Priest Forever

Published on May 15, 2022




"PRIEST, FOREVER" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.


by Andrej Koymasky © 2020
written on January 21st 1995
Translated by the Author
English text kindly revised by Alun.


Beniamino was feeling more and more attracted by Don Marco. He heard that he was in the fields to help the farmers, so he thought about going to see him and to speak to him. He was walking along the road when he saw the Abbot's carriage coming. He stood aside, but the carriage stopped near him. The Abbot opened the door and waved for him to get inside. "Mister Abbot is becoming daring." the boy murmured to himself while getting into the carriage.

The Abbot made the boy sit in front of him: "I was looking for you, Beniamino."

"Ah, really? Would you like to do a quickie here in the carriage?" the boy asked, ironically.

"Shut up! No. I've heard that you do it also with the Count."

"Ah, really? Do you have your secret service tell you that?"

"Therefore, it is true!"

"Did you presume to be the only one to amuse yourself with me?"

"Shut up, son of the Devil!"

"Yes, Daddy!" the boy sarcastic answered.

The Abbot was about to slap him, but Beniamino grasped his wrist and stopped him on the spot: "Eh no, that's not good. What's up, now? You don't feel good, today?"

"You have to sign a document."

"A document? What document?"

"An indictment to the Holy Inquisition against the Count, for sodomy."

"What? Are you crazy? What's up, really!? Why on the earth would I have to do such a thing? To go to the stake with him?"

"No, you are just a boy, and the victim. You don't run any risk at all, moreover I will give you a lot of gold."

"Bribery! And it is right of you to make me such a request? You who were the first to have enjoyed of my ass and not only that you came to me so often to fuck me at the inn? You disgust me!"

"Beniamino, if the Abbey succeeds in taking the Count's land, I'll make of you a rich man."

"Ha, that's what you are aiming at! The man of God, who fucks me and who wants to rob other peoples' land. Sending someone that is guilty like you are and hang them at the gallows! You are a mean man. Giannotto is more honest than you will ever be."

"Sign, Beniamino, or you will regret!"

"No! What can you do to me? Incriminate me for sodomy? What about you? Do you think that the innkeeper doesn't know why it is always me you ask to bring upstairs the account book? Do you want to fuck me now as a punishment? Well, go ahead and fuck me. Fucking me once more or not at all, it doesn't make so much of a difference to me. But don't you ever ask me to turn in those people that I wish to please!" the boy said approaching him and trying to touch him between his legs, in a provocative but despising way.

The Abbot violently rejected the boy and Beniamino fell against the door that opened, so that the boy rolled out. The Abbot closed the door with rage and shouted to the coachman: "To the Abbey, fast!" and the carriage rapidly went away.

Beniamino got up again and shook the dust from his clothes, spat with contempt toward the carriage and resumed his way to meet Don Marco. Now, more than before, he needed the man's smile, the man's proximity. Don Marco was the most splendid person he ever met, the boy thought with great affection.

He saw the Priest far into the distance. The young man was bare chested and was helping the widow Martina and her two adolescent boys. Beniamino looked at him with intensity. He always saw the Priest in his soutane. It was the first time that Beniamino saw the man that way. He felt a pang of pleasure. How beautiful he was! He felt the desire to pass his hands on the man's wide chest, on his flat and hairless belly. He desired to kiss every inch of the beautiful chest and to make love with him right there under the warm June sun! He admired the young man for a long while. His eyes filled with love and desire before he made himself noticed. Beniamino thought that the Priest was really a splendid man under all points of view.

He approached nearer and then Don Marco saw the boy. The Priest made towards the boy a great greeting gesture, then wiped up the sweat on his forefront. Leaning on his hoe, he said: "Hey, Beniamino, did you came to help us?"

"To tell the truth, no, but if you want me too..."

"Then, pull out your shirt and come here." the young Priest said with a wide smile.

Beniamino didn't hesitate. He was very quickly out of his shirt and drew near the young man: "What can I do?"

