Power of Six

By Line One

Published on Aug 5, 2001


Disclaimer: Not a true story, but involving the real people of NSYNC as well as their staff members Johnny Wright and Lonnie. I don't really know them. Honest. Power of Six is my creation entirely. This part is R rated since it involves rape.

Notes: Shout out to Jimmy V, Tiffany, Alex, Josh, and Pretty lil Tea Cup, and anyone who I missed who's written me. Also read my other story Legend of Bellancia if you haven't already. I plan on getting the second part to the prologue out soon.

line1@gay.com Or lineuno@hotmail.com

Use both if you get no response after two days otherwise one will work. I noticed that some stories say by SLUboy18 and some Line1 it's the same person but I'll go by Line1 for now or I'll try to. There is only one author of Power of Six ok.

Power of Six Story of One Part Five: The Date

Once they all got into the limo Dvi couldn't help but feel nervous. The black leather interior, television, hi-tech cd deck and refreshment area were more extravagant than the life he was accustomed to. Justin was the only one who knew liked him and being around Justin made him nervous, a different good kind of nervous, nervous nonetheless. Dvi was thankful that he'd gotten a window seat so he could look out at the passing city and try and distract himself from his present situation.

Seeing the Dvi wasn't exactly comfortable Jc spoke up. "Dvi relax we don't bite." He said laughing a bit at the end.

"Hey speak for yourself!" Joey pouted.

"Yeah! I haven't had of my shots!" Chris defended.

"Ignore them we all try to." Jc said referring to Chris and Joey.

Chris shouted.

"Yeah with a voice that shrill how could you not notice?" Justin threw in.

"You're going down Curly!" Joey replied pointing at Justin attempting a menacing look.

"Thanks Joey at least someone loves me." Chris smirked.

"Oooo! Joey loves Chris!" Jc said in a singsong voice. To which Dvi could help but laugh at in an effort to relieve his nervous tension.

"Hey! Joey." Chris asked.

"What Chris?" Joey said playing along knowing what was about to go down.

"I think laughing boy here needs some special S.Y T.L.C." He replied with his ever-present mischievous grin.

"Don't you two dare!" Justin threatened his band mates putting a protective arm around Dvi. Happy for the assistance Dvi stuck his tongue at Chris and Joey to which the two just had to reciprocate.

Noticing where Justin's arm lie Dvi couldn't help but tense a little from giddiness. Justin wanted to protect him. Dvi thought.

"J can't protect you all the time shortie." Joey leered at Dvi to which Dvi responded with his tongue.

"Don't show it unless you're willing to use it." Jc uncharacteristically threw in.

"Hey! You're supposed to be on our side." Justin whined.

"I walked into that one didn't I?" Dvi directed to Jc.

"Yup, you did." Jc smiled.

Joey got an overly dramatic look of shock, "He can talk!" To which the limo burst into laughter.

"Hey! We're here!" Chris noted.

Dvi looked out the window and stared at the hotel where he was going to spend the evening. He couldn't help to but enjoy the prospect of being at the luxurious Adam's Mark Hotel.

The limo pulled into the parking garage, findings its way to the bottom of the structure. Basically it was like most other parking structures. The only exception was the area around the elevator. A tan contoured cement wall contrasted against the gray smooth concrete walls around it. The elevator had a gold colored frame and doors. The entire aspect was an anachronism. The limo finally stopped and seven tall, large men got out of the car next to them, mostly black with the exception of the white and Hispanic men. Despite this they were all dressed in identically styled black dress pants and black t-shirts with a logo that Dvi couldn't read as the men were too far away.

The others in the limo noticed Dvi was a bit shaken by the men. "Don't worry those our the body guards." Chris told Dvi.

"Oh." He said feeling a little stupid. He now could read the WEG logo on the shirts.

"Aw don't look like that. They can be scary sometimes. Very grumpy if you wake them by jumping on them." Justin whispered into Dvi's ear causing both arousal and a laugh in Dvi.

"Justin what WEG?" Dvi asked out of curiosity.

"Wright Entertainment Group. That's Johnny our manger's company." Justin responded.

"Dvi let me tell them you're here before you get out of the limo. They can get overprotective at times." Jc told the younger man.

