Premier League Fuck Studs

By Mike McKenzie

Published on May 27, 2013


Disclaimer: I do not know any of the people in this story or their sexuality, this is pure fiction.

Tottenham golden boy, Gareth Bale, pulled up his Audi R8 and hurriedly unfastened the seat belt. He was late for pre-match training and it was an important game against Man City this afternoon. Feeling stressed after a massive argument with his girlfriend he couldn't wait to get on the pitch and release some frustration. The only thing better would be a good hard fuck, but that wasn't an option right now and he didn't fancy his chances of getting any make-up sex tonight. Bale jogged into the changing rooms and tried to set his mind on the game ahead, but he was distracted by thoughts of plowing his cock into a hole, any hole. A loud bollocking from his manager quickly sobered his thoughts and he made his way on to the pitch.

Just over two hours later and the game was over. Spurs had won in a 3-1 victory, with Bale scoring the final goal. He'd gone from feeling angry and horny to elated and hornier in the space of a few hours – his worries from earlier had gone but his need to fuck had increased. Winning turned him on and he couldn't wait to go and score some tight pussy... or arse. After a shower and change, Bale headed back out to the players' car park and was just about to jump in his motor when he heard a voice calling him. Turning around he saw City keeper Joe Hart, the guy he'd just scored past, waving at him to come over. Hart was stood with two other lads and Bale immediately thought they seemed familiar. Strolling over he smiled at the three men and waited for them to speak.

"Coming for a drink mate?" Hart asked, returning the smile. "You can celebrate and I'll drown my sorrows you lucky prick!" he grinned, slapping Bale on the shoulder.

"Yeah go on then, I'm in no rush to get back so let's see where the night takes us" Bale agreed.

"Good lad! By the way, these are my mates Duncan and Lewis." Hart nodded in the direction of the two other men and Bale leaned forward to shake their hands.

"Thought I recognised you both from over there, nice to meet you. Still feels weird to me to meet proper celebrities" Bale laughed and blushed slightly as he realised he was coming across as a bit of an embarrassing fan.

In his early teen years, Bale had quite liked the boyband Blue and Duncan James was easily his favourite member. He remembered how he once wanked over a topless photo of him in a magazine and now he was stood in front of the guy. As for Lewis Hamilton, Bale had always wondered how amazing a threesome would be with him and Nicole Scherzinger. Bale was completely bi and had a high sexual appetite for both men and women, and since finding fame as a footballer the opportunities to score had become endless for him. Yes, he had a long-term girlfriend and baby at home but was a 23 year old lad with needs beyond the normal family life.

The four men jumped in Hart's car and made their way across London, Hart explained he was gonna stay down there for a few days and catch up with mates. The lads visited a few bars, VIP access to each one, free champagne and women on tap to keep them company. As the hours passed, the bars got busier and the booze flowed quicker, the four of them were well on their way to being wasted and the conversation was beginning to turn to sex... Bale was liking this direction and made sure he kept the topic alive. He was now gagging to stick his cock in something and he did not care what, but he had a desire to do some dirty things to Duncan James. Bale had read recently that Duncan was into guys as well, which was music to his ears!

"So what's Nicole like in bed Lewis? She's gotta be dynamite" yelled Hart over the music, swigging another vodka red bull.

"Hahaha" Lewis giggled nervously before answering, "yeah she's mental mate, let's me do anything to her and does stuff to me I'd never dreamed of!"

"Oh yeah?" Bale quizzed, eager to get the details, "what sort of things?"

"OK but don't you lot fucking tell anyone, but she loves to fuck me with a strap on!" Lewis said sheepishly, causing Hart to burst out laughing.

Bale glanced at Duncan and their eyes met, and they both noticed a pleased expression on each other's faces... as though they liked the fact Lewis takes it up the arse.

"Fucking hell Lewis, you queer bastard!" Hart laughed, "I know you've had the real thing Duncan but what about you Gareth, reckon you'd be up for it?"

