
By zeca

Published on May 9, 2004


Hi there... chapter 9 is here...sorry for taking solong... I really have to focus on school now... Hope you guys all like it =). And I really want to thank Jack for keeping up with me, and everyone that has emailed me. Keep on doing so to pookie_story@hotmail.com. Don't want to bother you anymore

Note? this is the first chapter that isn't edited...I decided to try it, and see if you all like it still...please do send me some opinions about it...

Hope you like it

Pouts 9

Adam froze. He slowly took his hands of my ass. I lowered mine and slowly pushed Adam away. He started tucking his shirt in. My dad shock his head with a smile

"Boys will be boys... Long time no see Adam..."

Adam blushed" Hi Mrs. Bradford."

My dad walked to the door and chuckled" Son, tuck your shirt in before entering."

Now it was my time to blush. My dad opened the front door and closed it. I looked at Adam. He was standing there looking at me with a confused look on his face.

"He knows..."

He gave a loud sigh" Thanks for warning me before..."

I chuckled and stepped closer to him. He had the collar of his shirt messed up. I started arranging it" Why don't you take me, Cathy and Amanda to lunch tomorrow... it would be a good opportunity to clear things up with them..."

His eyes were locked on my hands" Sure... After practice...I'll pick you up..."

I smiled" There...all done."

He smiled "What would I do without you..."

"Probably be more of a slob that you already are..."

He rolled his eyes" I'll pick you up at noon tomorrow."

I nodded. He leaned into me and lightly kissed my lips. He chuckled and walked away. I entered home and walked to the kitchen. My dad was making a sandwich with a stupid smile on his face.

"Dad! You almost killed us."

He chuckled" You should have seen your faces... priceless!"

I smacked his shoulder" You didn't need to do that, you could have entered through the back door..."

"And where would be the fun in that?"

I rolled my eyes" Grow up..."

He laughed" Hei...you're talking to your father here."

I opened the fridge" Right... sometimes it looks like I'm talking to my younger brother..."

I closed the fridge and looked at my dad. He had this look on his face. His eyes were shining. A stupid grin on his face.

"Good day at work?"

My dad returned from the trance" huh...yeah...pretty good..."

I sat in front of him" Mom coming later today?"

He nodded. We ate in a comfortable silence. I got up from the table and started looking for an apple.

"I almost forgot, Sunday we're having a party... your aunt's birthday and she wants the whole family there..."

I groaned

My dad laughed "Don't be like that... it's a small party... maybe your mother will let you leave early... you can say that you have to study with Adam..."

I blushed, I was not used to talk with my dad about my love life. My dad grabbed the newspaper



"If you ever need to talk about something, I'm here... I'm not gonna judge you... and thanks..."

I was confused" For what?"

"For giving me a second chance..."

I smiled" Dad, everyone deserves a second chance..."

He smiled back and walked out of the kitchen with the newspaper in his hand. Seconds later I heard mom coming through the back door

"Hi mom."

"Hei Nate, came and help me with the groceries."

I helped mom with the bags in the car. She made small talk during this. After everything was in the kitchen she smacked her head "Damn I forgot the sugar! Nate, can you grab some from Mrs. Anderson?"

I bet my grin gave me away, but luckily she didn't notice it" Sure mom, I'll be right back."

I walked to Adam's house and into his back door. He was in the kitchen with headphones on and dancing while preparing a sandwich. I slowly entered and walked to him. I put my hands around his waist and kissed his neck. He tensed up but soon relaxed

"I could be a burglar you know..."

He spun around in my arms and took the headphones off" Yeah, a very cute burglar."

I smiled" My mom wants some sugar..."

He grinned" It isn't going to be for free you know..."

I rolled my eyes" I don't have any money..."

He sighed" Do we have to continue this dialogue or can we pass to the good stuff?"

I smiled" Glad you asked:"

He smiled back and kissed me. His hands, as usual went to my ass. I happily sighed and hugged him on his neck. His tongue was driving me crazy. I moaned into his mouth. I let go of his mouth and went for his neck.