Chris and Jc got out of the limo before the rest.

"What are you all waiting for? Let's get into hotel. We don't want to push our luck. I really don't feel like saving your sorry asses from a horde of fans at the moment." One of the guards said to Jc pulling him toward the elevator.

"Just a sec Lonnie. Justin brought someone, so be nice. Oh yeah and Lance didn't come with us." He said hoping Lonnie would remain calm. Jc hoped that Lonnie wouldn't over react to what he just said. <How could I have been so stupid? Now Lonnie's going to think Dvi and Justin are dating. He's never liked any of Justin's dates before, all four of them. Especially the last one but then again neither did any of the guys.>

"You couldn't have called and told us this. Where the hell is Lance?" Lonnie asked. Lonnie did notice how Jc introduced the new comer he could see in the car. He knew Dvi was a potential boyfriend. Still form experience Lonnie knew that he had to be nice to Justin's boyfriends. The third of Justin's four previous boyfriends had resulted in an animated shouting match between bodyguard and charge. Justin was angry at the way Lonnie was treating his boyfriend. There was nothing that was particularly wrong with him. This lead to the reason the boyfriend had become so much of a problem. No one wanted to tell Justin he was no good for him since the knew he'd bite there head off. Lonnie said nothing out of fear of being fired.

<So, much for luck> "He's at Tim's house. Um" He thought for a moment. "Tim Starks house one of the acts we saw today. We signed them to tour with us so Lance wanted to talk to their resident Lance." Jc informed Lonnie.

"Ok are the others getting out of the limo today." Lonnie asked pretending to be impatient by raising an eyebrow and insistently tapping his foot.

As Joey, Justin, Dvi got out of the limo the rest of the bodyguards surrounded the singers in the usual formation.

When Lonnie first saw Dvi he liked what he saw. <He's not bad looking I guess. Shorter than Chris and as slender as Jc so at least I don't have to worry about him hurting Justin. They'll make a cute couple I hope they work out. >

"Lonnie this is Dvi." Jc said to Lonnie pointing at Dvi.

"And Dvi this is Dvi." Chris said to Dvi about Lonnie.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Lonnie said shaking hands with Dvi.

"It's nice to meet you too ss-sir." Dvi said still intimidated by Lonnie's size and girth.

"Heh! I like this one. Just call me Lonnie." Lonnie said. Dvi was scarred of him. Not that it was odd. Lonnie frightened many people, which is why he was hired. He still took comfort that Dvi was afraid of him unlike the last boyfriend. <Bastard! > Lonnie thought remembering Patrick. He could help but notice the manner which Justin and Dvi made eye contact. He looked at Dvi and then Justin, furrowed his brow and then crossed his fingers asking Justin if he was dating Dvi without actually saying a word.

Justin nodded his head with a big smile.

Lonnie thought. This was atypical since he rarely made assumptions about people without knowing them a while. That was one of his many qualities that made him such a good head of security. He couldn't help but think that about Dvi he had an air about him that reminded him of Justin.

Justin could read Lonnie like a book and knew that Dvi and Lonnie would get along great.

The group made their way to the elevator. Lonnie swiped his key card in the elevator and they waited for to reach penthouse level.

"Dvi do you know when you'll be leaving or around what time. I'd like to have someone at each of your houses just in case someone saw you with the guys, especially reporters." Lonnie stated.

"Um no I hadn't really thought of that." Dvi said not really sure how to respond. "Would you like me to call them and have them all spend the night in one house?"

"If you could that would make our job easier." Lonnie replied right when the elevator dinged signifying their arrival to the penthouse. <Smart and thinks of others, this kid's just keeps getting more and more brownie points. I'll have to look for his girl scout uniform when the tour begins. > Lonnie thought stifling a chuckle.

The four of the security guards were the first off. Then guys and the rest of the security, Jc, Justin, and Dvi, headed towards Justin and Jc's suite. Chris and Joey headed to theirs. Before entering their suite "Hey Chris, Joey wanna join us for a movie?" He asked the two, not bothering to ask Jc who would undoubtedly say yes.

"Nah I have to call my family before they leave for vacation." Chris responded.

