Power of Red

By L Bent

Published on Aug 25, 2023


The usual disclaimers apply. I do not own the people or the franchise. This is just some fun dirty fiction to celebrate the 30th anniversary. Comments and questions are always welcome at dirtyramblings@gmail.com

This is my first attempt posting something to Nifty after years of reading through the stories. Hope you enjoy it! The goal is to work through all the seasons so bear with me as we set up the world through the Mighty Morphin team. If you have a favorite team or rangers, I'm happy to hear your thoughts! And of course, please donate to Nifty to continue this fantastic archive.

MMPR Episode One

"What do you mean by stimulation?" Jason asked the floating blue head in front of him.

The teens had just come back from their first battle against Rita's forces. Their combined megazord power enough to kick Goldar back to the moon. At least for now. The team had celebrated together in the command center before trickling back to their lives. Zordon had asked Jason to remain behind, citing as leader there was some things that needed to be discussed.

Jason was not prepared for his alien mentor to ask if he stimulates himself and if so, how often.

The brunette jock was floored but couldn't help noting that his dick twitched at being talked about. He hadn't had the chance to jack off that morning before heading to school like he usually would.

"As the team's leader and Red ranger there are certain duties and expectations associated with the role." Zordon went on, as if it was a perfectly common place topic.

Jason's stomach twisted at the thought of what those expectations might imply.

"What does that have to do with..." Jason struggled with the words, making vague jerking motions with his hands. He'd always been taught to keep his private life to himself, bedroom talk was never to be discussed outside of your partner. Now here he was in the middle of an alien command center talking to a floating head about how much and how often he masturbated. "How often I...stimulate...myself." Jason asked, cringing at the word choice.

"Because a backup of seminal fluid is ill advised." Zordon replied blandly.

Jason choked on his own spit in shock before attempting to continue.

"But what does that have to do with being a red ranger?" Jason was very confused.

"The power of the morphing grid flows through the team's Red ranger and out into his fellow rangers. You, Jason, are the anchor for your teammates to their ranger powers. Each morph will require a massive amount of energy, that energy flows through you, but will also leave you depleted in time. We've discovered that the best course to reenergize the Red ranger and keep the team functioning at top performance, is to ingest the seminal fluids from your fellow male rangers. As the energy from the morphing grid amplifies their strength and will return yours."

Ingest the...

Jason's mind stalled out as he processed Zordon's words.

"You want me to swallow Zack and Billy's cum?" Jason asked flabbergasted and hating that his dick stiffened up at the thought. He fidgeted trying to conceal his rising shaft, unsure why he was even getting excited.

Zordon appeared in thought for a moment.

"If that's how you humans would describe it, then yes. To re-energize yourself in the coming battles, it would be advised to ingest the cum from your teammates, normal males will suffice as well but far less returned energy. We've learned it is much more potent if anally absorbed."


Jason was straight. He'd always been straight and up until this moment had never planned on testing that theory. Now, in order to keep the superpowers he'd just received. As well as everyone else's, Zordon was expecting him to do more than Jason ever expected. He'd barely begun to come to terms with giving blowjobs then Zordon is just going to casually toss in that he should start getting butt fucked too? On top of a day when he was trying to process that aliens were real, Jason's head felt like it was going to explode.

"Alpha, were you able to locate the package?" Zordon asked, switching gears it seemed and leaving Jason alone to think about what this all meant.

The red and gold robot came shuffling up the ramp from some lower level of the command center. Under its arm was a small wooden box, symbols were etched across it, but Jason couldn't see them clearly in the command center's gloom.

"Ay-yi-yi, right here Zordon!" Alpha-5 called, holding up the box. "Here you go Jason." Alpha buzzed happily and handed Jason the box.

It was a simple thing, with a golden latch, and didn't weigh all that much in his hands. After the conversation they'd just had, he worried about what was inside.

"I know this is a lot to process Jason, go home and think about it. I'll know when you've decided and will inform Billy and Zack accordingly." Zordon said effectively dismissing Jason.

