Preachers Sons

By Richard McQueen

Published on Mar 22, 2022


Story: Preachers' Sons

Chapter 2 Gay Bashing, Christmas

Author: Eric McQueen (

Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

Freedom of expression is precious. To do that, Nifty needs help. Your donation is greatly desired. Give to or this story ends and all the others! That would be a crime!

There is a Hate Crime that occurs. Eric and Elias become more popular at the University and in Hawai'i. The Holidays are celebrated.

Gay Bashing, Christmas

I will remember this day forever. It was a Friday afternoon. I had stopped to get some things to fix for dinner and was returning to the apartment. There was a sidewalk part of the way back and I was still downtown proper when I heard some yelling. Nothing I understood, it just sounded like guys whooping it up. I heard an engine race and getting closer. Dangerously close. Then I heard clearly. "Die! Faggot, Die!" And I saw the white truck run close enough to touch it without reaching out. Then I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head, the sound of shattering of glass and everything went black. I came to a little as faces appeared above me, they looked like medical people, taking my blood pressure, hooking up IV and talking on a radio. I saw the sky above and then I was gone again. Then I woke again inside a room as doctors worked and nurses buzzed around me, I remember someone asking me a question, I don't remember the question and I was gone again.

I don't remember how long it was, but I woke hearing a familiar voice talking to someone very loud. "Eric Mitchell. I was told he was here!" Elias' voice was in a panic. "I am his partner, Elias Jonas."

There was a slight pause. "Not listed as the next of kin, sir." A female voice finally said calmly.

"We've lived together for three months! He is listed as my partner with the university. Is he here? I need to see him!"

I tried to call him, but my voice won't work at first. "Elias." Then I cleared my throat. "Elias!!"

There was the sound of rapid footfalls that hurried getting closer and louder. Then the cloth curtain was thrown open and Elias' panicked face appeared. He almost didn't recognize me, but his eyes widened. I must have looked bad.

"Sir, you can't go in there!" The nurse said hurriedly following Elias.

Elias looked at her desperately and pointed at me. "That is my partner! I don't care what you say or feel about homosexual relationships. That is my life partner!! He is my life! I have to see him!" He dug in his pocket and pulled out his wallet. "Here, here is my insurance card. He is listed on it with me as my significant other. I'd marry him, but it's not legal!!"

The nurse took and looked at the card, then at Elias and then me.

"He is my soul mate. My life partner," I said to her, still hoarse.

She held the card tighter. "Fine. I need this to run it. May I?"

Elias waved her off. "Yes, yes. What happened? How is he? Is he going to be okay?"

She sighed, looking at me. "As to what happened...from what I was told, he was the victim of an assault. More than that you'll have to get from the police. A bottle was broken at the back of his skull. We had to shave the area and have gotten the glass pieces out as best we could. Now we're watching for swelling of the brain. He has a concussion. His face met no resistance from the impact when he fell. He has cuts and abrasions that's why all the gauze is there. As soon as he stabilizes, he'll be moved to a hospital room, but for now..." She smiled patiently. "His student card only listed the address and the school only had one number to call and no one answered. We called the school again and they didn't seem to know him. He seems to be recovering, but just be gentle now. No jostling and remain calm." She patted Elias on the shoulder and left.

Elias looked at me more intently and I saw the tears form. His look of horror told me I looked terrible, and it was scaring him. He walked closer slowly. "Oh, god, Eric..."

My face was bruised and there were scratches where my face hit the concrete where I hadn't stopped when my face made contact which is instinctive, meaning I was unconscious before I hit the ground on my face. My head was wrapped in gauze with a large portion toward the back of my head to the left.

Now Elias began to shake a bit. "Oh, god..." he repeated but sat beside me taking my hand. "I...I just...don't...understand...why? You weren't robbed...." Now he was crying.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"Why would..." He held my hand to his face and the tears were flowing more. "I can't lose you. I'll die if you go." He sniffed. "I almost lost you."

I caressed his tear-streaked face gently with the back of knuckles of the hand he clutched. "I haven't left you, Eli. I wouldn't on my own." I couldn't imagine what I'd feel if the situation were reversed, and he was the one I nearly lost. "The reality is unless we're killed together, in an accident or something, one of us is going first. That will happen. With care and healthy living, I plan to grow old with you, Eli."

He bowed his head on my stomach. "I was just so scared."

I nodded. "I know, I'm sorry."

He looked up instantly angry. "This wasn't you. This was some asshole, jerk, but I don't understand why."

"I'm sorry this has caused you to be scared. I'd never cause you pain, I'd rather it be me."

He shook his head. "I don't want that. I love you, Baby. I love you." He repeated it again and again as he kissed the back of my hand he clutched.

What is it about clearing the throat? We stopped as the nurse returned having heard his confessions of love. She handed Elias his card. "You boys are serious about this?" She asked quietly.

Elias looked at her annoyed. "Why assume we aren't?"

She held her hand up. "Don't misunderstand me. You two need to protect yourselves. If you want him as your next of kin..." she pointed from me to Elias, "and he is your next of kin..." she pointed from Elias to me. "You need legal documentation. Since as you know, marriage for two men is illegal. Then a durable power of attorney is needed. We'll probably have trouble with the insurance company. I've dealt with them about this issue before. These sort of relationships; they don't want to pay without that power of attorney. You would be the final say on what the other wants and with that power of attorney it will be a certainty." She looked as if she wanted us to believe her. "To me, gender doesn't matter. Love is love, but the law is the law. Protect yourselves!" She said firmly and left.

"I guess we have to," I said simply, but Elias was still upset.

"I just don't understand why."

I didn't want to tell him what I remembered, but I did. "I remember a truck with guys in it. I remember them shouting, but..." I hesitated. "I heard Die! Faggot, Die! And then I felt something hit my head."

His eyes widened. "You didn't see them clearly, did you?"


That made him angry again, but he kept it under control. It was a few more hours before they released me to a private room. Well, there was room for two patients, but the other bed was empty.

Then Elias sat straight up remembering something. "I have to call Brandi! She and Sharon wanted to know..." he dug in his pants pocket but picked up the phone by my bed then hung it up. "Not activated. I gotta call. Be right back." He started to rush out, then turned around again, kissing me quickly. "Don't go anywhere," and then ran out.

