Powerless Superhuman

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 20, 2022


It was Saturday. Lex had cleared everything from the examination table where he milked superman, and then secured him. He went over to the side and wheeled his piercing equipment to superman's right side. superman began to think perhaps submitting wasn't the best idea. He knew it wouldn't work, but he pulled at the wrist restraints. Luthor just laughed. "You know the only thing that makes me hornier than the thought of piercing you, superslave? The image of you struggling while I do it." superman struggled more. "PLEASE SIR. Anyone who sees us are going to know you own me." "That's right. And I'm gonna make sure that when we're not together, anyone who sees you is going to know: you belong to a Master." He began dabbing at superman's right nipple with alcohol soaked cotton balls. "If you hadn't taken the old piercing out, we wouldn't have to do this. I'd just replace the pierce, but...." "PLEASE! I'll do anything you tell me to do!" "Oh, you'll do that anyway, stud." Lex stroked superman's torso. "Now, if you'd like to renounce your surrender and we'll start again, we can do that..." superman had pulled up from the table and now he resignedly laid back down. "No Sir. You won. Again. Three times is enough." "I agree, stud muffin. Now, let's get that piercing needle." He confidently reached over and picked up one of the set of six he had. "I think this gauge is going to be fine. Nothing too fancy for now, and not even kryptonite. Just a simple gold ring with a little ball at each end." superman thrashed his head back and forth. Lex grinned. "Nope. You're going to watch. And if I have to immobilize your head, I will. Don't turn away again." superman hated the restraining collar. "Yes sir. I understand." He turned his head to the right as Lex began inserting the needle. "Stings a little this time, doesn't it? I guess enough of your invulnerability didn't come back." He pushed the needle through. "You know, I thought about doing your cock too, but. NAH. Not this time." He reached over again and took the piercing ring. He worked carefully. superman thought he was probably being TOO careful, to make it hurt as much as possible, but he never knew. What he DID know is that seeing Lex close up like that, feeling his fingers on his nipple and knowing that now.. one more step in his conquest was completed, was making him very, VERY horny. "Well, there are two of us who feel this way, stud." Lex grabbed superman's cock and squeezed it. "One of us is gonna get fucked, and the other is gonna do the fucking. I guess we know who's who." "Yes sir." superman was moaning because Lex had moved a finger down under his balls. "Newly pierced, newly fucked. So romantic. HAHAHA." Then just as Lex was positioning himself to shove his cock into his sub slave, there was a loud knocking at the door. "MASTER LUTHOR. OUR APOLOGIES BUT THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT." "IT BETTER BE" Lex got up and looked at his new sub. "I'll get back to you immediately." He opened the door and two of his guards were standing there, holding a struggling helpless, Robin the Boy Wonder . "LET ME GO. NOW. YOU... YOU CAN'T DO THIS." "We found him snooping around downstairs Boss, and found a door jimmied open. " Lex walked over, smiling. "Well, well, well. You never know what kind of bird is going to fly in through your windows. I never thought it would be a Robin." He reached out and wrapped his hand around Robin's balls. "I thought robins had bigger eggs than this. Scrambling these wouldn't feed a kitten." "AGGGGGGGGGGGH" Robin screamed as Lex tightened his grip. "This is wonderful work, gentlemen, and you understand of course that you will be 'rewarded'. For now, though, let's do a few things. First, let's see if the boy wonder is as cute as I think he is." Lex reached up and began pulling the mask from Robin's eyes. Robin fought, but the two guards plus Lex, were too much for him. "ROBIN WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?" superman yelled out. "WE'RE TRYING TO RESCUE YOU." Then the impatient young one realized he had said too much. "We're.... Hmmm. That means there's more than one of you. And you just decided that... you'd do it all yourself. OH, the impetuosity