By Edward Wiggins

Published on Jul 12, 2012




-This story involving gay Christians and Atheists. By any means, this story is NOT meant to offend ANYONE based on their Sexual Orientation and/or Spiritual Beliefs. ALSO, If you are under 18, then this story is not for you to read. Please exit this page now. Send all comments to Thank you! :)-

Chapter One -- The Beginning

"That was great! You're getting better and better by the minute!"

I opened his eyes to look at the woman I had just had sex with. My eyes were closed the whole fifteen minutes, but of course, I didn't make it obvious that I wasn't into the whole act. Jasmine rolled out of the bed and walked into the bathroom to get dressed, while I relaxed on my back, thinking about what I had just done...again.

Jasmine Deanna was my best friend. We met in middle school, but we didn't become best friends until high school started. I trusted Jasmine, and told her everything about me. Well....almost. Being single roommates, we both agreed that because we could not find decent, steady relationships, we would have sex with each other until we found the right people to date. That was it. Just sex.

However... I had been giving her the cock everyday for over six months, and honestly, I got tired of it. I knew what I really wanted, and it wasn't Jasmine. I wanted my next door neighbor, who happened to be another man. I had never had any sexual encounter with another man, but I was curious. I was scared to tell Jasmine my true feelings, but realized that soon, I would have to tell her. She wasn't homophobic at the slightest bit. In fact, most of our friends were either queers or dykes, as she would jokingly call them.

I ran into the bathroom where Jasmine stood, and turned on the shower.

"So, how do you feel?" Jasmine asked with a big smile.

"I feel fine, thank you."

"You know," she began, "you have been acting iffy for the past couple of days. Are the orgasms catching up with you?" I couldn't help but laugh. She had a sense of humor like no one else. I loved her dearly, and she knew that, but I could never force myself to want her. I figured that it wasn't the time to tell her, however. I wanted to meet the neighbor first to see if he was who I really wanted.

My name is Mason Daniels, and this is my story on how my life was in my early twenties. I won't tell you how old I am now, but you'll figure it out. I wasn't your typical guy next door. I was tall. When I say "tall", I'm talking about basketball star tall. At twenty two, I stood at five feet, six inches, and weighed one hundred and seventy-eight pounds. I was fit, and I loved my body. I didn't have any body hair, and I kept my hair on my head really short. I had an ass for days that made girls jealous, and a cock I took pride in. It was only seven inches, but I was proud of it. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't small either. It was perfect for me.

My mother was invisible to me, and my father passed away when I was seventeen years old, leaving behind a large sum of money that I used to create my own comic book store in Panama City, Florida. I was twenty when I finally opened the shop. When the business began to pick up, I decided that extra help in my store was needed, so I hired Jasmine to work with me as my assistant manager. She was my employee during the day, and a stripper at night. Worked for me.

After Jasmine and I got dressed, we jumped in my car and drove to the store to begin our Friday's work. As we pulled into the driveway, we noticed our friends waiting at the door for us to open the store.

"Hey punks!"

"What's up, stripper ho? You two still fucking?"

"You know it," I said with a grim smile. Our friends, Erika, John, Lisa, and Damon were the kind of friends that not many people got. We all were very close to each other. Erika was the name caller. "Stripper Ho" and "Dopey" were the nicknames for me and Jasmine. John was the quiet bookworm. He only spoke when he was spoken to, and even then, you could hardly hear him. Lisa was the lesbian in the group, or "dyke", as Erika called her. She had basically screwed every girl in the state of Florida. Last, but not least, Damon, who was known as "Chiquita Banana", in resemblance to his very large cock.

"Okay," said Jasmine, "the shop is open. Are you guys coming in or what?"

I had so many thoughts rushing through my brain. I needed a minute to process everything, so I told everyone that I would meet them inside. I walked behind the building to light up a cigarette.

"Since when did you start smoking cigarettes? Finally quitting pot?" The voice came from behind me. I turned around to see John staring at me.

"I love pot too much for that," I said flatly.

"So, when are you going to tell her?"

"I don't know, John. I really don't. I enjoy having sex with her...or at least, I did. What if she's developed feeling for me that I don't know about? She'd be crushed if she knew."

"Well," he started, "you have to tell her sooner or later. I gave you my word that I wouldn't say anything, but keep in mind that she's your best friend, and a part of our group. Don't let this be the reason our group gets separated."

"Thanks, John. I'll tell her as soon as the time is right."

He was right. I didn't want to break up the friendship that we had, and I knew that I would have to talk to her about it. I finished my cigarette, and walked inside of the store to start my work day.

"Where the hell you been, Dopey?"

"Sorry, Erika, I had to step outside and gather my thoughts about a few things."

"Is that so? Are you okay, honey? You seem kinda off today."