"I promised Scoop I'd help him out with Freelance and NSYNC stuff. He's way backed up. Since I haven't done a thing yet I'm pretty well set for the night." Joey responded receiving a shocked look from the rest of the men. Chris, Jc, and Justin thought at the same time followed by <Joey agreed to do work when he could go clubbing? > Completely confused at this turn of events they went to their rooms.

"Ok night guys." Justin and Jc replied, while Dvi merely managed a shy wave.

The remaining three made their way toward the other suite. "Hey Josh you're up for a movie right?"

Though he had been heading toward the smaller of the two rooms in the suite Jc stopped. "Sure what we watching?"

"I dunno." Justin responded.

"How about a horror flick." Jc chided.

"NO!" Dvi and Justin shouted.

Jc could at help but laugh at the two not only for being yellow but also for acting jinx worthy. "Ok fine how about sci-fi or thriller/suspense?"

"Could we watch 12 Monkeys?" Justin said with wide eyes of hope.

"Sure I guess but haven't we seen that one enough yet?" Jc asked since he'd seen it at least once every two months with Justin.

"I've never seen it." Dvi entered the conversation.

"Oh! Then we have to see it." Justin answered.

"Yes we do." Jc said. He resumed the trek to his room.

Justin started for his room the master bedroom. Dvi, not sure if he should follow, plopped on the couch in front of the swanky entertainment system. The system was complete with surround sound, cd-record-tape-radio deck, VCR, and DVD player as well as the essential big screen television. Dvi decided it best to take this time to call the Elsie.

=Elise? = Dvi asked.

=Yes, what is it Ave? = Elsie asked using her favorite nickname for Dvi.

=Well, I was talking to Lonnie. He's N'SYNC's security manager. He was going to assign a guard to each of us. = Dvi explained.

=Ave dear you're babbling. I love you like a third foot but spill it please. I have to crap like you wouldn't believe. = Elsie whined.

=Lauren with a mouth like that it's a wonder you haven't found a man yet. = He joked.

=Shut up and get to the point or I'll tickle you till you pee. = Elsie threatened Dvi, subsequently one of her favorite things to do with her best friend.

=Lonnie thought it'd be best if we all could stay at one house once you guys are done packing and what not. = He explained to his friend.

=Ooo! That means we have to stay at your house. You do have the only home with enough rooms. Can I have your room? You got the comfiest bed. Please, I'll be your best friend! = Elsie kidded her "adopted" brother knowing he always let her share his bed.

=Of course you can, and you're already my best friend dork! = He shot back.

=Oh! You're so going to wet yourself when my fingers get a hold of you. = She said.

=Thanks for the warning. Could you please tell the others the news? = Dvi said looking at the clock.

=Sure no problem. Have a good date. Laters. = She said.

=Kay, bye= Dvi hung up his cell phone.

Justin came back ten minutes later, three minutes after Dvi finished his call. "There you are you could have followed me silly."

"I didn't feel comfortable going in your room. I know its silly but we just met and." Dvi said until Justin was interrupted.

"It's ok. Um there's something I wanted to ask you. I'd really like to take this, us, slow." Justin said his eyes showing his trepidation.

"I'd like that." Dvi said his eyes wide, happy that he and Justin were on the same wavelength.

"Cool." Justin's fear vanished.

"Ok let's start this thing." Jc said jumping on the couch from behind.

"What were you up to Jc?" Justin asked his best friend.

"Nothing much just writing down so CD's I want to buy before I forgot what they were, and I checked my messages and emails." He answered with a shrug.

"And you didn't invite me for the excitement." Dvi added.

"Man! You just met Chris and Joey and they're already rubbing off on you." Jc said crossing his arm and protruding his lower lip in an effort to look comical and earning a laugh from the two younger men.

"Wait we forgot the munchies. Jayce, drink?" Justin asked standing up.


"And you Dvi?" He asked winking.

"Same, flirt." He chided the slightly older young man.

"Ooo that hurt." Justin said clutching his heart comically. He then left to the kitchen area to retrieve the sodas--three cokes, and a bowl of M&M's.