and the foolishness, of the young. HA HA HA." He held Robin's chin. "You ARE cute. VERY cute. Joker told me you were. He told me other things about you too. Is he not the one who took your cherry? "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU LUTHOR FUCK YOU." "That sounds like a 'yes' to me gentlemen. I think we have to believe that if anyone would check the boy wonder for tickishness, it would be Joker. So I'll assume the reports are true as well." "TIE HIM UP GENTLEMEN. AND GAG HIM. Then sit him down. I want him to see what I do to the man of ...'steel'. That way he knows what awaits him." "With pleasure Sir," the two guards got to work. They had heard the promise of a "reward". They assumed that meant they'd have a crack at Robin's ass and mouth. And maybe more. "A bird in a trap struggles mightily. Now watch as your superman proves to you: he's my property. My BITCH." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Robin fought the ropes, but the combination of the bondage, and the strong hand from each guard on one of his shoulders, kept him still, as Lex began sliding into superman. "Tell the young man how much you like what I'm doing to you, superstud." "Yes sir. It's true. OOOOOOOOOH. FUCK ME DEEP SIR." Robin's blood was boiling as he heard superman say what he did. This COULDN'T be true! He had heard some of the information Wonder Woman had shared with Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman, but he thought they were talking only about superman having been captured. He was not prepared for... what he was seeing. "What are you, bitch?" "I'm your sub Sir. You slave. Your property." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" Robin was shaking his head furiously as Lex continued to top superman. "Should I save a shot of my jizz for your friend, bitch stud?" "No Sir. Give it all to me. PLEASE." Robin remembered when this had happened to him. The Joker had fucked him. So had the Riddler. The Riddler was better at it, objectively, but he remembered how the Joker had tickled him to the point where he begged him to fuck him so that he'd stop. The Riddler just plunged right in and took his time. He had fucked Robin for about two hours and as he thought about it...Robin wanted to be where superman was. He saw the shivers as Lex shot into superman. And he heard superman moan in pleasure. "I think, perhaps, it would be appropriate to relieve you of some of your cum by... feeding a hungry bird." superman's mind began to spin out of control. He was Lex's slave, and he had to do what he told him. And he was horny. REALLY horny. But Robin? There had been rumors for years, of course, about his good friend Batman, but Batman assured superman, he preferred women and he had never touched Robin (Robin had verified this, and the Joker could verify that he still had his cherry when he took him). The boy wonder was someone who, well, everyone thought was too pure and "clean" to do things like that too. "Take off his gag." Lex began getting superman untied. He felt the tension in superman's muscles. "Understand this, slave bitch. If you do NOT perform, I will milk you, as usual, and then I will lock you up and not milk you for two weeks. At the least. Your choice." "No Sir. Yours." Lex smiled when he heard that answer. superman walked over to Robin. "Sorry kid. Open your mouth." "Scrambled eggs," Lex said, and Robin understood. He opened up. He had never told anyone about the blow jobs he had given years ago, but he remembered how to do it. "Natural talent" one of the guards whispered to the other. The other responded "we'll be the judges of that." They snickered as they watched superman, the more awkward of the two, try to take the active role. "PITIFUL" Lex snorted. "Good thing it won't be something you're doing very often. GET TO IT." "Do I.. do I make him swallow Sir?" superman asked. He was getting close. "Fill him. Fill the wonder bitch." "Yes sir." Another scream came out of superman, and the jizz flowed down robin's throat. "What a fine display from two fine specimens. Boy wonder, I'm glad your lips have gotten some use because... now there'll be ready. To the victors belong the spoils. Gentlemen, you have three hours to do whatever you would like with him. AFTER you find out what the plan of the other heroes is."

