Power Charging Pleasure

By Sven Benters

Published on Jul 24, 2024



This is a fanfiction story with the character Jason Lee Scott (Austin Saint-John)

This story says nothing about the actors' sexual references; it's just fiction.


Jason arrives at the Commands Centre.

"Zordon, you asked me to come. What's going on?" Jason questions.

"Jason, as team leader you sometimes need to do challenging things. Today is such a day that will ask more of you than you ever thought." Zordon explains.

"What is it, Zordon, how can I help?"

"As teamleader you need to recharge your own and the others their crystals." Zordon explains.

"Recharge them how?" Jason asks.

"That will be the challenging part. It will need to be used, how do your humans call those pleasurable things, oh that's right, like a dildo." Zordon says.

"Wait what?" Jason says shocked.

"Can you handle that and show me how a strong team leader you are?"

"Is there not another way Zordon?" Jason asks.

"I'm sorry Jason, it only works the way I explained it, you must pleasure yourself with them or they don't get recharged. Making it easy for Rita to take over the world." Zordon explains.

If that's the only way then I guess I'll have to do it. I will do it as soon as I get home."

No Jason, it must be done right here in the Command Centre."

"Wha-What!" Jason says shocked.

Alpha walks in a metal table and puts it on the breaks. "Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, here is the table Jason where you have to lay on top to pleasure yourself." Alpha explains.

Jason's eyes widens. "Is this for real?"

"Yes Jason. You will have to get yourself completely naked and lay on that table in the middle of the Command Centre so the energy can be charged up on the crystals when you're pleasing yourself with them.

Shivers run over Jason's spine while he looks at the metal table.

"Are you ready Jason?" Zordon asks.

Jason is in a trance looking at how he needs to start.

"Jason?" Zordon says again.

Jason shakes his head and looks at the big blue floated head that Zordon is and then at Alpha 5. "How am I supposed to do this, Zordon?"

"Strip your clothes off and get aroused." Zordon explains.

"Arouse myself?" Jason questions.

"Yes, stroke yourself and get hard."

Jason slowly starts to remove his red buttoned sleeveless shirt. Revealing his upper masculine body. That body already proves why Jason was picked as the red leader of the team.

Meanwhile Alpha sprays the metal table while cleaning it for Jason to get on it.

Jason can't believe he's really going to do this.

While his amazing upper body is revealed, his round pecs, firm abs, big biceps and triceps.

"Your body looks strong for what you have to do Jason." Zordon points out.

Jason kicks his shoes and socks off and then removes his jeans, showing his big thighs and a marvelous ass.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, that ass is perfect Jason."

"Yes Alpha, he has a great ass, it will charge those crystals up good when he is completely hard and shows the pleasure he is having with it up his ass."

"Go ahead Jason, remove your underwear so we can start the procedure."

Jason swallows a lump away, then takes a deep breath and pulls his underwear down. Now standing completely naked in the middle of the Command Centre in front of Zordon and Alpha.

Ashamed Jason keeps his hands in front of his still soft dick.

Alpha is checking Jason out. He has never seen a human completely naked like this.

"You must start stroking yourself Jason. I know it's uncomfortable for you to do this in front of me and Alpha but it must be done."

Jason looks down ashamed.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, do it Jason. Make the team strong with charged up crystals.

Slowly Jason wraps his hand around his dick.

"Don't worry it's still soft, just try to relax." Zordon says.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, his body is so nice, Zordon."

"Yes Alpha, Jason's body is quite impressive."

Jason blushes hearing them talk about him like that.

"Hop on the table Jason so we can start the process." Zordon explains.

While Jason walks over to the table and gets on it, his body flexes.

Alpha 5 looks at Jason, staring at that perfect muscle body of the red ranger. "Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, so many muscles."

"Yes Alpha, the red ranger is perfect."