"Ok now we can start the movie." Jc said stretching out on the over sized beige couch, which looked more like a cross between a bed and a sofa, and kicking off his shoes, the other two followed in suit.

When the movie began Dvi and Justin were about two feet apart. It took Dvi only five minutes before he scooted a foot closer. Sensing this Justin reciprocated with another bold move. He placed his hand on next to Dvi's, barely touching their pinkies together. After about five minutes that to Dvi seemed like an eternity with the new hard-on he was supporting at the moment Dvi decided to place his hand directly on top of Justin's larger hand. Justin however was not as nervous in the field of dating, waiting about a minute until he felt Dvi was used to the hand situation, Justin grabbed Dvi's hand intertwining their fingers. Immediately Dvi sucked in air and became very nervous.

<Holy shit we're holding hands. He really likes me. Ok act cool. Second thought can't think straight right now so screw cool. Don't embarrass yourself. Just go with it. He said we'd take it slow. I hope our "slows" are the same. Damn this feels nice. His hand is so smooth and strong and warm. Ow my pants are tight. Calm down, breathe, try and think icky thoughts like naked women. Eww girls are gross, but that's not working. Wow! I'm really not watching the movie. I'll have to remember to see this again and actually see it. I'm definitely not going to be paying any attention to it tonight. > Dvi's thoughts raced.

Justin looked at Dvi after he grasped the younger man's hand. How could he not help but look at Dvi <Damn he's cute. I hope Lonnie's right; he sure did like Dvi when he first met him. Lonnie doesn't like anyone when he first meets him or her. Damn Dvi's soo cute and innocent. Lonnie didn't even like my mom; it took him a full month. He's got dimples. Aww! He's staring at our hands now. Hey where's Josh! >


Dvi and Justin immediately gasped but relaxed when they saw the cause of the din. Jc was standing right in front of them with a huge-ass grin holding hi digital camera.

"Sorry it looked too Kodak-y. Besides you'll thank me later." Jc said. He'd noticed the two weren't watching the movie and had left three minutes ago. Neither of them had noticed the older singer leave, nor did they notice him return and stand right in front of them, blocking their view of the movie.

The two younger men blushed a deep red. Then they proceeded to stick their tongues out simultaneously. The like-mindedness of the two singers made Jc laugh. Rolling his eyes he sat back down and started watching the movie again.

The two younger singers were lost in their own world however. Dvi refocused his attention from the camera incident and back to his and Justin's interlocked hands. Justin took no time in noticing what Dvi was doing. Dvi took a moment away from the hands and look at his cute and sexy boyfriend. He could help but admire his sexy chin and nose. Justin feeling Dvi glaring at him looked Dvi in the eyes causing Dvi to blush. Then Justin turned to Jc who had been nice enough to block Justin and Dvi from view by a strategically placed pillow. Justin then looked back at their hands and began to rub the back of Dvi's hand with his thumb.

Justin's rubbing brought a new sensation of pleasure that Dvi had never experienced before. Dvi spent half an hour staring at his and Justin's hands while Justin continued to rub Dvi's hand. After that half hour Dvi decided to start rubbing Justin back using his thumb to rub Dvi's index finger. This continued for the remainder of the movie, neither man actually watching the movie. They did however reposition their hands ever so often.

Both men would have been more than happy to stay in their position for days. However, the movie eventually had to end. They didn't notice though. Jc broke their mutual infatuation, "Well that was fun but I'm going to go and bug Chris now Have a good date bye see ya both later." Jc hopped out of the couch and left the suite. THE DATE THE DATE THE DATE THE DATE THE DATE THE DATE THE DATE THE DATE THE DATE THE DATE





































The Date

"Wow! It's almost five. Looks like we're both tardy for our date." Justin exclaimed.

"Tardy? What year are you in?" Dvi teased.

"Sorry I thought late would sound funny." Justin explained with a mock angry glare.

"How so?" Dvi's curiosity had been piqued.

"Well just say it using late in place of tardy." Justin explained.

"Looks like we're both late for our date." Dvi sounded out each word slowly. "OH! 'Late for our date.' That rhymes, that's also corny, but so is tardy." Dvi pointed out.

"Are you hungry or not?" Justin trying to get a little angry.

