Powerless Superhuman

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 15, 2022


"Kevin" had gone along with Lex' demands without struggle, without resistance. Something Lex said as he was fucking him made him start to think: "It was easier to capture you and dominate you when you had your powers, clark. A little kryptonite on a rope, a cock ring, a dildo, and you were low hanging fruit. Easy to take. Now... on the one hand, you don't have your powers, and since you have to rely on your own strength, I have to consider other ways of keeping you under control. " He grinned. "You gave up too easily," as he pulled off his black leather pants, spread "kevin's legs, and shoved the cock kevin knew so well from his days at superman, right up his chute. "You know, Lex, you'll never get away with this. Now it's kidnaping and..." he stopped and began moaning. Lex had begun playing with his nipples while he fucked him - something he learned always undid superman. It undid the stud underneath Lex right now. "Once a sub, always a sub, clark. You know that. And you know that if you don't protest, and you won't, there won't be anything for me to get away with. It'll just be the superior man, taking his bottom back." kevin pushed at the leather restraints and made no progress. Something he noticed was that when he resisted with his legs, trying to push Lex off him and out of him, Lex actually had to fight back. Kryptonite had always made resistance useless. Now, it wasn't kryptonite... it was the nipple torture.

"It looks like when they rescued you, they removed the kryptonite tit ring. And the cock ring. Ha ha. I'll take care of that again, stud. No reason why you shouldn't show your submission. "Superman was your sub, I'm not," kevin gritted his teeth. "Yet. This is going to be fun. I just need to decide do I want YOU to submit, or do I want to wait until Golodny gets more of your powers back to you and take you then. But I WILL take you." He paused "once a sub always a sub." A loud moan came out of kevin as Lex shoved into him really deeply after that comment. "HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT GOLODNY?" kevin tried to get up off the bed, but another thrust of Lex' cock pushed him back down on his back. "I have a thousand eyes, clark. And I'm doing what I can to help facilitate his work. One of my best scientists has just been hired to help out. He is an expert at filtration and... on kryptonite. It'll be fun dominating you, each step of the way." kevin closed his eyes. He didn't know what to think. Lex had said "once a sub always a sub" and kevin knew, albeit reluctantly, Lex was right. He hadn't thought about resisting when Lex was in the apartment because of their past, but as he experienced the superb topping he was getting from this man, he wondered if he would resist in the future at all. Lex seemed to think Golodny could get his powers back: should he begin thinking about how he could resist and not become "superbitch" again, as Lex had called him. One of the things that had happened when superman lost his powers, was that his body began to grow hair again. kevin needed to "manscape," but he didn't keep his chest clean. He liked the masculine look of the fur, and of the fashionable beard he had grown. "The beard is going to stay, stud. The chest hair? I don't know. We'll see about that." Lex smiled as he pushed. "GOD your ass has gotten tighter. I like that." "I did it just for you, fucker," kevin grunted just before he felt the whoosh of Lex' orgasm fill him. "I'm trying to remember: what was our record for fucking in one day? Four times? Five times?" "It was FOUR TIMES, and I'm sure you remember each one. "As do you, manbitch. As do you." He took hold of kevin's balls and cock. "Yes, these WILL need to be put under control as well. No need for a kryptonite one anymore, but perhaps we'll use one for old times sake. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

A few hours later, kevin was in the backseat of Lex' usual black limo, with the anonymous driver in front. "I haven't had a chance to tint the windows yet, supermantobe, so please put the blindfold on. I don't want you knowing where the lab is." "FUCK. Like I could do anything, Lex?" "I'm not sure what you COULD do, but without that certainty, we'll keep things secret. At least for now. Please put the blindfold on. Milking has to proceed." Lex had not jerked off kevin when he was finished with his fucking. kevin thought it was just to show his control, but it seemed that demand for semen was high. VERY high. On the way to the lab, Lex spoke a bit of it. Frilcus very much needs to develop an army. A BIG one for their plans. They're long term and I'm optimistic. In time, they will capture your earth. They are a very sexualized people, and believe very strongly in domination and submission. And they favor earthling men as the ideal submissives." He patted kevin's leg. "Although I must say I part company with them there, and prefer Kryptonians. One in particular. But they are willing to pay handsomely for semen from ANY superior source. And as you know, yours has always commanded top dollar. " He sighed. "I wish I could have captured others. Flash was already taken, and so was Green Lantern. And then Arrow. I dreamed of an empire, but once we get you producing at capacity, kevin, we will do just fine."

kevin felt the limo begin to decelerate. Then he felt a swoop of air. They were in a cargo elevator, bringing the limousine to the floor where Lex had his lab. When he took off the blindfold, the darkness of the elevator soothed kevin's eyes, but as it opened up onto the bright, antiseptic lab, he had to squint. It was another of the minor things he had taken for granted as superman.

