Powerless Superhuman

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 20, 2022


Lex decided to begin with chair torture because he was planning to get superman's submission in two parts. When he had broken him using kryptonite it had been easy: simply a matter of increasing the pain until the former man of steel couldn't take it anymore. Doing things "old school" with someone who knew how to handle pain was going to be a matter requiring more finesse. He positioned superman in the chair with his hands tied behind his back and then opened his shirt. That was all he did at the start. He smiled as he looked superman up and down. Then he took a small paddle, and pushed it under superman's chin, so that their eyes locked. "Know what I see, superbitch? I see a man who's afraid of what I'm going to do to him, and who knows... I WILL get the words "I submit" out of him." He sneered and superman responded. "Bring it on. I told you, I'll bottom, I won't submit." Lex brought the paddle down to superman's crotch. He stroked the man's balls and cock with it gently, watching as it moved to a position that showed superman was getting hard. Then he brought it down. Not too hard, but hard enough for superman to yell. "I wonder what you'll sound like after 30." superman grunted. "I guess we'll find out." WHACK! The paddle came down. And again. After the first ten, Lex was sweating, and superman was beginning to see stars. He was gritting his teeth as tightly as he could so he didn't scream, but he WAS in pain. Lex took a few second break and caressed superman's crotch with the paddle so that he brought his cock to more than half mast. "Too easy that first ten." The sound of the second WHACK travelled and now, superman screamed "FUCK!" Lex chuckled and continued. The blows rang down and superman began to have to bite his lip harder, to keep from crying. "Sure hurts to have a hard on turned to chopped meat doesn't it, superslut?" "You're a bastard Lex. You know that. You want my ass and you have it." "I want your SOUL superman. I want you to belong to me completely." He stroked superman's crotch again, "Now, shall we finish strong? I think you may need this for the last ten." Lex pulled out a gag, and shoved it in superman's mouth. Even so, the moans for the last 10 were loud and strong. superman was squirming in his seat, trying to get away, even though there was no escape. He tried pulling his legs closed. "Spread em, bitch, or I'll make it 40." superman opened his legs again. For the last ten, Lex took his time and he walloped superman hard. He had never felt the pain as much before, and superman wasn't sure if Lex was beating him harder, or whether there had been something about the kryptonite that was protective. As Lex finished the 30th one, He wiped the sweat from his face. "How's THAT superslave? How many of them do you think you could take before you gave up completely. "mmmmmmmmmmph" superman tried to shrug his shoulders, and Lex laughed. "We're only beginning. Now.... I'm saving the spider clamps. We're gonna PRIME those nipples with some good old fashioned tweezer tit clamps. " He attached them and as he was doing so, superman's eyes got bigger because he saw small weights attached to each one. "And if you drop your head bitch, I'm going back to the paddle." superman didn't think he'd be dropping his head. He threw it back in agony, anticipating worse. He got it. Lex took the gag out and lifted the chain of the clamp to superman's mouth. "TAKE IT. AND PULL." superman was reluctant but a solid knee into his crotch got his mouth opened, and then closed. "HARDER. PULL IT HARDER FUCKTOI. AND WHEN I TELL YOU TO DROP IT, DROP IT." Lex held up his hands and brought down one finger at a time. When the last one was down, he yelled "DROP IT" Now, Lex had done this to superman before, but not with the weights. The scream that came out of superman might have led you to believe that he had his powers back. "Wasn't that fun? No hard on now, bitch." It was true. superman was soft for the first time since they started. "We're gonna repeat this. Ten times. And each time, you're gonna pull for five seconds more. Starting NOW. Fifteen seconds, CUNT" If Lex's goal was to begin to break superman, it was working. By the fifth pull, he had begun to beg Lex to stop. "Sure. You wanna submit already? We have SO MUCH MORE to do, stud. Don't tell me you're gonna punk out now." "I didn't say I would submit, Luthor. I want you to stop and move onto the rough stuff." "Oh, you big strong poof. Let's see how well you do at the end." By the eighth one, superman was screaming "NO MORE. NO MORE PLEASE NO MORE." "Heh heh. Maybe no more of this, but now... the fun really begins." Lex took off the clamps and untied his captive. "Now get your clothes off. And you know where to go. " He pointed to the platform. superman looked at his bright red crotch, and his sore nipples. He had no idea what was next. He felt the metal chains go around his wrists: that meant he'd be able to squirm and move, but then he saw Lex bring the ankle stockade up to the table. That meant... some kind of foot torture was around the corner. "I like these spider clamps, superman. And on tits as sore as yours..." They looked... frigtening. Each clamp had six long legs coming out of it, and they looked sharp. They were. Not sharp enough to cut skin, but sharp enough to let superman know that if he moved too much, they might just. "Now, let's get the rest of your equipment on." superman was used to the milking pump being put on his cock, so that didn't surprise him. He was mildly alarmed when he saw that there were now three ball tickling protrusions on it. And the cock ring, with the VERY heavy ball on it. "Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to cut a hole in the table to let this dangle, but pulling it will be JUST as effective. Now, let's get started." Lex turned on the pump and superman couldn't prevent his cock from getting hard. Unlike the times when he was milked, however, the suction stopped at a point where he was hard, but not getting the suction he needed to cum. "He's gonna