Powerless Superhuman

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 19, 2022


There were times when kevin/superman tried to understand the hold Lex had over him. There was no question: Lex had a body that drove superman nuts. He walked around the lab and his living space shirtless a lot, wearing only black jeans and while he didn't have the emerging six pack the way superman did (and he winced when he thought about when he DID have one), his body reminded superman of one of those big constricting snakes: it was ALL muscle. The shaved (or bald? superman was never sure) head, and the mat of hair on Lex' chest and arms were all "killer" for him. The 10 inch cock added to the effect. There was more though: Lex's voice exuded authority. When he told kevin/superman to do something, there was no doubt that superman was going to do it. He might resist but he knew that, eventually, Lex would get his way - he always did. And the final part, he thought, was how Lex had deciphered superman's desires. Figuring out physical "achilles heels" like superman's nipples, his arm pits, and others, was one thing. But the fact was: Luthor lived inside superman's head. Maybe that hadn't been the case the first time he defeated superman, but it WAS the case after the second capture. And now....hunting superman down, and proving that he didn't need kryptonite to keep his bottom in line. superman wondered if he WOULD escape if he had the opportunity. For now, that wasn't an option.

Lex's routine had superman over at his lab/loft six nights out of seven. The free night was Tuesday and superman had no idea what Lex did on those nights: did he screw someone else? did he work on projects? Both ideas were wrong. superman hadn't factored one thing into trying to figure out how Lex controlled him so easily: he was stronger. MUCH stronger. That strength came from a by-product of the fusion experiments using superman's milk. The purchasers were interested in 100% sperm. No fluid, no nothing. Lex had techs do the minimal work that was necessary to prepare the separated material, and at some point they did an analysis. They found that the fluids from superman's semen contained thousands of levels more of body building and strength hormones than any supplement ever produced. Lex found "volunteers" to try it, and when the effect was clear: very increased strength, speed and muscle tone, he took it himself. Ironically, by milking superman and using that milk, Lex was enabling himself to keep his conquest overpowered. And he kept it secret from superman. On Tuesdays, he received injections of that liquid. superman had noticed that Lex was especially aggressive on Wednesdays, and almost tender on Mondays. He made the mistake of substituting his own thought processes for Lex's almost reptilian ones. He thought the Wednesday aggression was because of his absence, and the Monday softness was because of the night apart. He had become too human.