You had to love him. What choice did anyone have? I chuckled.

When he came back, I took a good look. He looked like he'd been assaulted, not me. Half his shirttail was out. His gorgeous short brown hair was a mess. Like I said earlier, he was nothing short of a hippie, but damn it, I loved him. Even as messy as he looked, he was still sexy as hell!

"My ears will be ringing for days." He confessed putting a finger in an ear and twisting the finger. "That girl could make a sailor blush."

I laughed. "What happened?"

He sat by my bedside. "She raked me over the coals...verbally."

I could only imagine. "I mean, what happened to you...what time is it now?"

He looked at his watch. "About 11:30." Then he smiled. "Well, it's sort of stupid. I called the apartment before my last class. I was going to tell you not to fix dinner, we were going out." Then he shook his head. "Of course, you weren't there. I get home, but you weren't there yet, which I knew was odd, and Brandi hadn't seen you. I called the Island Apothecary, but Aunt Tessa said you'd left hours before. The girl at the switchboard was new and got the call from the hospital. I don't know why, but I wasn't listed. I'll find out about that later. She told me when I called you were here and I rushed over."

I nodded. "Brandi and Sharon wanted to be updated."

He grinned. "Yeah. Well, I did!" Then added softer. "A few hours late." He shrugged. "I was distracted."

"I'll say." I chuckled. "I bet Brandi was pissed."

"Pissed, menstruating...I don't know. She said everything not in the book!" He chuckled. "By the way, she's coming here."



I nodded. "I guess the fact that it's after visiting hours..."

"She'll get by somehow." Elias nodded.

She did show up at my door a few minutes later with her poor date in tow. He was some blond kid, barely following. He was good-looking though. Not for Brandi, not according to my estimate. He wasn't good enough. She paused at the door, looking me over, then rushed to hug me.

"Aw, Honey, I was so worried about you!" She claimed as she hugged me. Then stood away a bit. "Are you okay?"

I nodded. "I'll mend."

"The police came and asked if I knew you," Brandi smirked. "I say, hello, next door neighbor! Then they asked if you were into drugs or partied a lot. I said, them? Not hardly. So what happened?"

I repeated what I told Elias.

Brandi wasn't controlling her temper as Elias had been. "Those sons of bitches!! I hope they find them and hang them up by their fucking balls!" She said loudly. "Who the fuck do they think they are!?"

I grinned with a shrug, but that wasn't the best move. I was instantly hit by pain.

"Who are you?" A nurse asked Brandi and her date. "It's after visiting hours." The nurse came over to me.

Brandi could win an Academy Award with her instant sweet and innocent act. "It is? I'm sorry." Then she turned back to me. "I'll be back in the morning, Honey. Is there something I can get you?"

I lifted the cover; I was in briefs. "Some shorts? And a t-shirt. You have our key for emergencies. This is it. Maybe for Elias, too."

"You got it." She kissed me on the cheek, then over to Elias and did the same, but gave him a severe look. "I'll let it go this time. Keep me on pins and needles again, there will be war!" And she left.

"And who are you?" The nurse asked Elias.

"Well, since the law doesn't let us marry, I'm his partner in life. We're soul mates." Elias all but growled. "Ask me to leave, you'll have a fight."

She smiled with a nod. "Oh, you're the one." She laughed. "Betty downstairs told me about you. You're fine." Then she looked at me. "You're in pain?"

I nodded. "It just started."

She nodded. "The medicine they gave you has probably worn off. I'll be right back." She returned with a syringe. She shot it into the IV thingy attached to my arm. "This will make you sleepy. It will also ease the pressure of any swelling." She looked at Elias. "Unless we have an admission, there's the other bed, if you want."

Elias smiled. "Thanks."

The nurse was right, it just took a few minutes, and I was gone. I woke during the night to hear a soft snore in my left ear. Elias didn't really snore; it was more like heavy breathing. He had crawled in bed with me and was spooned up beside me on the bed. Which was normal because of the size difference between us. His left arm was around me protectively. A more beautiful feeling I have never enjoyed before. I took his hand bringing it up to my chest tightening the hold he had. No one disturbed either of us. The morning rounds were all about when I woke up, Elias was up and sitting in the chair next to me. The hospital wasn't large, but the city wasn't large. It was in the middle of a tropical forest. I was on the first floor I found and the view outside was spectacular. There were flowers blooming right outside my window. It was a beautiful island. I was told if I continued to do well, I could go home in the morning. Brandi showed up as soon as visiting hours began. She put a paper bag down.

"I didn't know what to bring." She confessed. "I brought one pair of jeans for each, that was easy, the long ones are Elias' and the shorter ones yours. The shorts? Who cares, they're shorts. Two t-shirts, a pair of socks for you, Eric, Elias doesn't wear them. I did bring you the razor and shaving cream if you want and shampoo."

"Thanks." I grinned with a nod.

"No. Rummaging through your underwear drawer was thanks enough." She smiled sitting and unwrapping a red tootsie-pop. "Only how do you tell which is which, I guess it wouldn't matter as you're always fu..."

"Brandi!!" Elias and I said at the same time to stop her.

Then I smiled. "We never...what you were going to say."

"We make love," Elias added. "Or if not, just have sex."

Her smile only brightened from our reactions. "Sons of preachers. You certainly aren't prudes, but you're too good for this world."

That's when we saw a policeman at the door. "Mr. Mitchell, is it alright to talk to you about the assault? I'll be brief, but I need to ask a few questions."

I nodded. "Sure. No secrets here."

The policeman was very handsome, though in his late twenties or early thirties, he wasn't a native and he wasn't Caucasian. Latino? He had jet black, well-groomed, shiny hair, and dark, but not so very dark skin. "I'm Mike Duncan, assigned to investigate this crime."

I nodded. "This is my life partner, Elias Jonas, and a good friend, Brandi Weir. That's Brandi with an I."

Brandi would always smile when I included that part.

"Ms. Weir." He nodded to Brandi, and you didn't have to be psychic to see he was interested in her. Then he looked back. "Tell me what you remember."