The two guards planned a double spit roast, but first, they had been charged with torturing Robin to get information that Lex could use. They took him to one of the auxiliary torture chambers, and tied his wrists up over his head, before they locked his feet into a stock. "OH SHIT" Robin thought, as he felt his boots being pulled off. One of the guards opened the front of Robin's costume, and his torso and pits were exposed. He ran a finger down one pit. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. STOP!" "Oh, we're not close to stopping boy wonder. What do the others plan to do?" "I don't know. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " The second one had begun tickling Robin's left sole. "Are you sure of that?" "I'm just a dumb fucking bird. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." One of the two guards had a hand in each of his pits, and the other was tickling both feet. "STOP. STOP. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I REALLY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING." "Would you rather we just fucked you?" 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. LET ME GO. PLEASE." The one guard said simply: " ribs and belly?" "Ribs and belly." "NO NO. NOOOOOOOOOOOO. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. IF I TELL YOU ARE YOU STILL GONNA FUCK ME." "Hell yeah. We'll just stop doing this sooner" They switched back to pits and feet. "I wish that corset were out of prototype" one said, and then.... "Let's do some experiments." One ran to the lab and got the prototype. It had been designed for superman so it was a little too big, but they rigged it so that it fit around robin's middle. One guard set the power to it's middle level, and the corset got to work while they returned to pits and feet. "OH SHIT OH SHIT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'M GONNA FAINT. I'M GONNA DIE. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. PLEASE. LET ME GET MY BREATH. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Ten second break," one said to the other ,and winked. That meant five second break. And he pushed the power to high on the corset. Robin lasted another ninety seconds. "OK OK OK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I'LL TELL YOU I'LL TELL YOU. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. 1pm this afternoon. Storming the loft. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "Good job, brother," the one said to the other. "I'll go and tell Lex. You may want to 'prepare' the bird for his trussing and basting." Lex was in the process of arranging for a sale of the latest shipment of superman's sperm. He had already taken his daily portion of the liquid, and he smiled when the guard came in. "From you face, I can tell: you found out." "Yes sir. Storming the loft at 1pm." "EXCELLENT. That gives us plenty of time to prepare. Does it give you time to take your reward?" "Yes Sir. At least once." "Well you will have more time. Robin will be unnecessary here, but I'm SURE we will find a buyer for such a cute, slightly used bird." Lex planned to put Robin up for auction: there was one every week, and Lex watched, but never had a property to sell. Now, he did. He took time from what he was doing to register. "Sir," superman asked from the humbler he was locked in. "If I can ask: are you taking another slave?" "HA HA. Jealousy. Relax superbitch. I'm not even close to finishing your training. I certainly am not interested in taking on someone so young. It WOULD be fun, but my patience for the young... is very limited these days."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "It's too quiet." Green Lantern whispered to Wonder Woman. "Too still. No one around." Then they heard the shrill shrieking of Robin being tickled. "THAT WAY OF COURSE" Aquaman pointed. They headed to the source of the sound, not encountering any resistance. "Something's not right about this," Wonder Woman spoke. "How the hell did Robin get here? I recognize that laugh. OH...... OH MY GOD" They had come to one of the larger rooms in the loft. superman was in the center, shirtless and wearing tight jeans. His hands were tied behind his back and he was gagged, and collared, his head down. "WELCOME SUPERJERKS" Lex came out, dragging a bound and gagged Robin with him. The two guards were there too. "LEX. LET THEM GO. I PROMISE. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO YOU," Flash ordered and Lex just laughed. "Do you remember that time I drained you Flash? There was quite a market for your juice. We should do it again. I'll even give you half." "BASTARD. YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO TELL ANYONE." "Why not? For everyone's information, it was NOT voluntary on the part of Flash: I captured him. Just once. Unlike suprman, whom I've now captured three times. And I'm not doing anything to superman he does not wish for. Is that not correct superman?" Lex moved over and pulled superman's head up. Meekly, he shook it yes. "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU" Wonder Woman yelled. "You don't? Then watch. He took the gag off superman's mouth and then stepped back unzipping his pants. "You want this, don't you superbitch?" superman looked at it with longing. As Flash moved to charge, a guard held a knife to robin's neck. "It would be a shame to see one so young die because of your action, would it not, Flash? Back to position. " "FUCK" Flash muttered. Lex smiled. "Green Lantern, if I had not been able to recapture my favorite, you would be in this position now. And you'd LOVE it." Green Lantern didn't say anything, but felt his cock stir. "You want it?" "Yes sir." Wonder Woman winced when she heard that from superman. "THEN COME AND GET IT." It pained them to see superman move forward on his knees and desperately try to take the cock that Lex was showing. "None of you will leave. If you do... there WILL be consequences. Trust me." He shoved his cock into superman's mouth. "BITE DOWN SUPERMAN!" Green Lantern yelled, and superman did nothing but continue to suck. "OH, and you have gotten SO good at it, slave boi. I'm glad your friends could see it." Robin was fighting to try to get out of the guard's hands but he was unsuccessful. Lex began to thrust until they could see the side driblets coming down superman's mouth. "Perhaps one of you would like to try the soft mouth of Robin. Perhaps YOU big mouth Green Lantern. Maybe he'll bite down on YOU" He looked down at superman. "GET TO MY BOOTS." "Yes sir." superman gulped and got further to the floor, licking Lex's boots. "Now, let me be frank with ALL of you. Even if you managed to rush this loft, which you wouldn't, superman will not come with you. And if you force him, he will come looking for me. He IS.... broken. And as for Robin... he is now MINE too. So I would have you all leave. NOW" "You won't get away with this," Aquaman muttered. "Ha ha ha. You should be careful Aquaman. I would love to have you on my milking machine. Who knows what miracles could happen. OUT. ALL OF YOU." "What can we do?" Flash asked. "Plan something else," Wonder Woman whispered back. "But I think we're too late."

