Preaching to the Choir

Published on Nov 21, 1999


Preaching to the Choir -Part One

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and jetsoned a good deal of common sense too. It follows on my earlier story, Snow on the Mountain. That is not required reading, but it might help you to get to know the characters better. If you have any suggestion or comments, please e-mail me.

I was shocked when the low bidder for the renovation of Central Church in downtown Richmond was the ACME Construction Co. Central Church was old, historically significant and wealthy. My firm, MacAfee & Associates, Architects, specialized in this type of complicated project for this type of client. The project required great skill and sophisticated craftsmanship. ACME built strip shopping centers in the suburbs. They were not a bad firm, or at least I didn't know of anything bad, but their expertise did not include anything similar to the project at Central.

It was a difficult situation because their bid was substantially low, and by accepting their bid, the project would be on budget. I met with the president of the firm, Freddie Smith, and expressed my concerns. He said they were planning to move into higher quality construction, and wanted Central to demonstrate their ability. I went over their bid in great detail and found nothing out of order.

"Do you have a superintendent who has done this sort of work?" I asked. "The quality of the construction is more dependant on him than anyone else."

"Mr. MacAfeee, we just hired a super from McWillians & Balderson, to do this project." Freddie said. McWilliams & Balderson were the finest construction firm in Central Virginia. "Would you like to meet him?"

I asked him to call me Max, and said of course I would like to meet the super. He called his secretary and asked her to find him and send him in. We continued the conversation, and I was agreeably impressed by Freddie's knowledge of construction in general, and his detailed knowledge of the Central church project.

There was a knock on the door, Freddie said come in and Bill Andrews walked into the room.

"Bill!" I exclaimed as I shook his hand.

"Max, good to see you again!" Bill said.

"You know each other?" Freddie asked.

"In a strange way. We were both stranded on Afton Mountain several years ago during the big blizzard." I said, "We all shared a room."

"And you are still friends?" Freddie asked. "That was the big blizzard that closed of I 64 for three days, wasn't it?"

"Fortunately, everyone was really good about entertaining themselves." I said. "It turned out to be more of a vacation than an ordeal. I went without a single client calling me for the whole time." Addressing Bill I asked, "Are Skeeter and Jimmy still with you?"

"Skeeter is, Jimmy got married and moved to Florida, Ronnie is back with me and I have a new carpenters assistant, John-Boy." Bill answered. "I look forward to working with you."

The conversation returned to business, and we all seemed to develop a good working relationship. I knew nothing of Bill's craftsmanship, but I knew his organizational skills first hand. We had tried to get together several times since the blizzard, but our schedules were too different. This project would last a year and a half and we would certainly get a chance to renew our relationship.

The project got under way quickly and I was soon comfortable with the ACME's professionalism, and more than comfortable with the quality of the work. It was a difficult project, but Bill was good about anticipating problems, and I was good at solving them.

Running the project from the church's point of view was Franklin Montague, the chairman of the building committee and Vice President for Operations for a local bank, and Wally Jones the organist. Franklin Montague was a six foot-four black man, the senior vice president fo a bank. Frank was also the director of the Richmond Festival Chorus, the finest choral group in the city. Wally was the bluest of the blue bloods, Wallford Fitzhugh Jones was his full name. Both men were anomalies. Frank was one of the few black men in the church. He got his high position at the bank a combination of physical presence, intelligence and hard work. Wally was power hungry, like most organists. But most organist preferred to control things from behind the scenes. Wally ran Central Church with a firm and very direct hand, very openly and efficiently. The minister was a theologian, the business manager was interested only in numbers. Every thing else was in Wally's control.

Frank was a family man, with a wife and six children. Wally was gay. Wally knew I was gay, but we seemed to move in different circles. He was distinctly stylish and elegant, I am more straight forward. As the project progressed we all became good friends. The building project proceeded with only the normal problems associated with an old building. The project had been under construction for three months when the church received a substantial bequest, earmarked for the restoration and expansion of the organ.

This threw a monkey wrench into the project as I scrambled to adjust the drawings and plans. I finished the preliminary sketches on a Wednesday and called Wally. He was on his way out of town for the next two weeks on a trip. He was filled up through the day and he asked if I could go over them at this house around six. I agreed since I knew that a two week delay would be a seriously set back in the schedule.

His house was a compete surprise to me. I knew the city well, but I drove through a expensive subdivision, down a narrow lane between lots, through gates, over a bridge and onto a small island on the edge of the James River. The house was a beautiful Georgian Villa, overlooking the river. The property was heavily overgrown , and the building needed repair, but it was a suburb house.

I knocked at the door. There was scurrying behind the door. Wally opened it and I entered the house. "It's a wonderful place you have here.." I said. "I had no idea it was here."

"Just inherited the place from my slightly wacky Aunt Isabel." Wally said. "I've been trying to go through the place and clean here stuff out before I fix it up. She spent six years in a home for the elderly before she died and the place ran down badly in that period." He showed me around. The interior was just as good as the exterior, and we eventually sat at the dining room table to look over the drawings.