I relayed what I remembered.

He was jotting notes as I told him. He nodded. "With this and what an eyewitness saw, we should take them down."

"And do what?" Brandi asked.

Officer Duncan frowned. "They will be judged and pay the price."

"Even though we're gay?" Elias asked.

"It was a Hate Crime, Mr. Jonas. All crime is punished, but Crimes like this is rising and they aren't tolerated. Not by this department and not by me. Recent attention to crimes of hate have brought these crimes to the public eye and we want everyone to know. That isn't happening here." He said firmly. "Can I be free to contact you if I need more?"

"Sure." I nodded.

Then Brandi stood. She took his pad and wrote. "Here's my number, if you need it. About the case or something else." Then sat down and looked at me innocently. "Is it true, certain portions of a man can be determined by their shoe size?" She asked innocently looking at Mike and then down at his shoes. "What's your shoe size? Thirteen? Maybe fourteen."

For a man with darker skin, he was clearly blushing, but didn't answer that question but fidgeted. "I'll be in touch." He said to me and left in a hurry.

"Brandi!" I chided. "You scared him off! He was cute and clearly interested in you!"

She shook her head waving what I'd said off. "He'll call. Probably tonight. These things are magic." She shook her breasts. Then she blew an exasperated breath. "See!? If I didn't know having seen you're both gay, I'd know you're both gay now. I could whip these babies out and I wouldn't get a reaction from either of you, but I know men. He'll call."

Elias grinned. "It's a pleasure to watch a master at work."

Then she got serious. "You both know I'm not a slut, right?"

"Of course, you aren't," I answered as Elias was shaking his head.

"It's more of an act." She explained. "I've never...I mean...I'm a virgin."

"Okay," Elias said.

"Other than my father once, I've never seen a naked man. I've seen pictures in magazines..."

I put my hand on hers. "I never suspected anything. You were a nice girl that accepted Elias and me in a second. We're certainly not going to judge you about anything."

She nodded with a smile. "I guess I've gotten used to handling men a certain way. I know what buttons to push on them to get what I want." Then she brightened. "When he first saw me, he looked in my eyes!"

I laughed that she was pleased about that fact. "Then reward him by being you. Not the shock girl. He'll like you. I do."

"And lay off the cussing," Elias suggested.

She smiled and nodded. "I love you guys!" She said hugging us as one.

Everything was returning to normal, so I was thinking. I was on some medication that made me sleepy, but I resisted. We were watching TV, which we normally didn't do that much when a report began.

"...what can is confirmed to be a Hate Crime against openly gay student, Eric Mitchell, while returning home after work. Investigations about this crime are ongoing and police are stressing the culprits will be punished to the full extent of the law." A picture of me appeared on the screen. I know my mouth dropped open. "Here's what some friends and neighbors had to say."

The first girl I only knew a little. We shared two classes. "I don't know him well, but he's very nice and always willing to help others."

The next guy I didn't know. "As President of the Lesbian Gay Alliance. Any person targeted by a person because they are gay should be punished. To hate someone because they have different skin color, a different religion or gender is against the constitution and that applies to people that love someone of the same gender!"

The next was a woman I knew to be Elias' boss, Dr. Katherine Moody. "I've not had the pleasure of meeting Eric, but I know his partner, Elias. Since Eric has entered the picture, I've seen a dramatic change in Elias. He's happier and more at ease with himself. I targeted Elias early because of his intellect and he is more than capable. If loving Eric is a crime, we should all be guilty. He has done wonders for Elias."

The last was someone we knew well. Brandi didn't seem bothered by the camera, nor did she change her personality and just as lovely as ever. The red-tootsie pop was there. "Oh, yeah. I know them pretty well. Eric and Elias, Elias and Eric. They just fit together, ya know? Two peas in a pod. Great looking guys you can't touch, like your brother or a priest. Always willing to help get rid of a bug, which neither will kill but catch and release, unclog a drain. Eric said it was a white truck. It's a (beep) island for (beep) sake, how hard can it be? Catch the (beep) and string `em up by their (beep)!"

The reporter reappeared. "It's a lot harder than you think to locate the white truck. Many hotels on the island use trucks for service, many white. The various military also uses white trucks frequently and some ranches do as well. The search goes on for the suspects."

Elias turned the TV off. "Eric. Are you okay?"

"They broadcast my face all over Hawai'i!" I said pointing at the screen. "Now everyone is in our bedroom!"

"Maybe it won't be too bad," Elias said sitting behind me and putting his arms around me. "It's local."

"Is it?" I asked.

Boy, was he wrong. The report was local, but then the ABC affiliate played it again. Nationally! All the wars, rapes and murders in the world and they picked up my story!?

"What has been reported as a Hate Crime to an openly gay student attending the University of Hawai'i in Hilo, Hawai'i." Again, my face came on TV. The national anchor was reporting it as simple news. "Local support groups are protesting several universities nationwide as the focus on Crimes of Hate is hitting news agencies around the nation." Different universities and different groups marched with signs. "Eric Mitchell was assaulted while returning home from work." Now there was a picture of Elias and me together we took on the beach when we first arrived. "Hunt for the suspects continue."

I threw my hand up. "See? There. Our parents will see this!"

Elias looked sheepish. "I guess we should call your parents and tell them you're fine."

I nodded. "We'll do it from home. We can't from here."

Elias smiled. "At least we looked good in the pictures."

I gave him a light shove. "You always look good."


I replied with a role of my eyes.

Time difference and what have you, my phone by the bed rang. I was startled because I thought it wasn't connected. I picked up the phone.


"This is the hospital operator. Do you know Betty Mitchell?"

I groaned touching Elias who was now awake and staring. "Yes, operator. That's my mother."

"Shall I connect her?"

Sighing preparing for the...whatever. "Yes." And Elias listened in.

"Eric!?" I heard a frantic voice.

"Yeah, Mom. I'm fine." I said quickly assured.

"You were assaulted!" She cried loudly. "You've only been there three months!"

"Yes. Both Elias and I knew this could happen. Not here, but I knew it would probably happen there." I said, trying to remain calm. "It's not a choice either of us randomly made. It just is. We've been hated for millennia."