Technicians were everywhere. And in the center of the room: the machine one technician had named "Bessie". The "milking machine." kevin knew it well. How Lex had salvaged it from the disaster that he had to escape from. "No, this is "Bessie II" superstud. We rebuilt it and made it more... powerful. As you will experience. Kindly strip, kevin." "What if...." Lex leered at him. "You really want to begin now? It is fine with me." Weakened by what had happened, kevin complied. He felt the technicians strap him down and then he felt the all too familiar suction device attach to his cock. "We have something new as well. Actualize the tickler." kevin heard a buzz from the machine and then he felt a firm, flexible object press against his balls. "We'll try this. It had no impact on your production as superman, but there is work showing that testicular stimulation with a tickler, increases sperm output. We shall see. " There was another whirr, and a screen dropped down to a point where kevin could see it. "Of course, I had a camera taping our encounter tonight, superstud. From start to finish. Let's see how long it takes to have an impact on you, if it does at all." Just before the film started, Lex locked a collar on kevin's neck so that he couldn't turn away from the screen. And the film had an immediate effect. As soon as Lex's face showed up, kevin's cock began to stiffen. "I'M FLATTERED, SUPERSTUD. I thought it was only my cock you liked." "FUCK YOU SHIT" kevin yelled and he felt his cock get even harder. The tickler was enabled. It felt good and he tried to push down to get more of it. "Let me give you a little help, since you are, essentially, a newbie." Lex walked over and got to work on kevin's nipples, squeezing one and biting the other. He stopped at one point. "What should your new ring be? One that ends in 'L' to show who's property you are? An 'S' with a line through it? We can always change that when your powers come back? SO many possibilities. "How about nothing? " kevin grunted, as he realized: he was as hard as he ever got before an orgasm. "Stop the tickler, please." Lex said it in a deadpan voice. "And stop the film. I will take care of the rest. " "Yes Mr Luthor" was the collective response. The technicians left and it was just kevin/superman, and Lex. Lex put a hand on kevin's balls, and held them. His voice dropped. "You know you want this, superman, kevin, clark, whatever you want to call yourself. I will just call you MANBITCH, and you will answer." His lips grazed superman's and superman responded. "Yes sir. I will. I will respond to my Master." A fingernail across superman's right nipple did it. The pump activated as his semen poured out. Lex summoned the technicians who measured it. "Good quality. Very thick, very viscous, but good volume. More than we expected." "Our goal was 50% of what you did produce as our super milk cow. I believe that vial indicates: 68%?" "Yes Mr. Luthor." "A few tweaks in your diet, and perhaps Dr. Golodny's latest filter, will get those yields up. Soon, you will be my prized steer again."

Kevin had his appointment with Dr. Golodny the next day. He stripped down to his gym shorts before getting on the examination table, and Dr. Golodny entered with another man in a white lab coat. "Kevin, I'd like to introduce you to the newest member of our team. This is Dr. Herman Muller. He is very experienced in these filtration devices and we believe he will be a valuable asset to the team." Muller smiled at him. "Mr. Clark, I hope you do not mind. I am fully familiar with your case, and I believe I may have ideas to offer Dr. Golodny on adapting the filters." "Of course, Dr. Muller. If Dr. Golodny trusts you, I trust you." Golodny smiled. "You know the position Kevin. I hope I don't have to say that much longer." "That makes two of us, Doc." Kevin got on the table and allowed himself to be strapped in. "We'll do the blood work while the filtration is happening , Kevin. We're trying a new adaptation this time. We do not know the nature of the molecules that cause the poisoning, so we're working with a 'cocktail' of affixed materials to draw them out. Let's begin the circulation protocol." He did. A syringe went into Kevin's arm and his blood, now bright red but with that slight tinge of green that you would only recognize if you were looking for it, started filtering through the device. After ten minutes, Golodny turned from the monitor. "Kevin, there are two things happening that are of interest. I don't know if they are related but we need to let you know. First, this filter seems to be taking MORE of the kryptonite from your blood than previously. The second thing - and I don't know if these are related - the testosterone content of your blood is much higher than in the past. I have no idea why that is. " Kevin blushed. "I sort of had a date last night Doctor." "AH! I see. This is a very personal question but I believe it is relevant: was their sex involved?" Kevin continued to blush, "Yes Doctor." He and Muller consulted. "The theory behind it is not something we understand, Kevin, but it appears that the testosterone may have modified the kryptonite molecules in some way to make them more amenable to the filtration device." "So... more of it is coming out?" Golodny smiled. "It seems that way. My understanding is that the refractory period between removal of kryptonite and the return of your powers, is 5-10 minutes. I'd like to see what happens in that length of time. We'll continue to filter your blood of course." "Yes, of course." "If you don't mind, I will have Dr. Muller observe you for those ten minutes, Kevin. I want to return some calls, and I can't do anything but stand here and watch." "We'll be fine," Kevin answered and Dr. Muller smiled. When Golodny left, Muller approached Kevin and smiled , "Well, it seems we have an ideal situation. You, Dr. Golodny.... and Mr. Luther would all like to see you regain your powers." Kevin pushed at the straps. "YOU! YOU WORK FOR LUTHOR?" "Relax, superman, relax. Trust me, Mr. Luthor has absolutely NO interest in you suffering any further damage. Indeed, he would prefer to have you regain your powers. It would make things much more interesting for him." He folded his arms and smiled. "I had the idea that the testosterone that is still in your blood from your encounter with Mr. Luthor would help clear the molecule. And perhaps... increasing your testosterone will speed things up." He approached superman, his fingers stretched out for his nipples. Kevin fought against the straps. He made more progress than the last time, but they still held him fast. "Now, don't scream, superman. Surely you would like this to be over." The manipulation of Kevin's nipples stimulated his gonads, and testosterone began to pour into his blood. "Hmmm. It seems I will have to change the filter. This one seems saturated," As Muller changed the filter, Kevin thought that he felt the seams on his shorts begin to strain. Losing his powers had meant he had lost bulk and muscle tone. The removal of the krypto molecule was reversing that.

