Powerless Superhuman

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 21, 2022


Just before he took superman to bed that night, Lex checked the auction site for progress on Robin: 3 million dollars was the high bid, and he recognized the name. Jacques. Jacques Charles. AH, there were memories there! Jacques was a very well renowned fashion designer, who lived in France, slightly off the beaten track. He had a reputation for being a little eccentric, moderately kinky, and very fond of young men. "He's a perfect match," Lex thought, remembering how Jacques had helped him design some of the kryptonite laced clothing he had forced superman to wear when he was disguised as Clark Kent after the FIRST submission. At that time, Jacques had a "houseboy" named Evan. Dark hair, like Robin, a slim build, like Robin as well but.. as Lex remembered, Evan was extremely endowed and Jacques had to design his own chastity cage to keep the boy under control. He remembered that conversation. \ "Mon Dieu, Lex. He is perfect EXCEPT for that... protuberance. I have no use for it." He didn't. Jacques sometimes presented to the world as effeminate. He knew that behind a bedroom door, he was anything but. His last bid had a little note attached to it. "Cher Lex. I am so glad to see you are still active (LOL) and involved in helping to bring people together. Your Robin seems to be a very sweet, very tender young man who would probably please me greatly. I hesitate to increase my bid, however, without , how would you put it, seeing the merchandise unwrapped. Might we arrange something? A bientot, Jackie." Jacques bid exceeded the next highest one by half a million dollars, and there hadn't been a rejoinder for over 2 hours. Lex's mind began to work. He had another issue on his mind that he pushed aside and came back to after he wrote to Jacques. "Dear Jacques. Merci beaucoup for your note. Oui, I understand your desire to see what is "under the sheet" so to speak. I believe I can accommodate that for you." He gave Jacques several times and asked him to respond as quickly as he could. "Cher Jacques, please understand something else, mon ami. My staff are very fond of Robin, and I will have to persuade them to give him up. Please keep that in mind. Lex." It was true. He HAD promised that he was not going to sell Robin, but the situation was complicated. It was clear that superman felt threatened by the handsome young man who was now a prisoner. While Lex had no doubt that if superman did NOT continue to behave properly, he could persuade him to do so, he didn't want his stud to be unhappy. He had some thinking to do about something else as well. The night before, when he had whispered "roll over mancunt" into superman's ear, he had curled up and refused. Lex had thought it was a bit of a game, and he laughed as he reached around, got the tit ring and pulled it until superman whispered "you win Sir." Lex was thinking that he had needed to use more force than usual to get superman's ass that morning. And he noticed some new muscle striations on his legs. Was the kryptonite poisoning fading even more? It was possible. He decided that "just for old time's sake," he would make superman wear the kryptonite cock ring, and he'd switch his slave collar with the one impregnated with kryptonite. That way, if it WAS happening, he had more control over the man who kept him hard nearly 24/7.

In the morning, he first checked on Robin. He had given him a room away from the guards, but he was kept naked and chained at the ankle. He could move around the room, but not more than the entrance. The guards could "play" with him for three hours a day, and they had divided it between themselves. One had apparently just finished, because Robin was cleaning off his body when Lex came by. "How is my beautiful bird." "HOW DO YOU THINK, LUTHOR. LET ME GO." "Oh, I think we WILL be parting soon, Mr. Redbreast, but that remains to be seen. Now, I am going to need you for something later today. I will make sure the guards know.

