Preaching to the Choir

Published on Nov 23, 1999


Preaching to the Choir- Part Two

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and jetsoned a good deal of common sense too. It follows on my earlier story, Snow on the Mountain. That is not required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

Wally left town for two weeks but he had e-mailed the members of the trio to see if they were interested. He sent me a e-mail telling me this and asking if I could recruit some men to help with his yard. A day later I talked to Bill in the construction trailer and told him about Wally's plan..

"Hot dog! It sounds like great fun!" Bill said. "Wally huh? I had noticed some admiring looks."

"At me or at you?" I laughed.

"Mostly at me!" Bill said. "How's he hung? " I described my evening with him. "Well Max, that sounds good to me." he walked over to his calender and flipped over the page to July. "It's on a Thursday this year, a four day weekend."

"Any plans?" I asked.

"Not until you told me about this." He said . "That could make for a nice holiday."

"What about Skeeter and Ronnie?" I asked.

"I don't rightly know, but I have a suspicion that they might be willing to make changes in their social calenders." Bill said. "I'm pretty sure."

"Is John-Boy with the program?" I asked, he was a new member of the crew that I hadn't been stranded with.

"John -Boy is Mike's cousin. They were old playmates." Bill said. I then asked him about finding some men to help clear the underbrush.

"That might work out just about right, Max." Bill said. "I wouldn't mind helping out. It's nice to have a good excuse for hob knobbing with the client. Causes problems with the other men on the jib." With that arranged, we discussed work related issues.

As I left the building a tall, bearded man called. "Max! Max MacAfee?"

"Yes." I said.

"Hi, I'm Larry, one of the members of the trio." He introduced himself. "Wally said we might be getting together."

I was favorably impressed. Larry was thin, with broad shoulders and a thick black beard and memorable blue eyes. He was in his early thirties and dressed in a well tailored suit. "There are a lot or arrangements to be made, but things seem to be working out." I said.

"I spoke with the other members of the group. We are all interested." He said, under his breath. His suit was dark, but you could see the out line of a good sized cock in the fabric. "Wally said there were some other men who might join us?" Larry was almost whispering.

"I know one guy is willing. He thinks the others may be interested too." I said.

"Can you point them out too me?" Larry asked.

"Sure, Let me show you around the site. " I said in a louder voice. "Are you familiar with the project?"

"Only the fund raising part. I work at the bank next door, a trust officer, and in charge of the bank's charitable giving. I got tapped for the church's fund raising campaign." Larry said. I explained some of the project to him and the difficulties of the renovation. We ran into Bill and Ronnie.

"Bill, I'd like you to meet Larry, a member of the congregation." I introduced them. The two men shook hands and checked each other out, clearly pleased with what they saw.

"Mr. MacAfee has been showing me around the job. Very impressive." Larry said.

"It's been an interesting project." Bill said. "My last job was a Wall Mart in the `burbs. This is quite a change of pace." Addressing me he said. "By the way Max, Ronnie here, and the other guys are interested in that job you spoke about." Larry looked at Ronnie.

"I asked Bill if he could help out Wally with some of the work on his house over the Forth of July holiday." I explained to Larry. I wanted to see what Larry would say.

"Great. That house needs all the help it can get. It's too much for one man to do." Larry said. "I may be there that weekend myself, in a rehearsal. Maybe we will see each other." All three men were obviously checking each other out. Ronnie adjusted his cock in his tight jeans. Larry looked at Ronnie's crotch then looked him straight in the eye. There was mutual understanding, and mutual attraction.

"I need to get back to the office." I said.

"Me too, there is a computer terminal that needs my attention." Larry said. "Nice to meet you Bill."

"We may be seeing quite a bit of each other over the Forth." Bill said, we all shook hands and left.

Outside on the street, we stopped. "Were you the scouting party for the rest of the trio?" I asked.

Larry laughed. "I sure was. We aren't timid men, but we are careful. I wanted to know what we were getting into."

"Still worried?" I asked.

"I am too excited to be worried anymore." He said under his breath. "I don't know if it will all workout, but the raw materials for a great time are there!" We parted.

Two weeks later Wally was back in town and had made his arrangements with Bill for the weekend labor. Skeeter and John-Boy were also coming. After one of our job meetings we had a chance to talk.

"Is the trio still interested?" I asked.

"Yes sir-ree!" Everyone seems to be on-board and eager." Wally said.

"Same with my men." Bill said. "Larry seems to have favorably impressed Ronnie!"

"And vice-versa." Wally said. There was a knock at the door and a huge man came in.

"Wally, there is your eleven o'clock appointment at the secretary's desk." He said in a deep voice.

"Sorry , I forgot completely!" Wally said as he rose to leave. "Bill, Max this is Charles, another member of the trio. He left and we introduced each other. Charles was a good six-five feet tall, 250 pounds, blond, with a reddish blond beard.

"I take it you are the bass?" I said.

"How did you guess?" Charles said in an extraordinarily deep voice. I was more a rumble than a voice. I knew him as a professor of art history at a local university. "We may be seeing each other over the Forth, I understand?"