Were his legs growing even as the filtration happened? He tried the straps again and ... POP! The thinnest one broke. Golodny entered the room again. "Well, it looks like we're having a run of success here, Kevin. One filter, completely filled, another, almost half filled and.... are my eyes deceiving me or are you putting on muscle mass as the system is working?" "I wondered the same thing Doctor." Golodny looked at his watch. "Okay. While these results are extremely encouraging, I think we have to call it a day. It's just not safe to do ex corporeal blood circulation for longer than we have." He and Muller began shutting down the device.

As they removed the straps and Kevin sat up, Golodny spoke to him. "I may be being much too optimistic - a doctor should never fall into that trap - but I would make some suggestions to you Kevin. First, if as we suspect the kryptonite is leaving your body, your original physique is going to return, and it is going to return quickly. You must be ready for that: none of us want your shirt to explode while you are in the middle of the street. Second.... so that it is MUSCLE mass and not just MASS, you'll need to increase your time at the gym - and I must ask, do you have any access to a private gym because, this can happen suddenly and.. "Dr. Golodny, if I may, I have an acquaintance who does have such a gym. I'm sure we could arrange for private hours for Mr. Clark. "Luthor's gym" superman thought to himself. It's where Luthor made superman work out when he was his prisoner. "EXCELLENT. Let's get these things into place. Kevin, I think it would be best if we see each other more quickly next time. Things will be happening and we have to make sure we have them under control." "Agreed Doctor." "Then Monday?" "Monday it is, Doc." He shook Kevin's hand. "Enjoy your weekend." Kevin looked for Muller and didn't see him. He pulled on his clothing, which fit more tightly and headed out. He knew that his testosterone levels would remain high: Luthor would have plans for him , that he knew.

Luthor didn't call on Thursday and all through Thursday night, Kevin kept on waking as his body expanded. He could feel things changing . At one point, he decided to give his heat vision a try. He went to his kitchen with a section of the day's newspaper. He focused, and focused hard. It didn't happen immediately, but the paper began to smolder and then it did catch on fire. "IT'S COMING BACK!" It was going to take a while though, because when he tried to burn a second section, it didn't happen. Still, he could see his biceps at nearly the size they had been before he lost his powers. He tried to pick up the bed from the bottom two legs and he did it easily, even holding it with one hand. Kevin had a big smile on his face when he reached into his closet for his older clothes: what he wore when he was superman. They were bigger and he needed them now. He smiled as he pulled the buttons together. "Might treat myself to some new clothes. Never know." None of his current suit pants would fit him, but it was Friday. He could go to work dressed casually. "Looks like the workouts are doing their job Kevin" one of his co-workers said as the man walked past Kevin's office. That happened a few times that day. Kevin had mixed feelings when nothing else happened that day: it seemed the current "spurt" had stopped which meant he didn't have to worry about bursting out of his clothes, or accidentally crushing something with strength he had regained, but on the other hand, he wanted it all back even if it meant that Luthor was going to be after him even more. The truth was, Kevin/superman had learned he really didn't have the weapons to defeat Luthor: it wasn't just the kryptonite. Other villains had used kryptonite on him, and they were all dead or in jail. It was the combination of the kryptonite and the sexual domination that defeated superman every time. Lex wasn't just playing: he truly enjoyed having superman as his sexual slave. Kevin/superman wouild never admit it, but there was a part of him that liked it too. He wished he didn't, but Lex's masculinity and his attitude just undid superman every time they met. And after the call, they were meeting on Friday night. He heard Luthor's voice. "Yes, Lex?" "You know, you're gonna have to start using Sir again, supersub." Kevin took a deep breath. He knew this would happen, and he hadn't figured out how he was going to answer. Lex continued. "So I heard the new filtration is working. Good old Dr. Muller." "How the hell did you get someone in Golodny's lab, Lex?" "He's top of his field. Golodny couldn't turn him down. And just remember superbottom, he can reverse whatever he did." A chill went through Kevin. "So what do you want Lex?" "Oh, you know the answer. YOU. Did you pack a weekend bag?" A pause. "Yeah, I did." "GOOD. Can't wait to see your hot body. Dressed, and naked. Meet me when you leave work. I'll be waiting." Kevin heard the deep resonant voice, and inadvertently, his hand went to his crotch.

