Power of Six

By Line One

Published on Jun 10, 2001


Genre: Fan-fic Celebrity Boy Group N'SYNC

Power of Six the Story of One Part Four

I would like to thank the two people who have written to me Jimmy V and the other person whose name I forgot. If that other person read this email me so I can give you a shout out. any fans or anti-fans email me!!!!!!!!

line1@gay.com or lineuno@hotmail.com

If anyone likes editing stories and is annoyed with the many I'm sure errors I'll take an editor or hell even a colaborator. I want my story done right damnit. :-P :-)

Disclaimer: This Story involves the characters of N'SYNC. The depiction of them here is made in the only way I know how. My way. So bear in mind I know them only as the celebrities I see on T.V. and not personally. I do not own the rights to anything but my name. This is fiction and in no way a true reflection of anything but my warped but cute mind. The names of the members and the name Power of Six are my creations. If you happen to own the rights to anything that my story refers to then contact me at the address at the end of the story and I'll stop righting it. Any other thing that should be stated and are not aforementioned are magically present inside these parenthesis ( ). I will have a better disclaimer when it is relevant. So this is all fiction OK all fiction!!! In the last story I mentioned the supermarket name Schnucks. Don't own that either and didn't mean to offend them in anyway. I don't know any member of N'SYNC's sexual orientation. If you are offended by this portrayal then remember it is a fan-fic not a real life event.

Chapter 4

//Wow, He didn't know who I was. This is so crunk. And he's got an audition. That means he knows what the buissness is like. I hope he doesn't just wannna go out to further his career. Hold on Justin, don't go making conclusions. Give Dvi a chance. Dvi God that names exotic and beautiful just like him. Ah so this is what a crush is like\ Justin thought.

"Yo! Curly, quit staring at the phone. We gotta go." Chris said breaking Justin from his rambling thoughts.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry!" Justin responded heading towards his departing group.

The five guys of Nsync headed out towards their awaiting ride. Soon they were off to the audtion site with no incident for a change. _____________________________________________

The six members of Power of Six arrived at the parking lot of the audition site. They got out and moved towards the entrance. After getting in the door and into the vestibule they were stopped by a man intimidating in his size by both height and girth but his demeanor seemed pleasant enough.

"Can I help you?" He asked.

"Yeah, uh we're supposed to have an appointment for an audtion." Tim said a little more meek than normal.

"Names please." The man asked.

"Timothy George Starks" Tim said.

"Lavina Larel Laskinowski." Vina said.

"Jonathan Ian Line" Jon said.

"Uridesna Elizabeth Lei" Desna said raising her hand and get a laugh from all.

"Lauren Celeste Anna Sue Ur" Elsie said.

"Htdh'Dvi Avaylyohn Zhr-O'h Oireachtaigh" Dvi said.

"Ok and the name of your act?" The man asked still being both pleasant and intimidating.

"Power of Six" Tim replied.

"Do you have the ID's and the invitations like we told your agents?" The man asked.

"Yup, Tim said, handing the man everyone in the group's ID that he collected earlier in the car and the invitation their agent had given him.

"Ok, just wait in the second room on the left the guys should be here soon. My name is Ted by the way." Ted instructed them.

"Kay thanks bye Ted you're a sweety." Vina replied giving Ted a messy big kiss on the forehead.

The six went in and waited in the dance practice room.

"Teenagers!" Ted said blushing a little.

