Power of Six

By Line One

Published on Jun 28, 2001


Power of Six Story of One Part Five

Disclaimer: I don't know the members of NSYNC personally so anything I right about them is fiction in regards to the actions that take place in this story and any asumptions that I make about behaviors that they would make in the situations I presented as well as Justin and all members sexuality

This Chapter I'm going to play a game if you read it I've placed: (sp) next to some words that I think I spelled wrong. I'm thinking of giving a truly lame prize to whoever proves the most (sp) words are spelled wrong.

Shout out to my fans or at least those people who wrote me Jimmy V, Tiffany, Alex G, and someone else who I can't remeber who wrote me a while back. Write me again so I can acknowledge you.

I'm trying more character development and setting descriptions. I'm always open to a collaborator, editor, comment, GOOD OR BAD!!! my two emails are at the very bottom of this story. I would like to take this chance to thank all of the authors in nifty boybands I enjoy for this story. Chapter Five

by:Line One

Tim was the first one to the pine wood door. Tim noted the opaque(sp) glass in the door. he thought <at least they can't see how nervous we are.>

"Ok everyone we need to just take a deep breath and try not look so nervous. We've practiced our asses of in school and as a group. We can do this. We will do this. So lets just go in there, do our thing, and if they're not impressed it's their loss!" Elsie cheered.

"Elsie see, you're my hero." Dvi joked which got a modest laugh from everyone including Ted.

"He talked!" Vina could resist a chance fun on Dvi especially since she knew he'd blush. "Aw! He's blushing," She said in baby voice.

Tim finally spoke up. "Ok let's do it." He opened the door to find NSYNC sitting there in gray metal folding chairs at a cheap particle board(sp) table. Each member of Power of Six instantly got a lot more nervous then they already were with the expecption(sp) of Dvi. Despite their aprehension(sp) Power of Six remained fairly calm in their demeanor at least.

As the members of Power of Six entered the room Justin noticed the youngest in the group looked very familiar. With a knowing smile he winked at Dvi, leaned back in his chair, and waited for the group to begin.

"Ok when ever y'all are ready you can begin." Lance said slipping into his southern drawl.

"Do you want us to do it a cappella or can we use a an instrumental track?" Tim asked to NSYNC.

"Whatever you feel comfortable with." Jc answered.

Jon put the cd in the provided player, selected the track, and the members took there(sp) places. Each one thinking their own private fears.

<I hope Tim gets the right number of spins. He's done the right number the last ten times but I never know with him.> Vina worried.

<I hope I Justin like us. It would be soo cool to tour with him. Uh oh think gross thoughts I can't dance this hard.> Dvi said to himself.

<I hope I don't get too nervous or my voice will crack. I should have told the others about that nasty little idiosyncrasy (sp). Oh well! Too late now.> Desna shrugged.

<I hope I get the right number of spins. Why are spins so damned hard for me? I mean after Dvi and Vina who are tied for best dancer I'm next. Eh! Even if I do mess up they'll have to see our group's ability.> Tim thought.

<Damn I gotta pee!> Jon whimpered.

<Is Jc checking me out? Wait now's not the time. I can figure that out later. Note to self: all eye contact should be aimed above the heads of NSYNC to avoid making eye contact with Jc. Also that way I won't look like I'm trying to avoid him. I'm not but I am. Whoa! Slow down Lauren Celeste your getting all rambly.> Elsie fretted.

The months of practice they spent learning to preform(sp) this song definitely paid off. The harmonies were dead on, the dance moves sharp, and Dvi and Elsie knew exactly how to play the crowd during solos.

On the NSYNC stand point Power of Six was an actual act, unlike everyone else they'd seen. Lance sighed a relief that at least one act they saw was professional enough to open for them. At least now he wouldn't have to sleep with one eye open. He loved Chris, Justin, and Joey like brothers, but he also liked sleeping every now and then. Definitely not as much as.... If you don't know who I'm going to say then I hope your rock is comfy with plenty of the shady goodness.

<Damn now we have to let Lance sleep, what am I going to use all those airhorns(sp) for now? Stupid albino bastard. Oh well I'm sure I'll find something> Chris thought and looked over to Joey, who looked equally disappointed.

After Power of Six finished Justin was beaming for Dvi's group. Jc spoke up first. "Thank you, we'll need half a minute to discuss this. If you don't mind could you wait in the hall."? He said pointing to the (you guessed it) door (which lead to a hall) "Just come in if we don't call you in a minute." He finished and the members of NSYNC stood and formed a huddle.

The members of Power of Six left promptly and shut the dance room's door. They all stared at their shoes and the white and red linolem in a group nervous fashion.

Ted came up to Dvi and Desna and patted them on the back. "Don't worry you guys sounded awesome from out here. Don't worry compared to everyone else I've heard you've nailed it. Trust me I heard the completion unfortunately." Ted tried comfortingly. "How long did they say they'd be?"

"They said to come in after one minute." Jon replied.

"In that case 12, 11..." Ted began counting off.

"You are so not helping." Desna said giving Ted the fake evil eye. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Ok I vote they're in" Jc began

"Any one want to contest that" Lance asked. Only to be responded by a prompt series on No's.

After a brief period of silence Power of Six came back in the room to hear the news. Each member looking like they were about to be fired or expelled or something like totally mean, icky, and bad like that.(I'm trying for humor here good bad different?)

"Well its official if you want to open for us you're welcome to." Joey said for the rest of his group.

After a period of doing the oh my god I won the lottery dance, Justin went up to Dvi. "So where you wanna eat?"