"Oh, erm, nah man I'm a total giver so if anything I'd be wearing a strap on..." Gareth exclaimed, "but that makes no sense cos I've got a cock of my own... oh wow I'm fucked! That champagne's gone right to my head."

He went to stand up and fell straight back down onto the leather sofa, knocking some glasses off the table in the process. Flashbulbs started to go off as paparazzi had congregated outside the bar and they'd realised they might be able to get some messy photos.

"Right lads I nominate we get the fuck out of here and check into a hotel, order a load more booze and get some girls up there" said Hart, putting on his jacket and preparing to make a quick exit.

"Sounds like a plan mate" Duncan said, not feeling the girls but hoping he could get to know Bale a lot more.

The four drunk fellas piled into a taxi and checked in to the penthouse suit of the nearest 5 star hotel. Once inside the room, Duncan turned some music on, Lewis slumped on one of the beds, Hart went back downstairs to sort out some drink and Bale sat on the sofa looking at Duncan scroll through his iPhone. Finally choosing a track, Duncan sat and joined Bale on the sofa. Their knees touched slightly and Bale found this somehow erotic.

"So we're all really fucking pissed and I'm gonna ask you something, just don't hit me if you're offended" Duncan whispered, leaning in to Bale.

"Go on..." Bale slurred, intrigued by the question.

"Have you ever been with a guy?" Duncan whispered, following his question with a white-toothed grin.

Bale pondered his next move for a few seconds and made a decision. He leaned across to Duncan and planted his lips on his, biting the bottom lip and pulling it slightly as he finished the kiss. They looked at each other and Bale spoke.

"Does that answer your question?"

Duncan looked at him open-mouthed and wide-eyed and practically dived on the other man, pushing him back on to the sofa and opening his mouth for a wide, forceful, passionate kiss. They grappled at each other's body and ran their hands through each other's hair as the kiss intensified and they devoured each other's mouths. Suddenly Bale pulled away and pushed Duncan off him, sitting up straight.

"We can't, Lewis is in that bedroom and Joe will be back any minute!" he sighed.

"Then let's fuck off and leave them, I need you inside me. Since the minute we met I've been dreaming of your dick!" Duncan whispered, practically pleading.

"That'll look completely suss, everyone knows you fuck guys so they'll know what happened!" Bale protested.

Before there was any more chance to discuss, the door swung open and Hart stumbled through with a crate of beers and a bottle of vodka.

"The cavalry has arrived!" he shouted, laughing and whooping as he placed the drinks down on the table. "What have you two fuckers been doing?" he asked, giving Duncan and Bale a funny look.

To Hart, it was a strange sight. He knew he was wankered but these two lads looked like they'd been dragged through a hedge backwards, their shirts were practically undone and hair a mess.

"Just messin' about, having a dance and stuff. Anyway get the beers on the go!" Duncan said, trying to change the subject.

"No worries mate" shrugged Hart, throwing a can over to Duncan and Bale. "Where's Lewis?" he asked.

"In that bedroom" Bale pointed, "been very quiet to be honest so reckon he's asleep".

"We can't have that!" yelled Hart, "let's get the bastard out here and continue this party".

Hart strutted across the suite and banged on the bedroom door. "Lewis you lightweight, come on!"

There was no response and after a few more knocks Hart lost patience and decided to see for himself. He slowly opened the door and saw Lewis lying on the bed face down, completely naked. His cute arse was on show and his legs slightly spread so you could see his ballsack between them. Hart tried to stifle laughter and beckoned the other two lads to come and see. They approached and gasped when they realised Lewis was bollock naked. Hart crept forward closer to Lewis, intending to take some incriminating photos but was shocked by what he saw. He noticed something was sticking out of Lewis's bum and it was a black butt-plug, just poking out from his pert cheeks and obviously inserted up his arse.

