Preaching to the Choir

Published on Nov 28, 1999


This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and jetsoned a good deal of common sense too. It follows on my earlier story, Snow on the Mountain. That is not required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

Preaching to the Choir Part Four

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail

Templeton, John-Boy and I went down the circular stair to the dorm and the shower. The hot water cleared my mind. "Skeeter says that Max has a great ass." John-Boy said. "How was it Templeton?"

"Warm and like a latex glove." Templeton said. "I think his ass was fucking may cock, more that the other way around. It was great!"

"You were great! Don't let anyone tell you that size doesn't count." I said. "It plays a role. I'm a fifty-year-old guy and Templeton got deeper and went where no men have ever gone before."

"Sort of like a Vulcan mind-meld, you did a cock meld!" John-Boy said. "I enjoyed watching." Star Trek fans are everywhere.

"Are you a watcher?" Templeton asked. "Not a doer?"

"Skeeter and Ronnie told me to watch and learn." John-Boy replied. "They weren't sure I was ready for prime time." Surprisingly, we were all getting erect again. Larry, Bill and Charles joined us.

"I wouldn't worry about that much, John-Boy." Bill added. "You've never seen a cock you weren't interested in. I sometimes find it hard to believe your young virgin routine."

"Well I may not be quite a virgin as I might be, but my ass isn't callused yet" John-Boy said. Everyone laughed.

"I think the more you do it the better it gets. You loosen up, get more experienced." I said. "You get more and more comfortable with what you are doing."

"I remember the first blow job I got." Charles said. "It was in the University Library rest room. The guy must have barely touched my cock when I shot. Cum everywhere!" He paused. "Now, I can spend an hour sucking and being sucked."

"I remember the first time I went down on a guy." Larry said. "I didn't know if I were supposed to be excited or disgusted, or if I were doing it right."

"Well people, the minute I saw my first man-cock, I knew what I wanted." John -Boy said. "I had heard some older guys at school talking about cock sucking. I put one and one together and here I am."

"This isn't one of those, me-and-the-coach stories, is it?" Larry asked.

"Actually it is. Sort of." He continued. "The head coach was a good guy. He was tall and thin, a track man. I saw him showering with the wrestling coach. The head coach was wiry, hairy and a relaxed cock and balls and hanging halfway to his knees. The wrestler had compact equipment held against his body. I liked `m both."

"Did you get to sample them?" Larry asked.

"Not even close!" John-Boy answered. "Pure inspiration, no experience. Thank God for interstate rest stops." The room filled with laughter.

The rest of the group joined us, and Wally suggested that we clean up and retire to the terrace for a night cap. We dried off and went outside. Wally spread out quilts on the ground and we sat around, talking. Skeeter came up to me.

"Max, would you mind if I fucked you again." He asked. "I've been thinking about it ever since the snowstorm."

"If you don't mind Templeton's cum in my ass. Go ahead." Skeeter had a bottle of lubricant and had his cock well coated. He rolled me back, spread my legs and slipped in his long thin cock in a single, smooth movement. We discovered during the snow storm that were weren't going to be the world's greatest lovers, but that we were very sexually compatible. It was mutually enjoyable.

He fucked slow and easy, savoring the friction between my well-lubricated ass and his dong. I could feel his mushroom head slowly working it way back and forth in my chute. Ronnie came over and began sucking me.

"This is getting better and better." Skeeter said after about tem minutes of his slow screwing. "Have you noticed a change? You're not getting raw, are you?"

"Not at all." I said. "I think there may be a whole lot of nerve endings that are at work. I think my chute is getting more sensitive." I was getting more fully involved, and I got Ronnie to shift so I could suck his uncut meat.

"More sensitive. That's what my cock is." Skeeter said. I thought he was joking, but realized that there was an element of scientific curiosity there. He wanted to know why he was feeling these new sensations. Wally came up and touched Ronnie's hole. Ronnie continued to suck me, and I him, but he adjusted his legs so that Wally would have easier access.