After they were gone, Lex turned to his guards and to Robin. "I do think my guards should have their fun. superman, perhaps we shall watch." He put a leash on superman's collar and dragged him forward. The man of steel had to crawl like a dog, until they got to the rooms the guards had set up. They untied Robin. "STRIP BIRD BOY" Robin raised a fist but they laughed. "I SAID STRIP" He hesitated, but Robin got naked. Lex began to laugh "It truly IS a bird cock. If you weren't born to be a BOTTOM, Robin, I don't know who was. "FUCK YOU" he yelled, before the guards pushed him, face down, onto the table. One spread his legs and began fingering his ass, while the other one went to the head of the table, and pulled up his hair. "You'll give me as good a job as you gave superman. AFTER my partner's in you." It had been a while since a cock had been in Robin's ass, so it took the second guard a few minutes to get in and start screwing him. Then his partner fed HIS dick to Robin's mouth. While this was happening, Luthor was whispering into superman's ear. "I hope you realize how lucky you are, slave. In less than a day, that slut boy has had three different cocks in him - including yours." He nibbled on superman's ear. "But YOU. You have only had one. And it's mine. I've saved it all for YOU." He pulled on superman's leash. "Got anything to say about that?" "Thank you Sir. Thank you." "I can't wait to see how your ass looks with your tattoo. Maybe we'll bring Robin to watch." Meanwhile, the two guards had changed positions. They were both charged from their first fucking of the boy wonder, and so they were very, VERY close to cumming. "FILLING THE TWINKIE HA HA HA." One of them yelled as he shot into Robin's mouth. "Let's get him cleaned up. I want to prepare the video for the auction."

A few hours later, Lex stood with a bound, unmasked Robin in front of a camera. "Buyers: this is prime merchandise. This is no imitation. It is the one, the only, original Boy Wonder, Robin. Yes, Robin. Captured and unmasked. And available for purchase. Already slightly used, and all users can be found and can vouch for the quality of his work. The boy also has very sensitive ears, and is ticklish all over his body. The bidding will begin at 250,000 US dollars and will continue for three days. If there are any questions, contact me, Lex Luthor." "Please, don't sell me." Robin begged after the taping was over. "I'll do anything you want." "Your buddy said that today too and I'll give you the same answer, boy. That's right, you will. I will make a deal with you. If the bidding does not exceed 5 million, I will keep you. BUT you will do EVERYTHING I say, and your main job will be servicing the men who captured you. Whenever they want it. However they want it. Is that clear?" "I understand." "Ha ha. Like I had ANY intention of selling you boy. " superman winced when he heard that. And that night, the bidding for Robin crossed the 3 million dollar mark.

Next: Chapter 6

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