Premier League Football

By Patrick Carter

Published on Jun 12, 2005


Francesc Fabregas had been at Arsenal for nearly a year and the 17-year-old was really enjoying his life in North London. Today he was at Highbury as part of a photo shoot for Arsenal's fanzine with Robin Van Persie. Robin was another young gunner brought in by Arsene Wanker from Feeyenoord. Robin on the field was known for having a bit of a short fuse but off it he was quite a nice guy. Cesc was quite good friends with Robin but normally they hardly spoke. Cesc thought that had to end for more than one reason.

Once they had finished up at Highbury taking photos (one was a shirtless back to back photo, I mean PHAWWW!!!) Cesc decided he would talk to Robin properly so he approached him.

"Hey Robin, what re you doing later today?"

"Nothing much. I mean I was gonna do some extra training here but I feel a bit tired so I'll just go home, plus it's boring training by myself."

"Well do you want me to come over and train with you then I mean I have nothing else to do today either."

"Okay. And then after that we'll hit the town and pull right haven't had some pussy in a while."

Cesc's heart sank. He was just starting to think that maybe Robin was but he wasn't.

They left for Robin's house which he was slowly settling into. The place wasn't the cleanest.

"Sorry about the mess, you know training and well, life..."


Cesc was quite shocked clothes everywhere, papers, newspaper cuttings and some porno dvds. Cesc was quite surprised.

"You wanna watch this later. It has Madonna and the wax I mean it not the best porno ever but it should get your little dick up."


"I doesn't matter if you got a small cock."

Cesc had an idea.

"You think my cock is small well come on then, show me huge meat pole and if it is I'll knell down on the floor and suck the thing.

"No way that's fucking disgusting."

"Ah, Robin's all scared because he has got such a tiny little wiener."

As Cesc goaded Robin he knew that he was getting Robin a little angry and maybe using a bit of reverse psychology Robin would give in and show Cesc his dick full on.

"Come on you big girl, afraid my cock's gonna be too big for your mouth."

"That's it you Spanish punk. Get ready to taste some Dutch meat you little queer."

Robin went to into the kitchen and started to rummage through one of the draws until he found his tape measure.

"Okay its simple biggest flaccid dick wins, and the forfeit for the loser is they have to give head. Start licking your lips Fray."

They moved into the bedroom. Robin swept all of his clothes off the bed. Then picked up a marker from his bedside table.

"Come on then Fray, let's get this over with my balls are starting to get itchy."

This turned Cesc on a little. He hopped on the bed and then knelt down. He reached and pulled down the waistband of his tracksuit bottoms. He then reached down again and pulled he boxers down to his knees. Robin was shocked this was going to be much closer than he first thought. For Cesc this was a win, win situation. If he lost he got to blow Robin and if he won Robin would blow him. Robin held Cesc's flaccid in his hand whilst he moved the tape measure into position. Cesc couldn't believe it his cock was being touched by another very hot man. Robin pressed deep into Cesc's pubes to touch his pelvic bone as you are supposed to do when measuring a penis and rolled the tape measure to the top. Robin made the mark with his pen,

"Look completely fair, 7inches, Shit"

"What's wrong."

"Oh, nothing, just a bit..."


"Of course not. I was thinking about dinner tonight. I would offer you some but one, I have no food here, and two, eye contact between us I'm sure will be minimal after this."

"Just hurry up, my cock's waiting."

And for sure there it was to Robin's surprise nearly fully erect and looking huge. Cesc put the tape measure by Robin's cock,

"Shit, NO!!"

"What! Ha Ha Ha. 7.3 inches. Wait let me just..."

He pulled out his cock and started to wank it until it became hard.

"Come on now Fray down on your knew I need a bit of relief you know what I am saying."

Acting reluctant Cesc got down to his knees and was now face to face with Robin's slightly larger penis. He could smell Robin's sweaty pubes from where he was and just decided to go for it. He swallowed the boner and started to roll up and down it. Robin was feeling the pleasure, "Oooohhhhhh, Cesc" as he reached down to Cesc's head. Robin placed both hands on the back of Cesc's head and started to force all of his cock into his mouth. Robin overcum with pleasure started to add his hips to the action. As Robin started to pump harder and harder with his member into Cesc's mouth his balls slapped against Cesc's chin slightly throwing him off but he was still giving a magnificent blowjob.