"I want you safe." Mom was now crying.

"I know," I said sadly. "I want to be safe, but crime could have happened anywhere even if I were straight. It happened."

"How are you?"

I gave her what the doctor told me. "I'll be fine."

"Of course, Elias is there." Mom said never suspecting he wouldn't be.

"Never left my side once," I said proudly.

I heard her sniff. "I knew he would be. I'm trusting him with you. Are you listening, Elias?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Elias said smiling sitting up straighter as if she could see him.

"Please, take care of him. He's very special."

"I know," Elias answered softly with a smile to me. "I'm finding that true every day."

"Your father will hang up. I never will. You call me. Understood?" She demanded.

I felt a warm sensation in my chest. She still cared very much. "I promise."

"I love you, son. And you, too, Elias. You're my son now as well." Mom said and I watched Elias' eyes get a little glisten as that statement touched his heart. "I love you both. Take care of each other. Call!" She demanded again. Then I heard her nearly shout to someone, but I knew who. "He is my son! You may disown him. I won't...Don't tell me what to do..." Then she was louder and clearer. "Pay no attention to him. Again, I love you both. Bye."

Elias was smiling more. "I wish my mother would come around. Hell, all our family should see it like that."

"You don't think they will?"

"Jonathan and David yes, but Steve....I don't know. Mom and"'

I felt a pain at that sad resolve. "It may not help much, but my mother just said you were a son, too."

Elias smiled with a nod. "And that means a lot."

The next morning the doctor came by and said I was looking well and could go home, was there someone to take me?

That's when Brandi came into the room. "There is..."

I smiled at her. "He means that has a car."

She nodded. "Mike does."

My eyebrows rose. "Mike, is it?"

"He's taking me out from here. A lunch date, but he's working this evening, so..." She shrugged. "I give him an A for restraint yesterday. He waited for his shift to end before he called me."

Elias bowed to her. "I say again. It's an honor to watch a master at work."

"Oh, shut up." Brandi griped and laughed. "I told you, straight guys, I know. You guys are the mystery."

When Mike Duncan dressed casually in a Hawai'ian shirt and shorts arrived, I had to ask. He was a handsome man, but his name had me curious. "Can I ask about the name? You don't look Scottish."

Mike chuckled. "No, I'm not Scottish. I'm Cuban. My brother and I were smuggled on a raft to Florida. Our mother didn't survive. I was ten, my brother was two. We were adopted by Mike Duncan Senior. He was military and got stationed here. We just didn't leave when he got out."

I nodded understanding. "Just curious."

"No problem," Mike replied still chuckling. "It's a common question. I'm used to it."

I was more impressed by how he treated Brandi. He did look in her eyes. He'd be blind not to notice she was with a bombshell and Brandi wasn't acting like a teenager.

"Have you found the criminals?" Brandi asked.

Mike hesitated a little. "We've got a key piece. It may have been a military vehicle. A witness gave us a partial number written on the side in blue. That would be Navy from a local base here."

"I knew it couldn't be a local," Elias growled.

Mike nodded. "That's all I can tell you right now. One was not military though."

I frowned. "I don't know anyone in any military service here."

"They knew you." Mike pointed out. "I think it was a deliberate hit."

It made sense, but I couldn't fathom who would know me or hate me enough to try and kill me.

"Are you ready to get sprung?" Brandi asked cheerfully changing the subject.

"More than ready," I said eagerly.

"We have to stop at the pharmacy on the way home," Elias said.

"No problem." Mike nodded.

He drove a jeep and I was wheeled out and got in. A quick trip to the drug store and then home. It was great to be home, but our phone kept ringing. Reporters and concerned people wanted to check on me. Also, that President of the Lesbian Gay Alliance wanted Elias and me to join and make what happened an issue and a form of national protest. I still had bouts of pain, so I took the medication, which made me feel out of it. Elias hovered. He didn't go to work or school refusing to leave me.

I looked at him the next afternoon. "We can't have you fail a single class, and you have to teach. I'll be fine, Eli."

"I'm not leaving you until you go back to class yourself and to work," Elias stated firmly. "I won't risk it. There still is a chance your brain could swell. No." He shook his head.

"Eli, it hasn't happened. That you care, I love you more for it, but life has to go on. Brandi's next door."

"When she's not on a date or going to class herself!" Elias argued.

I didn't mind him being there or even hovering, I just wanted our lives back. I remember looking outside the next day and saw a police car. It never moved, nor did the officer ever get out. I went downstairs and approached the car.

"If I may, why are you here?" I asked the officer.

The officer smiled at me. "Until the culprits are caught and in custody, you're in danger. Mike insisted we do this."

"He did?" I was surprised but pleased hearing this. "Doesn't this mean you can't go on a call?"

He shrugged. "I'm off duty. All the officers helping out do it off duty when they're here. No problem."

Now I was concerned. "Why?"

"Someone is clearly a threat." The officer said. "Someone has to watch out for us." He smiled waggling his eyebrows. He even dipped his hand at the wrist.

"Us!?" I repeated. "You're gay?"

He smiled. "I am, but the others are not, but Mike's brother is. He said that if his brother was threatened like you, he hopes others would help. So here I am."

I smiled. "I did not know that." Then thanked the officer. "If you need anything, you know where I am."

"Roger that." The officer saluted.

Now it made more sense.

The nurse was right about the insurance company, they had refused payment. Elias was on the phone when I heard him.

"...he's listed on the policy," Elias argued. "Who cares if I'm not his official next of kin. I pay the premiums to include him! His name is on the policy and I am paying for him to be included!" He listened. "That's because the law doesn't allow us to marry!!" Elias did have a temper. I was just happy it was never directed at me. "That is so much bullshit!!" Yeah, Elias was pissed. "You paid Jason Murdock's girlfriend's medical, they weren't married! Did they have documentation? Or were they just living together?" He was really angry now. "And who are you to say we're not together? I'm bringing this to the university board, this is outrageous!" He slammed down the receiver.

"We have money in the bank," I said quietly.

