Will, his eyes pleading with Will, clearly sending him the message to stop mucking around and to pop his anal cherry.

While Ben's resisting hole was frustrating Will, it was also driving him to new levels of sexual excitement; having a virgin hole as tight as this one was a real pleasure, a pleasure which he intended to take for himself. With one hand he kneaded Ben's ass cheek, while with the other he took hold of his cock just below the head, placing it once again at Ben's rosebud. Holding his dick, he began to press against Ben's hole once more, only this time the defenses which had stopped him before we beginning to fail, and he felt the very tip of his cock head start to breach Ben's ass.

Pushing harder, Will was slowly working more and more of his cock head into Ben's awaiting ass. Looking into the mirror, Will saw Ben concentrating, on what he could only assume was relaxing his ass muscles in order to grant Will entrance, an action which went against what his ass was accustomed too. As Will continued to apply pressure he found himself muttering encouragement to Ben saying "Open that up, come on, I know it's tight, open it up."

Finally, with one last push, Will was granted entrance to Ben's ass as his cock head slipped past Ben's ass ring, his bulbous head resting in the ass which had resisted this behemoth of an invader for so long. The air was forced from Ben's lungs and his eyes bulged as he felt Will's monster cock slip into his ass. While it caused discomfort, Ben was too horny, too ready to get rocked by Will's monster cock to ask him to take it out now.

Allowing his dick to sit there in Ben's ass canal, Will allowed the reality of the situation to wash over him. Here he was, about to deflower the ass of a man who was quickly becoming the heartthrob of millions of young girls. As he came to grips with was about to transpire, a sly smirk began spreading across his face as he came to realize that he and no one else would be the first to get to fuck Ben Barnes silly. Ben could only lay there, his ass breached for the first time, panting as his senses worked overtime to relay information to his brain about what he was feeling. Sensing Ben's willingness to proceed, Will began to push his dick further into the unexplored recesses of Ben ass, continuing his assault on the now not so virgin ass, inserting inch after excruciating inch into the velvet-lined chamber of Ben's ass. Ben's faced grimaced as his hole was being stretched more than it had even been before, but seeing his submissive partner struggle to take his cock only turned Will on even more, as he continued to force feed the hungry ass in front of him his stallion sized cock.

The sensations sweeping over Ben were intense, his body breaking out in a sweat as it struggled to accommodate Will's member. His usually perfectly quaffed black hair, matted with sweat.

Will was unrelenting in his pursuit, constantly applying pressure, eager to fill Ben to the max. Finally Will bottomed out in Ben, his pubes and heavy balls coming into contact and resting against Ben's spread open bubble butt. Ben could only lay there, motionless, impaled upon a man sized cock which had just taken his male virginity.

As Will let his cock rest in Ben's now deflowered ass in order to allow time for the handsome actor to become accustomed to being stuffed, he slowly and deliciously rotated his hips in a circular pattern, grinding his pelvis into Ben's ass, stretching the compromised asshole more than it had already been, saying under his breath to himself as much as to Ben "your ass is so fucking tight on my cock."

Sensing that he had primed Ben, Will slowly started to pull his prick out of Ben until only the head of his cock remained in Ben's ass, leaving Ben with a sense of emptiness which he could not explain. He had been breached only moments before, yet already without a cock in him, he felt a longing to be filled up, to be fucked senseless, to be mounted from behind and bounced around, riding Will Moseley's cock. With the cock almost out of his hole, Ben relaxed, and Will took this moment to begin his all out fucking of Ben Barnes.

Sensing that Ben's ass muscles were relaxed, Will thrust forward fast and hard, burying his cock to the hilt in the tight sheath that was Ben's ass. Before Ben could even respond, Will had already begun pistoning in and out of Ben's hole, plundering the ass that had remained unspoiled for so long. Will's cock was a blur as it fucked Ben, his balls slapping against the fullness that was Ben's ass, creating an audible sound each and every time the two came into contact. For Ben's credit, he took the sudden and forceful invasion of his ass well, as Will's initial thrust caused him considerable pain, but as Will continued to fuck him, the pleasure he was feeling was well outweighing any discomfort he may have been experiencing, causing him to shout out for Will to fuck him harder, and deeper, to make him a cock-slut.