"You like my neck huh?"

I moaned. He chuckled and his hands started to get higher and rested on my lower back. My mouth also got higher and I started kissing his jaw. He sighed and leaned into the counter. I grinned and took a step back" The sugar please. I think that covers it..."

He had this bewildered look on his face. I laughed and grabbed the sugar. I fill my cup, kissed his cheek and walked out. I loved being a tease sometimes.

My mom was still sorting the groceries. I gave her the sugar

"Here mom."

She didn't look at me. She was too busy with the groceries" Thanks Nate."

I looked at her again and decided this was the time" Mom, can we talk?"

She looked at me briefly "Is it really important? I still have dinner to make, and I really don't have much time..."

I sat" Yeah, its important, and don't worry, I won't take much longer..."

She sighed and sat in front of me

I took a deep breath" I wanted to say that I am sorry."

She was confused" For what son?"

"For being a prick to you sometimes and for my behavior..."


"Let me finish mom."

She nodded

"But it is also your fault. I'm not saying that you're a bad mom, but things were bad before... I guess since I went to Aunt Mary's home we started from the beginning, but I think we need to clear things up. I want to make for the lost time. I need a mom and I want one."

She was looking right at me, with a serious look. Her eyes got a little watery, but she managed to hold it together" Nate, you're not a baby anymore, I guess I was a little out of temper for a long time, but I'm glad that we started form scratch, I wanna make up for the lost time also. I should be the one asking for forgiveness. I was turning into my mom without realizing it, thank God you made me see it."

I nodded" Don't worry, everyone deserves a second chance, and I know we'll take ours with both hands."

She smiled and whipped a tear that fell" I'm glad we talked this over. And to celebrate I'm making something special for desert today."

I stood up" Cool mom."

She smiled" Come here son."

I walked towards her. She was still sitting so I was looking down at her. She hugged my waist" I'm proud of you, don't you ever forget that, I love you son."

I smiled and put my arms around her neck" Yeah, I love you too mom."

"Hei, I want a hug too!"

We both turned to see my dad opening the fridge looking at us. I grinned " Mom will give you all the hugs you want later."

They both blushed and I laughed" I'm gonna take a shower."

Dinner went really well. I felt home for the first time in years. Truth was, that everyone needs parents, even if we hate ours, we need them, they are our support, they won't turn their backs on us. I felt more at peace having my parents smiling at the dinner table and joking around. I felt cozy, I felt home.

The next day there was a change of plans. Adam would pick us up at Cathy's. She wanted to talk to me first. I knew I was going to ear something bad.

I knocked on the front door and Amanda answered smiling" Hei...glad you could make it, Cathy's in the living room, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me..."

I smiled" Sure...hei...is she really mad?"

She chuckled" You'll survive...:"

She walked away. I entered the living room. Cathy was reading a magazine. She dropped the moment I entered.

"Hei Nate... Sit down..."

I sat" You said you wanted to talk to me..."

She smiled" Yeah... I want to know if you're totally stupid."

I was taken back by her" huh?"

"Adam. Why did you go back to him?"


She stopped me" No, let me do the talking. I saw the way he treated you the last time. I don't want to see going through that again. There was too much pain involved. I am going to this lunch, for you not for him. I sure hope you know what you're doing."

I sighed" Cathy... I gave Adam a second chance... I know he's different this time...I just know it, don't ask me how...I just...trust me on this one..."

She got up" Dammit Nate. Adam's bad news. He isn't ready to be in a relationship with you. Yeah he changed, but for how long? How long until he sees that he wants girls and not you? Its only been a week, yeah...I saw that scene with Jess, and I was surprised, but Adam's the type of guy that after seeing what is expecting him with you will just go back to her..."


"Adam, I know what I'm talking about ok? I know what you've been through. I was there dammit!"

I was confused" I though Amanda was your first..."

She sat down again" Long story..."

"We have time... Adam's gonna take a couple more minutes..."

