Power of Six

By Line One

Published on Jan 12, 2001


Genre: Fan-fic Celebrity Boy Group N'SYNC NOTES ON STYLE "____________________" Change of setting and characters "*********************" Flash Back "-------------------------------" Dream "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~`" Change of setting and time but not characters " " (A few blank spaces) change in time but not setting or characters "..." Change of point of view (I'll try to say so and so's pov or 3rd person) * word * louder or with emphasis ^ word ^ softer < word > thoughts

Disclaimer: This Story involves the characters of N'SYNC. The depiction of them here is made in the only way I know how. My way. So bear in mind I know them only as the celebrities I see on T.V. and not personally. I do not own the rights to anything but my name. This is fiction and in no way a true reflection of anything but my warped but cute mind. The names of the members and the name Power of Six are my creations. If you happen to own the rights to anything that my story refers to then contact me at the address at the end of the story and I'll stop righting it. Any other thing that should be stated and are not aforementioned are magically present inside these parenthesis ( ). I will have a better disclaimer when it is relevant. So this is all fiction OK all fiction!!! In the last story I mentioned the supermarket name Schnucks. Don't own that either and didn't mean to offend them in anyway. I don't know any member of N'SYNC's sexual orientation. If you are offended by this portrayal then remember it is a fan-fic not a real life event.

"Fawurginrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!" Chris vented.

"What the hell? (Laugh) that has (laugh) to be the funniest (laugh) frustrated yell I've heard" Lance said while laughing hysterically with a slightly reddened face.

"Ugh! Remind me why the hell we agreed to use a I-need-a-big- brake-no-record-label-yet act to open our next show and why the hell did we have to do the try outs?" Chris fumed.

"Rrrr! And is it just me or have we yet to see one act with even a glimmer of talent?" Justin gripped. "'Let's did it in St. Louis there may be untapped talent there"" Justin did in a mock Lance voice.

"Geez! Lay off him Justin. WE ALL AGREED TO THIS! Remember. Yous two could a said 'no'. Stop bitching and deal we still need an opening act for the next tour!" J.C. scolded.

"Yes Sleepy!" Chris and Justin simultaneously saluted. J.C. shot them a you know what you did wrong evil eye "AHEM!" J.C. prompted. "Sorry Lance" the two stated in their very childish sorry puppy-eyed manner. Lance laughed it off.

"Hey! Yes! Woo Hoo!" Joey shouted out of the blue. The others stared at him, all thinking <What the hell? >

"Guys lunch time, break no more wannabees or whatever for an hour. Its time to be one with my food!" Joey explained. Laughingly they all went to lunch with their usual entourage in tow.

Jon's house somewhere in Saint Louis North County

"Yeah, I got up early for a change so I thought I'd come over early and give Desna something to eat cuz I know you all don't feed her" Dvi said and Jon and Vina burst into gut splitting laughter. "Hey! I'm not fat!" Desna defended. "Um, Dez who said you were fat? Do you have some issue you wanna talk ta me abouts? Don't worry I'll get those pesky voices out of your head. I got a wooden mallet after all." Vina chided. "Damn one Freudian slip and you go all.... Rrrr, bitch!" Desna retorted. "Oh My Gawd! Did I just hear Desna say a big word? Dvi goes check is the sky falling?" Jon kidded. "Screw you guys now I'm not going home!" Desna said in her best Cartman voice. "If you think that's gonna keep me from my food you're postal." Desna retorted. "Seriously we're only playing Dez. And girl if I hear you call yourself fat one more time I'll have to beat your skinny-anorexic looking never exercised a day in my life to keep my figure ass so red you're be able to get a job as a traffic light." Vina diva bitch spat. :"You're just jealous cuz you have ta watch you're figure miss weight watcher's or ain't miss thang miss thang." She spat right back. "Lord I swear I need to parent block Ricki Lake from these two. New Flash you aint black and don't have a ghetto pass so damn it use cracker talk like good Caucasian middle class white females." Jon sighed. The four began to eat the doughnuts, talk and drunk the wonderful elixir that is chocolate milk.