keep me in perpetual orgasm. Blueballing me" superman thought. Then he couldn't think anymore, because Lex had begun tickling his soles. Every nerve ending in superman's body was hyperactive already, and the tickling... Then he realized how diabolical Lex had been. Had he been bound tight to the table, he might have been ok. But he wasn't. He could squirm when he was tickled and that activated the sharp edges of the spider clamps, and also moved the heavy weight on the cock ring around. "How long do you think you can take it superman? Fifteen minutes, twenty minutes?" Lex lowered the suction on the milking machine, and it was almost painful as superman's face contorted. Lex stopped working on his feet, and moved up to his ribs. Now, the clamps, and the ball REALLY began to work on the man of steel. He was totally helpless, and in complete agony. Then, Lex stopped the tickling, took off the clamps, and took the cock ring off. The only thing he kept operating, was the milking machine and the ball tickler. All of superman's attention was now focused on that part of his body and he was moaning and groaning. Lex pulled up a chair. "How long will it be superstud? How long can you hold out? I'll tell you what? If you're holding out after two hours, I'll re-introduce you to the ladybugs. And perhaps... who knows?" Again he shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, let me add one thing. WHEN you submit - not IF you submit - you're going to shave your own pubes. That's gonna indicate: you've given up. Ok, here we go. " He smiled, lowered the milker just a bit, turned up the ball tickler, and went back to his lab bench. "YOU ARE A FUCKING SICKO LUTHOR" superman yelled and Luthor smiled. "It's SIR sicko, bitch. Don't forget that. Enjoy the teasing." After about half an hour, superman wished he had something like the clamps, or the ball weight, to take his mind off the constant torment of his cock.Lex had calibrated the machine so that, if superman's cock got harder than a certain point, it would lower the intensity of the stroking. When it dropped, the intensity would step up again. And he could do nothing. After an hour, superman couldn't help himself: he pitched his hips forward every time the milker reached its highest level, and every time, he was disappointed. By now, Lex had taken off his shirt. He walked over to superman lifting up his arm to display his pit. "How's it going hunk? How much longer can you take it?" "LEX PLEASE. JUST LET ME CUM. WE CAN NEGOTIATE A SURRENDER." The smile on Lex's face said it all. "There is no negotiation. You submit. Period. Now, let me get back to work. I'm wondering if dragon fly nipple clamps are possible." superman whined but there was nothing to do. The ball tickler, and the suction continued. He held out for another hour. "I GIVE. I GIVE. I SURRENDER. I SUBMIT. PLEASE SIR, LET ME SHOOT MY LOAD." Lex came over. "You mean that, superslave? No more arguments? No more trouble? No more of anything but obedience?" "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. ANYTHING YOU WANT." Lex turned off the milker. "Well, this is what I want. First, I want your ass, but that's a given. I ALWAYS want your ass. But after I take it, I'm going to hand you the clippers, and you're going to shave your box. Nice and clean. GOT IT?" superman gulped. "Yes sir. I understand." "Now, next, we have an event this Friday and you're going to participate without any trouble. And then, after that's done, you're going to get in touch with that bitch Wonder Woman, and they're all going to come to watch you tell them you're my slave now. You don't want your powers back: all you want is to be a man's FUCKTOI." "YES SIR MASTER. WHATEVER YOU SAY .PLEASE." "Let's fill that hungry man pussy." When Lex dropped his pants and superman saw his "gift," his own cock got rocket hard. He licked his lips. HELL YES he wanted this. He wanted Lex in him every night- at least once. "I know what my boy likes. He likes to be TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASED," Luthor cackled. "Isn't that right, superbottom?" "Yes Sir. Tease my manpussy. Tease it and take it." Lex got to work. He pushed his cock head at superman's ass hole, and teased it until he had the man begging for more. Then he inched in: little by little. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SIR. YES. Take me please. PLEASE." He felt that little bit of waddle up against him. While Lex didn't have to worry about superman's prostate, he knew where it was, and the waddle against it provoked sounds from superman that made Luthor laugh. "Are you sending supersonic sounds to dolphins to help you, stud? They're not coming. But I am." He shoved in and took superman deeper than he ever had: both before and after the loss of super powers. And superman just moaned, wanting more. And more. And then, he saw stars again as his three time Master shot into him. "Now, before I let you do ANYTHING , slave bitch, you're gonna keep your promise and shave yourself. " He undid the bondage and got superman to his feet. "Just be careful. A hard cock can get in the way of anyone. " He handed superman the electric shaver, and superman thought for a minute about asking Lex to reconsider. Then he looked down and began shaving away the hair. With that act he knew: he had submitted completely. When he was done and the hair was on the floor around him, Lex grabbed his hair. He looked at him, and spat "You'll be telling Golodny you don't want to go forward. And we'll move you in here because, after this weekend, everyone is gonna know about Ivan and his boy. Now, bend your head. It's time for you to be collared." superman had worn a kryptonite collar for Lex when he had been defeated while he had super powers. Now, it was a "simple" chain mail collar, and Lex pulled his head back up. "Get yourself ready for bed, superbitch. Tomorrow, we get you pierced and after the weekend, you get tattooed." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. " superman had been broken for the third, and last time.

Next: Chapter 5

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