The moon was bright, and Wally was lubricating Ronnie's ass. I knew what was coming next.

"Max, you let me know how Ronnie's doing." Wally said. Apparently I was to have a front row seat, the cock view of the fucking. Wally's head and two inches of the shaft forced their way into Ronnie's quivering hole. He was shaking some in sexual excitement. Wally began his little fucking jerks, and half inch in and out. If copious amounts of pre cum are an indicator of excitement, Ronnie was with the program.

As was I. Skeeter was slow fucking and Ronnie was sucking me. Ronnie's cock was in my mouth oozing buckets of juice. I had the view of Wally slowly skewering Ronnie. It was affecting me. My entire tunnel was quivering, I felt the sensation spread from my ass to the prostate, then the balls and cock. Ronnie was shivering in excitement. Wally had three more inches to go, three thick inches at the base of his cock.

I didn't think I could hold out much longer. Wally gave one strong thrust and he was in all the way. Ronnie flooded my mouth with cum, Skeeter moaned and filled my ass. I popped and Ronnie lapped the spewing juice up. Wally started frantically pumping, but it only took three strokes and he shot. Everything that could twitch was twitching, all four orgasms built on each other.

When we untangled our selves, we all were panting on the ground. I was surprised to find myself splattered with cum. I thought I had accounted for all the orgasms. Bill, Charles and Larry had been giving a helping hand, or cock or mouth, and they had cum too. We all went to bed.

I took one of the guest bedrooms on the second floor, and went to bed alone. I woke at dawn with Larry on one side and John-Boy on the other. I woke Larry while trying to get out of bed and to the bathroom. I took a shower and Larry poked his head in the curtain.

"Good morning." He said. "Would you mind some company?"

"Not at all, come on in!" I said. "Wild night, wasn't it? Are you ok with it?"

"Wild hardly describes it." Larry said. He paused. "Is Bill as nice a guy as he seems?" Larry had been looking at Bill as a puppy to his master, and I felt much the same attraction to Bill.

"As far as I can tell, yes." I said. "He is everything he appears to be. Straightforward, honest, loyal and clean."

"Does he know I am interested?" Larry asked.

"Anyone who isn't blind can see that! I am afraid I wouldn't want you as a poker partner." I said. "I think that he attracts many men. Men and women."

"What does he think of me when I am with another guy?" Larry asked. I told him of my conversation with him years before.

"I think he is interested in hot, man to man sex and friendship. I don't think he's after love. He gets that from his wife." I' said. "He likes sex, and he likes seeing men enjoy sex. He enjoyed seeing you and Skeeter playing yesterday."

"I was uncomfortable and excited by that." Larry said. "I thought it might have been a test of some sort."

"He's not that tricky." I said. "Sometimes a little bit of unease contributes to the scene. He knows that. He gets off watching and helping and doing. You've got nothing to worry about." I was fondling his cock and balls, he turned to rinse his chest and I had a finger at Larry's hole. "Did you like his cock in your ass as much as you thought you would?"

"I sure did!" Larry said. "No unfulfilled expectations there. How was Templeton's cock?"

"Want to trade notes? You're the only one of the trio to take it all?" I asked. Larry laughed. John-Boy joined us in the shower.

"Morning, men." He said.

How did you do last night? I asked.

"Fine, but I think I want a more active role in today's games." John-Boy answered. Larry was fully erect, Both John-Boy and I were at half staff.

"I was hoping you might like to try a more passive role." Larry said. John-Boy looked at Larry's rock hard cock, turned his back to us, bent over and spread his cheeks wide. He was flexing his ass so that his ass hole was winking at us. Larry took the invitation and jammed his cock in the flexing hole. Any suspicions about John-Boys virginity were dispelled. He opened wide and the cock slid easily.

"Shit, that's good!" John-Boy cried. ""Fuck harder. I like it a bit rough!"