"Shit, Oh ShitDamnFuckinhell I'm cumming"

it was much too late for Cesc to react if he had wanted to and the swollen cock started shooting cum all over the inside of Cesc's mouth. He thought it tasted excellent but the slight saltiness caught him a little off guard. He wanted to swallow but he thought Robin would find it too disgusting so he spat it out onto a tissue from his beside table.

"Fray, you don't know how good that was, we have got to do that again some time."

"Only if I get something in return."


"What do you think. I want head from you dumbass."

"No chance."

"Well fine then."

"You want a hot drink."

"Well I just had one but yeah I could go for a hot chocolate."

"Okay well, just go into the front and put on the TV we'll go out for some training when I've recovered."

Cesc went into the front room and sat down on the sofa. Robin had a 42" plasma screen TV with a video cabinet underneath it.

"Kettles just boiling how many sugars?" Robin called from the kitchen.

"Two please mate."

Cesc moved across to the room and opened up the video cabinet. It was packed with lots of videos. Die-Hard, James Bond and many other famous films were in there. On the right there was the porn section. Cesc looked at the titles and started to pull them out. As he went deeper he suddenly realised there was two men on the cover of this one, and the next one and the one after that.

"What are you doing?" Screamed Robin from the doorway with the two hot drinks in his hands.

"I was just looking at your videos."

"Well, you had no fucking right get the fuck out of my house you deceitful little prick."

"I'm sorry, please, I never meant to make you angry, I'll do anything to stay friends."



"Bend over"


"I said bend over and pull down your trousers." Robin said with impatience.

Cesc got onto his knees and bent over and pulled down his tracksuit bottoms. Robin put the drinks down and proceeded with his warm hands towards Cesc's ass. He pulled down his trousers and then admired the view. Then without warning he ploughed straight into Cesc's ass all in one go.

"Fuck hell, Ouch. Please slow down it fucking hurts I'm sorry, just don't hurt me."

Robin decided to have some mercy. He stopped and soothingly rubbed Cesc's back.

"Look, I don't mind you fucking me, hell I want you to fuck me but please just say we can stay friends."

"Of course we can but I still have to punish you."

"Punish away."

Robin grabbed Cesc's hand and started to slowly move himself in and out of Cesc's ass. Starting slower made it feel so much better to Cesc who loved the feeling of Robin's cock inside him. Each time Robin moved forward he tickled Cesc's ass with his pubes which made Cesc laugh but now he wanted more.

"Come on Robin you big girl fuck me, I can't feel you back there."

Robin slowly accelerated as Cesc screamed louder "Fuck me harder you Dutch poof." Robin didn't mind these nationalist comments as long as he meant them as a joke. Robin pounded Cesc's ass harder and harder. He had finally got the man he loved. Robin's right hand had now left Cesc's hand and was now with his left had roaming all of Cesc's smooth, sexy, Spanish body. Cesc was feeling every move Robin made as Robin got closer and closer. Until he had his second orgasm. His stopped pumping as he shot he load up Cesc's ass. He stopped completely spent then pulled himself out of Cesc and collapsed to the ground. Cesc lay down next to him and kissed Robin on the lips. Robin got up and moved down Cesc's body taking his cock into his mouth. Cesc's 7 inches were fully erect and went deep into Robin's mouth. Cesc's sweaty body was a really good feeling in Robin's hands. He came off Cesc's cock and started licking his slightly hairy thighs. Robin was deep in the mood and put Cesc's cock back deep into his mouth. His head bobbed up and down as he ran his tongue along Cesc's shaft. Cesc felt warm all over and was sweating buckets. As he was reaching his climax he yelled to Robin,

"I'm cumming"

Robin just continued until Cesc's cum flooded his mouth. He tried to swallow every drop making sure that none of Cesc's love juice were to leave his mouth. He came off Cesc's cock and moved up to his head where he kissed him and hugged him squeezing their sexy youthful bodies together.


Next: Chapter 3

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