Jason feels even more blushed hearing them speak of him, admiring his body. The metal of the table is cold to his body. Strangely the cold excites him in this situation, bringing life to his soft dick, starting to make him semi hard.

"As we can see it has started for you Jason, now we can continue with the process."

Jason looks up, staring at Zordon while he lays on the table. He cannot look away from the big blue floating head looking down at him lying naked on the table.

"Alpha bring in the side table with the material we need." Zordon instructs.

""Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, yes Zordon." Alpha says and walks away to get the side table.

To Jason that sounds weird and strange. While he has hold of his dick and is stroking it he suddenly stops and looks at the table Alpha brings in. His eyes widen.

"What the hell are those things."

"Red ranger, don't stop. Make your dick hard or we can't start the procedure." Zordon says. "Everything by time we will explain. The only thing you need to do is be hard and give in to all the pleasure."

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, you can trust Zordon Jason. He knows what is best."

Jason looks at Alpha and then up at Zordon and starts to stroke again.

While Jason looks at Zordon he feels like he's getting hypnotized by the big floated head his eyes.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, look Zordon, it's getting hard, that dick of Jason is getting hard." Alpha says.

"Yes Alpha five, Jason is finally giving in to his sensations and lusts."

And then Zordon notices. "Jason's manhood is bigger than most humans Alpha."

"When you are completely hard, leave it alone for a moment so Alpha can prepare it." Zordon says.

Something in Zordon's words and hearing it get prepared really makes Jason hard and ready. He eventually lets go to also find out what will happen next.

Zordon and Alpha can see Jason's big hard dick standing straight up.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, he is really big Zordon."

"Yes Alpha, it is even more perfect as I have hoped it would be." Zordon confesses.

Jason waits in anticipation for what will be next.

Alpha suddenly brings a little black rubber ring that he presses over Jason's mushroomhead of that big dick.

"Oh fuck!" Jason says, shocked by the touching of Alpha's robotic hand to put a little ring on his dick.

"We are in luck Alpha five, you don't have to shave Jason's balls as they are smooth by themselves." Zordon points out looking down at Jason.

Jason looks up at Zordon, raising an eyebrow. Wondering what is going to happen.

Alpha brings on 2 pads and sticks them on Jason's ballsack, on each ball.

"Oh gawd, where is that for?" Jason wonders, all worried.

"Just thrust us Jason, we will never bring you in danger." Zordon says.

Jason looks down at his dick and balls and sees at each pad a chord that goes to the panels of the Command Centre.

Shivers occur over Jason's spine. `What will Zordon and Alpha do to him? Can he really thrust what they are saying?' He wonders.

"Your mind is probably going into overdrive and I have to admit I purposely kept this from you before we were at this point. The pads will slowly get little shocks. Not painful but to energize the crystals more and to keep your dick hard for all five of the crystals." Zordon explains.

Jason looks up at Zordon. Again that hypnotic feeling appears. "Okay Zordon, I trust you." Jason replies. "Very well. Let's get it started. Alpha five, put the shocks on." Zordon instructs.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, yes Zordon. Here it goes." Alpha says and pushes the button.

Jason then suddenly feels little shocks that feel like tingling his balls.

"Oh my God!" Jason says out of shock.

"That's it Jason. Let it first make you feel all that pleasure through your body before we start using the crystals." Zordon says.

Jason feels the tingling increasing and his whole body starts to flex.

"Aaaaah fuck that feels good"

"Oh fuck Zordon!" Jason moans out.

"Very well bring in the crystals and the lube Alpha. It's time for Jason to use them up his ass to extract it with his pleasures."

It sounds so weird but also so hot for Jason what Zordon is saying. His entire body is writhing in pleasure on the table, his muscles straining and covered in sweat.

Alpha gets very excited seeing Jason like this. "Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, this is really good, Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, he enjoys it so much Zordon Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi."

"You must calm down Alpha, you are about to blow a fuse." Zordon warns Alpha.