He was still angry about the phone call. "Whether we do or don't isn't the issue now. You're on the damned policy! They must honor that! I paid them to make sure you're covered; how dare they say NO!"

I grinned. "God, you're sexy even when you're mad."

He looked up with a smile. "You're just horny."

"For you? All the time. So?" Then I frowned. "You haven't touched me since I was attacked. Other than a few kisses."

He looked at me uncertainly. "I don't want to hurt you. Besides the medication makes you sleepy."

"I'm not sleepy now. Having sex affects the brain, yes, but the doctor said we should get back to our routine."

"Okay, but one ouch and I'm stopping." He grinned as I hugged him.

"I would never say ouch."

Elias was too careful when changing the bandages on my head. He was pulling gently on the tape which pulled hair that was coming back.

"Just rip the damned thing off," I growled as I winced again as it pulled.

"But it will hurt!"

"Yeah? Well, do it quickly to get it over with!"

That's when Mike came by as a cop, Brandi with him, but that was because she was next door.

"We have the culprits," Mike reported. "Do you know David Weinstein?"

"Weinstein?" Elias questioned surprised. "As in Aaron Weinstein?"

Mike nodded. "His youngest son. The one not in the military."

"That son of a bitch!" Elias spat. "First that man attacks me, then yells at Eric when he came to see me. He's taken action with the university to have me removed and he organizes a hit on Eric!! That is sick! The man's demented!"

Mike nodded. "When we confronted Dr. Weinstein, he seemed genuinely upset his son did this. I don't believe he organized this."

"Wait a minute," Brandi said. "This asshole at the university is taking what action?" She asked having not heard this before.

"He claimed Eric and I weren't a couple and that I would influence young minds as a teacher. He is petitioning to have me removed." Elias told her.

"That is such fucking bullshit!!" Brandi lapsed back to her shock girl, but I had to agree with her thinking. "He doesn't see you as a couple!? Has he looked at the two of you? Is he blind!? I find it hard to see one without the other! It's expected now! You are so a couple!"

"He doesn't understand," I said.

"And his son killing you was to do what?" Elias demanded. "Force me to be straight!? He tried to kill you, Eric!"

"Apparently his son and three buddies had been drinking..." Mike continued.

"I don't give a fuck!!" Elias shouted really pissed off now.

Brandi, Mike, and I were surprised at Elias.

"Wow." Brandi looked amazed. "Such language!" She literally applauded. "Bravo. Good for you, Elias!"

"I am mad as hell!" Elias explained, but not regretting a word he'd said. "What the hell are we supposed to do to prove we are a couple? Marry? We can't!"

Brandi moved a little closer to us. "Not legally. No." She pointed out, "But you can commit."

"It wouldn't be legal." I pointed out.

"So?" Brandi questioned. "Gays and lesbians have commitment ceremonies all the time. You are committed."

"Of course, we are," Elias said.

She shrugged. "A commitment ceremony would prove that. Who cares if it's legal or not? Show the assholes and the world you are committed to each other!"

She had a point. "One day, society will evolve enough to recognize commitment between two people of any gender will be legal." She continued. "I don't believe you two should wait."

Elias nodded. "You're right." He looked at me. "What do you say?"

I grinned. "Tell me when and where."

Dr. Weinstein may not have liked the embarrassment of a teacher was openly gay on the faculty, but word spread like wildfire about his son's attempt to eliminate that embarrassment and the new embarrassment by the Weinsteins was now in focus. Others at the university were now protesting Dr. Weinstein's anti-gay stance. Students were dropping his classes. News of his son and the military participation, though of course, not official military approved action, hit the island and America hard. It wasn't that my incident was that important, but hate crimes were now at the forefront of events to be covered by the news. Groups were protesting all across the nation. The Navy was not allowing their personnel off base to be questioned. David Weinstein was questioned, charged and arrested. News of Elias and my Commitment Ceremony went wild!

The university dropped Dr. Weinstein's request to have Elias removed as a teacher and insisted the insurance company pay my bills as promised. The university legal department where the school representatives insisted they honor the contract they had with Elias or get sued and replaced as an insurer. Elias was right about the people of Hawai'i not caring we were gay, but when threatened, they cared. Not because we were right or wrong, they supported us and our right to love who we loved.

One day, as I walked through campus, I spotted a poster. I was surprised and pleased at. There were posters side by side. Both were pictures of Elias. One, while he was teaching at the front of a class, caught mid-gesture as he lectured, the other coming out of the surf, bare-chested carrying his surfboard. Across both posters were Voted Best Looking on Campus. I had to agree. Two girls were looking at it and not seeing me.

"I can't believe he's gay!" One said to the other shaking her head. "What a shame! What a loss!" Not because she thought anything was tragic about the idea of Elias being gay, but feel the loss of any chance with Elias not only for the two girls there but womankind as a whole.

I grinned and walked up behind them. "He was gay this morning," I commented behind them causing them to spin around, startled. "I'm not feeling the loss."

The two girls started giggling and raced off making me smile wider.

I went to Elias' office. I propped by the doorframe. "There he is. The Best Looking on Campus."

Elias looked up, smiling at me and then blushed at my comment. "I didn't know about that, I swear."

"Well, it's true," I said coming in. "You are."

"You're sort of prejudice," Elias stated as I kissed him.

"You're right, I am. But it's still true."

Again, a clearing of a throat sounded at the door. Both of us looked up to see Dr. Weinstein. Elias' face was instantly full of quiet rage.

"What?" Elias demanded angrily, but softer than he could have.

Dr. Weinstein looked embarrassed and ashamed. "I just came to say a few things." He said humbly. "I've been asked to retire. Effective immediately. I leave at the end of this semester. I am so sorry my words at home caused either of you pain in any way. My son acted without my approval. I'm here to offer an explanation."

I could see this was hard on the man. "Okay." He looked far older than he had when I saw him before the attack.

The elderly professor sighed. "In Austria, we were persecuted for being Jewish. In 1938 my brother was taken to a concentration camp." His voice broke as emotion made his voice shaky as he remembered. "You see...not only was he a Jew. He was...also...a homosexual. He died in that concentration camp. The Jewish part he was born to, but my father insisted he didn't have to be homosexual. It made my hatred of...such as yourselves...irrational. If he could just not be homosexual, he might have lived." He shook his head. "The reality is, it probably wouldn't matter. Daniel refused to wear the star or triangle, he refused to be labeled."