It was going to be a busy few days. He had the appointment for superman's tattooing the next day, and then two days after that, there was the private BDSM event where "Ivan" would present his new sex toys, and also his new boy: kevin. First, he checked the messages. There was a message from Jacques: Lex had been preoccupied and hadn't checked earlier: Jacques was available in an hour. "Of course, Cher Jacques. We will be prepared." He signaled for one of the guards. "Yes Master?" "Paul, can you and Shawn prepare Robin for an appearance before the camera? A potential client wishes to see him, but undressed. Have him washed, including his hair, then bind him. No clothing. Paul swallowed. "I understand Sir." He didn't understand why Lex was still displaying the boy: hadn't he said that he and Shawn could have him? Still, they did their job and a struggling but naked and clean Robin was brought to Lex, who called up Jacques on the video screen. "Bon jour Jacques. " Robin saw the smiling face of a man with thick salt and pepper hair, wearing a half opened shirt with hair popping out of the top. "May I present Robin." "Robin, it is good to see you. Have you a last name?" Robin spat out: "I MAY HAVE AT ONE POINT. I'M ONLY KNOWN AS ROBIN." "Ah, that makes things so easy. Perhaps soon you will be known as Robin Charles." "WHO THE FUCK IS CHARLES?" Robin felt Lex's hand on his neck squeezing. "Behave yourself, Robin.." "Ha ha, that is fine" Jacques answered. "I am Charles. Mister Charles if you please. I have other names you will perhaps learn to use, but for now, Mister Charles will be fine. Lex, could I ask for you to lower the camera angle to... the relevant issue." "Of course." Once he did, he and Robin heard Jacques sucking in his breath. "Magnifique. PRECISELY what I look for in a young man. Merci, Robin. Perhaps I will see you soon. Lex, I will raise my offer by one million dollars, but I will need an answer by the close of the business day. "WHAT? You MADE an offer already? YOU CAN'T BUY ME." "Oh yes he can, Robin. Now, please behave yourself." "Oh it is ok Lex. What is the word you use in the United States: feisty? Yes, I like them that way. It makes things like... spanking and other forms of discipline much more satisfying." His voice changed. "Cher Lex, as I have said, by the close of the day. I plan to visit the Far East later this week, but I can change my plans to pick up that sweet young bird if need be. Bon soir, e a bientot" "What the hell is he talking about?" Robin didn't fight the ropes he knew he couldn't break, but he was confused by what was happening. "Mr. Charles has made a very sweet offer for you, Robin. If I accept it, he will have his plane come to pick you up and you will join him in France." "WHAT? NO! I DON'T EVEN SPEAK FRENCH." "Now, now, Robin. You are very clever, You will learn quickly. Of course, from what I have seen, your oral French is already quite good Not as good as superman's but good enough." He summoned Paul and Shawn, Lex knew what he had to do. "You may bring our handsome Robin to his room. Then please join me in the conference room, gentlemen. And yes, he may dress now." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Paul and Shawn met Lex. He asked them to sit and served them both coffee. Something was up, they knew. Lex NEVER did this. "Gentlemen, you have served me very well, and I am very, VERY grateful. That is why I am discussing this with you. It is about the boy wonder. Yes, I had promised him to you, and if you will hear me out, and wish for me to keep the promise, I will do so. A buyer has offered 4 million dollars for Robin." "WHAT?" Shawn gasped. "4 FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS? I mean, he's fun but...." Lex smiled. He knew what would happen. "Please consider this gentlemen. We have only a few hours." He took a deep breath. "You have been instrumental to me succeeding in the manner I have, and the money is superfluous to me. To that end, I will offer you this: you may keep Robin, or I will divide the 4 million dollars equally between you. You may then do with it as you will. Perhaps you will use it to buy a boy for each of you, that is your choice." Paul and Shawn sat there, shocked. This was NOT what they had expected. Paul spoke for them. "Thank you Master Luthor. I think you have given us much to talk about and if we may have.. an hour? An hour and a half? We will let you know. "That would be fine. It will give me sufficient time to have one more round with superman. After he is tattooed, I will have to, unfortunately, allow his cheeks to recover and that means... AH, he DOES give an excellent blow job."

