Power of Six

By Line One

Published on Feb 2, 2001


Genre: Fan-fic Celebrity Boy Group N'SYNC

Power of Six the Story of One Part Three

Disclaimer: This Story involves the characters of N'SYNC. The depiction of them here is made in the only way I know how. My way. So bear in mind I know them only as the celebrities I see on T.V. and not personally. I do not own the rights to anything but my name. This is fiction and in no way a true reflection of anything but my warped but cute mind. The names of the members and the name Power of Six are my creations. If you happen to own the rights to anything that my story refers to then contact me at the address at the end of the story and I'll stop righting it. Any other thing that should be stated and are not aforementioned are magically present inside these parenthesis ( ). I will have a better disclaimer when it is relevant. So this is all fiction OK all fiction!!! In the last story I mentioned the supermarket name Schnucks. Don't own that either and didn't mean to offend them in anyway. I don't know any member of N'SYNC's sexual orientation. If you are offended by this portrayal then remember it is a fan-fic not a real life event.

=Dentotes talking on a cell=

"Well you said you gave him your name sooooo, what's his?" Desna prodded.

"Um J-something" Dvi said scrunching his face trying to remember. "Justin that's it!" he exclaimed in triumph.

"Wait a sec now, you said you met a six foot tall curly blond named Justin?" Tim asked.

"Yeah." Dvi replied.

"Ok so you're in a pop vocal group. You know like N'SYNC and BSB. This isn't going to sink in is it? Fine who is the youngest member of N'SYNC who also sings lead vocals?" Tim asked with a voice that screamed I'm rolling my eyes at your naivete but I'm not really rolling my eyes.

"Um, um-uh I, it's um..." Dvi babbled.

"Oh by the goodess! You're in a freaking pop group and you don't know!" Elsie shouted out of disbelief.

"I think what Tim and Elsie are trying to say that you just met Justin Timberlake and didn't even know it." Jon stated warmly.


"Hello. Uh yeah he's here just a second. Dvi it's for you it's a Justin Timberlake." Tim said grinning with a large dose of the cheesey.

"Um hi." Dvi said bashfully.

=Hi I got a message from the owner of The St. Louis Grill to call this number. But I didn't get a name sooo... Would you care to share it=

"Um I thought I told you in the bathroom." He said confused.

=Yes, you did but Dvi what?=

"Oh, sorry! My full name's Htdh'Dvi Avaylyohn Zhr. But Dvi's fine." He blushed

=Cool. Um I have a question. Did you know who I was when we met in the bathroom?=

"Um, honestly and I know this is gonna sound dumb. But no I really didn't know till my friends pieced it together for me and you told Tim your name and vailidated who they thought you were. Sorry." Dvi rambled.

=Ok! Ok, slow down there. It's ok. Actually its more than ok its great. Listen I'm in town for like 2 more days or so. Maybe longer but I'm not sure. I have to do some talent scoutting for some new opening act for a tour but I'll be free for dinner tonight about four=

"Wow sure dinner cool. I have to do an audition in like twenty minutes. I'll see you there." Dvi said with the happiest smile his friends had seen on ever.

I know this is short but I just write when I'm inspired and it doesn't last too long. Comments!!!!! Sugestions!!!!!! Anything!!!!! contact me email at line1@gay.com or lineuno@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 4

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