The yellow star I knew was what Jews had to wear. The pink triangle was for homosexuals.

I could see it still hurt him after all these decades. "I am so sorry," I said sincerely.

"My fear is, it may happen again." Dr. Weinstein said. "So, when you said you were with..." he pointed to me, "...Eric, those old fears surfaced. I panicked. I'm sorry."

Elias may have been angry, but he could see the man was in pain and his words were sincere. "I forgive you," Elias said quietly, then he stood. "Do you have to leave?"

Dr. Weinstein nodded. "Most of my students are leaving my class and I believe it's for the best. I was going to retire in a year or so. I'll just be doing it earlier." Then he smiled. "I've heard you two are having a Commitment Ceremony. Mazel tov. I wish you the best in the future." Then he did a brief short bow and left.

I turned to Elias. "Well, that explains a lot."

Elias nodded. "Yes. It's sad, but yes." He watched me go back across his office and shut the door, then lock it. His eyes glistened. "Why did you do that?"

I grinned. "Guess."

He chuckled as I unfastened his pants. "I don't have any lube."

"For what I had in mind, we won't need it."

There was a knock on the door.

"In a minute!" Elias called.

"If it's not important, can you give us ten or fifteen?" I added.

There was a female chuckle. "No problem."

"Now, to give my favorite person a blow job before we both have to work." I pulled his underwear down.

I healed but had to have my hair cut to shape it up with the otherwise gap I had.

I was returning from work one day as I went up the outside steps to my apartment. I saw the birthday balloon on our door. I grinned as I got to it. Then opening the door, there was Brandi, Sharon, Mike, Thao, and Elias.

"Happy Birthday!!" The all shouted. I was now nineteen. The apartment had more balloons and a banner across the entrance to Elias' and my bedroom doorway saying Happy Nineteen Years! Elias brought out a cake with candles on it. The cake was not store bought, that was clear. Someone had baked and frosted it themselves. To say it wasn't pretty would be an understatement. When I found out who did make it, it was the most beautiful cake I had ever seen.

"Who made the cake?" I laughed.

Elias looked mockingly offended. "I did."

"How? I never saw you bake before." I said amazed. "When did you have time?"

"You make time for something this important." He grinned. "Sharon and Brandi let me use their oven and...well...Sharon helped me with the recipe. It's coconut. Your favorite, right?"

The idea that he put in the effort made my heart swell even more. I loved this man! I nodded at the question. "And it will be from now on." Kissing him passionately. "Thank you, Baby."

"He lies. Brandi and I only helped a little." Sharon clarified. "He did it all himself. He insisted on it."

Thao grinned. "I had no idea; Elias was robbing the cradle."

I chuckled. "He is always welcome in my cradle. Any time." My hand caressing his face as I kissed him again. "I love you."

Brandi grinned. "Do we need to leave? Or are you going to do it in front of us?"

Sharon elbowed her friend. "They can wait, Bran!"

Aunt Tessa was allowing me more control and my Coffee Station was going strong. We even moved some of the inventory back and set up tables and chairs for people to sit and enjoy the coffees there. We were going to open an area outside on the sidewalk, but the rains came, so that was put off. We needed an awning. You never saw rain in postcards, but it rained a lot in Hawaii. I found out Hawaii basically had two seasons, Hoo-ilo which we were approaching and Kau, which as just ending. Cooler Hoo-ilo was coming and it would be wet. My tea-sodas were beginning to catch on with their refreshing tea brewed and fresh fruit flavors made a pretty good drink! It was a little harder work but seemed to pay off! I was determined to have it ready by next Kau.

Then Elias turned twenty-five. Another party was thrown for him with a cookout. Brandi and Mike were getting serious.

Then one afternoon, Elias was looking through the mail. He stopped at one letter and was about to toss it away.

"Freeze, Mister," I stated firmly. He never did that unless it was junk mail and only after he told me about it.

Elias turned and shrugged. "It's just an invitation to a stupid Christmas Party." He commented innocently and tossed it away.

I took it out of the trash and looked at it. Engraved with gold letters of the university, it was an invitation addressed to Elias Jonas and Eric Mitchell. "Eli, this isn't just an invitation to a stupid party. It's the university's faculty party. An invitation to you as one of the staff!"

He nodded. "You know how I feel about Christmas Parties."

"Yeah, yeah," I nodded with a wave of dismissal. "Don't you see? They've included you as staff. And me as your...whatever...husband? They have included us." I pointed from him to myself.

"So?" Then his eyes grew as he realized. "You want to go, don't you?"

I shrugged. "I don't see why not." Then I smiled, "Yeah, I do wanna go. Don't you see why? They've taken that we are a couple. That acknowledgment is very important. I'm not just your boyfriend. We are a couple."

"So, this is more than just a Christmas Party," Elias said.

"Of course, it is." I waved the invitation. "I'll be more than a poster boy for gay tolerance. I'll be your spouse. I will meet with other faculty members, and they can meet us."

"It's formal."

I shrugged. "Are you going to tell me there's no way to rent a tuxedo in Hawai'i?"

"The party's in Honolulu." Elias pointed out.

"They have island hoppers." I waved him on encouraging him to continue with any objections. "Keep trying."

"We'll have to stay overnight."

I pointed to the invitation. "Discounts for faculty at the hotel."

Elias sighed. "I guess they rent shoes at the rental place."

"And socks, I bet!" I grinned.

"Aw, man!" He groaned.

I chuckled. "You are so cute when you're being resistant." Kissing him lightly.

"Then I must be downright adorable right now." He groused. "Fine."

