Preaching to the Choir

Published on Jan 22, 2000


Preaching to the Choir Part Ten

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and no gesture toward common sense too. It follows on my earlier story, Snow on the Mountain. That is not required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. I have started a new story, Uncle Jake, that deals with Clyde and Wilbur, the twns. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

At eight it was still light outside as the low sun entered the windows. Skeeter broke out the beer and was the first to strip. The conversation dealing with the multiple facets of virginity, semi virginity and inverted virginity continued, the high point was Skeeter's old testament style invocation to multiple orgasms.

Bill and Bob were in deep conversation with Vince, deciding who would get to be the first penis to penetrate the older man's rectum. Wally and Templeton were too big, Bob and Bill were too thick, John-Boy was too young. Ronnie, Bubba and Mike were the finalists. They were all well endowed, pleasant, but not huge.

They called them over and discussed it with them. Bubba had plans for a repeat performance with the twins, although he didn't know whether he was going to bottom or top. Ronnie said he wanted a cock in his ass real bad, and felt that a more top oriented guy might give Vince a better ride. Mike got a spectacular erection as they discussed the prospect. The choice was made.

Templeton, Wally and John-boy were in a heated, beer enhanced, conversation with Clyde and Wilbur over the twins fucking technique.

"No one can tell which of us is doing the fucking!" One of the twins said.

"No one knows which of you is who!" Wally said. "But I bet they could tell that you have changed cocks."

"Hell no!" a twin said. "We've got this down to a science. Fast in and fast out. No one knows when there's been a switcher roo!" I returned my attention to Vince's deflowering. Bill was the warm up act, and the chemistry between the two men was clear. Vince was on a couch, while Bill worked some lubricant and a finger or two into his ass. Mike was talking to Vince and nibbling on his nipples. Naked men can't hide their excitement, and Vince was excited.

Templeton and John-Boy came up to me. "Max?" Templeton said. "Can you help settle a bet?"

"We were thinking that maybe you . . ." John -Boy said.

"You thought that I would like to be fucked for the experiment? Or is it a contest?" I interjected.

"You are a great bottom!" Templeton added.

"And if I win?"

"You get to deposit the first non brotherly cum in their asses." John-Boy said.

"And if I loose?" I asked.

"They fuck you until they shoot." Templeton said.

"Hell, that sounds like a no loose situation." I said, suddenly realizing that I had way too much to drink. We all walked over to the twins. "It's a deal." I said, "Except, I want to select the guys to screw you."

"Fair enough." One of the twins said. I played with both the men's cocks. They were pendulous and heavy even when soft.

"Can I have a trial run?" I asked.

"I don't think so, once we get hard it's difficult to stop." A twin said, almost apologetically. "Once we start, we like to finish. But we can give you a good four or five minutes of screwing before we start the contest. " Templeton had a bottle of lubricant and he was massaging my hole. I was soon on a couch on my back. One of the twins immediately had his cock positioned at my hole.

"Ok, which are you?" I asked.

"Clyde." He said and he shoved his rod into full depth.

"Oh baby!" I moaned. In my slightly drunken state I had thought of the event as a game. I hadn't considered the possibility of real pleasure, but real pleasure is what I felt. My chute and Clyde's meat bonded immediately. It was one of those odd situations when two people who have no sexual interest in each other find out that they are physically sexually compatible. I squeezed my ass and Clyde made a deep guttural growling noise.

"Can you switch with Wilbur?" I asked. Bubba, Ronnie and Wally had joined Templeton and John-boy watching the competition.

"Let me just work myself up a bit more." Clyde said. "This is great."

"How long can you go before you pop?" I asked.

Wilbur answered. "We went three quarters of an hour once with Uncle Jake. We must have traded off twenty times."

"Did you almost cum each time you traded?" Templeton asked. Wilbur replaced Clyde in my ass. Telling it was easy since he wasn't as lubricated as his brother. Once he was in there was no difference in the sexual sensation.

"Sure did." Clyde answered. "You don't know what true satisfaction is till you shoot after having cocked the pistol twenty times. Good shit!"

"How was your Uncle?" John -Boy asked.

"I don't rightly know. He was just whimpering after the first half hour. Clyde said. Still, he came back later, so it couldn't have been so bad." I squeezed my ass again and Wilbur purred. I had found a way to tell the men apart.

"Getting your cock to a hair trigger level of sensitivity is a trick Uncle Jake taught us. He used to say that the only problem is to keep from having one of your vital organs try to shoot out your prick when you finally pop!" Wilbur said. Their conversation was mater of fact; their sexual technique was polished. Their cocks were good sized, but not huge, maybe seven plus and thick. Erect, their cocks stood straight out with a slight downward turn.

This was the prefect angle for a hands free fuck. All prick and ass, no hands needed to direct the cock, or fumbling to get in the hole. Their blunt mushroom head would totally withdraw after each thrust and then go deep. They would do three or four deep thrusts, then leave it lodged inside and make a series of short thrust, of two or three inches. The lack of physical contact except for the cock was exciting.

After a few minutes of this Wilbur arched his back and clasped his hands behind his head, moving only his pelvis. You could tell he was getting close. Then bingo! Clyde was in. I squeezed his cock with my ass and he growled.