"Well its only 10:30 so we have till 11:00. I'm gonna go down stairs and try and find so of the old sheet music I packed away when I went to college. When everyone comes if I don't come up like right away give me a holler. Oh yeah don't let me forget the chairs ok Vina and Dvi?" Jon asked. "What I'm not good enough to remind the great Jonathan Line?" Desna asked. "No, since we had the last meeting at your house we left the journal of decisions and Power of Six constitution there. And since I've seen the 'organized mess' you call your apartment I figure you'll be there for at least half an hour and therefore unable to answer my door or get me." Jon said. "Sure use logic. I'll be off to my humblely messy abode, bye love be back. Ya ain't getting rid of me yet." Desna said full of melodrama. "So radio, T.V., talk?" Vina asked Dvi since they were in Jon's living room/ entertainment room. "Um radio." He replied. "Radio it is. 107.7 ok." "What else is there?" "Static." They both laughed. They listened to the radio till 10:55 when the doorbell rang. Dvi went to get it and opened the door. "Hey Elsie!" Dvi greeted. "Wow! Early even!" She beamed. The last car pulled up just as she finished. " Tim's here." Vina got up and fetched Jon who returned with two chairs in arms. "Well that only leaves-" Jon said as he put the chairs down only to be interrupted. "Me! Ok let's get started then." Desna gasped as she ran all the way there. "Ok well Desna get to be note taker and as always since no one else wants to Lauren Celeste or very own Elsie will moderate." Jon said all official. "Ok then today we need to make our game plan for our try out. We still need to decide what song we'll sing in 2 hours. I know this is totally down to the wire and not how we should do this but since we all just got back from college or wherever this is the first time we could all meet so without any further adieu any suggests as to our song?" Elsie asked. "Well, love songs are always good so how about "Song of Longing"?" Dvi asked. "Ok Let's vote all for "Song of Longing"?" Elsie asked. "Well its kind of slow and we can't really show off our dancing. Its great to show us ya know vocally but..." Tim trailed off. "Yeah you're right. Hmm what else then?" Dvi asked. ""Don't Tell Me"?" Vina asked. Everyone nodded or gave so form of consent. "Ok then we have a winner "Don't Tell Me" it is." Elsie declared. "Ok then well we have to go now I guess cuz suppoedsly getting cleared past security is going to be a bitch so everyone head out. To the Jon- mobile." They packed up into the van and headed out for the audition studio somewhere in the city of St.Louis.

"Ok now back our torture." Chris relented. "Gee with an attitude like that this'll be loads of fun." J.C. said "So who' up Lancey-O Boy-O pal." Justin asked to change the subject sort of. "Um, its 4Ever-Gilrz, Power of Six, don't ever call me that again Justin, and then.... Hey! Someone changed the line up it's just those 2 the other too canceled. Ten more minutes Joe that's it." Lance said. "Yes!" Joey said and the rest sighed out of collective relief.

The group started off toward their audition but stopped a few blocks away outside a sweanky upscale resturant. Dvi had to go the bathroom. Of course they choose Tim's dad's resturaunt sicne it was near by for Dvi's relief station. He went in and said "Hi" to Mr. Okidle. Dvi made his way to the restroom. He went in and only noticed one other person in the restroom. He was tall 6'0 or so and had dark blond curly hair. Just as Dvi was finishing his busness his fellow occupant wasgiving himself a look over in the mirror fixing his hair. Dvi couldn't help but stare at this Adonis before him. Lucky for Dvi he knew how to be descrite about it. However the Adonis did not. Dvi noticed his stares and blushed. Dvi finished washing dried his hands and began to leave. Before he could though the other teeen stopped him by saying "Hi". "Dia dhuit. I mean hello." Dvi managed "My names Justin." "Dvi is ainm dom... er Miri nav Dvi... I mean I'm Dvi. I- I.... I um gotta go." Dvi said blushing, nervous as hell and mentally knicking himself. "Bye see ya I guess Justin." Justin said to an unpresent Dvi. "What happened int there Dvi you're all red. Aww did Dvi meet someone?" Elsie asked. "Um yeah kinda" Dvi blurted. "So how'd it go?" Desna proded. :"Not so good." Dvi let out. " How so?" Tim asked. " I um kinda broke into Gaeilge and then Romani. And he only asked my name." Dvi blushed. "Oooo! Bet he was cute. Anyone we know?" Vina cooed. "No, I don't think so. I didn't recognize him." Dvi answered. "Don't worry about it Dvi. I'm sure you made a good impression. Besides I'm sure Tim's bad could get his number for ya." Jon said. "On it! Hey dad can I ask you a favore? Cool! Hold on a sec. Dvi what he look like?" Tim asked. "Um blond, dark blond, tall, curly hair." Dvi replied. "Kay, dad you got that. Great could you get his number or something. Tell him the guy he meet in the restroom wanted it. Ya you can tell him its Dvi. Um I dunno, just give him mine if he asks. He'll get it anyway or something. Kay bye thankls dad. Love ya." He said to the phone. Dvi blushed even more and smiled really big. He was for once in a long time happy. END OF PART TWO

Ok email. Fell free say whatever. I just need emails. I'm shallow damn it! I need attention. line1@gay.com or lineuno@hotmail.com

I did include both Irish Gaelic and Romani phrases in this story. If you speak either of these languages please contact me. Especially if you wanna tell me if my grammar was correct. Even if you don't speak either contact me with comments, questions, concerns, flames. SLUboy18 saying "BYE"

Next: Chapter 3

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