On the nights when he was on his own, superman tended to any muscle soreness from the week with Lex. He was ALWAYS sore. If Lex gave him tasks to do, he did them. Currently he had a task NOT to do something: Lex wanted him growing a beard. He would keep the rest of superman's body smooth, but he wanted facial hair. superman didn't know why, but he'd figure it out that week. Did Lex cage superman when he was on his own? No. He had a good reason for that. Every evening there would be a milking, and there was a specific quantity superman had to produce in order to avoid punishment. The punishments varied, and Lex just assumed that when superman didn't produce, it was because he had jerked off the night before, which WAS forbidden. So there was no need for a chastity cage, unless kevin/superman wanted punishment. That Tuesday, superman was trying to assimilate some of what Lex had told him: the next two weeks were going to be "marking" weeks. He'd pierce kevin's nipple himself, and then bring in an expert to tattoo superman's ass. He showed superman the tat: big black capital letters that said "LEX'S BITCH." Lex had leered at superman. "Just in case someone sees your ass, they know to keep away although... how they could. I don't know." In the first two captures, Lex had pierced superman, but never tattooed him. This was new. It was clear: Lex LOVED dominating the man and he no longer needed kryptonite. superman had picked up one of the free gay magazines on the way home. He looked at the cover and groaned. "OH NO. Now it makes sense." Lex was on the cover, but the title read: "MEET IVAN." superman shook his head. Could people have forgotten about how dangerous Lex was so soon? Did using his middle name fool them? Apparently they answer to both questions was yes. In fact, the story line talked about "doesn't that face just say: DANGER, and doesn't that smile just make you think 'I don't care." superman felt his balls churn. Yes, to both of those. And as he read on he saw the line "meet Ivan and his boy this weekend at Club Nightshade." "I'm the boy," kevin/superman thought. He thought back to when Lex had presented his prize capture at other parties and to the parties where Lex put him to work as an ashtray or a bootblack, or other subservient jobs. The humiliation just destroyed superman, and he imagined that this party would too. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "The car is downstairs. You've got seven minutes superbottom" kevin was used to getting this type of call from Lex. He got one every day except Tuesday. "Yes sir. I'm on my way." He picked up his gym bag with the soiled clothes from his workout, adjusted himself, and headed out. "LOOKING GOOD KEVIN" Jimmy, one of the gayest guys in the office called out as kevin walked by. He blushed. He had on a pair of pants that had always shaped his ass, and the workouts, designed by Lex, were making those cheeks even firmer, even more appealing. All kevin could do was smile and blush. He headed downstairs via the elevator, and waited in the backseat for Lex to put on the blindfold. "You look especially juicy today, superfruit," kevin felt Lex's fingers open a shirt button and slide down to finding his right nipple. He hardened immediately. There HAD been other guys who had played with his nipples, but NONE did it as masterfully as Lex did. He was putty after about ninety seconds. Lex leaned over and whispered "I presume you saw my picture, handsome." "Yes Sir. I did." superman sucked in his breath because Lex had just squeezed the nipple a little harder. "And yes, you ARE the boy. Ivan and kevin will be showing off Ivan's new invention. One you'll experience tonight. And tomorrow. All day. I can't wait to see how it works." The blindfold went off as they got into the loft, and superman began walking toward the platform. Lex always took him immediately.Tonight, he pulled superman into his crotch. He whispered. "Know what I realized, superstud? I haven't made you submit yet. So officially, you're just a bottom. You're not a sub. I'll have to fix that this week." superman squirmed in Lex' grip. He DID realize that. He didn't know if that meant Lex wasn't sure if he wanted to keep him or not, or if something was up. superman had very mixed feelings about that: he had a love/hate feeling about being Lex' sub, but he knew: that decision was out of his hands. "You jerk off last night, stud?" "No Sir." "Not even after you saw my picture?" "I knew the real thing was waiting Sir" "Ha ha. Good cover bitch. More like you were afraid of the foot beatings. Now get on the platform. You know where your wrists go." Once superman was bound, Lex unbuttoned his shirt. "Hmmm. Something's going on with your hormones. I didn't think we'd need another shaving so soon, but nature says otherwise." He opened superman's pants and unzipped them, pulling them down. "Yup. The carpet is growing back too. Got some WORK to do this weekend before... " he smiled as he pinched superman's right nipple. "The pierce goes right in here," superman felt his mouth go dry. The piercing was the part that always reminded him that he was a sub. "You can't pierce me if I don't submit Sir." Lex laughed and smacked superman's crotch. "I can pierce you whenever I want but yes..a submission will make it so much sweeter. SO... let me show you what I've been working on lately. I'm very pleased with them. You may not be." Lex brought over what looked like two ladybugs in his hand. They were metallic. "The world's smallest nipple clamps. So small, you can put them on, put on a shirt, and be stimulated all day. See where I'm going stud?" superman did. He couldn't help the jolt that went to his crotch. "I've been designing a whole line based around insect bodies. Or sort of insects. Spiders, crickets, flies.. I like the spider ones too. You may be wearing them on the weekend but for now." The ladybug clamps were so small they took very little flesh but the construction was such that spasms of sensation started running through superman's nipples immediately. He groaned, loud. "PLEASE TAKE THEM OFF SIR. PLEASE." "Ha ha. Maybe THIS is how I'll get you to submit. But no, they're NOT coming off. Look at how you're dripping! Geez, I wonder: should I put the milker on WHILE I fuck you? The bindings kept superman from thrashing around much, but he wanted to. The clamps were driving him crazy. And if he understood Lex's allusions, he'd be wearing them under his shirt the next day. For now, though, he thought about the finger that had begun circling the flesh around his hole. "Now, look at that pretty hole. So clean, so unmarked, so sensitive. AND IT BELONGS TO ME." superman gulped. He knew it did, but he wasn't going to answer. Lex didn't whisper. He just ran his hand down superman's chest and said "MANCUNT." Then superman's hips began to thrust. "Seems my bitch needs breeding REALLY badly. " When superman had seen the picture of "Ivan" he knew it was Lex because of the very small waddle of flesh that protruded from the left side of Lex's cock. That waddle did things to superman that nothing else did. It made him feel like he had g spots all along the path of his butt. Now, he saw it and WANTED it. Desperately. "Please fuck me Sir" he whispered, and in return, Lex flicked the ladybugs. "Hmmm. Can't get those buggers off. Oh well. " Then he smiled. "Think about a whole cloud of them all over your cock and balls, superstud. "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG" was all that superman could say, as Lex continued to finger the new toys. superman felt the waddle graze his wall. He moaned again, as his Master to be filled his hole. Lex moved very slowly. He raked his hands down superman's ribs, because the clamps were already on the man's nipples. "You're gonna surrender this weekend stud. Trust me. I will have you just the way I want you. Submissive. Passive. And MINE." He began thrusting his cock faster. He smiled. "You like my little extra cock head don't you, slut?" "YES SIR. YES SIR. It feels so good. OOOOOOOOOOH" Then superman felt Lex's fingers underneath the clamps. "OH FUCK SIR OH FUCK." "You know, I have enough. I wonder if.... heh heh. Lex began pushing harder. superman felt his cock turn almost to an iron rod and then the explosion of jizz inside of him. "Time for the milker, but first... I only have about a dozen of these lady bugs, but....seeing what impact they had on your nipples." Lex went and got the rest of them, and put them on strategic parts of superman's body: his navel, the underside of his balls, the skin right outside his hole. "Can't put one on your cock head, handsome, because I gotta fit the tube but if I didn't." superman first experienced pain and then endorphins filled him. He need to cum. Badly. But he had to hold until Lex got the tube on his cock. He ran his finger along the string of ladybug clamps on superman's balls, and superman ALMOST broke the wrist bonds as he shot into the machine. "OH, we definitely have a success stud. You've never filled one and a half vials before. "