Less than an hour later, kevin was on his back underneath Luthor. Luthor has Kevin's left wrist pinned down, his knee in Kevin's crotch and he was smiling as he tickled the man's navel. "Look at that beautiful studly body. All those muscles. ALL under my control." His mouth found the left side of kevin's neck and he began nibbling. "You're so HOT kevin. SO FUCKING HOT. Just the way I like you." "I'm gonna get bigger Lex. And stronger. " Lex smiled. "I'm afraid not stud. I like you the way you are. Not gonna be anymore improvements." Kevin tried to get up but he didn't have the strength yet. Luthor held him down securely. "What the hell do you mean? I haven't finished treatments." "Yeah, but think about it superstud. You're as handsome as ever. Your body is as hot as ever. Who needs your superpowers?" "FUCK. You mean.." "I mean, you're gonna stay a big, studly man who happens to be a bottom sub, superstud. " "NO. I'm not doing that!" "We'll see." He opened buttons on kevin's shirt and and began teasing his right nipple. "Ring right back here. " "I'M NOT DOING THIS AGAIN," kevin kept on fighting and Lex reached for the restraints. When he had them attached he unbuttoned kevin's shirt completely. "Think of this way, ex superman. Now, I don't have to use a kryptonite cock ring on you, I don't have to have a kryptonite pierce in your tit. You'll be in so much less pain. You'll just be.... an average, day to day... MANBITCH." "THIS IS WHAT YOU PLANNED ALL ALONG BASTARD ISN'T IT? TURN ME INTO A MUSCLE BOY AND ENSLAVE ME." Lex smiled and whispered. "It's working. Look at that hard cock of yours." It was true. Kevin had a raging hard on. "We'll have Bessie II take care of you... after you take care of me." He bent kevin's knees. kevin resisted but a smack to his balls ended that fight. Lex unzipped his pants and aimed his huge cock head at his captive's ass. "You LOVE getting fucked by me, don't you, superbottom?" He began pushing in and kevin took a deep breath. He didn't answer, and Lex thrust harder. "I asked you a question, bottom bitch. You like it." kevin began to moan as he took more of Lex's cock. Lex was fucking him very, VERY slowly, stopping along the way, and kevin was writhing, feeling every bit of it. Then there was the big thrust. "ANSWER MY QUESTION MANCUNT." "YES! YES I LOVE GETTING FUCKED BY YOU. OK? " He saw Lex smile. "God, it's gonna be GREAT being able to shave you to make you look like a REAL bitch. He shot into superman's ass. superman shook all over from the force of the jizz. He DID love it. "Now, we've got you nice and primed. May as well get that cum juice milked. " Luthor was alone that night: he had plans to work superman over until he gave up again, and he wanted it to be just the two of them. "I'm gonna let this pump you for about four hours, stud muffin. Get you as drained as possible." The massager got to work on superman's balls as the suction began. The first load was easy: superman was so close to the edge that he just blew the load almost immediately. It took more time for the second one. And the third. By the sixth one, it was just droplets. Lex came in, naked. He was hard again. "I think I want your mouth, superbitch. " He smiled. kevin thought about .... maybe causing some pain, but he looked at Luthor's cock. He wanted it. He wanted it wherever Lex put it. Lex straddled his captive and fed him his cock. kevin/superman took it, thinking all the while about what Lex was going to do to him that weekend. And as he thought about it, the seventh load was as big as the fourth one.

Next: Chapter 3

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