It wasn't that Elias didn't like Christmas, he loved the season, but the lack of religious meaning was what he didn't like. I agreed. We decorated our apartment with the traditional lights and an artificial tree. It had to be artificial, this was a tropical island. A natural tree was too expensive! We even had Thanksgiving with Brandi and Sharon who were going to their homes for the holidays. Mike showed up with his brother for Thanksgiving, who looked a lot like Mike, just a little thinner. Elias toughed out picking out a tux and we rented the shoes and socks. We both chose similar styles with the short jackets and only differed in that his cummerbund and tie was Christmas red and mine was Christmas green. The Friday before the party on Saturday, we took the hopper flight to Honolulu. The University Campus covered many islands, ten campuses in total, but Hilo was part of it. We checked into the hotel and went out for dinner that night. The next day we were getting ready.

I heard a blow of breath from Elias in the bathroom in exasperation. "I can't tie this thing!"

I chuckled as I was fastening my cufflinks. "Come here," I said simply.

He came in and I had him sit before me on the bed. His back to my chest.

"Yours is perfect. How'd you learn to tie one?"

Laughing as I pulled the tie he was attempting to tie away from his neck and started over. "I could tie a necktie at five. Bowties by ten." I said tying his like it was on me. "Tying of ties is a prerequisite for preacher's sons."

Elias gave a shrug and nod. "We didn't have that many soirees in Peru."

I chuckled again. "Pity."

"These shoes pinch," Elias added one more gripe.

"You're exceptionally handsome." I grinned. I sniffed him, "And smell good, too." The cologne he wore was musk and his own natural musk made it almost intoxicating.

"Yeah?" Elias grinned and turned to me. "Let's not go, stay and make love."

I patted his shoulder. "Nice try. We're going. Now turn back around."

I loved the man, but when in a situation like this he was a large five-year-old being led by the hand and knew he had to do whatever but did not want to. Complete with the..."Ooooah" moan as I led him by the hand down the hall as he almost made me drag him.

"Give it a chance. It might be fun." I said walking backward as I spoke to him and led him. "I'll be the youngest spouse there, won't I?"

Elias nodded his eyes sparkling. "Yep. You'll be the youngest anything there."

Once we arrived at the ballroom hand in hand, I caught Elias pulling on his collar he was uncomfortable in. I swatted his hand down lightly.

"Stop, you're messing up the tie."

"Oooahh." He moaned again.

"Oh my!" We heard behind us. "Such handsome men!"

We turned and saw Dr. Katherine Moody clasping her hands as she smiled at us. A lovely woman in her fifties, hair was done up, the black gown she wore adorned with a poinsettia broach of unknown stones.

"And very uncomfortable." Elias groused.

"When I heard you were coming, I couldn't believe it." She marveled. Then she looked at me. "Do I owe you for that?"

I nodded. "Guilty."

She smiled shaking my hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, Eric. Elias has told me quite a bit about you. I feel I know you already." Then she looked again at Elias. "The fact you got him here at all is nothing short of a miracle."

"Parting the Red Sea was probably harder, but yes. It was sort of a miracle to even get him into the tux." I smiled. I caught his hand going back up to his collar and I stopped it by swatting his hand gently. "Stop that."

"Oooah." He moaned again. "I'm wearing the pinchy shoes, and socks, do I have to choke to death?"

"Yes," I said quickly. I got another "Oooah," from Elias.

That exchange just made Dr. Moody laugh. "You two are perfect together." She chuckled. "We have a table over here." She motioned.

The tables were large and round allowing twelve people to sit at the same table. Most knew Elias and many were their dates, being wives or husbands or just dates. One woman was curious. We didn't mind the questions and she was honest.

"I've known people that were gay, but they weren't with anyone like you are." She said. "How does it work? Is there a male and female role in your relationship?"

"No," Elias said quickly.

I frowned at Elias. "That's not true, Eli." I corrected and looked at her. "If you are referring to sex, there is a role we both play and exchange. If you're talking domestic, I do most of the cooking and cleaning."

She chuckled. "I wondered about that."

Elias smiled. "He's a great cook. You don't want me to do that. Believe me."

Then she pointed to the dance floor. "What about dancing. Who leads?"

I patted Elias on the shoulder. "He does because he's taller. If anyone is to be spun, he can spin me easier."

She grinned. "That makes sense."

"Let's show her." Elias grinned offering his hand to me.

"Baptists don't dance." I grinned.

"They're not gay either, yet here we are." Elias kissed me lightly. "Let's show the straights how it's done."

"Lead on, twinkle toes."

I gladly took the dance floor with Elias. He was a good dancer, and the dances were slow right now. He took the position, and we began to dance, my head at his chin. There were those who looked, mostly because we were the only gay couple there and they may never have seen two men dance. The reactions were positive with the smiles and acceptance. No one said an unkind thing to either of us.

It was later when Aaron Weinstein and his wife came over, they had been invited, too. I loved his tux with the blue-silver tie and her gown was also the blue silver. The colors of Hanukah. Mrs. Weinstein was a lovely woman in her early sixties with white hair.

"I came to give you this." Dr. Weinstein said as he handed Elias an envelope. "It's restitution for the horrible crime I caused."

"I don't need this," Elias said softly. "You told us why and what happened, I don't blame you."

"Well, it's our way." His wife explained. "Let us do that. I hear there's a Commitment Ceremony in the works. It would do our hearts good if you used it. No amount of money can undo what our son did, but this will help."

I smiled at Elias. "Thank you, Dr. Weinstein and Mrs. Weinstein, this is unexpected."

"But necessary." Dr. Weinstein said. Then he put his hand out to me. I guess he was no longer worried that the gay would rub off. Shaking their hands it was almost made it like the crime never happened.

"You're a beautiful couple." Mrs. Weinstein said. "I watched you dance. You could see the love between you. Bless you."

Elias opened the envelope, and his eyes grew. "I...this is..." He shook his head. "Thank you."

"It could help with future expenses as well." His wife smiled.

Elias handed me the check and I was shocked. "Ten thousand dollars!?" I couldn't believe it.

"For the ugly crime, it's not enough, but the issue I hope has been settled." Dr. Weinstein said with a smile. "I didn't realize I had raised a child to hate, but I did. I'm sorry." Then he smiled a little brighter. "Good luck in the future." And he shook both our hands and they left.

"That was way unexpected," Elias stated.

"But very generous," I added. I looked up as they were setting up for guests to have pictures taken. "You know, I never went to my senior prom."