Larry pumped faster. "You need to cozy up to Wally. He can be agressive if asked." Larry said. "What about Templeton?" John-Boy asked as he tried to skewer his ass deeper on Larry's cock.

"I don't really know. He usually so worried he might hurt someone with it. It's hard to tell." Larry observed. "Someone who wanted a royal first-class fucking might excite him."

"That looks awfully good. Could I have a spell at fucking our virgin assed friend?" I asked. Larry pulled out and let me in. It was good. "I'm not sure I've been in an ass that had already been warmed up by another guy." I`m not that experienced, but I had a strong feeling that John-Boy would be a spectacular bottom when he got more practice.

"I could use some practice." John-Boy said. I wondered if I had been thinking aloud, or was he a mind reader. "Still, I do like the workout."

Someone yelled in the door, "Breakfast's ready!" We broke off, dressed and went downstairs. Everyone was in a jovial mood, polished off a hearty breakfast and then separated into the two groups. The rehearsal group stayed at the house, and the working group returned to the yard. The day was already warm. The forecast was for 100 degrees plus with high humidity. Bill figured that they would get as much done early in the day, and quit early before 3:00 when the heat was worst.

Around nine, Skeeter chainsawed a dead tree trunk, that toppled and exposed a massive masonry wall of dressed stone. I recognized it as similar to the walls of the canals that lined the James River in Richmond, and went up the hill to the house to tell Wally about it.

The hot, humid, hazy day, the isolated overgrown island, and the sound of classical music, merging with the sounds of birds and the distant rapids created an unforgettable ambience. It was like those fluffy, elegant 18th Century French paintings of afternoons in the countryside. Except, seminude men populated this countryside, rather than French ladies dressed in all their finery. It was if the Labors of Hercules took place in Mme de Pompadour's garden.

Wally was interested in the discovery, and we went back to the work area.

"Charles has a friend who would like to join us for dinner tonight. Would that be a problem?"Wally asked.

"I don't think anyone would mind, if he with the program." I said.

"Charles assures me he is a member of the fraternity, and a member in good standing. He's another bass." Wally said.

"Is he the guy that you mentioned joined you in your second get together" I asked.

"That's someone else." Wally said. "I'm not sure he would work out with this group."

"Sexually incompatible?" I asked.

"A black man. I didn't know how our musician and redneck construction combination would take him." Wally said. "Franklin Montague."

"I don't believe it!" I said. Montague was the head of the church's building committee, and straight as an arrow.

"Hung like a horse and a sexual athelete. Didn't blink when Templeton fucked him." Wally added.


"Ambidextrous!" Wally laughed. "Truly ambidextrous. Likes every thing, will do everything. Lots of fun."

"Is it worth talking to Bill about the possibility?" I asked.

"It might very well be." Wally said as we reached the work site. Wally hadn't know the ruin was there. The men had cleared more and there was perhaps thirty feet of the finely fitted stone visible. "I don't know how they could have missed it when they built the house." Wally mused.

"There's been a lot of erosion over the last few years. We are on the up steam side of the island, that collects debris after big storms. I would bet that one of the floods washed it all away." Bill said. "I worked on the clean up after Hurricane Donald several years ago. We found several things like this."

"Templeton came racing down the hill to us. "A fire!" he yelled. Everyone ran to the house.

There were no flames or smoke emanating from the house. We raced into the living room and smelled the acrid smell of smoke.

"Electrical problem!" Skeeter said. Templeton raced through the dining room and kitchen, where Charles and Larry emerged covered with oily soot and holding fire extinguishers.

"It's out, we think!" Charles said. An electrical panel in a pantry sat in the middle of a scorched wall.

"Wally where is the main panel?" Skeeter, you find the meter." Bill was in command, and knew exactly what to do. Within a minute they had turned off the electricity, and were taking part of the wall apart to see if there was anything smouldering. They disconnected the panel. And traced it back to the main breaker box.