"Yup, I was too busy staring at someone to eat those." Dvi pointed to the M&M's.

"I know Josh is kind of cute." Justin stated.

"Is he? I didn't notice I was busy staring at you." Dvi was smooth and confident, an odd turn of events.

"Ooo! Good answer. Come on the menus in my room." Justin took Dvi's hand and led him into his room. His room was a typical hotel room but everything in it was more extravagant. He had five times more room and a smaller scale of the entertainment system in the main room of the suite. Justin went to the nightstand and picked up the menu. "Ok, here it is," with that he took Dvi, still holding Justin's hand, and went back to the main room. "You said you didn't feel comfortable being in my room. So, were you uncomfortable?" Justin asked with one raised eyebrow.

"No I was only there for less than a minute." Dvi said accusingly.

"I know I was just playing." Justin defended.






"Let's order shall we?" Justin asked knowing they would end up in a passionate make out session if he didn't end that name-calling spree. (They agreed to take things slow remember. Making out on the first date is not taking things slow. It's not! EVER!).

"Wow they have almost every thing on here." Dvi remarked.

"Hey we only get the best!" Justin exclaimed. "See anything you want?"

"Yup, fettuccine alfredo." Dvi said proudly.

"And I'll be eating the 7oz. steak fillet." Justin said. "And to drink?"

"I dunno you have more coke?" Dvi asked.

"Yeah but I was thinking virgin drinks or shakes or smoothies. Let's indulge a little." Justin smiled.

Dvi didn't want to seem like he was mooching off of Justin but if Justin was offering he didn't want to seem ungrateful. "Um sure what looks good?"

"How about frozen daiquiris?"

"What flavor?"

"Strawberry of course."


"Cool I'll get a whole picture." Justin reached for the phone and placed the order.

"You just better be sure that those are virgin. I don't want you getting me drunk and having your way with me." Dvi informed Justin.

Justin frowned a bit that Dvi would think so little of him. Dvi began to speak again, "At least not yet I mean." They both had to laugh at that remark.

"What'd ya wanna do till the food gets here?" Justin asked being polite and thinking of his guest first. (His momma raised him right and proper and he was proud to show it.)

"We could watch TV. And talk." Dvi suggested.

"Cool but, we have to watch MTV." Justin stated.

"What else is there to watch?" Dvi acted shocked. He plopped on the couch and turned on the TV, which was already on MTV.

Rather than jump over and onto the couch like Jc and Dvi did, Justin walked around and sat near Dvi. Right when he sat down "Bye, Bye, and Bye" came on.

"Ugh! Can we change it to VH1?" Justin asked weary of watching the video.

"Sure no prob bob." Dvi switched to the other station.

"Sorry don't get me wrong I'm proud of the video. I just don't like watching myself." He explained to Dvi.

"Despite being worshipped by millions of girls Justin Timberlake still remained self conscious." Dvi teased in a Behind the Music narrator voice.

Justin had to laugh at that. "Pretty much. So when you become famous in like six months will you be as self conscious as I am?"

"Right like me or let alone Power of Six will be famous in six months." Dvi could help but laugh.

"Hey you'll be touring with the mighty NYSNC. Plus I know these things, so don't argue." Justin beamed.

"I don't know, videos? Sounds like too much work." Dvi questioned.

"It is but it's worth it. Especially when you win an award or see someone copy you dancing from a video. That's the best feeling. Them you know you've made it." Justin started to get all nostalgic and teary eyed.

"By the way that was a cute little We-won-moon-man-dance you did at the VMA's." Dvi told Justin

Justin in turn blushed. "Hey let's see how you react to winning a MTV award." Justin defended and a moment later there was a knock on the door.

"Food's here," Justin said. "Wow! That was quick its only been what 15 minutes. I'll have to be sure we stay here more often. Dvi, remind me to tell Scoop." Justin said opening the door. He allowed the security guard to pull in the cart and handed him a twenty. "Thanks Dale."

"Who's Dale Justin?" Div asked.

"You saw him earlier he's one of the security guards. See they tip the room service a twenty and then the guard, usually Dale, brings the cart to us." He explained.

