Powell and Me

By Jeff Moses / Chainedcoot

Published on Sep 20, 2019


"Powell and Me" is a work of fiction about love and sex between teen boys. No resemblance to persons living or dead is intended. If you are underage, or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, leave now. Some of the activities described in this story may cause injury or transmit diseases, including HIV.

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Powell and Me 12

Danny kept running pot for Dodger (scary, for me) and Jen's dad found him a job with a landscaping company, too. So he was making pretty good money, but the landscapers were busy as hell, so we didn't get much time to get together. It was really frustrating, because every time I saw him his muscles looked bigger, and he got this tan that made his skin look almost gold.

There was once when he had some hours free and we headed for the boathouse, but when we got there, we heard squealing from inside. "Do you think we sound like that?" Danny asked, as we headed back to our spot in the weeds. We necked a little, but every time one of us made a noise we started giggling, and it was really hot and buggy, so we gave up and went to WWP and drank soda pop. The guy behind the counter let us stay so at least people could tell the place was open.

"I wish this wasn't so fucking hard," Danny said.

I giggled again.

"Not that! I mean, you know, parents and shit."

"Yeah. If I was a girl, I bet--"

Danny nodded. "Yeah. I mean Mom would be all 'I don't want grandkids yet!' and stuff, but my old man would be sitting in front of the TV chuckling at her. Maybe he'd--" He stopped, suddenly, to focus on his drink.

"What?" I prompted.

"Nothing," Danny replied in that "discussion's over" tone.

Another time, Danny decided to go after my special spot--between the back of my nut sack and my asshole. He spent I don't know how long playing with it and not letting me even touch my cock at all for what seemed like hours. He even had me on my knees for a while so he could lick it! At last, he flipped me on my back and grabbed my dick and I just exploded! Gallons of cum rained down on both of us!

A few days later, Danny called me and we met at WWP and he had this kind of dazed look on his face. "You're not gonna believe this," he said. "Horse's jaw's okay, and he called Dodger and asked where I was because he wanted to--"

"Why didn't you call me!"

Danny rolled his eyes. "I keep telling you, Eddie, you're not really Spiderman, okay?" He leaned close. "So Dodger says, 'Look, I got a business to run! And I think we can work a deal, but you gotta be there.'" I started to interrupt again, but Danny held his hand up. "So he convinced me that nothing was going to happen but talk, because he has backup, you know?"


Danny nodded and leaned even closer. "Turns out his big brother is a Marine! So Dodger sets up this meet and Horse and Snake are there, and Dodger and his brother got Horse and Snake stoned and told them that if they ever messed with me or you--ever! --he and a couple of his Marine buddies would 'rearrange them.' And in return I agreed that Horse and Snake could take over my ... distribution."

"So ...?"

"So I guess I'm gonna lay sod and hang with the rest of the faggots, now--if that's okay with Jen and them."

"They already love you! Or at least they'd better!"

"And one more thing," Danny said. "Did you ever get to the clinic?"

"I, um, you said you were clean, and ... I mean there's nobody else, and--"

"Let's go, Eddie," Danny said, putting on his Powell face.

Danny took me to the clinic, "mostly so I wouldn't be scared," and I wasn't--until I got called into the examining room. But most of it was like a regular doctor's exam, with a blood draw and stuff. The doctor asked me if I slept with women or men or both but it was like he was asking me if I liked chocolate ice cream or vanilla, or something. "Remember," he said, "It's always up to you--you can say no any time, even while it's happening. And so can the other person. Always."

I smiled. "I trust my boyfriend," I said. "He's ..." And I stopped because I felt too good to talk, and the doctor just smiled back at me. He asked me if my boyfriend and I knew how to use condoms, and I said yes and he handed some to me. When I came back to the waiting room, Danny was digging through all the pamphlets.

Then there was the longest week ever, because Danny insisted we had to wait until we got my test results because "rules are rules." But I got them--negative, all clear--and then we went to the boathouse and watched each other get naked and kissed each other and played with our cocks some and then Danny got sort of nervous and asked what I knew about butt-fucking.

I told him I'd done it. It was a lie, really, but I wanted it to work, just to show up Mike Silvers, you know? Danny's got a big cock, and I'm basically still a virgin back there, but if--

Danny swallowed hard. "I want you to fuck me. I--I hate myself, sometimes, for ... all you've ever done is try to be my friend and I've ... Shit! You're the brave one! You should fuck the crap out of--"

"Danny! No! The last thing in the world I want to do is hurt you! That doesn't even make sense!"

"Fuck me, Eddie! Please! You've earned the right!"


Danny knelt down in front of me and stared at the floor. "I want you to take my ass. There's--in one of those pamphlets, it talks about how." Then he looked up at me and his eyes were glistening. "It's like when a guy and a girl finally ... we can't get married, or anything, but this would be ... like making myself totally yours, finally. Please, Eddie?"

"How? I mean--"

"Lie down on your back," he whispered.

"But what if I hurt you?"

"You won't. But it doesn't matter! It's worth it! Please, Eddie. Just ... lie down."