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for checking on me, but I'm alright. Just dealing with some mental things, that's all. Are you ready to check out?"

"Not quite," she said. "There's a new series that I want to check out first. I gotta get going soon though. I gotta take John to his dorm."

Seconds later, we heard Damon shouting from the bathroom. "Motherfucker!"

We all knew what the fuss was about. Damon had been spying on his boyfriend, Brandon, only to find out that the bastard was cheating on him. Damon was on the phone with him, confronting him about everything that he knew. None of us liked Brandon, so we were really hoping that the two would break up. Lisa walked into the bathroom to confront him. They walked out of the bathroom minutes later.

"We're done," Damon said.

Even though we were all happy to hear that they were finished, Jasmine and I kept our mouths shut and wore frowns on our faces. Erika, however, ruined the moment of "sadness".

"About fucking time! Just so you know, none of us liked that bastard! He treated you like shit, and you deserve better. Move on, honey."

Everyone was silent. No one knew what to do or say, because Erika said it all. She was very blunt, and always spoke her mind, which is how she became a part of our group. Sometimes, she opened her mouth a little too much, and this was one of those times.

"You're right," Damon started. "You're absolutely right. I'm sorry I ever trusted him. I'll know better next time."

Before any of us could approach him to offer a group hug, the first customer of the day walked in. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was my next door neighbor. I never really talked to him, so I didn't know his name. I tried to keep my distance from him, so I asked Jasmine to assist him.

"Morning Zane!"

"Morning, Jasmine! How's my favorite neighbor doing?"

Wait.....WHAT?!? Jasmine knew him???? They could see the confusion in my eyes.

"Hey Mason! This is our neighbor, Zane. You remember him?"

I didn't want it to be obvious that I had been previously watching him, so I played along as if I didn't really seen him before.

"Oh, hello there!" I said with a smile. "Sorry, but I never really introduced myself to you. I'm Mason, Jasmine's roommate." I extended my hand for a shake.

"Zane," he said politely while returning the shake. "It's nice to meet you. Very nice."

There was an uncertain smile on his face, as if it was meant for flirting. At that point, I knew that he knew that I had been watching him in the past. I broke the hand shake and looked away, confused.

Jasmine could tell what was going on, so she jumped back into the conversation. "You know, you should come over for a drink sometime."

"Sounds good, but are you guys even of age? Ha, you two look so young."

Jasmine burst in laughter. "Honey, I'm twenty-four, and Mason is twenty-two. We're of age....and we're legal too." Before she walked off, she gave him a big wink.

"Well, about that...." and then he stopped.

"What? Did I miss something?" I wanted to know what he meant. Jasmine even stopped in her tracks, and faced us with a big smile.

"Yeah. Jasmine had been telling me that you two had a comic book shop, and not only did I come to check it out, but I came to see you as well."

"Wait...what??? You came to see me?"

"Yes, I did. I wanted to introduce myself first, but I mainly wanted to see if you would like to go out for lunch later today. I'm free all day."

At that point, everyone was looking our way. John's jaw had dropped, and Lisa's eyes were as big as her whole head. I didn't know what to say. I turned to Jasmine, who looked at me, smiling.

"I know you're confused," she said, "but I've been watching you peek at him lately, and that's when I knew that something was different about you. Don't worry, I already know your little secret. I live with you, remember? It was obvious that you wanted to meet this man, so a few days ago, I walked over to his house, and asked him to come by. I hope you aren't too pissed off with me. I didn't think you were going to tell me about you anytime soon."

I was shocked. Everyone looked at me in surprise, even John. Zane was a gorgeous man. He looked to be about thirty-five, or somewhere in that range. He stood firm at about six feet, and maybe one hundred-ninety pounds. He had short brown hair and blue eyes.

"Well, I'll be damn!" Erika shouted out from the back. "It seems that Lisa and Damon aren't the only homos in this group! Ha! Good work, Jasmine."

"Uh.....uh......ummm..." I couldn't speak.

"I'll be at the sandwich shop down the street at two-thirty. I will understand if you don't come, but I would really like for you to. Okay, so I will end the awkwardness now by leaving, so you can deal with your friends. Sorry it threw you for a loop." With that said, he walked out.

"What the fuck?!?! Jasmine, how come you never told me!?" I was in tears. Not only was I pissed, but I was embarrassed. I wanted to tell her myself, but she took it upon herself to do it for me by bringing my crush into my shop! I was livid. I walked out the back door, leaned against the building, and cried.

Twenty minutes passed, and Damon walked out. I was still in tears, and couldn't face him. "So, it is true, isn't it? You're like Lisa and me."

I nodded my head. "I don't know what I am, Damon. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you guys about this sooner. I was scared."