"It's time for the blind taste test!" Templeton said. They elevated my ass, and he gave me his cock to eat, totally obscuring my view. The twins continued their regular fucking.

"Templeton! He can't talk, how can he tell us who's fucking him?"Bubba said. "Plus it may be a distraction!"

"He needs to concentrate." Ronnie chimed in. He found a towel he draped over my head. The contest started. I missed the first switch, but got the next three. Fortunately Clyde and Wilbur were getting more excited as the cum built up in their cocks. With no release they were concentrating on their throbbing cocks rather than on figuring out how I guessed they had switched.

"We've warmed up now. Let's go for best out of ten. Are you game Max?" I was having a great time, and the audience was too. The beer was flowing and the enthusiasm was building. I had never thought of my self as an exhibitionist. Yet I realized that exhibitionism must play a role in my sexual makeup. I enjoyed the twins, but also loved the reaction of the other men as the scene turned them on.

I don't know how long the session lasted, but I got eight out of ten switches. "What about best out of twenty?" Clyde suggested. The was a good-natured roar of disapproval.

"It's time for the twins to broaden their repertoire of sexual skills!" Bill said, laughing. He had joined us after playing with Vince. I got up, and was a bit dizzy. "Who gets to do the honors?"

"Well, I think Templeton deserves a whack at it since he was kind enough to offer me some refreshment in our last session." I said. " And I think Bubba needs some exercise." A twin looked at Templeton's horse cock in mock horror. "But first, I need a shower."

I went upstairs to the gang shower on the third floor, followed by most of the men. We passed Wally, Bob and Mike in a bedroom with Vince. Vince was on the bed with his legs open and a spectacular erection. Wally had a few fingers in his ass slowly massaging Vince's ass. Since Bill had massaged him earlier, he must have been open by now.

The shower was refreshing and relaxing. Since no one had climaxed yet, everyone was either erect or at least well on the way. It was a very cheerful group. I dried off and went into the main room. The Twins remained the center of attention. They were sixty-nineing on a bed, and Bubba stood at a twin's ass. Templeton was on the other side. Bubba and Templeton were coordinating their actions and both men's cock heads disappeared simultaneously. Both buried the rest of their shafts on the next thrust.

The twins showed no sign of discomfort with the cocks in their holes. Templeton's donkey dong slipped in like a car on a raceway. There was no sign of resistance. I wondered if the twins were as virginal as they said, or if their Uncle Jake was more impressive specimen than they had suggested. John-Boy was standing behind me and I felt his cock at my ass. I bent over and he slipped in. I usually like older men, but John-boy really hit the spot. It was a bull's eye hit. Skeeter saw my reaction, sucked my cock and took my load.

"Thank you John-Boy, Skeeter." I said.

"My pleasure." John-boy said as he pulled out of my ass. Skeeter finished him off.

Wally came into the room, tapped Bubba on the shoulder, and replaced the electrician in one of the twins quivering hole. Again it was an effortless penetration. Wally and Templeton got the twins on their feet. The twins were looking a but frayed at the edges. They had fucked me for fifteen minutes, and now stood fully erect with two huge cocks firmly lodged in their asses.

Clyde and Wilbur were kissing as Wally and Templeton continued to pump. Skeeter got in between and managed to get both cock heads into his mouth. From my vantage point I could see his tongue caressing the underside of both men's heads. They shot together. If Skeeter hadn't been there, Clyde and Wilbur would have sprayed the ceiling with their seed. Skeeter took it all.

"Hog heaven!" I said watching Skeeter mouth full up. The paired cock heads allowed some sperm to dribble from his mouth, so Skeeter's dark beard looked frosted. Frosted with cum.

"Hey guys! Can you let up some?" Clyde said. "I don't think I can take any more." Wally pulled out and went to the shower. Templeton gave a few more thrusts and pulled out. He had just begun his orgasm and his cock was squirting. He moved so he could get several direct hits in Skeeter's mouth. The rest hit the cum drenched beard.

I wandered down stairs to the bedroom floor and watched Mike make love to Vince. Mike is a lover not a fucker, so I didn't interrupt. Both were obviously enjoying themselves. I remembered my first fucking, a combination of pain, embarrassment and sexual excitement. Vince wasn't feeling the pain or embarrassment.

In the next room I found Bob deep fucking Ronnie. I had wondered where they had disappeared to. The two men were fuckers not lovers and it was pure, energetic animal sex. I fed Bob my cock and he sucked it with gusto. I thought I was done for the night, but my cock had other ideas.

I decide to go back upstairs to the dorm room. Vince and Mike were in the hall.

"Where are the rest of the guys?" Vince asked. He was at half staff. Mike had some cum still dripping form his piss slit.

"Upstairs, follow me." I said. "This has been great!" Fire hose said. "Just great, but I'm still horny as hell!"

The men on the top floor were mellow. Most had shot off once so the pressure to climax was over, but there was enough testosterone in the air to drop Michael Jackson's voice two octaves. The sun was setting so the light was dim, but Skeeter noticed the cum on Mike's cock and took a quick sample.

Wally called to us from the overlook. "Come on up! A spectacular sunset!"

The sky was scarlet and magenta in 360 degrees. Brilliant colors were every where. The remains of pitch black clouds could be seen to the east and only served to enhance the color of the sky. The light show lasted for ten minutes and faded.

Next: Chapter 11

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