Jason's screaming brings Alpha back to reality.

"Alpha apply the crystals up to Jason's ass. It's time."

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, yes Zordon."

"Insert them one by one Alpha." Zordon says while he watches how Alpha lubes Jason's hole.

Jason feels the cold lube, making his hole ready for the crystals.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, here it goes Jason." Alpha says, holding Jason's own crystal first.

Jason feels the hard pressure of the crystal coming up inside his ass.

"Oh fuck, that feels weird." Jason confesses.

"Just look at me Jason, looks into my eyes." Zordon suggests.

Jason does what Zordon says and feels that hypnotic feeling again. The feeling distracts Jason from the pain and before he realizes it, Apha has placed the red Crystal already and then grabs the yellow crystal.

Slowly Alpha pushes the yellow crystal as deep as the red crystal.

"Yes Jason, keep looking at me." Zordon says.

Jason feels a connection with Zordon.

Meanwhile all the crystals are up inside Jason's hole.

"Good job Alpha, make sure they are in there deep enough that they won't fall out."

Alpha pushes at them all at once.

"Aaaarrgghhhh" Jason grunts and growls to it, feeling them all deep inside him.

"Put the shocks completely onto Jason's balls Alpha."

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, here it comes Jason." Alpha warns and puts on the button.

Jason then feels the tingling moment going to cull charged shocks.

"Try to focus on the pleasure Jason." Zordon suggests.

"Oh fuck!" Jason says, feeling the pleasure running through his body.

"Oh my God" Jason says out loud. OH fuck yes!"

"Very good Jason, Let it bring you pleasure." Zordon says while looking down at Jason.

"Oh fuck yeah Zordon, it feels so good!"

The crystals are giving light while they charge from the pleasure Jason is feeling.

Jason is taken by surprise when the crystals are starting to vibrate while they charge.

"OH MY GOD, OH FUCK!" Jason screams loudly of pleasure.

"Yes Jason, enjoy it."

Flexing and sweating immensely. Jason stays hypnotic to Zordon.

"Oh Fuck yes. Oh God!"

"My God Zordon, FUUUUUCCCKKK!!" Jason screams.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, is he alright Zordon?"

"Yes Alpha, he is just enjoying the pleasure."

"OH GOD! OH FUCK YES!" Jason screams.

"With such a big dick like Jason has, the pleasure is just more intense as if we would have let Zack or Billy take it. Only this is the job of the leader, the big leader as Jason is." Zordon says.

Alpha looks at Jason's big sized dick. And looks at the pleasure written on Jason's face.

"Let it happen Jason. The crystals are almost fully charged." Zordon points out.

The more charged up the harder the vibrations are.

"I think I'm close to cum, Zordon!" Jason moans out.

"Let it happen Jason, once you have cummed the crystals are fully charged." Zordon explains.

"OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCK" Jason replies while moaning loudly.

Jason cums, his hard dick standing straight up shooting a rope of cum for each crystal. It shoots high in the air and rains down all over Jason's body. He screams and moans and his body jerks in pleasure.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, it hurts him, Zordon, we need to stop!" Alpha says.

"No Alpha, he's not hurting. Quite the opposite actually, Jason is feeling immense pleasure. Much more than you or I can ever imagine." Zordon explains.

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi." Alpha can only say while the robot looks at Jason all tired.

The crystals pop out of Jason's ass one by one between Jason's legs on the table.

Jason is so tired he can barely speak.

"It's okay Jason. You are allowed to close your eyes, you did great work."

Jason looks up at the big blue floated head while his eyes slowly close and lays naked on the metal table. Covered in sweat and his own sperm.

"You can now remove everything off of Jason and then we send him home to his own bed to rest."

"Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi, yes Zordon." Alpha says and takes off the pads from Jason's balls.

********************************* If you enjoyed the story or have a request please send me a message Daytimemenhotness@hotmail.com

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