Pride, respect, duty and obedience

By itsaslave slave 640

Published on Mar 28, 2020



For gay authoritarian section - it has submitted before from this e-mail address that can be published - thank you

This slave was being trained by a strict Master who set it a task to reflect on pride, respect, duty and obedience in the context of our relationship that finished shortly after it wrote this as He switched and became a sub himself...

SIR a slave like this is proud to serve Men and particularly proud to be commanded and allowed to serve You SIR

SIR it does respect Men who exercise a natural authority and, in particular, it respects and admires You SIR

SIR it is dutiful and expects to be obedient to You SIR

SIR, like You SIR, it recognizes that both of us have other people in our lives SIR.

SIR it accepts Your hope SIR that it will learn to trust Your abilities resisting less and less, over time, and gradually 'melding' into Your consciousness SIR even if the relationship does not achieve the completeness of Your ideal SIR. SIR it is immensely proud that You SIR are prepared to have this slave submit to You SIR whether in a training relationship or 24/7 SIR.

SIR this slave has reflected on Your fantasy and on pride, respect, duty and obedience SIR. SIR it has also reflected on possibilities short of Your ideal SIR.

SIR, "I would arrive at its house and take immediate ownership", we have assumed away the commitments and relationships that currently stand between us and the fantasy SIR.

SIR, it would be stripped naked, and all its remaining clothes would be destroyed SIR -- outward signs of it relinquishing all its background in order to be fully focused on respecting and obeying You SIR.

SIR, it realizes that -- from that moment -- it would be entirely at Your disposal SIR, Your slave body unprotected and vulnerable before You SIR and to whatever other MALES You chose to expose it -- wholly open and submitted SIR with no privacy from You or from Them -- no time to call its own -- not so much as an old well worn jockstrap -- just nakedness and silent submission SIR.

SIR, it would be made to crawl to me wearing only its Prince Albert ring, eyeglasses, and carrying its passport in its mouth SIR -- SIR out of deep respect it would stay just as low as it could, slithering across the floor to lie before You SIR.

SIR, this slave might or might not be permitted to kiss Your boots SIR. SIR, it appreciates that it might never be permitted to look at Your face SIR -- indeed -- on its last visit, it did not do so SIR. SIR it knows that it might not be permitted to look at the faces of other MALES who visit Your home SIR and that, if ever taken out in future, it would face punishment for looking at MALES SIR. SIR it would be learning and growing into its role SIR.

SIR, it would be made to crawl to Your car SIR experiencing for the first time, a night time crawl outside and then the journey, naked, to Your house in Your boot SIR. SIR, that journey would provide a time to move its mind into the focus that You require, the focus on pride that it had been chosen, respect for You SIR, its duty and its future obedience SIR.

SIR, it would be made to crawl inside Your house, up those stairs, to the familiar front door but this time with no clothes to remove and no bag to park SIR. SIR, there would be the knowledge that this, to almost all extents for the future, was to be its world SIR.

SIR, it realizes that its life would then belong to You -- You SIR would own, command and control Your slave slave body, Your slave time and Your slave's attention SIR 24/7/365 for the rest of Your slave's life SIR.

SIR, it would have had itself checked out beforehand and then kept itself chaste but it knows that Your slave body would be taken to the sexual health clinic at West Middlesex Hospital and be given a full panel of STD tests -- Your slave's mouth would be swabbed, Your slave's blood sampled, Your slave's urine saved for analysis, Your slave's genitalia inspected and probably Your slave's whole naked body scanned for any obvious skin problems SIR.

SIR, it realizes that, if and presumably only if, Your slave passed everything, then Your slave body would be used for full sex, by You, as a frequent receptacle for Your cum SIR. SIR, receiving Your cum would be a repeated, welcomed symbol of the relationship SIR.

SIR, in that circumstance Your slave would know its duty SIR, it would readily learn to suck without a condom, to swallow, and be made to practice fellatio often SIR. SIR it would hope that Your slave mouth and tongue would become skilled at servicing You fully SIR taking You as deeply, and of course as often, as You required SIR

SIR, Your slave would know its duty SIR when it came to its butt and ass hole which would be totally Yours to use entirely as You required and of course whenever You required SIR. SIR Your slave body would learn to get fucked and probably beaten thoroughly and often and to be deeply grateful for each and every penetration and each and every stroke of whatever instrument You chose for its corporal punishment SIR.

SIR, it realizes that Your slave body has other `safe' target areas for corporal punishment and that it should expect and welcome the beating of its back, buttocks, pectorals, front and inner thighs and maybe even across Your slave's pubic area SIR

SIR -- at this point - it has to confess that its cock is straining at the steel fastening SIR.

SIR Your slave would learn to be ready at any time to adopt "the position" for a swift fucking, usually face and shoulders on floor, on knees with ass raised, to be lubricated and fucked immediately SIR.