It was an unusually hot day for early June, The house wasn't air conditioned, and I was cooking inside my business suit. "Make yourself more comfortable." He said. "I am. Give me a minute while I change and get a drink. I'm doing bourbon. What's your poison?"

"That sounds good to me." I said, as I took my coat and tie off. He went off and I looked around the house some more.

He returned in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, almost unbuttoned. Wally was about six two, and 190 pounds. He kept his weight down by constant activity both physical and mental. He wasn't muscular, but he was in good shape. He had a thick mat of chest hair. He carried two tall highball glasses.

He sat down as I explained the drawings. "Oh hell!" he said. "There is something wrong here, the room looks short."

"Short?" I said. "It matches the dimensions you gave me." I opened my brief case and found the detailed list of requirements he had provided. The dimensions were exactly correct. He popped up and went looking for his notes. He returned looking chagrined.

"Max," He said, "There is a typo in the list of requirements. The depth of the room has to be fifteen feet zero, not ten feet five. I didn't check it closely enough."

"Well that puts us three feet into the lobby of the CentralBank headquarters. It's hard to come up with five extra feet in downtown Richmond. It's back to the drawing boards for me." I said.

"Is there anything you can do? Wally asked. "Stay for dinner and may be we can work something out."

I agreed somewhat reluctantly, and went out to my car where I had some paper. The house must have been eighty-five degrees and had been closed up all day. I was sweating, and very uncomfortable. "Let me find something for you to change into." Wally offered. He found another Hawaiian shirt and some gym shorts and I changed into them. Returning to the dining room table I stared at the drawings hoping to find an extra five feet. He was busy in the kitchen, and always a good host, remembered to refresh my drink.

I realized that there were two utility spaces in the room that could possibly be relocated, and began sketching. He returned with dinner and we discussed the problem. Wally was a good cook, and the dinner was enjoyable. As we brain stormed the problem, I realized that we could suspend the mechanical rooms above and have enough space for the organ. All was well.

The room began to cool off as the evening breeze picked up. I sketched out the solution for the problem, as Wally cleaned up the dishes. It had been a well spent evening.

"How about a nightcap on the terrace?" Wally asked.

"Sounds good to me." I replied and I wandered out through the French doors onto a beautifully paved terrace with a spectacular view of the river and the sunset.

"I am hoping to begin restoring the place this summer. I need to clean up the gardens too." Wally said as he handed me a drink and we sat in a big wicker settee.

"I think I would start by cleaning out the underbrush, and see what trees ans shrubs are salvageable." I said. "It wouldn't take much to make this house into a showplace." Wally had his hand on my leg. I had been so busy admiring the view, that I hadn't been thinking about sex. Wally apparently was, and it seemed that my cock and his libido were in synch.

"It's too much for one man to do, and I don't have much luck finding guys to help." Wally said.

"You should talk to Bill. He has and endless supply of laborers. I'm sure some could work on weekends or after work." I said. I was acting laid back, but Wally's hand had worked it way up my leg and would shortly encounter my erection.

"Bill certainly is an attractive man. Not my type, but attractive." Wally said. "I am so accustomed to upper class men, it's a shock to meet a worker who is intelligent, and in control. He knows how to work with people." Wally had traced the outline of my cock with his finger, and the light touch of his fingers did nothing to reduce my erect cock. I reached over and groped him and was very pleasantly surprised.

"I like big organs." I said.

"Most guys like to look at them. They don't want to play them." Wally said.

"I don't mind playing at all." When I said this I realized I had one or two too many drinks. I unbuttoned his shirt as he unbuttoned mine. It was now dark and we were naked on the terrace of his house, feverishly sucking each other's cocks. My cock is average, a six incher of good thickness, Wally was eight inches, and oddly tapered. The head was average in size, but the same diameter as the shaft. The shaft was maybe an inch in diameter at the head but thickened as it got closer to his balls., two and a half or three inches in diameter at the balls.

It was a tree trunk like cock. Hair grew halfway up the shaft. The balls were big, held tight against the shaft. The piss slit almost bisected the shaft. I tried to deep throat him, with no success, but when I pulled off, his head was covered in pre cum, so I must have done something right.

"I'm close, lets break for a minute and cool off." Wally said. "I don't usually entertain my guests this way. I am off to London tomorrow with a ladies group tour, so horniness seems to have won over my discretion."

"Well, I don't usually blow my clients either." I said. "This is not a new marketing technique."

He laughed. "Do you like sex with men? I mean, do you REALLY like sex?"

"Couldn't you tell?" I said, laughing. "I can't get enough of it and I can't find time to do it!"

"I know the feeling. I seem to have combined a great sex drive and a drive to achieve professionally. Somehow the professional part always seems to win the tug of war." Wally said.

"And it is hard to find playmates." I said.

There was a pause in the flow of conversation. "I can find you some playmates." he said slowly.