As he slept, Lex thought of all the things he could do to superman going forward. The ladybug clamps were the first, but there were other inventions on the drawing board, including a tickling corset: something he would make superman wear under his clothes, not unlike a harness, which would hit his ticklish spots anytime he moved. "I'm getting hard again. DAMN. I may have to fuck the stud a second time," he thought when he woke up at 3 in the morning. "Roll over sleepy head. Show me your ass." kevin/superman woke in a start when he felt Lex's hand on his neck. "I SAID ROLL OVER." Lex wanted to take superman from behind, and when superman resisted, he whispered "I DO have a chastity cage or two, superdog." superman sighed, and rolled over. "You better not cum while this is happening fucktoi, cause if you do, you may be too sore to go to work." He took superman for the second time that night and when they woke up, he was ready for a blow job. When superman was finished sucking and swallowing, Lex picked up the ladybug clamps. "Get over here. First clamps you can wear all day, and you will." "Please SIR! I.." "You what? You get too aroused?" Blushing, superman answerd "yes sir." "Well, like I said, we have a cage to help you keep under control." "No Sir, I'll keep it under control." "Damn right you will. You have a milking scheduled tonight." superman was concerned that the bright color of the clamps was going to show through his shirt. Lex thought about it too, but decided that would wait for a day when serious humiliation was in order. He let kevin put on a dark golden colored shirt, mostly twill, which only exaggerated what the clamps were doing to him. At several points during the day, superman had to stop himself from reaching down to his crotch. He did check in the bathroom to make sure he wasn't leaking. So far, so good. He wondered if they'd show at the gym, when he put on the tank top. His phone rang. "This is kevin, how can I help you?" "Kevin, this is Dr. Golodny. Do you have a minute to talk?" "I do. Any progress on new filters?" kevin asked, notwithstanding that he was very ambiguous about getting his powers back. "Not on the filters, BUT... we observed something yesterday I'd like to share with you." "Well, ok." kevin wanted to go right away but he knew that if he didn't go to the gym, the staff would report it to Lex and there would probably be at least a half hour of tickling in the foot stocks. "Doc, I really have to do something late this afternoon. Will it take more than half hour?" "It doesn't have to. Leave when you want. I just want you to see something and understand where I think we need to go."