Elias' eyes showed mirth. "And why not?"

"My chosen date, if I went, would have been a little...unorthodox. I see a camera station over there. We should have a picture done and copies sent to my parents and yours." I waved at my tux. "We're formally dressed, and it is Christmas."

"Sure," Then he grinned a little evilly. "You just want to shove it in your father's face. Mine, too."

I smiled innocently. "The thought occurred to me. I should send the large one to Mom and addressed to her exclusively. Dad will rip it up." I chuckled as we walked over. "Are you having a good time, or not?"

He nodded. "It's not been as bad as I feared it would be." Then he smiled. "Those questions...why don't they just ask? Are you a top or bottom?"

"We could have told them how much you like to catch." I chuckled.

It was early morning before we went back to our room. I watched as Elias pulled on the tie and it finally came off and he sighed relief as he removed his jacket. I shoved him on the bed and straddled him.

"Now to end this great night by doing what we love." I slowly pressed my lips in a practiced kiss. They were all good.

He grinned. "What would that be?" He asked mockingly coy.

I began unbuttoning his shirt. "You'll see." I leaned down inhaling deeply.

He chuckled. "You must be able to smell what I can't."

I nodded. "It's fair compensation for you're getting that sensation when I hit your prostate and have an orgasm." I kissed him tenderly. "Your scent is just gives me a head rush." And sure enough, it was doing just that. The rush of desire and made my blood burn.

As I said he was a child sort of when he was made to do something he really didn't want to do. He was a child again Christmas Day. Only this one was happy and very excited. I was warm and comfortable when he landed beside me on the mattress waking me. In case you wondered, there was a cinder brick under the center to keep the planks to keep them from breaking.

"Wake up!" Elias nearly shouted excitedly. "You gotta see this! Santa came!!"

I frowned as my comfortable sleep was interrupted and being forced to wake up. "What?"

"Santa came!" Elias said again. "Come on!" He grabbed my hand and literally pulled me up to go with him into the other room where we had the tree. "Merry Christmas!" He waved toward the tree.

My eyes grew as I saw the two bikes. One was red and the other blue. Each with a large bow. Looking at the tires and gears I knew they were cross-country touring bikes made to handle mountainous terrain and rough paths, not to mention distance. " on...where did you get these!?"

Elias was grinning grandly. "Do you like them? The whole island is open to us now. All of the islands!" He motioned to the world around.

The bikes weren't new, in fact, they looked like they had been used a great deal, but well maintained and loved. Elias had cleaned them up and they were shiny. These weren't cheap! "Where did you hide these!?"

"Brandi and Sharon are at home for the holidays. They gave us a key shortly after we moved in next door for emergencies." He shrugged. "I put them over there." Then he asked again. "Do you like them?"

I grinned. "I think Santa needs rewarding." I took his hand and led him back to the bedroom.

He smiled. "I like the sound of that."

The bikes did open the island to us. We went all over The Big Island. But there were times things weren't always rosy. We got along great, but we would disagree and there was one incident where Elias' insecurities came out. Once. We were always honest with each other and told each other how we felt. Since I arrived, and the attack that brought my face...well...everywhere, I was known a while. I became popular and found I was well-liked by most all the students and faculty. Going to see Elias on his job was a thing I did. We would go to the Student Union and have a little something before I would go to work and let's face it, everyone knew Elias. I didn't think about it, but there were other students that would come and talk with us. One in particular. Doug. He was nice looking, sure. He was a football player with our university football team and he seemed to like me. Only Elias seemed to think it was more.

"...well he only talks to you, really," Elias said one night during dinner. "I think he wants more than a friendship with you."

I couldn't believe my ears. "What!?" Then I held my hands up to stop the conversation. "I can't believe this. You're jealous?"

Elias nodded a shrug. "Kind of. I mean...look at you. You're a very, very handsome man. Someone else was bound to notice that and try to..."

"Stop it right there, Elias Jonas!" I said firmly. "Is there anything I've done to make you think I'd be interested in him?" I demanded. "Have you no idea what that says about me!?"

Elias knew he'd said the wrong thing. "I didn't mean..."

"I'd sooner cheat with Brandi!" I all but shouted. "I've committed my life to you, Eli! How on earth could anyone come close to taking me away from you? Doug is a nice guy, yes, but I'm not interested in him at all!"

"I was just saying he seems to be interested in you."

"Maybe he is!" I was getting angry. "Do I worry about you? Look at yourself! You are very popular, with male students and female students. I didn't get Best Looking on Campus. You did. The thought that some guy or girl could take you away from me never occurred to me. I love you, damn it!" I put my fork down loud and got up and went to the sofa and sat, not because I would leave, I just needed a little room right then.

Elias got up and came over sitting beside me. "I'm sorry." He said softly. "When I see that...I just get a little crazy, sometimes."

"Have I given you a reason?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No."

"Then why is it hard for you to see that nothing can take me away from you?" I asked. "I am telling the whole world I'm committed to you, Eli." I pulled the Mamaquilla medallion out. "I never take this off. I never will. You gave it to me to ward off any attacks on us. Can't it work to stop these doubts you have? I don't understand why you have them."

Elias shrugged. "I don't know. I never had a girlfriend. I've never had a boyfriend. I suppose I just don't know how to deal with others I sense are threats. To date, a local girl in wasn't done. I've just never...I guess I just don't trust others with you."

"Fine. Then trust me." I urged him quietly. "I've never lied to you. I love you. I've committed my life to you. No one is taking me from you." Then I grinned. "How could they? Have you seen yourself in those red Birdwells?" I referred to the swimsuit he surfed in.

He chuckled. "No, I usually have them on, so..."

"It's more than physical with the two of us, you know that," I said. "But if it were just physical. Those Birdwells, snug against you and that great ass of yours." I shook my head and whistled.

"You like that, do you?" Elias asked.

"Elias, I love you," I said. "I'm also attracted to you. I sometimes have to stop staring because I don't want you to be self-conscious. I like looking at you."

Elias pressed his lips to mine. "Don't ever stop." Then he grinned. "I love to watch you."

"Feel free to watch away."

Next: Chapter 3

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