"Kay let's eat."

Justin brought the cart over to the dinning area of the main room and the two sat down. "So Dvi tell me about you're family." Justin asked curious to know more about the sexy little man before him.

"Um." Dvi started to get nervous. His family was a bit of a sore spot. Still he thought it best to get all of himself out in the open so Justin would know where Dvi was coming from. That way Justin would be able to understand what made Dvi the way he was. That's what Dvi hoped at least.

"Well to start let me be blunt. My mom and dad are dead." Dvi said not cold but not exactly breaking into tears either. Justin could tell that Dvi was over there death somehow.

"I'm sorry. It happened a while ago I take it." Justin asked.

"Yeah my dad was killed when I was eight and my mom was killed when I was nine." Dvi said picking at his food.

"You don't have to continue if you don't want to." Justin said kind of sorry he had asked that question.

"No its ok. I'm pretty much over it. If there's anything you want to know just ask." Dvi said starting to eat his food.

Not sure what to say Justin started cutting his fillet and ate some mash potatoes. Finally he had to break the silence. Knowing that this would be an issue later on, Justin resolved to get this all out. "So how did your dad die?"

"He was shot in the head in Dublin by a business competitor from France. The man's name was Jean De Martin. He's in jail now. He was into other shady business as well. I really tried not to learn a lot about him." Dvi said still eating his food. It wasn't that the conversation wasn't killing his appetite its just that he hadn't eaten in so long that he knew needed to eat, lest Elsie bite his head off.

"And you're mother." Justin asked with apprehension.

"She was raped and stabbed to death in Afghanistan. We were lost trying to find our way back to the hotel. We were there to close a deal that my father had made with a client there. My mom had just finished doing that and we're supposed to leave the next day. The next thing I know some guy threw me off the street and into a building. I was ok, just stunned. Then a bunch of guys started on my mom. It was really hot that day so she wore a business suit, a short skirt not pants. When the meeting was over she took off her coat jacket, rolled her sleeves up and unbuttoned her shirt a little. They started shoving her and hitting her. 'Dvi run to the hotel!' She screamed. They eventually got her to the ground and start ripping her clothes off." At this point Dvi couldn't eat any more. He did still manage to eat half of his meal. Justin managed only slightly less of his. "I was too scared to move." Dvi continued. "I knew it wasn't safe but, I could move. Eventually all her clothes were off and they start to... they... raped her. Not just once though, several times. I could hear her screams, and did nothing I just sat there. And when they stopped and left I walked over to her body, but she was dead. I ran so fast back to the hotel and called the Irish embassy of Afghanistan. I later learned that the men had been executed the next day for being drunk." At this point Dvi was in tears. Justin handed him a tissue and placed his hand on Dvi's back trying to comfort the younger man.

Dvi gladly took the tissue and wiped his eyes. "Thank you." was all Justin had to say and a damn of emotions inside Dvi finally burst. He'd finally met a guy who he liked and was ok with him as is. He stood up next to Justin and pulled Justin into a hug burying his face in Justin's chest crying his eyes out. Shocked a little at first, then embracing the smaller singer and rubbing the small of Dvi's back with one hand. Finally Dvi's sobbing relented. Dvi didn't pull away immediately. He took time to breathe in Justin's cologne up close. It smelled nice but then like he expected any less.

"So anything else you want to know?" Dvi asked finally pulling away from Justin who still held on lightly to Dvi's elbows.

"Who took care of you after that." Justin asked.

"Well my mom's best friend and our former nanny Timle. She was my first best friend even though she had twenty years plus on me. She was killed in a hit and run in Hamburg. Then my dad's partner Gavin Humphrey took me in but he died three months later of a heart attack. After that I had already met Elsie's family and her sister helped me get emancipated. Nina died just like Timle did."

This made Justin's heart break. No one should have to take all that pain on alone. It seemed as though everyone in Dvi's life was gone though. At least now he had Power of Six. Justin also noticed that despite all of that Dvi had a certain strength in him, like no matter how bad life got Dvi moved on, this made Justin fall for Dvi all over again.

"What about your family?" Dvi asked feeling he had said pretty much all he could about his.