In The Dance Studio/Audition Room "Err! I honestly doubt I could get more nervous." Vina sighed. "Nervous is ok just try not to show it too much." Elsie reminded. "I know mother-hen." Vina said teasing. Causing the guys to smile- near-laughing and Desna to roll in hysterics. "Alright so you think that's fun huh Desna? Am I some mother-hen? Does that amuse you? Well, at least I don't have chicken legs!" Elsie threw in. "Hey! How'd I get into this? You're just jealous of my divine figure." Desna said in her typically narcisistic manner. "Gee I don't know laughing girl how did you get in this?" Jon asked. "Oh sure be logical." Desna dripping with sarcasm. "Hey! It was my major." Jon chided. _____________________________________________ After about a fifteen minute car ride back to the audtion site, during which Chris and Joey held a conversation about what form of ass-shaking is the best, the car stopped. "Finally, ugh!" Lance sighed. "Gee Scoop, did Joey and Chris bother ya much?" JC asked grinning. "Come on you can't possibly tell me that it didn't bother you." Lance shot back. "Bother me no, make me wish that I didn't know them yes." JC quipped. "Joey! Dork and Poofu don't wuv us anymore!" Chris poutted. "I thought I told you *not* to call me that." JC said. "Aww we sawwy." Joey said as he and Chris pulled JC and Lance into a group hug. "Come on Justin group hug." Chris directed at the absent memeber. "Hello, Justin are you in now?!?" Joey asked after the hug broke up. He waved his hand in front of the youngest member. "I think Justin is thinking about you know who." JC said. "Ooooooo! Justin's in *loooooooove*." Chris said teastingly. "JUSTIN AND GUYFROMTHEBATHROOMINYINTHERESTURANT SITTIN' IN A TREE K I S S I N G." Chris sang annoying loud. "Shut up!" The twenty year old said blushing. "Anyway, let's get the auditions over with." Lance said still not over his bandmates immaturity. _____________________________________________ As the members of Power of Six waited patienly nervous in the dance room, Ted popped his head in the room. "Hey! the talent scouts just got in and should be ready with you shortly there's one act in the room still waiting and then its you guys turn." Ted said hoping no one caught how badly he grinned when he said talent scouts and not N'Sync. No one did notice though lucky for Ted. "Kay thanks Ted." Tim said. _____________________________________________ "Ok so you four are 4evergilrz correct." Lance said. "Y-y-y-yes" They nervously replied in unison. "Ok then whenever you're ready you can begin." JC said. BIG MISTAKE. Ok, maybe that's not interly true the girls did have talent if they'd just loose the blond obviously only in the group because of her dancing, pretty face, and ^two^ other assets. "Thank you." was all Chris said and the girls left thinking they did real well. "Well, what'd ya think?" Joey asked. "They were one of the best ones yet, but still they aren't gonna open for us except over my dead body." Justin said. "Chirs don't even go there!" JC shot at Chris due to the oldest members reaction to Justin's comment "over my dead body". JC could tell Chris was getting an idea. A Chris idea can be a scarry thing. "Aww, come on I was just playin'. I'd never hurt Justy-Poo, cuz I have no intentions of you kicking my ass. "Say What!" Justin said in response to Chris' comment. "Why would JC kick your ass?" "Yeah did I miss something?" JC asked equally curious as Justin. "Please every time we scar the crap out of Justy after we see a scarry movie you yell at us, every time there's a water fight you take Justin's side, whenever I joke with you that Justin didn't come in the hotel with me because I let the girls mob him you give me death stare. Dude get with it." "He's my best friend of course I do those things." JC defened "Thanks Josh." Justin said hugging Josh. "Ew! cooties get away." JC laughed skiriming from Justin's arms. "Justin does not have head lice" Joey picking through Justin's hair. "Whoa! come again. Why do you think Justin has head lice Joe?" Lance asked. "Well Josh said Jutin had cooties and cooties are head lice." Joey defended himself. "Hey! I do not have head lice." Justin said angrily. "J I didn't know it meant that. Sorry?" JC pleaded. "S'ok if I didn't know that then we koo." Justin said sincerly. "Damn guess we have to see the last act." Lance said after noticing how long they had dilly-dadled. "Please don't let them suck, pleasedontletthemsuck pleasedontlettemsuckpleasedontletthemsuck plsdntltthmsckplsdntltthmsck." Joey chanted. _____________________________________________ Ted peered his head into the newly built room. He began "Ok guys you're up next." He said closing the door and heading to the audition room's door. The members of Power of Six sighed collectively and headed the practice/waiting room. "Where are we supposed to go?" Elsie asked. "I dunno let's ask Ted." Tim said When they reached Ted, Tim began to ask, "Hey Ted where are we suppposed to go?" Spacing out in the article he was reading Ted collected his thoughts and answered. "Oh its this door, you can go in now." He said pointing directly to his right. I've had this chapter done for a while now but couldn't think of what to do next so since Jimmy V asked for another chapter well here you go. I thought this would be a mean place to end so until next time. Line1 please email if you liked it. line1@gay.com or lineuno@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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