She sighed" Well...Amanda was my first, but she wasn't the only one... Once we got into a pretty heavy fight...we broke up... I met Carla... well...she was pretty supportive and friendly and I guess I was really needing the support. We kind of started seeing each other and for 2 months we were ok. But she was a cheerleader, and she had to date some stupid guy for a cover. I accepted at first but then..."

I sat next to her" What happened?"

"Nate, I do wish that it never happens to you. I really do... In the locker rooms one of her friends started talking about guys and sex, and Carla was forced into the conversation and had to talk about the sex with the guy. She told me that they never did it. That it was only basic stuff, no sex involved. After leaving the locker rooms, she said that we couldn't go on anymore, she was into guys and I was just experimenting to her."


"yeah, oh...two months of acting. I was devastated. First Amanda, then Carla, my parents, I had enough so I grabbed some bottles of pills and swallowed them. I almost died. The doctors managed to rescue me. Amanda got back to me after that, and we've been together since then. I haven't heard from Carla in a long time. I just hope she's happy..."

I hugged her. She hugged back.

"See Nate' I don't want you to go through that. It's too painful. I'm not supporting this decision. I support you, not the relationship with Adam, understand that. Not until I see some sign that Adam has changed. "

I nodded" I understand you. As long has we're still friends, I know I'm making the right decision. I just hope you get to see it..."

"Anyone wants coffee?"

We both looked up to see Amanda grinning with two mugs of coffee. She walked to us

"Get your hands of her Bradford, she's mine."

I smiled" She doesn't have what I want anyway..:"

Cathy stuck her tongue at me and I got up. Amanda handed us our mugs. She sat and spooned Cathy. I smiled at the picture. Amanda kissed the forehead of Cathy" You ok sweetie?"

Cathy nodded" I told Nate about Carla..."

The shining disappeared from Amanda's eyes. "OH..."

Cathy kissed Amanda's hand "Don't worry, I'm ok..."

The doorbell rang. I got up" I'll get it, you two look comfy there."

They ignored me and I went to the front door.

I opened the front door to find Adam standing there smiling with a bouquet of roses. He was wearing thigh blue jeans and a black sweater. He was dressed to kill.

"Awww, thanks you didn't need to..."

He chuckled" I know, its for Cathy."

My smile faded" You do know that they're lesbians right? You can't spell them and hope to get into her pants..."

He leaned into me" I've got you already spelled, I don't need anyone else..."

I rolled my eyes" Cheesy line..."

He ignored me and kissed. It was a hurried kiss, `cause he quickly walked into the living room.

"Hei Cathy" he looked at Amanda" hei Amanda... I brought these for you two..."

Cathy forced a smile. Amanda got up and walked to Adam" Thanks Adam, that was very nice of you..."

Adam probably sensed Cathy's mood. He smiled nervously" So, you all ready?"

Cathy stood up" Yeah, I'll ride with Amanda if you don't mind... "

I squeezed Adam's shoulder, this was not going to be easy. Cathy grabbed the roses "I'm gonna put them in fresh water, I'll be right back..."

She left. Amanda gave me an apologetic look. I shrugged

Adam leaned into the door" So Amanda how is your job going?"

She smiled" Good... my boss seems to like me, he's a great guy... really cool...to bad I'm a lesbian or I would jump on his pants."

Adam laughed" I saw your car outside, pretty cool... you bough it your self'"

"No, my boss kind of loaned it to me...until I can pay it back..."


Amanda looked at me. I was about to bring something up when Cathy appeared" I'm ready, lets go..."

Amanda and Cathy walked out of the living room. I grabbed Adam's arm and pulled him to me. I rested my forehead into his" Just give her time... "

He sighed" She hates me..:"

I brushed his hair out of his forehead" Don't worry...I'm here.."

He kissed me quickly" Thanks."

I smiled and we walked outside. We went to an Italian restaurant. Conversation was difficult, Cathy was giving small and direct answers and not once she tried to ask something. I was sensing the tension in the air. I excused myself to the bathroom. I needed some fresh air.