"Well, my parents are divorced. My mom and dad are both remarried. Lynn is my mom and she's married to Paul my stepfather. There son, my half brother is Jonathan. Randall is my dad and he's married to Beth there had a son, also my half brother Steven. Steven's three and Jonathan's eight." Justin stopped not having a lot more to say.

"How'd you get started in show business?" Dvi asked curious to know the hot young man in front of him.

"Geez you really don't know anything about me. You're definitely doing a number on my ego." Justin kidded but went on. "I was always singing, or entertaining my family since I could walk and talk. My mom put me in every talent show she could. Believe me not because she wanted to but, because I begged and pleaded with her. I tried out for The New Mickey Mouse Club but was too young. I eventually went on Star Search." Justin paused after that from receiving a blank look on Dvi. "Star Search is a talent competition. I lost and then went to re-audition for the Mouse Club and got since I was old enough then. It got canceled after two seasons. Then I got a call from Chris and now I'm in NSYNC." Justin explained proudly. How about you? When did you decide to be an entertainer?"

"Well my mom and dad were in both musical theater. Naturally wherever they went I went. I was a normal curious kid who wanted to do what his parents did. Being their child I got many stage rolls as a baby and later as a little kid with a few lines. I basically grew up on stage. When I was six I landed the roll of Oliver in the musical Oliver. The cast was all children so my height didn't matter. I did various other musicals and plays after that. By the time I was eight I got a part in a show, a basic variety show, it was in Germany VielzahlZicklein. . The show was going to dubbed in French, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Dutch, and Romanian. We were off in the summer season so I had to fill that void. Since my mom got her start in the circus I had to be in one too. So we traveled to the states when the first season of the T.V. show ended and I landed a gig in Cirque Du Solie. I started as a tight rope artist. Eventually I got really good at it and the next year I did juggling and fire breathing up on the rope. By the third summer I convinced them to let me sing too. Somewhere in those six years I managed to graduate high school and get a associates in music through correspondence course work. When I was fourteen I'd burnt out and took off. When I was ten I'd met Nina who was eighteen. We became best friends, and then she introduced me to her sister. This was all after Gavin died. I'd only known Nina for two years before she was killed. After I'd finished the Cirque Du Solie I followed Lauren to her home in St Louis, which was actually the city where I was born. There I went for my bachelors in music. I also learned of Nina and Lauren's pop group Power of Six." Dvi explained until Justin interrupted.

"Who's Lauren?"

"Lauren Celeste is Elsie. Anyway at the time I thought the group was cool but I had not desire to sing or perform whatsoever. After Nina died the whole group mourned obviously. Still Nina had made them promise that the group would always continue with six members. They were looking to fill her spot. Lauren knew about my past and I told her that I wanted to perform again, sing again. I was fifteen at the time. The others members of Power of Six didn't really know I could sing, at least at a professional level" Dvi was interrupted.

"You sure can." Justin beamed.

"Thanks, so basically for five years Power of Six was on hold. The guys couldn't find a suitable replacement for Nina. They were still writing and stuff and performing folk, jazz, and classical music but you could tell that their hearts were into pop. Since I didn't move to St. Louis until I was sixteen I can't really tell you a lot about those days. When I did move there I played around with my guitar with Desna and Vina. By the time I was fifteen I had had a long enough break from the entertainment world. I got the itch bad! Still it was so hard to tell the guys that I wanted to replace Nina." Here Dvi began to cry again. "I mean I felt like I was trying to..."

"Take her place when all you wanted to do was perform again with them and keep Nina's dream alive." Justin added for Dvi.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Dvi laughed wiping his eyes.

"I know I didn't let you." Justin started getting all smart-ass.

"Any way, I tried out and they let me in. It took a lot of convincing though because all the songs were written for two female leads with large octaval ranges. I also have a large range but am obviously not a female. Together we all worked on reworking some of the songs for my voice." Dvi stopped.

"Hmm! Nice story." Justin remarked.

"I still haven't gotten the long version of your story. You skipped some major parts." Dvi scolded the older man.

"I'll get a complete story from Joey in the morning." Justin said.

"Why Joey?" Dvi was perplexed.