So I did, and Danny knelt between my legs and started blowing me and playing with my balls and tickling my special spot until I got hard. I watched him put some lubricant stuff on my cock and reach around and put some in his hole. And then he straddled me and sort of squirmed around until I felt the tip of my cock sort of slip into place, and then he took his hands and started playing with his cock, which was swollen, but not hard. I watched his thigh muscles get all rigid as he started to settle on my cock, and felt it sliding into ... well, it was a little like if you hold your hand in a fist and push your cock into it, at first, but it just kept going. He was slowly sinking down onto my cock and his eyes were closed and his nostrils were flaring and every little bit he'd stop, and then he'd slide up some and go lower, and all of a sudden his eyes just went really wide and he said "Shit!" and let go of his cock and braced himself on the ground and started ... bucking, maybe? And panting, sliding back and forth, up and down, and I felt my cock getting bigger and bigger, and I saw all his muscles get tight and I couldn't help it any more I pushed my hips up as far as I could and his butt hit my thighs and we both groaned, real loud and deep, like a roar almost, and my cock exploded like an oil well and his cock pumped my face full of cum and I was lifting my head trying to get it into my mouth. Everything disappeared except our cocks, really, for a time, and then the world came back and there was a strip of sunshine across Danny's torso. For a few seconds I just stared at his face, it was so ... tranquil. I never really understood that word before, but there it was. Then I felt his cum drying on my face and I felt my cock start to shrink almost like it was embarrassed.

"Did it hurt?" I asked, carefully.

Danny nodded. "At first. But then ... I sort of let go back there, you know? I let go, and I was looking at you and ... you were inside me! I mean not like when we suck, more like... I felt like I was filled with you, like we were one guy, or something, like ... Shit! There's no words, Eddie. Just no words!"

"Can ... will you ... I think I can--I want to try, anyhow. Please?"

"Not right now," Danny laughed, and he drew his finger through the cum on my face and popped it into his mouth. "I need a refill, first."

"Me, too," I agreed, and pushed some of his cum into my mouth. So we waited until my cock shriveled all the way out, and we pulled apart and Danny rolled over on his back and stared into the sunlight through the cracks in the roof and sighed. "I hope it feels as good ... You don't have to--"

"I want to. I just sit on it, right?"

"Well, it's a little like taking a shit, but backwards, maybe. You just feel it pushing and you open up kind of slow and ... in it goes, and it's big but ..." he sighed. "Like I said, no words. You just ... bounce. But slow. At first."

So I got all lubed up and Danny got hard and his cock looked bigger than ever! But I straddled his hips and found the end of his cock with my asshole and started to sit on it, and gasped!

"Too much?" Danny asked. "Take your time, or--really Eddie, you don't have to--"

"Shh!" I hissed. The pain was easing and I let the shaft in a little further. It started to hurt again, so I waited for a few seconds, then went further. It was huge! And I felt my muscles pulsing and stretching, and pulsing and stretching, and stretch--and it was in! I was so surprised I just sank down onto it and closed my eyes while the pain went away and all these other feelings--it was like Danny said. There just weren't any words. I started working up and down on it, slow at first, and then I felt it start to swell even bigger, so I pressed myself down hard and Danny groaned and I felt his dick throbbing and I knew his cum was pumping out and into me and for just a second I wondered if I was going to explode, or get pregnant!

For a while everything went away again except Danny inside me, and then he shrank and I eased him out. And then I sort of fell to his side, and we just lay there, feeling each other breathe and not saying anything because we didn't have to. And it really was like we were married or something and for a little while the whole world was perfect.

The Legatos had a barbeque party in August. Mister Legato said he had it early so he could try out recipes for Labor Day. Anyhow, the Legatos invited my mom and dad, so they could meet Powell.

"Who is this, now?" Mom asked.

"Jen's folks--Jennifer Legato? She came to my birthday. It's the kids we're doing the club with at school. I really want you both to meet everyone! And Jen's folks, and Danny."

"Danny?" Dad asked, trying really hard to act casual.

"This guy from school? He's ... I really want you to meet him."

Mom's mouth twitched--right at the corners, like she was going to smile, or something, but she didn't.

I spent the whole drive to Jen's house imagining all the awful things that were going to happen, convinced I was making the worst mistake of my life.

We got out of the car, and before I could say anything, Jen's mom was introducing my folks to everyone, and at last she said, "And this is Danny Powell. He's staying with us." I don't know if Danny or I was the most nervous, and there was this silence like the whole world stopped. Dad looked at him for a moment and stuck out his hand.

Danny was wearing some new clothes the Legatos got for him, and he took my dad's hand and said, "I'm happy to meet you, Sir," and then he said "and you, Ma'am" to my mother, and then Jen appeared and dragged us away at exactly the right time to "help in the kitchen," but what we really did was head for the living room to catch our breaths. As I went inside, I saw Jen's dad and my dad standing by the grill, talking, and my mom and Jen's mom doing the same thing sitting at the picnic table.

Danny was actually panting when threw himself into a chair next to me. "I fucked it up, didn't I?"

"No!" Jen and I said, at the same time. And Jen said, "You were perfect!" and I just smiled and nodded and leaned over and kissed him.

And when we were driving home, my mom said, "Danny seems like a nice young man," and Dad didn't argue, or say anything about Danny helping me to "man up," or anything. And later, he hired Danny's landscaping company to trim these old trees in our yard. I could tell he was watching Danny like a hawk, but then Danny said something--I don't know what--and my dad laughed.

Mister Legato helped Danny write a letter to his mom, and he let me see it. "Dear Mom," it said. "You probably won't read this, but I wanted to tell you that I love you. I even love Dad. I hope you are happy. I hope that someday we can get together again. Thank you, your son still, Danny."

I looked at Danny and felt my eyes getting funny. "Wow," I whispered.

"No good?" he frowned.

"No, good. Really good. Beautiful."

Danny and I got pretty good at butt-fucking after a while, but I still like sucking more, especially when he plays with my special spot. But Danny just loves it up the ass. Dodger's brother says they'd love him in the Corps.

Everybody's going over to the Legatos' for Labor Day, and then we're all going to have the best Junior year ever!

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