I walked into the bathroom and almost collided with someone. I looked up and saw Kurt.

"Kurt? What are you doing here?"

He seemed surprised" I'm having dinner with Jess and Marvin, what are you doing here?"

"Having dinner with some friends... I didn't saw you.."

He seemed a little nervous" Yeah...I guess we didn't saw each other..."

I leaned into the sink and crossed my arms" So... Everything ok with you?"

He was with his hands on his pockets, looking at the ground" Yeah... "

I sighed" Kurt..."

"Look, Nate...we already talked about it...just drop it..."

I shock my head" But you didn't explained with you won't be with us, instead of that bitch..."

He looked up" Nate..."

"Kurt come on, you know you can trust me... I'm your friend..."

"Look Nate...I have to go..."

He started to walk to the door. I grabbed his arm and looked him into the eye" Kurt...please tell me..."

He seemed to be debating wherever to leave or tell me. I gave him a pleading look. His shoulders fell, and he gave a huge sigh

"Jess knows..."

"Knows what?"

"That I'm gay..."

I was surprised" Oh..."

"She...she has pics..."

I grabbed his hand" What kind of pics?"

He gulped" Look Nate...I'm not a saint...I never was...one of the reasons my mom left the city was the drugs. I started to sniff coke and one day she caught me when I bought my first needle. I was really depressed..."

"She has pics of you drugged?"

"Sort of... "

Someone entered the bathroom. I dropped his hand and quickly pretending to wash my hands. The guy gave us an odd stare. He did his business and left. He didn't even washed his hands...pig


"Well...remember the boyfriend that I told you about? Well... he... he was the one that got me into the drug world... he...well...how can I say this... He took advantage of me..."

He was holding back the tears. I put my arm around his shoulder" He...forced me to do things... not the normal kind of things... heavy stuff... I was drugged, I didn't even know where I was, he took pictures of it, and put them online... I... I don't know what to do...Jess threatened me to show the pics to the whole school if I didn't do what she said..."

I was feeling even more hate towards Jess. I had to bring her down, I just needed a way... I turned him to me and saw that silent tears were falling down his face. I hugged him "Kurt... I'm sorry... I really am... I am gonna find a way of bringing down Jess...I swear...if you ever need to talk...just come to me."

He sobbed. He seemed so fragile in that moment. Not the strong and confident Kurt that I had know. He seemed like a innocent child. He splashed some water on his face and the confidence returned" I'm sorry."

"Don't be...its not your fault... "

He nodded" You know... Adam's a lucky bastard..."

I blushed" You go to your table and be strong..."

He smiled. He walked to the door, when he was about to open it he turned to, ran and hugged me. I was shocked but quickly hugged him back. He needed the safety, he felt lonely and Jess was taking advantage of that. He let go of me and quickly left. I splashed some water on my face and looked at the mirror. The door opened again and Adam appeared

"Though you went down the toilet or something..."

I looked at him" No...I was talking to Kurt..."

Adam flinched and stopped in front me. He took a deep breath" Is he ok?"

I put my hands around his waist and dragged him to me" He's fine, don't be jealous..."

He faked a smile" I ain't jealous..."

I sighed" Adam we were just talking... "

He kissed my temple" I know... I trust you...now lets go, Cathy's worried..."

He walked to the door. I squeezed his hand" Adam...I'm with you... remember that."

He smiled and nodded. We walked towards our table. Cathy and Amanda were having a quiet conversation. We both sat. I turned to Cathy" Jess's here, with Marvin and Kurt... I'll tell you later..."

She nodded and returned to her food. I sighed and suddenly I lost my appetite. I didn't feel comfortable with this. Jess in the same room as me, Cathy mad at Adam. I just wanted a quiet day, no stress.

"Cathy, I understand that you're mad at me...I am sorry if I ever offended you...and I know that you doubt that I will be with Nate, but this time its real... I want to be serious."

We all looked at him surprised. I even dropped my fork. Cathy calmly dropped her fork and looked straight at Adam" Look... you didn't like me the first time we met, and frankly I didn't like you either. You hurt Nate, he may be with temporary amnesia right now, but it will all come back to him when you hurt him again."