Could he go through with this? Jason clutched the box in his hands, holding it low in front of himself. Was the fact that his dick was so hard at the thought of all this a side effect of the energy too? He'd felt so powerful from the cockpit of the megazord, remembered the smiles and cheers of his new friends as they'd partied in this very spot in celebration. He couldn't take that away from them, even if it meant he had to do something he very much did not want to do.

Jason nodded curtly, unsure how Zordon would know, but grateful he wouldn't have to be the one to have to tell the other boys.

"I'll let you know." Jason said quietly before Alpha pressed a button on the control panel. Jason's vision blurred into red static followed by the feeling of being lifted, like he was a prize in one of those claw machines at the arcade. And when his vision cleared, he was standing outside of his house, the chill night wind cutting through his tank top and hardening his nipples at the touch. Adjusting his crotch, thankfully his hard-on had subsided, he tucked the box under his arm before sneaking into the house.

It was late and all the lights were off, so he hoped that meant his dad was already passed out drunk somewhere. If Jason was quiet, he could make it to his room without trouble. He'd eased the door opened and slipped his shoes off in the front hall. Jason thought the coast was clear until he forgot about the squeaky board at the top of the stairs.

The noise split the still night and for a second Jason didn't breathe.

He leaned down to look through the slats in the banister, to the living room where his father was passed out on the couch. A brown beer bottle, half empty, rested on the coffee table. In the dim light cast from the streetlamp outside, Jason could see his father shift in his sleep but thankfully did not rise. Something else had risen though. His father's bathrobe had slipped open and the loose slit in his boxer shorts allowed the older man's hard cock to stick out from his crotch. A bead of precum reflected the light, sparkling and inviting.

Jason swallowed a nervous lump down his throat. Sure, he'd seen his father passed out like this loads of times. Since his mother had left a year ago, his dad hadn't been the same. But this was the first time he'd passed out with a full erection on display. After the conversation he'd just had with Zordon, Jason's traitorous dick leaped back to life, straining against the material of his gym shorts. He needed to get to his room and sort out his thoughts.

With a herculean effort Jason pulled himself away from the banister and silently crept the rest of the way to his room. He breathed a sigh of relief as he shut the door and leaned against it before turning on the overhead lamp. Jason noted the piles of gym clothes in the corner of the room he needed to remember to wash, he hadn't noticed how potent the smell of his sweat was. A heady musk that made his cock lurch in his pants again. He tossed the box on his bed and gripped his shaft through the mesh material. Pressing the fabric down so that he could prominently see the hard seven-inch cock desperate to be freed. Precum already pooled in his shorts leaving a wet stain behind.

Jason looked at himself in the full-length mirror against the opposite wall. He had to admit, he looked hot. In a tank top and loose red gym shorts, his pecs and arms were on full display. He gave his hard cock a shake in the mirror, marveling at how it bounced in his shorts. Was it bigger than before? Jason squeezed it again in his hands, a wave of pleasure washing over him as his dick belched up another bubble of precum.

He wanted to jerk off so badly.

But he needed to see what Zordon had sent him home with first.

Jason sat down on the bed, his dick forming a large tent in his shorts, and pulled the box closer. In the light he could see the symbols looked familiar, but he still couldn't place them. They looked like something he'd seen recently. His stomach churned with a mix of anticipation and dread before he flipped open the latch and looked inside.

Nestled against a velvet backdrop was a cylindrical flesh colored object. Jason picked it up, running his hand down the length. There were six stones set an inch apart down the length, each was like a bump on a log. The stones sparkled in the bedroom light, green, pink, yellow, black, blue, and red. The base was flat so that it could stand upright, and the bell end was flared wider than the stone bumps.

Jason's brain finally caught up with what he was seeing when he noticed the little bottle of lube waiting in the box. It was a dildo.

Zordon had sent him home with a dildo.