Don Marco told him what to do. They worked in silence, side by side. Beniamino felt even more attracted by the young man. Don Marco sensed that not all was well with Beniamino. "You seem thoughtful." Don Marco said during a break, "Some problem?"

"Yes, some problem."

"Can I help you?"

"No, you can't."

"As you like. Anyway, if you need me, you know where you can find me."

"Can I come and see you at the rectory?"

"Sure, when you want to. It is open to everybody."

"Also to those that doesn't come to Church?"

"Sure. And perhaps that could be the first step in coming back to Church."

"Nooo! What can I have to do with the Church? Someone who is an expert just told me that I am the son of the Devil."

"Who told you such a thing is a big fool. You, as everyone else, are the son of God."

"Ha, too many fathers! I am an orphan, that's the truth. I have no father, no mother, no land, no friends and definitely no God."

"Friends, you have at least one. I'm your friend, Beniamino. I love you."

The boy, astounded, looked at him then, seeing the sweet smile of the Priest, said: "You love everybody, isn't that so?"

"Yes, I try to love everybody."

"Isn't it difficult, sometimes?"

"Sure it is. But they are exactly the difficult things the ones where it is worthwhile to commit oneself, no? The easy things, well, they come out on their own."

"But how is it possible to love some wicked, corrupt and sometimes greedy people? People who just hate?"

"Possibly they are right the ones who more need to have someone loving them, don't you think?"

"Could be. But you are special."

"I? Don't talk nonsense, I'm like you are and like everyone else. I have my weak points, my problems, my pains and my limits. Just like everyone else."

"But you are strong, in spite of your gentleness you re strong. Or, possibly, strong with your gentleness. You are a strange man, Don Marco. But I like you very much."

"I too, like you very much", the Priest said, serene.

Beniamino was troubled. Was it possible that the man felt attracted towards him? No, he thought, he just has a naive way to express himself. He didn't give to words any double meanings. He simply said, "I like you very much", but he wanted just to say, "You are a good boy".

Don Marco was afraid to have gone too far with his words. He said "I like you very much", but in reality a voice deep inside him was saying, "No, you desire him". Yes, he was feeling the desire to caress Beniamino's body, to kiss him. Luckily they were not alone. He felt terribly weak, terribly attracted by the boy and by his luminous smile. He mentally prayed and plunged again into work.

When Beniamino was back in the inn, he thought that it was better if he opened his heart to the innkeeper. After all the man, in his way, cared about him as if it was his own son. Probably it was better if the man knew about what the Abbot asked him to do. So, taking him aside, the boy told him everything.

"You were right to refuse. And I don't believe he can do anything against you. He is not in the position to do it and he knows that. And next time, if he asks me to send you to him, it will be me that takes him the accounts book. I really want to see if he dares to complain. Yes, I really want to see."

Beniamino was grateful to the man for his attitude. He did right to talk with him. But Beniamino's misadventures had just started. On Sunday morning he went as usual to meet the Count. The man, as soon as saw the boy, said: "Come with me."

"Were would you go? Is it no more good here in the fowlers hut as usual?"

"No. I have to talk with you."

"Can't you talk with me here?"

"Well, let's get it over with! Come with me, I said!" the man said, losing his patience.

Beniamino, slightly intimidated, followed him. They climbed towards the castle, to the distillery building. The Count made him enter in a small room, a kind off office. "So, Beniamino, I've heard that you have an affair with Giannotto."


"Don't play dumb with me, boy! We arrested one of his men and under the rope tugs, he squealed on several matters. He said that his boss has fallen for you in a big way."

"And then?"

"And then, you have to help us to arrest the outlaw."

"I? Are you completely crazy? Seeing that the man has squealed, why don't you ask him to help you?"

"Well... my men overdid it a little... The man is dead."

"Anyway, don't count on me. These are your problems, I don't want anything to do with it."

"I'll give you a big reward. Don't you know that there is a good price on Giannotto's head?"

