Premier League Football

By Patrick Carter

Published on Dec 17, 2005


This story is just a fantasy and doesn't have any reflection on the true sexual orientation of any of these footballers.

Since his injury, Mikael Forssell had been bored at home doing nothing. Birmingham City didn't want him and he felt like he had no where to go. Scott Parker had also recently recovered from a broken foot. It was at a press conference when they finally got to talk to each other. Since Scott's move to Chelsea from Charlton he had never really had the chance to talk to Mikael because he was either in Birmingham or injured. They left the conference room along with Frank Lampard and the inspirational Damien Duff. As they left Frank asked what everyone was doing that day. Frank was going to visit a school and talk to some children about football. Damien was going back to Republic of Ireland to see his family. Neither Mikael nor Scott had anything to do for they were still doing light training and had finished for the day. Scott decided he wanted to get to know Mikael better so he invited over to his house to just sit and chat but Scott had an ulterior motive.

They entered Scott's home, which was quite a warm place anyway. Scott decided that if he was going to try and get some of Mikael then he would need to get him completely open so he slyly turned up the heating. He took Mikael's coat and guided him towards the front room. Mikael was quite impressed. There were many pictures of Scott in what he believed were historic moments in his life. Like when he was part of a TV advert doing kick-ups, or when he scored the greatest goal of his career against Leeds United for Charlton, or when he signed for Chelsea. Mikael looked at the pictures quite interested in Scott's past. Scott then returned with a couple of beers. As he handed the beer to Mikael he took a good look at the shape of Mikael's body through his tight jumper. They sat down on the sofa just chatting and drinking when the heat finally was a bit too much for Mikael. He pulled off his sweater and as he did he showed off a bit of his body which Scott could see was clearly sweating. The shirt he was wearing underneath wasn't as tight but was wet under the armpits.

"Why is it so hot in here?"

"Yeah, I is pretty warm isn't it. Actually I'm sweating quite a bit over here too. I'll go and turn the heater off." With that Scott went back to the kitchen to turn down the heater.

"Hey Mik, I'm just gonna have a quick shower. I feel a bit you know. Just make yourself comfy and watch some TV I'll be back in a minute." After Scott had finished in the shower he wrapped a towel around his slim waist and went back to Mikael.

"Mik. You wanna order a pizza, my treat."

"Yeah sure". Scott crossed the room to his pile of pizza numbers. He bent over to pick them up when the loose fold on his wrap disappeared only with his protection. Mikael just stopped at the sight in front of him, he seen many a naked man before I mean it was part of his job, but there was Scott Parker showing him crack. Of course it was accidental, or was it? Scott jumped feeling around for his towel but he couldn't find it. As he was feeling around he also turned around giving Mikael a full look at his penis. Whilst pretending to panic he saw the entranced look on Mikael's face. As he grabbed the towel off the floor and wrapped it back around him he said.

"So Mik. How do you like it here in England?"

"It's good. The weather though is a bit funny. I mean one minute it is boiling hot next it is pouring down. It should make up its mind."

"Yeah I know what you mean. What do you think about the scenery?"

"I think the London Eye is great. You can see everything."

"No, no, no I mean the scenery. The sexy ladies."

"Not trying to be funny but I don't really like English chicks, I prefer."

"English Guys."

"Well actually I was going to say I dig Scandinavian chicks. Is that why you brought me here, you wanted to find out if I was gay and then tell everyone else in the locker room. That's why you turned up the heating and dropped your towel to see if I'd try and fuck you. Well then you can stuff your pizza I'm going home."

"No. Don't go home if you were gay then it would be something I would keep quite I don't tell other people secrets promise. If I did you would no a lot more about the Chelsea locker room than you would care to know, seriously."

"Like what?"

"Can't tell you that."

"Why not?"

"Because it is a secret, just like it would be a secret if you accepted a blowjob."

From the look in Scott's eyes Mikael could tell he wasn't joking. Scott was leaning right in and touching Mikael's leg with the hand that was holding up the towel, which was now back on the floor. Mikael thought to himself, could he trust Scott because he hardly knew him. It only took a couple of second. He took hold of Scott's hand and placed it on his crotch.

"First let's go upstairs." Scott said.

Mikael jumped of the sofa and followed Scott up to his bedroom. The thoughts running through his mind were of just everything imaginable. As they entered the room Mikael saw the king-size bed. Scott led him straight over to it and threw him on his back. Scott pulled all of the covers off his bed and threw them onto the floor then returned to Mikael's trousers, which were holding a prisoner. He unzipped Mikael's jeans and pulled them down as far as his knees. Mikael was wearing some white CK boxers underneath which was nearly the same colour as his skin. Mikael just lay back rested his head in his hands on the pillow while Scott seemed in a hurry to suck his meat. Scott pulled down the waistband dragged the boxers to Mikael's knees. Mikael's boner now free slapped against his milky skin. Scott took the whole thing in one go. While he moved up and down the shaft his tongue tickled the head. He pulled off sucking at Mikael's balls. He sucked each one in turn taking the whole thing in his mouth along with Mikael's sweaty pubes. The way Mikael was lying his pit were completely out in the open and Scott moved from Mikael's ballsac to his armpits. He swirled his tongue in each one brushing Mikael's pit hairs. Scott now moved hi whole body around so that he could lick Mikael's nipples from the opposite angle. He licked each one giving them both his full attention. When he had finished he moved further down Mikael's body to his belly button. Licking this part of his body really turned Mikael on as his tongue probed in and out. Once he had finished he followed the trail from Mikael's stomach to his penis. As he moved down he was in the 69 position but Mikael was reluctant to do anything to the balls above him. He was having too much fun just getting the blowjob from Scott, which was magnificent. It was so good that after a short while of Mikael trying to fuck Scott's face he shot his jizz straight into Scott's mouth. Scott swallowed as much as he could but it just kept on cumming until it just dribbled out the side of his mouth. Mikael just lay there spent but Scott wasn't finished yet.

"Thanks man, that was fucking great, you are going to have to do that again sometime."

"No problem. Okay now for me."

"What. Erm Scott not trying to be funny but I don't think I can suck your cock."

"Okay then we'll just do the other thing."

"What other thing. Scott come back here what are you talking about."

Scott returned to the room with some KY. Mikael was still on the bed so Scott went over and placed some at his hole and the rest on his still semi boner. He gave it a little rub and it responded immediately. Scott was now kneeling behind Mikael.


Scott slipped one finger followed by a second into Mikael's tight ass.

"Scott I really am not ready to get fucked in my ass I'll give you the blowjob."

But Scott now only had one thing on his mind. He pushed at Mikael's entrance. As big and strong a lad as Mikael was this feeling was still a bit much for him. Then Scott moved all the way in. Mikael could feel his ass about to burst open yet it felt quite good. Scott was now laying on top of Mikael with their chests touching. The intense feeling between them was easily enough to calm Mikael down. Scott moved in and out of Mikael's ass getting a little quicker each time. Mikael's tight ass was perfect for Scott who was going all the way up to his pubes and then back down to the head. Moans of Oooooohhhhhhhhhh and Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh filled the room as Scott reached his climax firing his semen up Mikael's ass. Mikael was in heaven and Scott was there with him. Scott pulled his cock out and then flopped straight back on top of Mikael who put his arms around him.

"And you will keep that a secret right."

"Of course, hardly gonna tell everyone I'm a Mikael fucker, now about that pizza."

"Just order any pizza. I wanna try that again the opposite way around this time."


Next: Chapter 6

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