superman hadn't been paying attention to the changes that were going on in his body. He WAS upset about Robin being in the loft. No, he had never seen Lex show interest in any younger man, or any man other than him at all, but he was still suspicious. He had overheard the discussion about giving Robin to the guards, so he knew that it was possible that he would be around. He had gone to the gym that day, as usual, and then he had been picked up from work. He no longer had to wear the blindfold, now that he had submitted, and he knew the path from his office to the loft. He wondered if he'd ever see his apartment again. Lex usually wanted some form of sex or play as soon as superman came home. That day was no exception. He wanted a shower:Lex now had him wear a leather harness underneath his shirt "so that you'll be used to it when you have your 'kevin comes out' party" he had teased. He had felt somewhat humiliated when he took it off in the gym so he could work out, and he took a glance at his butt when he was done: he knew precisely where he was to get the tattoo, and every time he thought about it, he got slightly hard. "I'm undressing you tonight, supersub. Get on the bed. NOT the platform." "Why don't you take your precious Robin?" superman shot back. Lex gritted his teeth. "Maybe someone needs a good caning tonight before he gets fucked. A red ass shows off black print even better. NOW GET ON THE BED, SUB BOI" "Yes sir," Lex had said the "magic word": sub. superman took it seriously. He remembered each time Lex had gotten him to surrender, and he didn't want a fourth one. He heard the clink as the metal locks closed on his wrists. Lex was on top of him. "Know what I haven't done in a while? THIS" He pressed his lips to superman's and pried superman's open. His tongue shot in, and superman's cock shot out. Lex was right. They hadn't french kissed in a long time: Lex had been using his mouth solely for cocksucking. Lex had been the first man to ever kiss superman with his tongue and there hadn't been many others after that. Now, as Lex probed, his fingers went to superman's nipples, and the pleasure receptors on superman's body were all igniting. Lex finished and sat on superman's chest. "You are gonna look EVEN HOTTER when you get the tattoo, stud. " "Sir, why do I need it?" superman was whining from the pleasure that the tit torment was giving him. "You don't need it, fucktoi. You're getting it because I WANT IT. And... in case you escape, once someone sees your ass... they'll back off. Just like they will when they see that ring in your chest. Top or bottom, you're gonna be known as being my property. Period. " He smiled. "Present your neck. That harness makes you look so goddamn hot I want to take my time with you." "No hickey Sir, Please. NNNNNNNNNNNG" Why was he even arguing? Lex was going to take what he wanted and he wanted superman's neck and ear. He got them, as he whispered "You are SUCH a fucking bottom. If anyone knew.. if anyone knew how LITTLE superman struggled." "It... It was you Sir. You're so dominant I... I never stood a chance." "Ha ha ha. No, you didn't. EVER. Now let's get those shoes and pants off. And let me warn you bitch. Experiencing how ticklish our captive bird is has made me think it may be time to revisit tickle torture with you." "OH SHIT NO" superman thought. It was tickling that had pushed his submission the first time: an hour of it, non-stop. He was ticklish all over, and Lex knew it. Tonight though, he got a reprieve as Lex pushed his legs in the air. "Ever heard of something called a pig hole, bitch boi?" "No Sir. Never." "It's like a butt plug with a canal in it. Keeps your ass opened, while your top fucks you. Prevents the sub from tightening his glutes. New toy in the house." He showed the black plastic to superman and then pushed it in. It felt... good to superman. It was long enough to just graze his prostate, so that was stimulated the whole time that Lex had his cock in the hole and was fucking him. "Oh, you're so FUCKING HOT you goddamn bitch stud. Kiss me again motherfucker." superman opened his mouth and took Lex's tongue. He couldn't tighten his sphincters, but he COULD change the shape of his mouth, and he did. That drove Lex wild and his cock passed through the pig hole and then... exploded inside superman. As the last lashing of cum left Lex, he slowly removed the new toy. Then he showed superman the cock ring. "A souvenir of time gone by. At some point it may be necessary again, but now... merely decorative." As Lex attached it, superman thought he felt a twinge. He decided it was his imagination, because if he DID feel it, it meant that more of his powers were coming back. He felt another twinge when Lex changed his collar. "Now, let's get you hooked up, stud. Got to keep that milk coming out and going out to customers." The pig hold has stimulated superman so the tickling wings were more effective than usual, and he moaned through the milking. "You can get cleaned up now, bitch. I need to talk to the boys." xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Master Lex, again, thank you for the choices you offered us. " Shawn was speaking. "We did decide: Robin is hot: VERY hot, but...we think we'll get tired of him. Neither of us really wants to spend the time training a boy in a way that might not be the way the other one wants to train him. We'll fight. And you're right: 2 million will be plenty for each of us to get our own boy." He paused. "Is that ok with you Sir?" Lex smiled. "You're very loyal soldiers, and I appreciate it." He paused. "You know, there's no reason why you should be forced to wait for Jacques' money to clear. Let me deposit the funds to you right now." They looked at each other. "Sir, we have another question: might we keep our new boys here or..should we find a place to keep them?" Lex smiled. It would keep superman off balance to have more bottoms in the loft. "That's up to you, but you're more than welcome to cavort here if you like. There is plenty of room, and of course, there is the apartment downstairs. And..." he smiled. "I was going to make superman give up his apartment since he'll be living here, but there's no reason you can't use that one." The two guards were elated. "THANK YOU SIR." The funds should be available tomorrow. I'll be taking superman to the tattoo artist, so you may want to consider shopping a bit while we're out. I've been told that the tattoo I chose will take three hours. " He got up. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to contact Jacques." He went to the computer and got Jacques on line. The man looked tired. "Is all ok, Jacques?" "Tres bien Lex. It is simply a matter of wondering am I traveling to the US, or to China tomorrow?" "To the US Jacques. The auction is over. Robin belongs to you." "AH, THAT IS WONDERFUL. Lex, may I ask you for one favor? Can you take and provide his measurements for me? I want to make sure he is clothed appropriately when he is here. "How could I forget, Jacques? OF COURSE. I'll have them sent to you tonight." And I will see you tomorrow Lex. I will fly overnight. " Lex left to tell Robin the "good" news and to ask the guards to take the relevant measurements. It would be a busy next day: Robin leaving, superman being tatted, and Paul and Shawn finding companions. Lex just smiled.