"I'm looking forward to it." Bill said. "More and more, I'm looking forward to it."

"We've met Larry and you now, who is the third member of the group?" I asked.

"Templeton the Tenor." Charles said. "He has a job with regular hours so it is difficult for him to get out in the day time. Computer programmer. A nice guy for a tenor."

"They tend to be prima donnas I am told." Bill said.

"Down to earth, affable. He's the only clean shaven member of the group. He had a beard and shaved if off after our first performance. Someone referred to us as the Smith Brother's Cough Drops Trio." Charles smiled. "He made the sacrifice."

We continued the conversation for a short while and Charles left to teach a class. "It looks like this may be a good weekend." I said.

"Sure does!" Bill said. They look like guys you can get along with."

Over the next few weeks Bill and Wally planned the weekend. Bill and I visited the house and arrived at a general work plan. Wally took care of the food and the rehearsal schedule. It struck me that Bill and Wally were equally serious about their work. They got along well.

On the Forth I got to the house at 9:00 and found Bill and Skeeter's pick-ups parked in the entrance court, and heard the sound of chainsaws. Wally greeted me at the door with a cup of coffee. "Who's here?" I asked.

"Only the working men, the trio will be here at ten." Wally said. "Bill seemed enthusiastic about clearing the place. The one called Skeeter seems a bit rough around the edges."

"A nice guy on the inside." I said. "Very laid back and comfortable to be with."

Wally smiled. "I don't know if I want to know too much about his insides!"

"I'll go down and see what they are doing." I gave his crotch a squeeze. "I'll bet you end up knowing a lot more about his insides that you would think."

"Later Max, We have the whole weekend." I went out and found the crew. Bill was wearing jeans and a white tee shirt. His ruddy complexion and white-blond beard almost glowed in the morning sun. Ronnie was in shorts , construction boots and no shirt. His wavy brown hair formed a coat from his head to toe. He was bearded and balding, and seemed to have more hair on his chest than on his head.

John-Boy was young, maybe twenty -five, and smooth. He wore a see-through football uniform top and shorts. Skeeter was in a cut off shorts and shirt. They had already cleared what appeared to have been a terrace, and were working on a overgrown retaining wall. They worked at a steady rate, and the place began to return to its former character.

Larry came down and told us lunch was ready. After cleaning up we joined the Trio and Wally on the terrace. He had a buffet of cold cuts and salads, easy and filling. Templeton was there. Hanging back on the side. He hadn't met anyone, and was a bit uncomfortable. He was short, less than five six, muscular and had a ring of hair protruding around the neck of his tee shirt.

"Great place you have here!" Bill said. "When was it built?

"1923, when the family fortunes were at their best." Wally said. " My great grandfather bought the property as a quarry, but the rock was no good, so he decided to use the place as a site for a summerhouse. Never waste, never worry."

"Is the quarry the pond on the west side of the island?" Skeeter asked.

"Yep, they only got six feet deep when they realized it was poor stone." Wally said. "We used it as a natural swimming pool. Warm because it is quite shallow, but there is some flow into it , that keeps it clean and not stagnant."

"Can we try it out later?" Templeton asked.

"Sure, it's a hot day and it should be comfortable. Wally said. The conversation became more general and the group began to feel more comfortable. The work crew finished lunch and returned to the job. I cleaned up after lunch, and the trio returned to their rehearsal. I listened as I washed the dishes. Spectacular voices. I rejoined Bill in the yard.

At three there was a procession of the musicians to look at our work. I was a bit annoyed, since it looked a bit like a royal inspection tour, checking out the work of the underlings. I miss judged the situation.

Charles boomed out, "Quitting time! Swimming time! Beer time!" He and Larry were carrying a large cooler, Wally had a large bag, and Templeton had the boom box. "Off to the quarry!" We wandered down to the pool on the edge of the river. It was beautiful. The clear water shimmered in full sun. There were chairs on a flagstone terrace to the side.

Wally put down his bags, stripped off his Hawaiian shirt, dropped his shorts. and jumped in the water naked. All followed except for Templeton, who set up the boom box and put on a CD. We had all jumped in the water so fast that we had not had a chance to get more than a glimpse of each others equipment. Templeton stripped slowly. He must have had an inch or two of thick hair covering his entire body. As he dropped his shorts, you saw the base of his cock emerging from the thick bush, but I waited to see the cock head. The shorts slid lower and lower, and the shaft continued.

"Is that a cock or a fire hose, you got there?" Skeeter cried.

"It's a cock, but it has put out a fire or two!" Quipped Templeton.

"Why, I think I have just caught on fire!" Skeeter was excited. Templeton jumped in the water. The water was just cool enough to be refreshing , but not cold. The heat and humidity of the typical Richmond summer vanished in the refreshing pool on the edge of the rapids.

"Do you ever get people walking to the island over the rocks?" Ronnie asked Wally. "I didn't know your could skinny dip in the middle of the city."

"Almost never. The river here is fast." Replied Wally. "We get sport canoes and Kinks sometimes. They are too busy to check on the dress code. There is nude sunbathing all over the river. The Richmond Police periodically try to stop it, but it takes too much effort to get into the river. They might better spend their time chasing criminals than naked guys in the river."