"Scared? What the hell, dude? Why were you scared? You have gays friends that you hang with everyday! You should have been able to tell us the moment you started having those thoughts! Don't forget that I was where you are at one point."

"I'm sorry dude, I really am."

"It's okay," he said with a big smile. "Don't sweat it. It's out in the open now."

Jasmine walked out. "Are you mad at me?"

"No," I said flatly. "I'm not mad. So, if you knew this whole time, why are we still having sex?"

"I don't know! The sex is good, I guess." That sent us all roaring in laughter. For once, I needed to hear that. I got up, gave the two a big hug, and walked inside to continue my work.

Two-fifteen arrived, and I had decided that I was not going to meet up with Zane. I wasn't ready. If I wanted to see him another time, I could always knock on his door. After all, he was my next-door neighbor.

"Are you ready?" Lisa called out.

"Ready for what?"

"You know what. Don't play that bullshit with me. You're going to meet up with that man, and there is NO turning back.

"I'm not going," I said quietly.

"Yes, you are," called Damon. "You're going mister. Since you didn't tell us about you before, we are making you go, whether if you like it or not."

"I said I'm not going!" I was becoming annoyed.

"Yeah, you are," said Jasmine. "I have his number. Don't make me call him." At that moment, I was just simply furious. "Fine! I'll go, but don't expect this to become a habit."

I walked out of the store to head to the sandwich shop where Zane was. I didn't know what to do or say to him. This was my first guy encounter, so I prayed that I wouldn't mess it all up. When I walked into the shop, I was greeted by Zane in the corner.

"Hey there, Mason! Over here!"

I walked over to the table where Zane sat, and stood in front of him with a little smile.

"Well, are you going to sit or not? That's why they're two chairs here!"

I took a seat across from him, unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry, Zane, but this was totally unexpected. I really don't know what to say."

"It's okay. I know that this is weird for you, but I would like to get to know you. How would you and Jasmine like to come over to my place tonight for drinks? Nothing out of the ordinary, just hanging out. I don't want you to feel pressured, however. If you don't want to swing by, just say so. I totally understand."

"That's really nice of you. Like I said, this was very unexpected, so I'm still not sure on what to do. I'll see what Jasmine says, and if it's cool with her, I'll come by. What time is good for you?"

Zane let out a sigh of relief. "How does six sound?"

"Sounds good," I said. "I'll see you then." I turned around to leave.

The rest of the day was awkward. Damon seemed to be the only person to understand my awkwardness. I checked with Jasmine on meeting at Zane's house, and she confirmed that she would tag along, but wouldn't stay the whole time. That bitch.

The clock struck six, and it was time to head out to Zane's house. I left Lisa and John to close the shop for me, which they had no problem doing. I was super nervous.

Jasmine and I pulled into the driveway, dropped off a few comics in the door, then walked over to the mysterious neighbor's door. The moment I rang the door bell, I felt a giant lump crawl up my throat. The door opened, and my eyes focused on the man's body. He was wearing an opened button shirt and a pair of jogging shorts, which exposed the muscles in his legs. "Nice try", I thought.

"Hey there! I wasn't sure if you two were coming!"

Jasmine let out a grin. "Well, here we are!"

"I can see that. Come on in! Make yourselves comfortable."

We walked inside the man's house. The place was very neat and clean. It was obvious that he had been cooking before we walked in, because I could smell fresh vegetables. The soft music of strings and piano played in the background. There was no way that I couldn't feel uncomfortable. I took a deep breath, and sat in the living room. The setting was very beautiful and comforting.

"You guys want something to drink? I have soda, wine, and beer."

"Beer is great," Jasmine and I both replied.

"Okay, sure." Zane walked into the kitchen to grab two beers, and walked back into the living room.

"So," he began, "I hope I wasn't being too forward earlier today. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable. You guys seem like such a breath of fresh air, and I really wanted to get to know you guys. Is that okay with you?"

I gave him a faint smile. "I don't see anything wrong with that. I'm just glad that everything is out in the open now. Everything sucked before, but thank goodness it's over."

"I understand that," Zane said with a reassuring smile. "So, I would like to see you more. Would you like that? I know that I would."

I stammered. I didn't know what to say. "Umm....uh...."

"Yes, he would," Jasmine blurted. "He would love that. I'm getting a little tired, so I'm going to call it a night. Mason, I'll see you a little later."

"Wait, you're leaving?" Worry ran across my face.

"Yup! You boys have fun, but not too much. Since you and I won't be having any more fun in the bedroom, I'm going to call up a friend, so when you come in, stay away from my door. Thanks for inviting me over, Zane."

"No problem," he replied.

When Jasmine walked out the door, I could feel my body heating up. I didn't know what to do.

"S-s-s-ooo..." I stuttered.

"Yeah," Zane said with a wink. "So...."


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