"Have you seen what he's been doing, he loves it that much he's stuck a butt-plug up himself and passed out!" Hart whispered, throwing Duncan and Bale a confused look.

Duncan and Bale were incredibly turned on at this point and just wanted to go somewhere and fuck. Duncan reached out discreetly and brushed his hand against Bale's crotch, feeling the immense stiffness of what was contained in those jeans. Both men shuddered with anticipation and were just glad the room was a little dark so Hart couldn't tell they had raging erections.

"He must get real pleasure from this..." Hart muttered, almost to himself. "He's obviously not gay though, but maybe having something up your arse feels alright?" He looked at Duncan, "what do you say Dunc, does it feel good having something up there?"

"Erm, well yeah mate it does actually. The male g-spot is up your arsehole and when you rub that it feels brilliant" Duncan replied, wondering where this was going.

Hart made a surprising move and reached out to take hold of the end of the butt-plug. Duncan and Bale looked at each other in wonder but decided to stay quiet and let this play out. Hart tugged slightly on the sex toy and watched as Lewis's ring gripped on to it, not wanting to let it go.

"Fuckkkk..." Hart exhaled, "his arsehole loves it, proper clinging on".

Hart began to slowly push and pull the plug, watching in wonder and questioning what it must feel like. Lewis began to stir and make soft moaning noises which caused Hart to stop and remove his hand quickly. Lewis turned his head and smiled up at Hart.

"Don't stop mate, that was lovely" he said. "Good job we're all friends here isn't it?"

Hart didn't know what was happening, he was smashed from all the booze, horny as hell and playing with a sex toy in his mate's arse. But somehow it felt OK and he wanted to experiment a bit more, maybe even see for himself what all the fuss was about. He looked at Bale for support, being a fellow straight footballer and was surprised to see Bale absent-mindedly rubbing his crotch. Hart could see in the dimness the outline of Bale's dick and that he was really hard. Christ, if even he was turned on by this scenario then it must be hot, thought Hart.

Nobody spoke as Hart resumed pleasuring Lewis, who decided to get more involved by getting on his knees and arching his back to allow Hart full access to his tight pink hairless ring. The three others caught a glimpse of Lewis's cock now freely hanging between his legs and marvelled in its length and girth - a good 8 or 9 inches and the thickness of a deodorant can. It dripped precum on the bed sheets as Hart teased the Formula 1 star's ass, causing him to groan and gasp.

Duncan looked at Bale and smiled, realising that the situation just got a point of no return and they may as well get stuck in to each other. Duncan grabbed his new lover and resumed their kissing session from earlier, sliding down on to the carpeted floor of the bedroom. Hart noticed this and looked down, tutting at the pair.

"I knew you two had been up to something, as if you are in to dick Gareth!" Hart laughed, feeling weird but too horny to care.

Bale ignored his mate and focused on getting to know Duncan. He stripped off his own shirt and set about removing Duncan's. Bale knew he had a good body but Duncan put him to shame. His biceps bulged obscenely and his six-pack was rock solid, you could tell he worshipped the gym and Bale couldn't wait to worship Duncan. He pushed the Blue member onto his back and began to lick and suck at his body, every contour and ripple was given attention by Bale's tongue. Duncan just smiled to himself and let the lad have his fun, feeling his dick straining in his pants. Sensing the urgency, Bale placed the palm of his hand on Duncan's package and felt the heat radiating from inside. Not wanting to wait any longer he unzipped him and fished out a hot, throbbing cock that looked good enough to literally eat. 7.5 inches in length and juicy as fuck, Bale spent a few seconds admiring it before leaning in to sniff and nibble at the base, tongue Duncan's fat balls and work his way up the shaft before gulping the head in one move and tasting sticky precum. Duncan moaned loudly and placed his hands on Bale's head, guiding him and letting him know how he liked to receive head.