"I upgraded the electrical service first thing when I moved here, but didn't rewire the house." Wally said. "That panel feeds the dorm and bedrooms."

"Looks like there was a leak above the pantry, that must have shorted out the panel." Bill said. "We can probably turn the electricity on in the rest of the house. Unbelievably lucky it went when there was someone in the house to catch it early."

"Where am I going to find an electrician on the Fourth of July holiday?" Wally asked.

Bill smiled. He beamed. "Wally, my boy, I have just the right electricians for you!"

"Bubba!" I said.

"Cousin Mike!" John Boy said.

I explained that Bubba and Mike had been stranded on Afton with us during that memorable storm.

"Can you get them?" Charles asked.

"I just happen to know they are working in Richmond, Working today, and looking for a good excuse to get away from the job they're doing." Bill said. Skeeter got the electricity reconnected in the part of the house not connected to the burned panel, and the rest of us cleaned up. Bill went to the phone and beeped Bubba. He called back an five minutes. Bubba and Mike arrived twenty minutes later.

They were a little older than three years earlier, a little heavier, and a bit more masculine. That took some doing, they weren't girly boys before. Wally was pleased, but the trio was obviously impressed. They all appreciated class A beef.

"Working on the deWinter house." Bubba said.

"For that bitch?" Wally asked.

"You know her!" Bubba replied. "First class, Fucking bitch! Wealthy, demanding of everyone but herself, willful, indecisive. Is she a close friend of yours?"

"She is a trip! She sees herself as a patron of the arts, and a pillar of the church. My church."Wally said. "Our last minister felt that she was living proof of the vileness of human nature, put on earth to test the virtues of Saints. We're as close as shit in an asshole."

"She changed the entire job Wednesday morning, got our boss to make us do it on the holiday. I figure that a real emergency will get us out of the house with a good enough excuse."Mike said.

"I can take care of that!" Wally said. He changed his accent to high pitched southern belle level. "Why Sally dear, I had this awful fire in my house, and these wonderful men came and saved my fucking little ass. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you making the ultimate sacrifice of not afflicting these men so that my little house would not burn down." he paused, then continued. "You are such a dear piece of fucking shit. I love you to death." he returned to his normal tone of voice. "I know how to handle Sally deWinter."

Bubba was impressed. Wally's Hawaiian beach comber ensemble was a bit off-putting, but the endearing and imaginative use of obscenity combined with a vicious sense of humor was attractive. Bubba and Mike went to work.

Charles went off and got burgers for lunch. They were massive half pounder's from a stylish restaurant in the Fan district, with home fries and slaw. He understood the likes of the men well. He also returned with friend, Bob. Bob was six feet, 250 pounds and looked like a professional wrestler. All beef, no fat. He was a member of the choir, a bass, and an assistant city manger.

Fortunately there was a good breeze and we had pulled all the burned materials out of the house. The smell of smoke quickly dissipated. We returned to our excavation, and the singers, now a quartet, returned to their rehearsal. By two I returned to the house and the electricians had wired a new panel and replaced the damaged wiring. The house was fixed.

Wally closed and locked the gate and then called Sally to give her the bad news. The damage had been much more severe than he had guessed and the electricians would need to spend the greater part of the weekend fixing it. Bubba watched the performance.

"You're the best fucking liar, I have ever seen." Bubba said, with a trace of genuine admiration. "Are you sure you have never worked as an business manger in an electrical contracting firm?"

"I have no idea what you mean!" Wally said in mock innocence. "Ready for a swim?"

It was near one hundred degrees by now, and the men collected coolers for the walk to the quarry pool. Mike whispered to me. "We don't have any swimming trunks."

"Don't worry, no trunks needed." I said.

"Hot damn!" Mike exclaimed. "Is everyone here really friendly?"

"Really friendly is one way to put it." I said. "We're all friendly and it seems to me, that we share many common interests."

"Double hot damn!" Mike said.

Next: Chapter 5

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