While extremely turned on by his ability to make Ben talk dirty just by fucking him, Will was also a pragmatist and knew that Ben's prolonged shouts of euphoria would only alert cast and crew to what these two studs were up to. Eager to continue pounding Ben's ass, but knowing he had to quiet him down, he reached for the only thing he could find without breaking his fucking motion, Ben's discarded underpants. Wadding them up in his hand, he stuffed them in Ben's mouth, gagging his lover as he continued to plunder Ben's ass ever deeper, egging Ben on even more by saying "You like that cock? You like getting fucked up your ass? Now you know what it's like for your fucking girlfriend."

However, the sound seemed to alert at least one person, as the door to the trailer slowly opened and in walked Skander Keynes. Unbeknownst to Ben, Will had not been alone when he had come into the trailer that night, as he was actually bringing the 16 year old Skander back to his trailer for an all night drilling of his young bunghole. However, seeing Ben masturbating himself and calling out his name had made Will change his plans, sending Skander out of the trailer, telling him to come in only when he heard the tell tale moans and groans of sex. Ben's involuntary screams of sheer delight were the sign Skander had been waiting for, entering the trailer to see Will dick deep in Ben Barnes, his ass dimpling as he pounded him with all his strength.

Ben was totally unaware of Skander's entrance, as it was at that precise moment that Will found the spot deep within his ass that most men are unaware of, but once discovered, crave more than anything. With his eye rolled back in his head, Ben placed both his hands on the mirror, allowing for leverage as he pushed his yearning ass back to meet Will's forward thrusts, their two sets of balls acting like pendulums, swinging back and forth, slapping against each other. Ben's cock, gone flaccid due to the pain of his first male fucking, was quickly hardening, swinging back and forth in rhythm to Will's fucking.

It was not until Will verbally greeted Skander that Ben was even aware of his presence. Opening his eyes, Ben was frightened he would be found out, but only for a moment; seeing the same lust in Skander's eyes as he saw in Will's eyes, as well as the bulge in Skander's trousers told him that his secret would be safe, as he continued to push back, whoring himself on Will's massive prick.

"Don't worry Skander, uhnnnn..." Will began saying, cut short by the intense feelings of pleasure washing over him. "You'll get him soon as I finish...ugghhh...making this prince into my cock slave."

Will and Skander had been intimate on the first set, but Will had never allowed Skander near his ass, preferring to fuck his younger and less developed co-star as much as possible. Will had always joked that you never let a boy do a man's job, stating that his man sized dick was made for deep fucking. Often, while Will was balls deep in his ass, Skander would plan on taking Will's virginity when he got older and bigger.

While he had to wait, the two years since the first film had been good to Skander as he began to develop into a proper man. He had grown taller, filled his frame out with muscle, grown a dark thicket of curly pubes, and developed a man sized cock, measuring out at 8" of steely thickness. He had figured that in a few years he would be even bigger than Will.

As he began to remove his costume, Skander's cock bounced with enthusiasm as he watched his two older costars going at it like animals, Will gripping Ben's waist, tugging on his hair, forcing him down deeper and harder onto his cock as Ben pushed back, his ass hungry for cock. As Skander lazily stroked his quickly hardening dick, he was mesmerized by the sight before him, of Will plowing into what was undoubtedly now the well worn and used hole of Ben Barnes. However, what caught his attention the most was Will's ass. Will's two buttocks would spread apart during his strokes out of Ben's ass, allowing Skander to catch a glimpse of the virgin hole, before the two buns would be clenched tightly together as Will thrust back in. It was as though Will's ass was winking at him, begging him to fuck it. While Skander had entered the trailer eager to claim sloppy seconds on the sore and abused ass hole of Ben Barnes, he quickly began to formulate a new plan...

With Skander watching, both Will and Ben were turned on by the thought of having another man watch their fucking, inspiring them to fuck ever harder. Will would stare down, watching his obscenely hard member split Ben's ass, swallowed up by the red and yawning hole of Ben, letting his cock every once in a while slip from the vice like grip of Ben's ass, only to be amused at how Ben's ass still remained open, as though it were expecting Will's cock, as though it was made for Will's cock. Will would quickly plug that hole up again and began to fuck Ben even harder, eliciting moans from his gagged partner.