Lewis was whimpering on the bed as his prostate was constantly brushed by the butt-plug that Hart was now thrusting in and out of him. Hart had now removed his own pants and was slowly stroking his engorged cock, finding the whole situation completely bizarre but being far too turned on by this ass-play to stop. He sported the biggest dick in the room and was well-known in his club for having a monster weapon. It stood at 11 inches, slender, meaty and uncut. He'd had so many women worship that dick and now he felt like having his first taste of male arse. Lewis was so involved in the feelings travelling through his body while he jacked his dick that he didn't even realise Hart had mounted the bed, removed and butt-plug and quickly inserted the first few inches of his dick inside his racing driver pal. It wasn't until more inches started to enter that he realised this was going deeper than before, turning his head he gasped to see Hart grinning back at him as he fed him his enormous tool.

"Oh my god, what the fuck are we doing man?!" Lewis moaned, feeling shame and pleasure.

"I dunno but it feels good and I ain't stoppin'!" Hart sighed as he felt Lewis's cunt tighten around his schlong.

"Mmmm nah don't mate, keep going. Nicole does me with a massive one so I'm used to it and I know you've got a longer dick than me. Go for it man, do your worst." Lewis groaned, challenging his friend to give him a good shagging.

Hart loved the cockiness and decided to throw his best moves on Lewis so as he fed his dick he rotated his hips, opening Lewis up and stretching him further. Lewis pushed his arse back to show that he wanted it and Hart bottomed out, his balls pressed firmly against the firm cheeks.

"God that's fucking deep, you've definitely reached a few extra inches" Lewis gasped.

Hart smiled smugly to himself and began to build a rhythm, taking long slow thrusts and building the speed. After a few minutes he was nailing Lewis into the bed, gripping his hips so tightly that he was bound to leave marks he pummelled his 11 inches in and out, feeling the hole grip him on every backward stroke, Lewis could feel the swell of the underside of Hart's weapon rubbing firmly on his g-spot and this caused him to almost scream in ecstasy as his insatiable arsehole was fed the best fucking of its life.

Down on the carpet, Duncan and Bale were engaging in a frantic 69er. Bale lay on top and fed Duncan his proud Welsh dick, 8 inches of young meat was being expertly swallowed by the 35 year old popstar. Bale couldn't believe he had his own mouth around Duncan's beautiful willy, he'd dreamt of this moment all those years ago and now he was living it. Inbetween deepthroating each other, the two men would also shift closer together and bury their faces in each other's ass. Bale lapped and kissed Duncan's gorgeous cunt between beefy muscular glutes while Duncan would devour Bale's tight virgin hole and practically make love to the sporty arse with his mouth.

"Oi!" shouted Hart suddenly, "one of you lovebirds get up here and pay attention to my arse, I've decided I wanna know what the fuss is about".

Still never missing a stroke, Hart carried on fucking while Duncan removed himself from Bale and climbed up on the bed. Bale joined him and the two of them spread Hart's blonde cheeks and watched his hole twitch as he fucked. They took turns in fingering and licking at it, causing the goalkeeper to let out low moans as he experienced new sensations.

"Fuck yeah that's good, feels so nasty but soooo good" he gasped, loving this new found side of sex.

Lewis began to moan and shout out; "fuck I'm cumming, I'm gonna shoot!"

This exclamation was music to Duncan's ears, he was a total cum-whore and stuck his head between Lewis's legs, locking his mouth around the leaking black cock and waited for the eruption. As soon as this happened, Lewis cried out in pleasure and released six waves of hot spunk right down Duncan's throat. Duncan gulped on it and milked the cock dry, finally happy to have got a taste of Lewis's seed. As quickly as he got there he removed himself from between his legs and went back to Bale, feeding him a surprise as he spat some of Lewis's cum in to Bale's eager mouth. The two men smiled and went back to rimming and fingering Hart who was still power-fucking a tired Lewis.

This was going to be a long night...

Next: Chapter 2

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