"Eat? Oh yeah that's tonight I...." Dvi trailed off due his flabbergasted(sp) joy.

"Whoa bud calm down." He said putting his arm on Dvi's shoulder and leading Dvi over to a far corner of the dance room "Well what would you like Italian, Steak, Chinese, Fast food, Hotel room service?"

Just now noticing Justin's arm's locality. This served only to shift his elation of opening for NSYNC to nervous hormonal(sp) lust. Not surprising all he could manage was,"Uh, um could you pick." He answered with the intelligent addition of the puppy dog eyes albeit unintentionally.

"Sure, but I'm taking the easy way out. Which would be room service." Justin said.

"Ok now that we've made our decision we need to discuss what touring with us entails as far as dates, time on stage, sound checks and other parts of tour work. Then once that's all out we can have your answer." Lance said getting everyone's attention and defending his role as the business minded one.

"We've all ready discussed this and as long as we get food, toilet, shower, and sleep we reply yes." Tom answered for the group.

"Great I would still like to go over some other things with you." Lance said.

"Like when we'd start?" Elsie said.

"We start preparing for the tour in two days so we leave St. Louis for Louisiana. We'd really like if you could come down with us then. That would give you plenty of time to workout your choreography on our stage and get used to sound checks and what not. Do you guys have a choreographer by the way?" Lance asked to everyone.

"Yuppers that would be me." Vina said raising her hand.

"Ok then we will need your band music and or background tracks. Do you want back up dancers? We need to figure out time blocking as far as song length and costume changes go. If you have any. We also need the to send all of your music and lyrics to our legal department. Who writes all of your songs?" Lance asked.

"We do as a group. Well some are written by one member others are written by several or all." Elsie answered.

"We hadn't considered backup dancers or what songs we'd do." Jon said.

"OK. Sorry I know this is a lot all at once but this all needs to be worked out eventually not right so. Oh yeah! Who managers you?" Lance asked.

"We're self managed as of now." Desna answered.

"Ok. Then let ask. Have you thought of seeking an outside management company or otherwise you will definitely have to hire some one to do that job while you're on the road. Trust we you will need to that." Lance went on. "I'm sure Johnny wouldn't mind taking on another group. If not Freelance could take another client."

"Ooo! Shameless promotion" Vina kidded.

"We are probably going to do one on those three but, we'd have to discuss it privately as a group." Tim said.

"Come on Blondie I'm sure you got something else to throw at us." Vina teased pinching Lance's cheeks.

"Yes first of stop that. Who are you Joey?!" Lance said mockingly.

"Hey!" I heard that Joey spat.

"Heard what!?" Lance threw.

"I heard my name! That means your talking about me Poofu! I'm on to you!" Joey said pointing mock menacingly at Lance then turning back into his conversation with Jc and Chris.

"Anyways, do you have record contract? I'm sure we could have Johnny put a good word in for you with Jive." Lance said.

"No we don't but that would be great." Elsie said.

"Cool, well if you want to leave with us now you'll have to get packed and tie up all your loose ends." Lance said walking away.

"Whew! I'm glad we made the contingency plan A and B for if this happened. Tim is Brad still ok with plan A?" Desna asked.

"Yuppers! I remember to ask when we found out about this tryout. I sent the list of stuff via snail mail and to his two email accounts. I also left a copy of the list in the emergency drawers of each of our dwellings. So, I think we're covered on that end." Tim beamed.

"Bless our college educated overly prepared natures." Jon chided.

"Cool then all we have to do is pack stuff." Elsie sighed at the prospect of leaving her more than comfortable life for the hectic road life she'd only heard from Dvi's experiences. "Well all we have to do is get Dvi away from Justin and get a packin'." Elsie stated.

Tim went over to the corner Justin and Dvi had found. "Hey Dvi we're going to head out now to pack and stuff."

"What time is it now Tim? Dvi asked his groupmate.

"It ten till three. Why?" He asked Dvi.

"Well we kinda had a dinner date at four but we could move it back to whenever you're ready." Justin answered.

"No, I can pack afterwards besides I still have tomorrow." Dvi defended.

"Or I could come over after dinner and help you pack. I'm very good at it." Justin added.

"Sure and you could stay in one of the guest room too if you want to." Dvi stated lost in Justin's eyes.

"Sure." Justin answered. "So you wanna just come back to the hotel with us and hang or whatever till dinner time?" He asked his potential boyfriend.

"Sure, um they won't mind will they?" Dvi asked a little nervous.

"Nah! And I'll keep Joey and Chris at bay. They're big on teasing so just be prepared." Justin said.

"Hey Tim!" Lance said joining into the conversation. "Elsie said you'd be the one to ask about the business and legal stuff." He said.

"Yeah, I keep most of our copyright papers and stuff at my house." He responded.

"Cool, do you mind if I ride with you to your house so we could discuss some of that stuff. We could pack you up while we do that." He said thrilled at the prospect of talking shop with someone.


"Well at least now the limo won't be more crowded." Justin said.

The members of NSYNC and Power of Six went to their respective rides with the Lance and Dvi leaving their group.

Next Chapter the First Date You can expect this one to be longer I hope and special since it will be the sixth chapter for power of SIX!!!!! six six get it. Please ignore the Nero Ceaser referece of 3 sixs. comment of any sort line1@gay.com or lineuno@hotmail.com You only have to do one or the other both isn't necessart unless I'm slower than two days in responding which I do try to do.

Next: Chapter 6

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