All told it was about seven inches in length and as thick around as a mini coke can. Jason experimentally ran his hand down the shaft, holding it like he would his own cock. Each ridge marked another inch, he'd have to take them all to reach the red stone at the bottom. His cock had yet to calm down, the wet spot of precum having grown down his thigh as he stroked the dildo, thinking about what it would be like to slide it inside himself.

Jason had never even considered fingering himself before. Sure, they'd talked about the prostate in sex ed, but like most straight identifying boys he'd written it off. He'd even felt weird the couple of times in the shower when he'd brush a soapy finger against his hole, thinking the action may make him gay. And now, here he was holding a dildo, debating about what it would take to sit on it and help his friends.

Setting the dildo down beside him, Jason looked through the rest of the box. There was a bottle of lube that had already been used. A small brown bottle that just said, `sniff me', but it was what was buried under the velvet that surprised him.


There was a pile of those white framed photos, each depicting various acts of man-on-man sex. In one a teen no older than him was being spit roasted by two other guys, a smile on his face as he swallowed down cock. In another four men had formed a fuck train. Another one depicted a guy on his knees three hard cocks pressed against his grinning cum streaked face. All of them held one thing in common, there was a faint after image of color around each of the men. Blues, and yellows, blacks and greens, but each of them the one with the red imprint was the front and center for the action. These were pictures of past teams and the lengths their reds had gone to satisfy the energy needs of their team.

Jason wondered if one day a picture of him would be in the box, waiting for the next red to find it and learn their role.

There was also a letter:

`Welcome new Red ranger! I'm sure you have a lot of questions, but there is no easier way to do this than just jump in! I was in your shoes before, but for the betterment of the team I shrugged off the preconceived notions and just enjoyed the feeling. So that's my advice to you, enjoy yourself, and be amazed at what you discover. Sincerely, your predecessor.'

The note was simple and anonymously signed, Jason wondered which one of the past reds had written the letter. Was it the one being spit roasted? The cum glazed cock sucker? Maybe the one who'd stuffed two of his teammate's cocks into his swollen asshole. Jason cringed at that one, but his dick had other ideas.

Jason looked down at his swollen shaft, soaked through with precum from the amateur porn he'd been looking through. His body desperately needed release.

"Fuck it." Jason sighed and stood up before stripping off his clothes.

His cock had definitely gotten bigger, by at least another inch in length, and was it wider? The uncircumcised flesh had pulled back at his erection, leaving the red leaking head exposed. His cock hung hard and heavy from his trimmed bush, his balls large and full of his pent up seed. Jason turned to look at himself in the mirror, standing with his back towards the glass so that he could see his plump pale ass cheeks clearly.

He'd never before spent time looking at his ass, though now he could tell it was what some would call a bubble butt. Years of karate classes and work outs having honed his body into a lithe muscular frame, his asscheeks stood out and when he clenched his muscles Jason felt a small thrill watching his cheeks bounce. Leaning against the bed his looked back to watch himself spread his hole apart. A small burst of hair traced its way along his anal trench and when Jason slowly probed his fingers between the fleshy mounds, he found his center. The simple act of tracing his pointer finger along his puckered hole was enough to send pleasure waves coursing straight to his dick. Precum oozed to the floor, a single translucent thread still connected to the head.

Jason got up and grabbed the bottle of lube and the little brown bottle, before sitting down on the floor at the foot of his bed. He leaned back so that he could spread his legs wide and look at his ass in the mirror. For a moment Jason got lost in watching himself, knowing there were people who'd pay good money to see a jock like him spread open and waiting to take dick. Jason didn't know where the thought had come from, but it sent a thrill to his cock, so he didn't mind.

Dripping some cold lube along his burning shaft, Jason lazily stroked the length, precum pooling in his navel and oozing across his abs. He trailed his hand down between his legs, teasing at his hole with his lubed finger. It was now or never. Jason slowly slid his finger inside himself. His hissed at the slight burning sensation he felt and applied more lube to his hand. This time his finger slipped in with ease. He had to admit, it didn't feel as bad as he'd thought it would. He pistoned his finger in and out of his hole until he felt a little looser, then feeling bold, he slid a second finger in beside the first.