Will soon began his thrusting again, riding Ben's ass doggystyle harder and harder. He muttered at Ben bitterly, commenting on how tight his cunt was, slapping his ass as the minutes passed. Will's ass clenched as he moved towards power-fucking his co-star's man pussy, his foreskin slick.

As the minutes passed, Will knew he was getting closer and closer to cumming. As he slapped the upturned ass of his conquest, Will fucked even harder, if such a thing were possible. Almost instinctively, Ben knew that his lover was close to blowing his wad, and without even being aware of what he was doing, began to clinch his ass muscles, making his ass even tighter for Will's monster, a moan of sheer pleasure escaping from Will's lips.

Looking at Ben's face in the mirror, Will saw that he had broken this once proud stallion of a man, made him know the pleasures of male sex, made him eager to experience it every chance he could get. "I am so close, so close to blowing my load in this ass. Your ass is mine you piece of shit, whenever, wherever, I am going to fuck it as much as I want" Will muttered.

The feeling of conquest, of making yet another stud actor his own, pushed Will over the edge. Burying his cock in Ben's ass, he unloaded wave after wave of pent up cum in the now well-worn asshole of Ben Barnes. Ben felt an odd sensation of warmth speared throughout his ass cavity, Will's eight massive loads filling the snug area up to the max, so much so that it began to leak out of Ben's ass and down his right leg.

Will left his cock in Ben's ass for a moment, as his body collapsed onto Ben's body. His developed chest lying on top of Ben's muscular back, their skin sticking to each other, sweat coating their bodies.

Pulling out, Will's cock made a slight popping noise as the bulbous head was pulled out from the still resisting ass ring. However, Will's cock still remained as hard as ever, the sheer eroticism of the fucking he had just delivered enough to keep it erect. As he looked down at his latest conquest, he saw the hole of Ben Barnes, still open, struggling to close, trying to fill the space that had just been vacated by Will's cock. Digging two fingers into the sore and abused ass, he collected a healthy amount of the fresh semen, using his other hand to remove Ben's bikini brief gag and feeding him his cum, loving the sensual feeling of having Ben suck on his two digits. Removing the fingers, the two lovers began to kiss passionately, the taste of cum still lingering in Ben's mouth.

Breaking the kiss, and physically exhausted from the pounding he had just delivered, Will sat down naked on the makeup counter. When Ben tried to stand up, Will pushed him down. "Where do you think you're going? The fun is far from over for you."

Motioning Skander over, Will was eager to see his young protege in action. He had been the first to introduce this boy to the pleasures of male sex, and was eager to see him fuck his first man, a man he had just broken in; using the techniques he had learned from watching his older mentor just fuck the stud Ben Barnes. Impressed by how much Skander had developed in the past few years, Will was delighted knowing that he had two costars he would be able to fuck throughout filming, keeping his cock happy.

As Skander approached Ben's ass, hard cock in hand, he made eye contact with Ben through the mirror. It was as though their two minds melded into one at that moment, as Ben knew exactly what Skander was about to do. Spitting into his hand, Skander slickened his cock with his own saliva, readying it for the task at hand.

Standing up, Will cheered Skander on, eager to be a spectator at the upcoming fucking. "Come on Skander, show me what you got, make him squirm, shove that dick right up that tight little ass of his."

Stopping and turning, Skander looked Will right in the eye. "I plan on showing you what I can do, but not on his ass."

As a smile spread across Skander's face, he moved swiftly and efficiently, rushing over to Will, grabbing both of his ankles and pulling them out from underneath his older costar, sending Will sprawling onto the makeup counter on his back, his ankles still held tightly by Skander. At the same moment, Ben made his move, leaping onto the counter, and sitting on Will's chest, his legs folded on both sides of Will, grabbing hold of Will's wrists, pinning them to the counter. Ben's ass was still leaking cum, this time onto Will's chest, as his hard cock was only inches away from Will's mouth.

With the wind knocked out of him, and totally subdued, Skander lifted Will's legs up and apart, exposing the perfectly hairless asshole. He was about to take what he believed was rightfully his, the anal virginity of William Moseley.

That is the end of part 3; I hope you enjoyed reading it. I love to get feedback from both people I have heard from before, letting me know what they think so far, as well as from new readers. Don't be shy; let me know what you think and what you think should happen next. E-mail me at any comments you may have.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Next: Chapter 4

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