Adam didn't even flinch. I looked at Amanda trying to find something to do. She was holding Cathy's arm" Cathy calm down...lets just have a quiet meal..."

Cathy took a deep breath" No... I don't like to see my friends getting used, and it pains me to see that Adam's just going to hurt him all over again..."

I looked at Adam. He was looking straight at Cathy, not an emotion passing" Cathy... I'm sorry that you think that way... I really don't know what to say or do to prove you wrong... so lets just end it now... " he stood up" I just hope that you realize the mistake that you're making..."

He dropped money on the table and walked away. I turned to Cathy" I'm sorry... I'll call you later..."

I stood up and walked away from the table. I caught Adam leaning into his car, arms crossed on his chest with a pained look on his face. I stood in front of him.

"Don't worry...she just needs time..."

He looked at me" I really want us to work Nate, I really want... why can't she see it?"

I shrugged" She's my best friend... she just wants the best for me I guess... she'll came around...now lets go to your place..."

A week passed and Cathy was still not talking to Adam. Adam was doing the best he could. He would lunch with us, he would give us a ride. He was trying hard, but I could see that he was starting to get sick of it. Our relationship grew, we were getting more and more physical, it was hard to control myself sometimes. But I managed to, and Adam would always understand.

Everything was going ok until one day after Biology class. I was going through my things in the locker room with Cathy by my side.

"Nate, I have to go to the bathroom, I'll meet you in English..."

I nodded. I ignored the people walking behind me until I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I turned around to see Jess

"Hei Bradford..."

I rolled my eyes" What do you want?"

She tilted her head to the side making an innocent face" Why all the anger?"

I chuckled" Why the Britney Spears act?"

She chuckled back" You're funny, yeah...a real comedian..."

"Thanks... coming from a real slut I guess it's a real compliment.."

I saw her hand coming towards my cheek, but I caught it before it reached its destination" No way... I never hit a girl, don't wanna start now..."

She glared at me, but her hand returned to her place" Fine...I just wanted to know if you're having trouble in paradise..."

I was confused "huh?"

A tight little smile appeared on her face. Her eyes were shining "Don't play innocent with me... I saw you at the restaurant last week... seems your boyfriend isn't exactly in Cathy's side right..."

I clenched my fists" Jess...I swear...if you continue on talking..."

She laughed" You what? You'll hit me? What, I need to blow more jocks to threaten you? Marvin's not enough?"

I gave her a disgusted look.

She gave me a angry look" Like what you do with Adam isn't even more disgusting! Look, I'm here to warn you: I will get Adam back , I swear... "

"You're even worse than I though."

She smiled" Thanks, but I'm warning you, its better if you just leave him alone... or else..."

"Or else what?"

She got an evil smile on her face" Well... lets see...maybe some photos of Amanda and your dear Cathy kissing could show up Monday morning on the wall, or Kurt's pictures could mysteriously show up on the principal's office, or..." Her eyes opened wide" I could tell everyone what a slut your mother is."

I grabbed her wrist. People walking around us didn't noticed it. But I was with a death grip on it. I was beyond angry" Look you stupid bitch, I swear if you hurt anyone... "

She laughed, she was ignoring the pain" What? You'll tell everyone what a slut I really am?" she gave a small laugh" Come on, who's gonna believe you? Besides, if you ever do that, I'll just have to tell everyone what a fag Adam really is..."

The bell rang. She freed her wrist and straightened her hair. She gave on final look at me" Look faggot, you shouldn't have messed up with me... I can bring you down so fast you won't even know what hit you... just leave Adam and don't show your queer face ever again in front of me."

With that she turned away and left. The hallway was empty. I leaned against the locker and let myself fall to the ground. She had all the cards on her hand. I didn't know what to do...


Well... hope you liked it...keep on emailing me to pookie_story@hotmail.com. Hope to hear from you soon

Next: Chapter 10

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