"This is private property, isn't it?" I asked.

"It sure is. The first hundred feet of the river is mine too. All part of the quarry property." Wally added. By this time some men were out of the water. Bill and Larry were on chairs to the side. Larry applied sun lotion to Bill's chest and back. Larry apparently decided to solve the sun burn problem on Bill's cock by swallowing it.

Skeeter and Templeton were on towels with Skeeter doing what he does best, sucking. Templeton was obviously enjoying himself, Skeeter had no problem taking the whole thing. I guessed that was a rarity for the diminutive but horse-hung man.

Ronnie was in close conversation with Wally up to their necks in water. I couldn't hear the conversation except for Ronnie exclaiming, "Damn, how thick is that fucker?" I swam over to the other side of the pool where Charles and John-Boy were talking.

"We seem to have gotten past that difficult uncomfortable period when you first meet strangers." I said.

Charles laughed. "Templeton's cock is a great ice breaker! He is usually very shy and retiring. But the minute his cock is out his personality changes."

"I don't know." John-Boy said is a pronounced country accent. "Bill said I would enjoy this, but I don't know what all these cocks might do to my ass?" He paused. "But I do feel an urge to try one or two."

"Well it may be a learning experience. I don't think you need to take them all at once." I said.

"Skeeter has been giving me some lessons." John-boy smiled. I was in the water facing the two men and was playing with their balls. Both were well endowed, Charles' were pulled close to his body, John-Boy's hung low. As my finger worked it way back towards the asshole, John-Boy adjusted his position to give me better access. My finger slipped in easily and he smiled as he tried to work my finger more directly toward his prostate. I was doing the same to Charles who was watching John-Boy's reaction with amusement.

"There is something about you, John -Boy." Charles said, "That makes me feel you won't have much trouble getting into the swing of things."

"Well, Skeeter, and my cousin Mike said I was a fast learner." John-boy said with a innocent look.

"I bet you are." Charles said. We got out of the water, and sat in the sun. Charles was bigger nude than he had been in a suit and tie. Solid, but big. His cock matched; it was solid and thick. We laid on the terrace and I sucked him while John-Boy sucked me. Charles leaned over and sucked John, so we formed an small ring.

"Skeeter has been giving you some lessons!" I said to John-Boy.

"Well, Bill said I should learn from the best." He replied, "Funny though, I never did that well in any other educational effort." Charles almost choked in laughter.

Charles' cock was sensitive, and he responded to every touch. He was cut , so his head was exposed from the start, but he moaned or twitched with every lick. At first I thought that he was just being appreciative towards a new acquaintance, but there was pre cum and lots of it. I would lick the underside of his head, and a bead of clear liquid would emerge. I would shove my tongue into his wide piss slit and would encounter another drop at the tip of my tongue. The cock spasmed several times.

"Charles, this is like sucking a loaded gun." I remarked. "Are you going to shoot?"

"Don't worry. It takes a good long while before I pop." He said. "The longer the better, as far as I am concerned."

"Can I try it?" John -Boy asked. He took my place. I got next to Charles, looked him in the eye and we kissed. Charles was so big, friendly and sexually excited, I felt a wave of affection pass over me.

"Shit, you said you weren't gong to come!" John-boy said. I looked down and saw him as he glanced up from Charles' spewing cock, and then went back to sucking the cock and lapping up the cum as it emerged. I kissed Charles again and I could feel his relief as he shot the first load of what would be a long weekend.

Ronnie and Wally came over and sat next to us.

"John-Boy, why don't you get over here and show your appreciation to our host?" Ronnie said. The young man got on his knees and began to lick Wally's cock. "We're trying to give this kid some experience." Ronnie explained. A drop of milky fluid emerged from Ronnie's cock head and slowly dripped to the ground. I wondered if he had also cum.

The other men joined us. Larry sat next to Bill and looked like a puppy that had just found his master after a long absence. Skeeter looked flushed and excited. Templeton got beers for everyone. We sat in a close cluster in the full sunlight.

"I've never seen so many hairy, hung mother fucker's in my life!" Skeeter said.

"Is that a complaint or a complement?" Larry asked. Skeeter answered him by taking a swig of beer then deep throating Larry's cock. Bill had is arm around Larry, who looked surprised.

"Don't mind Skeeter. He has needs." Bill said. "He likes cum and he's sort of compulsive about it, so you might as well give him what he wants." Bill caressed Larry and played with the bankers tits. "Just relax and let nature take its course. Skeeter knows what he is doing, and your cock knows too."

"John-Boy is his protegee?" Charles asked. John-Boy still was licking Wally's cock as if it were a ice cream cone.

"Looks that way." I said.

"Well. This has been great, but I must play the cordial host and start working on dinner." Wally said. "I hope you don't mind me leaving you short some cum?" He addressed John-Boy.

"No problem." John-boy said. "I figure my cum needs will be met sometime this weekend." The warm sun and the beer had its effect and everyone was beginning to get very relaxed. Wally rose and left.

Next: Chapter 3

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