The feeling of fullness instantly increased, and Jason started breathing hard as he struggled to take it. Slowly he backed out, then pushed his fingers forward once more. The angle was a little awkward but when he stretched his fingers, he felt them brush against something inside himself that sent lightning bolts to his cock.

"Oh god!" Jason groaned, his fingers searching out that spot he'd hit. He rubbed against it again and his dick belched a load of precum onto his abs. Jason was starting to sweat from the exertion, his room smelling like the locker rooms at Angel Grove High. Which turned his thoughts to the guys he'd glanced at as they changed. He'd always written it off as healthy teenage comparison. But now he was wishing he'd paid more attention. Jason wondered how big his friend Billy was. Fuck, he thought, how much did Zack live up to the myth of black men having bigger cocks.

Would he get to play with them?

The thought opened his hole up a little more and his fingers slid against his prostate again. Jason jumped at the electric touch before easing back down onto his fingers. Rubbing against the little bump inside himself that sent shockwaves to his cock. Still, it didn't feel like enough.

Jason eyed the dildo beside him with his last dregs of hesitation. He was already two fingers deep in his own asshole and he had to admit he loved the feeling. Slowly he pulled his lubed fingers out and wrapped them around the dildo's shaft. He wrapped his other hand around his own shaft, comparing the two. The dildo Zordon had given Jason was a little thicker than his own cock, but shorter by a couple inches. He could totally take something smaller than himself, he thought with a cocky grin. He gave himself a few more tugs, feeling his balls near desperate need for release. He was close.

Jason lined the dildo up with his hole and gave a gentle push.

The flared head slipped inside, and Jason gave a hiss of pleasure. He'd thought it would hurt as the dildo was thicker than his two fingers had been, but the feeling of fullness he was beginning to experience was electrifying.

Jason wanted more.

Squirting more lube onto his fingers he massaged his hole and slicked the dildo's shaft. He wanted to take the whole thing with this next thrust, he needed to feel what it was like rubbing the flared dildo head against that bright spot inside himself.

Jason looked up at himself in the full-length mirror. His muscled legs were spread wide, toes curled into the carpet to hold himself up as he teased his hole with the dildo. Jason's cock stood stiff, leaking more precum than he'd ever seen himself make. It had matted down his pubic hair and dripped down to add slickness to the fake cock. He looked like a slut in one of those late-night videos he'd been able to see on basic cable. Jason moaned like one too when he slid the dildo in deeper.

Grabbing the small brown bottle Jason struggled to open the cap. With a groan he let go of the dildo, sinking a little farther down the length as he used both hands to twist the cap off the lid. A whiff of a chemical scent sent a rush of heat to Jason's crotch and overactive hole.

"Oh fuck," Jason moaned taking a deeper hit off the poppers. Loving how his nipples grew hard and his dick throbbed out another bubble of precum.

Jason sank down on the dildo, feeling every one of the six stones brush against his hole. When he was five inches deep, he hit his second anal ring and with a grunt and deeper hit of poppers Jason dropped his ass the rest of the way down, slamming the dildo against his prostate.

"Fuck!" Jason shouted as cum erupted from his cock. He caught one shot in his open mouth before the rest dribbled off his chin and onto his chest. He felt so full, so satisfied, his hole pulsing around the dildo shoved in to the hilt inside his once cherry jock hole.

Jason savored the taste of his own cum on his tongue as he drifted off to a blissed-out sleep.


Alpha-5 turned away from the viewing globe, the image of a cum covered Jason disappearing into static on the screen.

"Ay-yi-yi Zordon, he did it!" Alpha shouted with glee.

"They always do Alpha. Alert Zack and Billy," Zordon commanded as Jason's solo sessions played across the various screens around the command center. "Send them this video and tell them their leader's holes are open for use. At my command."

"Right away Zordon!" Alpha-5 easily agreed before sending the email off to the other teens. Eager to see what their young wards would do next.

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