"Because he keeps all of our interviews' transcripts in his laptop. He also complied a biography of each of us up to the start of the last tour." Justin informed Dvi.

"Oh sounds like an interesting read. Joey has a organized side?" Dvi asked.

"Yeah he has his moments."

The two spent the rest of the night watching the VH1 behind the music marathon. They made sly remarks here and there and held hands. Around midnight Justin spoke up. "It's getting late."

"Wow it's midnight already." Dvi was surprised.

At this point Jc walked into the room. "Hey guys! Guess who came in a few hours ago."

"Who Jc?" Justin asked very much curious.

"Johnny, he wants to go over stuff with you guys tomorrow." Jc said pointing at Dvi and referring to Power of Six."

"So I guess Lance's room is taken?" Justin asked.


"That's ok, I'll take the couch then and Dvi can have my bed." Justin said.

"No, I can take the couch. You don't have to give up your bed." Dvi said not wanting to inconvenience Justin. "I can take a cab back home."

"No, Lonnie is very strict. None of the guards will let you out this late, not alone at least. See were on a skeleton crew until the tour starts again." Jc explained for Dvi. "Why don't you and Curly share his bed? You might enjoy the sleeping arrangement that is if you get any." Jc winked suggestively.

"That's why we won't share a bed. We want to take things slow." Justin told Jc.

"Oh ok, in that case Dvi will just have to share a bed with me." Jc stated stomping his foot to show he wanted no argument.

"Wouldn't it make more sense if we shared a bed Josh? We've done it more." Justin said knowing he would lose the argument.

"Maybe but it occurs to me that I need to bond with my best friend's date. Plus I don't like your wake up calls." Jc told Justin.

"What's wrong with the Justin Timberlake Ice Water Wake-Up Call?" Justin laughed.

"Any way I'm going to get ready for bed. You two can say your good nights. Night Curly." With that Jc left for his room.

"Well I guess this is good night." Justin said smiling.

"Yeah I guess."

Justin held out his arms and Dvi responded with a hug. "One piece of advice, Jc likes to grab stuff when he sleeps so if you two don't start out spooning you may end up be choked in a head lock. Trust me it happens." Justin laughed.

"Kay, night." Dvi said after the hug broke. Both men went to their rooms.

When Dvi entered Jc had just gotten out of the bathroom and changed into his pajamas. They consisted of a black tank top and red cotton pajama bottoms. "I'm gonna take a shot in the dark, you didn't bring sleeping clothes." Jc asked

"Um, no."

"Kay you can borrow some of mine. They might be a little big but they tie around the waist so at least they'll stay on." Jc went over to a dresser drawer and handed Dvi pair of white bottoms of the same style as Jc's.

"Um do you have any contact solution?" Dvi asked.

"Yeah I always keep some since Curly always forgets to buy some before he runs out. You need a case too?"


"They're both in the toiletry bad on the counter." Jc pointed towards the bathroom.

Dvi entered the bathroom and got ready for bed. Two minutes later he left having changed, removed his contacts and brushed his teeth with an unopened brush in Jc's bag. Dvi left the bathroom. "I used one of your unopened tooth brushes."

"It's ok. That was just in case."

Dvi sat down on the bed a little nervous. Jc picked up on this and scooted closer to the younger singer. He sat behind Dvi and started rubbing his shoulders. "Man your tense. Calm down I is not going to hurt ya." Jc laughed.

"I know it's just all kind of new."

Jc feeling Dvi had calmed down moved back over to his side of the bed. "If you need anything else just ask. I really mean it too don't be afraid to ask."

Remembering Justin's advice. "Jc?"


"Could you hold me?"


The two men fell asleep in each other's arms. Dvi felt a great sense of security and love as he drifted into slumber land. Even if the feelings were a fraternal love.

End of Part Six of Power of Six Story of One

Comments, suggestion, hate mail, questions lineuno@hotmail.com Or line1@gay.com

Just pick one please unless I take over two days to respond. I try and respond to all emails. I know at least seven people read this are there more? I'd like to hear from you!!!!!!

Oh yeah a fair warning the next part probably won't be as long as this one. Unless I get to a part sixty I don't plan on another part of this size.

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