"It's not my business. And I can tell you something else, this is the last time we meet. I don't intend coming to you any more, now that I know how much a despicable man you are."

"You, on the contrary, will do what I asked you!" the Count said grasping him by his arm.

"Leave me alone!"

"Scream as much as you want. In here nobody can hear you!" the Count said trying to undress him, "You will let me fuck your ass anytime I feel like! Like now!"

"Let me go!" the boy shouted wriggling.

But the Count was strong, sexually aroused, and was getting the upper hand of the boy. They fell onto the floor and the Count was trying to untie the boy's breeches. Beniamino fought the man with all his strength. He succeeded in wriggling out of the Counts' grasp, but the man rapidly jumped up and closed the boy in a corner:

"Don't act silly, you have all to gain being my ally. Lower your trousers now, like a good boy and after a nice fuck we will resume our talk with calm." the man said, his eyes filled with lust moving towards the boy and starting to undo his trousers.

"Don't touch me!" Beniamino panted and at this point his eyes lay on a pruning knife. He grasped it and held it, menacing the Count.

But the man flew on him, immobilising his arm: "I want you!" the Count said slowly folding the boy's body under him.

Beniamino gathered all his strength to free himself. They again fought and then fell. The boy fell on the knife that stuck in his side. When the Count realised what had happened, turned pale and left the boy alone. Beniamino pulled out the knife from his side, threw it on the floor and fled away. The Count didn't pursue him. Beniamino ran, going down towards the village, ran with his last strength, feeling weaker and weaker, until he dropped on the threshold of the Mountain Gate.

A little later a woman saw him on the ground and approached. When she saw the blood stain widening on the boy's side, she became hysterical, turned around and ran toward the square to call the innkeeper. On the way she crossed Don Marco, who noticed the scared expression of the woman: "Camilla, what's happening?" he asked.

"Beniamino! They killed him!"

"Who? Where?"

"At the Mountain Gate! O God, God, God!"

Don Marco ran at break-neck speed. He saw the boy lying on the ground. He saw that the boy was still alive. He pushed with strength a handkerchief on the wound, took the inanimate boy in his arms and at a fast pace went towards the rectory. He said to the woman, who had followed him, to go to call Maestro Riccardo. He took the boy to his bedroom and in a short while Riccardo and his son came. They pulled out the shirt of the boy and examined the wound.

"He lost much blood, but I don't think that vital organs have been injured. Lucky for him his ribs did stop the blade. We have to compress the wound and to bandage it tightly", Maestro Riccardo said. "You take the horse and go to the valley village to call the doctor and hurry up!" he said to his son. "Who can have done that?" he then asked to Don Marco when they were alone.

"Who knows? Nobody would possibly harm this boy, because he is such a good boy."

"Bah, with the life he carries out..."

"But to the point of trying to kill him? And then if they really wanted to kill him, they could have put an end to his life, once he was on the ground and without conscience. No, possibly it was just an accident. Poor Beniamino", the Priest said lightly caressing the boy's cheek.

"Well, we will put him in order, good as new, I hope. How long does it take for the doctor to come!?" the man said looking at the clock.

"I have to go to the Church for the liturgy. I entrust him to you, Riccardo."

"Yes, Don Marco, go and please don't worry. I'll remain near him until you can come back."

"Thank you." the Priest said and went to prepare himself.

During the liturgy he asked those that were presents to pray for the victims of violence. He was longing to be back near Beniamino, but carried out the liturgy as usual. When he could go back to his room, the doctor was still there.

"It is nothing very serious. He has to eat light but nourishing food and not to move for some days, until the wound heals up. He has a strong fever now. The problem is that perhaps the blade was infected. I leave you this ointment. Once a day you have to change his bandages and to spread this antiphlogistic salve onto the infected wound. If the wound seems to worsen, call me immediately. But the boy is young, strong and he has a good constitution. He should pull through without any further complications."


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If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help me revising my translation into English of another of my stories, send me an e-mail at

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(I can read only English, French, Italian... Andrej)

Next: Chapter 5

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