"There is a hitch, though." He said.

"That is?" There was another pause. I was caressing his balls.

"Well it's sort of a club." Wally said. "Have you ever been in a group having sex?"

I put one and one together. "Bill told you about our night on Afton Mountain!" The minute I said it I realized that I had jumped to the wrong conclusion.

"Bill?" Wally said. "You and Bill? A group?"

"Yep, Me and Bill and a group." I said.

"How many?" Wally asked.

"Eight. No eventually nine." I said. I wasn't sure about his reaction, until I felt the pre cum. It had dripped from his cock head and the flow had reached his balls. Given the size of his cock, that was a massive flow. I gave the cock a stroke and Wally moaned.

"Hold off some, I'm too close." He said. "Can you tell me more?"

"I think I've told you more than I wanted." I said. It's your turn now. Who and how many friends do you have?"

"I guess that's fair. Three, plus me." Charles, Larry and Templeton, members of the choir." He said. "They helped me clean up after last years Christmas party. We all ended up in bed together." He paused. "It was the most incredible night in my life. All sucking. All fucking. All night!"

"I take it you liked it?" I asked.

"More than like it!" Wally said. "I loved every moment. I didn't know sex could be that good!"

"That the way I felt about my time with Bill. Learned things about myself that I hadn't guessed." I said. "Have never be able to get together again."

"We got together for an hour several months ago. But I'm ready." Wally said.

"You are interested in more members of your club?" I asked.

"You bet!" Wally said enthusiastically. "Now tell me about your experience."

I recounted the story of the blizzard, and the motel on the top of Afton Mountain. Wally was interested in every detail. " What has struck me since then, is that we were all attracted to each other, but not attached. Pure sex between nice guys."

"It was the same experience at the Christmas party. Fun with no strings." Wall said. "I've always been afraid of working class men. Blackmail."

"These aren't that kind of men. They aren't hustlers."I said. "Macho redneck types don't want to be exposed any more than organists. What is the interest in recruiting more men?"

"The last time we got together there was a fifth man." Wally said. "It seems to have added some more spark."

"While we are talking, would you mind I sat on your cock?" I asked. "I've got this terrible itch."

"Let's go to the bedroom." Wally said. "The paving stones are too hard." We went to the bedroom sucked for a while, then I lubricated his fuck pole. He worked some into my ass.

"Do you think you can take it?" He asked. "It seems to be a challenge."

"I can try." I said as I lowered myself on his cock. The head slipped in without difficulty. But when I had impaled my self half way down the cock, it became uncomfortable. I couldn't relax. "It feels like it's a tree trunk in my ass!" I said.

"Don't go any further than you want" Wally said. "Few guys have ever made it as far as you. It feels great!" I was embarrassed. I had asked him to fuck me and lost it. I was confused. The combination of the bourbon and cock in my ass, left me disoriented. I couldn't decide what to do next.

"Do you mind if I try a different approach?" Wally asked. I pulled off his cock. "Hands and knees?" I got on my hands and knees. He added some lubrication and worked the head in again. He then began short, quick pumping movements. The grandfather clock in the hall kept time, and at first, I thought that he was just pumping in place, but after a few minutes, I realized that more and more of his cock was lodged in my ass. After five minutes my prostate became involved, and a few minutes later I was fully impaled, and moaning in pleasure.

"Are you ok?" Wally asked. "Couldn't be better!" I gasped. "Can you try some long strokes?"

"Pile driving time!" Wally said. He continued to keep time with th cock. Every second he was deep in my ass, a half second layer only his small head was in my hole. Then in again. He suddenly stopped, and I could feel him twitching as he climaxed. I shot off too. We collapsed on the bed.

"That was great." I said after I caught my breath.

"You enjoyed it?" Wally asked. "You were wonderful. Responsive. You didn't lie there like a frigid wife doing her duty."

"Is that the normal response? I asked.

"I don't do it so often as to have a normal response, but that has been my experience." he said. "Until my group experience, of course."

"Do you want me to talk to Bill about a get together?" I ahsed.

"I sure do. I will talk with my friends and let's see what comes up." Wall said.

"I hate to sound like an obsessive, anal retentive guy, but can we set a date?" I asked. "These things take time to plan."

"I can help you out there. You know that Charles, Larry and Templeton form a trio? They have a concert scheduled for late July. We were planning to spend the Fourth of July weekend here rehearsing." Wally said. "Could you make it?"

"I can do that. Nothing's planed for that weekend. I will talk to Bill and see what he and the boys have planned." I replied.

"Do you think that all the men should come? What if it doesn't work out?" Wally asked.

"You know that you and the trio hit it off. I know that Bill and his boys do. I'm sure each group can find ways to entertain themselves. If we mix it up some, that's all the better." I suggested. The clock struck ten. "I need to get home."

"I need to pack!" Wally said. "Do we have a date?"

"We sure do!" I said.

Next: Chapter 2

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