SIR Your slave realizes that Your slave body would be made available to whomsoever else You required SIR and it values Your decision that, to preserve the health of Your slave SIR, when You required other men to fuck it, this would be under strict supervision, and that no-one else would ever be allowed to fuck it without a condom SIR.

SIR, it would have no say but it would trust You SIR to take full responsibility and, so no risk-taking behaviour would be allowed SIR.

SIR Your slave would appreciate that its role whenever You were in Your bedroom would be as a constantly available bedroom slave SIR and that it would based on a mattress in the crawl-space under Your bed - SIR hearing You masturbate and both witnessing Your sexual activities alone and with others as well as being available for whatever uses Your required SIR before returning to its base SIR.

SIR this slave realizes that, as part of becoming Your slave property, it would lose freedom, indeed lose any opportunity, to masturbate itself ever again SIR. SIR it knows that You would choose whatever physical means of ensuring this that You chose and that it would have no choice about the application of such physical means SIR.

SIR this slave is realistic -- even though at this stage we're in a fantasy -- and the only hope it would ever have of sexual pleasure in its own genitals would be if You, or another Master, decided to manipulate Your slave cock, its balls or its nipples or to milk its prostate SIR. SIR it acknowledges that it might go for months or years between being made to cum SIR - certainly, for the rest of its life, it might cum no more than a dozen times SIR. SIR, this is so, it would accept this, and that there would be nothing that it could do about this SIR it would be a cost for the privilege of being Your slave SIR.

SIR once this slave body was Yours, You would repeatedly take it to Your favourite body-art parlour for the body modifications of Your choice SIR.

SIR it realizes that You would require the staff there pierce Your slave's septum, tongue, both tits, and perineum SIR. SIR it imagines that not just the septum ring would be gradually enlarged until a substantial, weighty specimen was permanently worn but maybe the other piercings too SIR. SIR, it realizes that such piercings would involve initial pain, careful after-care and steady, sometimes painful, stretching -- sacrifices that it would humbly offer in Your service SIR. SIR it would be proud to wear the steel that You selected in the places that You had chosen SIR.

SIR, You would want a heavy metal collar welded permanently around its neck SIR so that it would know and display its status 24 hours a day to anyone who cared to see SIR. SIR it would wear Your collar with pride for the rest of its life SIR.

SIR, it also appreciates that You would also require Your slave to be tattooed, until eventually much of its body was adorned with ink SIR. SIR, of course the choice of design(s) and location(s) would be Yours SIR, it has admired some designs in the past and it particularly admires integrated body suits where there is an overall harmony in design and execution SIR. SIR, it realizes that tattooing takes time and patience SIR and that such long term submission to the needle would be an important part of its submission to You SIR and of Your slave body being pleasing to You and to other MALES whom You wish to entertain SIR.

SIR it realizes that permanent ink and steel visible in whatever clothing it might ever be allowed to wear outside Your home SIR would mark the end of its past conventional social and professional connections so this is a point where we have to be clear about fantasy, reality, practicalities and how each of us handles commitments SIR.

SIR it appreciates that, at least for the first year, it would not be allowed out of Your house SIR, except for essential activities such as being taken to the sex clinic or to a suitable sympathetic dentist SIR. SIR, except for such activities, it would neither need nor own any garments, and get used to being naked 24/7 SIR.

SIR this slave recognizes that its `universe' would now revolve around You SIR seeing no other human body except for Yours unless You brought other MALES home whose bodies You SIR allowed it to look upon SIR. SIR it realizes that it might not be permitted to look at anyone in the face SIR.

SIR it humbly accepts that Your slave body -- in complete submission - would be used very heavily sexually, for Your pleasure SIR.

SIR, this slave would need to learn to keep house, to Your specifications SIR.

SIR any bit of independence or outing might not come for at least five years, would have to be earned and would be minimal with no permission to converse other than was necessary to complete its task SIR.

SIR, it appreciates that there might be occasions when You would wish it to accompany You outside the House, following, always at a distance of 5 paces behind SIR. SIR usually not knowing where You were going, Keeping Your slave eyes on Your body SIR, matching Your goings and stoppings, and not gazing upon other men, knowing that it would be punished hard if and when caught doing this SIR.

SIR it acknowledges that, sometimes, orders and punishments would have to occur in public, and it would always defer to Your judgment SIR in public matters SIR. SIR You would judge and assess a risk, and if You instructed it to complete some task that ran a risk of illegality (such as being naked in public) or of breaking social norms (such as kneeling in public), then it would have no choice but to trust Your judgment, and to obey SIR. SIR You are expecting obedience and trust SIR whilst always aiming to control Your property without taking unnecessary risks SIR.

SIR, You explained that , under ideal conditions, that is what its life with You would be like SIR. SIR You asked, then and there whether that idea appealed to it and it responded, "SIR, yes SIR".

SIR, it has reflected and repeats, "SIR, yes SIR".

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