A couple of hours later, kevin was in Dr. Golodny's lab. "Kevin, I feel like I owe you an apology. I failed to check something and.. now I'm kicking myself." "Doc, what is it?" "Well, remember we took blood samples when we began all of this?" "Oh yes, sure." "Well, we kept parts of them and... I don't know why I did this, I went back and analyzed them. Come look under the scope with me." When kevin looked, Golodny started talking: "What do you see?" "Uh, it's been a while since biology for me Doc, but I just see cells moving around." "Whole cells." "Yes sir." "Kevin, the average lifespan of blood cells is about 4 months. And they deteriorate." "And?" kevin asked. "Those are your cells from a year ago. They're perfectly normal. kevin, your blood cells, I guess because they're kryptonian, don't seem to die." "Hmmm. So what does that mean, Doc?" "Well, let's take it with something else I learned. I didn't know this. From biology, what's at the center of every hemoglobin molecule." "I remember that, Doc. It's iron." "Yes. Well, in looking at your cells, and your hemoglobin, it's not iron. It's... I don't know what it is. Something I guess that's found only on krypton." "Yeah, it's susonium. I DID learn that from looking at krypton medical books." "Well, what seems to have happened, kevin, is that the susonium has been replaced by kryptonite in a LOT of your cells." He paused. "We can't get the kryptonite out." kevin shrugged his shoulders. "Because the cells don't die and replace themselves. " "That's correct. There IS an option if we could get it. Transfusion." "Transfusion?" "Yes. If we could get kryptonian blood and transfuse you, we might get you completely back to normal." "I could be superman again?" "That's a distinct possibility." kevin twisted and suddenly became aware, again, of the ladybug clamps on his nipples. He felt his cock harden. "But you'd need kryptonian blood?" Golodny sighed. "I'm afraid so." kevin laughed. "I guess you can't use mine. Seriously Doc, I appreciate the information. I'll let you know if I hear of any sources. For now though." he looked at this watch. "I'm gonna be in trouble if I'm late." kevin shook the doctor's hand, grabbed his bag and headed out. He could JUST make it.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "HEY KEVIN," his trainer yelled at him in the locker room. "Lex told me that you could take the bugs off as long as you put them back on again, whatever the fuck that means." "Thanks Gregor. I'll be out in a minute." kevin was trying to avoid anyone seeing the "bugs" on his nipples. He hoped that what Gregor had said was true: and he hoped it didn't hurt too much when he took them off and when he put them back on again after the workout. "One, two , three." He grabbed them and winced as they came off. "Now I know what a dog feels like when you pull off a tick" he thought, putting them carefully in his shirt pocket. If he lost them, he had no idea what kind of punishment he'd get. Then he smiled. Gregor worked him really hard. REALLY hard. "Lex told me he wants lots of squats outta you today kevin, so make sure you keep form, because for each bad one, you gotta do another five good ones." "Gotcha coach." The instruction didn't surprise kevin: Lex had fucked him twice in less than 24 hours, so he knew that kevin would be sore "down there." He was trying to maximize torturing him when he wasn't there. And it was hard to focus with the new information he had from Golodny: if he decided he wanted to do this, he imagined he could get in touch with Wonder Woman and have her see what her contacts could bring in. He just didn't know: he remembered the pain from the kryptonite when Lex had used it to overpower him. There was real pain now too, but nothing like what the kryptonite felt like. Those thoughts were going through his head as he winced, again, and reapplied the ladybug clamps. "SHIT that fucking HURTS" he said, thinking no one had heard. Someone did. A guy looked up and smiled. "That's hot. Self clamping. Fucking hot. You've got a good Master if he makes you do that." The limo was outside the gym when kevin was finished. The blindfolds went on, and then went off when he was in the loft. As soon as he could see, he noted that the platform was set up for a piercing. "I DIDN'T SURRENDER. YOU CAN'T DO THAT YET LEX" He felt Lex's tongue at his ear. "Guess what's happening tonight? Superbitch is gonna become supersub. Get your clothes off." "NOOOOOOOOOO. I'll bottom but I won't submit. AGGGGGGGGGGGH" superman felt his right arm grabbed and pushed up behind him, further and further. "You're gonna get on that platform, and I'm gonna work you over until you admit: you're a sub and my BITCH. " superman began to whine. He didn't want this. Then Lex whispered "CUNT" and he was undone. He felt Lex pull his arms behind him, and he felt the ropes around his wrists, and then his elbows. "This kind of uppity attitude won't do. Chair torture. That's how we begin. Oh, and yes. Let's try the spider clamps tonight. "

Next: Chapter 4

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