They knew that Jacques had arrived when they heard the car tooting the French national anthem approaching the loft. Lex grinned. "And the day begins." He had thought, correctly, that Robin was NOT going to be good with what was about to happen, and he had put a mild sedative into his orange juice that morning. Robin was up and around, but wondering why he was so, well, sluggish. "JACQUES! IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG YOU RASCAL" He was at the door, and Jacques and Lex were embracing, European style. Lex switched to French: if a man were going to pay him 4 million dollars, he'd speak to him in his language. "AH LEX. Or do I call you Ivan?" "My friends and submissives call me Lex, Jacques. Everyone else calls me Ivan." "Well I am not your submissive Monsieur so... may I assume I am your friend, although we are doing business." "Always Jacques. ALWAYS." Jacques smiled. "May I meet young Mr. Robin?" "OF COURSE. Paul, would you please lead Robin in?" Paul smiled and went off. He had checked his bank account that morning and had seen the 2 million dollar deposit posted. He probably should thank Robin for making that possible but... slaves are slaves. "HANDS" he shouted at Robin, who sighed, and put them behind his back. He wore only white gym shorts and plastic sandals. He didn't understand why he was not interested in fighting back. Then he saw Jacques Charles. The man looked MUCH bigger than he did on the screen. He was almost as big as Lex. "OH, MY SWEET LITTLE BIRD. So unfortunate your wings are clipped right now, but c'est la vie, oui?" "I'm sorry Mr. Charles but, I don't speak French." "Oh, of course. You young Americans, tsk tsk. No facility with other tongues. " He grinned. "My tongue is VERY facile as you will find out Robin." Now Robin squirmed. He didn't know what Jacques was talking about but.. he assumed it was sexual. "My understanding is that he has never been eaten," Lex said to Jacques and Jacques brightened up. "OH, then we will have something to introduce you to on the flight, young man." He approached and while Paul held Robin's arm tightly, Jacques ran a gloved hand over his face. "SO BEAUTIFUL. JUST LIKE THAT ROSE. A TRUE American beauty. BUT... My sweet young man, even a bird must be dressed properly for a flight. And I have brought you something suitable." He held out a package to Paul. "Would you see to it that he is clothed, Monsieur? There is precious time before we return." Lex knew the flight wouldn't be leaving until that evening, and Jacques would be "teaching" Robin some of his new duties. They chatted. "So, where is your superman?" "He is at the gym, Jacques. His powers have been severely curtailed. To keep the body I want him to have, he needs to work out now." "I see you still are, Monsieur. Or.... OH, you must tell me your secret." Lex smiled and handed Jacques a bottle of the liquid he obtained from superman. "Small samples, Jacques. That should last you a month. And then let me know if you would like more." "OH. I like what I am seeing. You wear my clothes so well, Robin." Paul brought him back out. He had on a long sleeve white shirt that didn't tuck into the pale blue pants. He also had on a pair of handmade leather shoes. Robin wouldn't admit it, but he liked how he looked and how he felt. He almost didn't mind his wrists being tied. "Are we going to France? I don't have my passport." Lex and Jacques looked at each other and laughed. "Did I say something stupid?" Robin asked. "Oh, NON my little bird, not at all. It is just that... well, commoners need passports and we... we are traveling on my private plane and.. there is, shall we say, a special customs line that we will use. A passport is not necessary." "But I'll need it when I'm there, won't I?" Lex spoke. "Do you see how evil I am, Robin? An American in France with no passport, who does not speak French. However will you even be able to contemplate escape?" "Wonder Woman," Robin thought to himself but managed to keep it quiet. Instead, he looked down and said "I wouldn't try to escape. I know my place. superman and I had a talk. I was conquered and now... I have to accept my fate." Jacques began to laugh. "I may be old, Robin, but I am NOT an old fool. I fully expect you will give me nothing but trouble. And I fully expect that my experience will win out every time. What is the expression you Americans use: this is not my first rodeo?" Robin was silent. Jacques came over and took his arm. "Let us get acquainted Robin. We have a long time to be together." He held up Robin's head and kissed him on the lips. "Like honey. Like honey and strawberries. " He smirked. "No cherries though." Robin blushed. "I wonder if your eggs are blue, like robin eggs." "SHIT. I should have thought about blue balling him," Lex thought. "We will be on our way Lex. Again, thank you for this opportunity. I will let you know how it goes." "PLEASE TELL SUPERMAN I SAID GOODBYE," Robin was almost crying when Jacques took him down to the limousine. And then they were gone.

"Well, superman should be back very soon. I'd best start getting us ready for the tattoo." Lex wiped a tear from his own eye. He would miss that fire and defiance. He would have to see about visiting Jacques in France.

Next: Chapter 7

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