
By zeca

Published on Apr 22, 2004


Well, chapter 8 finally... sorry for taking so long, but I am trying to present the story well, English is not my first language and editing takes some time; and Jack is doing his best, a really huge hug for him for all the work he does for me ?... and a huge hug to all of you who send me an email, I really like those and it's a way to meet people, keep on sending them to pookie_story@hotmail.com... Now for the story...go to it and I hope you like it.

Note---> I just wanna apologize for the wait. Jack was really busy. I am really sorry.... the next chapter isready, don't know when its gonna be edited, we'll see.... anyway, wanna arn you that finals are a moth away, and school work is getting heavy, doesn't mean the end of pouts, but I will take even longer to post the next chapters....I am really sorry, but I do have to suceed in this exams :)...


Pouts 8

I was gathering all of my courage together. Before me was Adam's bedroom door. I took another deep breath and slowly opened it. I entered the dark room. The only light was coming from the full moon outside.

Adam was lying on his bed with his arms behind his head. He had his eyes closed; and I took a few steps and then stood there, trying to think of what to say.

"Your mom never taught you to knock before entering a room?"

I ignored the sarcasm. "I never needed to knock before."

He opened his mouth to say something, but quickly gave up. I looked around trying to find something that could be used as a way to start a conversation.

"Great game, congratulations on the win."


I groaned to myself. He wasn't making this easy. I didn't know what to say.

"Well, you were my best friend for a long time, I thought that we could talk, but since you don't want to, I'll just leave..."

I turned my back to him and started walking away.


It came as a whisper.


"Don't... please stay...I'm sorry..."

I looked at him and sighed. I walked towards him and sat on the edge of the bed. He was looking at the wall, away from me.

"What happened?"

"I caught Marvin and Jess..."


I wanted to say `I told you so', but manage to hold my tongue.

"I was so furious... I started bashing him...coach stopped us in time..."

"I guess you really liked her, huh?"

It was hard asking him that. I was afraid of the answer. Deep down inside I was still hoping that he could feel something for me; that Jess was just an excuse or a way out of the gay world...

He took a long time to answer, and when he did he looked at me. "No..."

"I'm confused..."

He took a deep breath. "I thought about this, and mom gave me some tips, but I guess I was angry at myself..."

"I'm not getting it..."

He sat straight up on the bed and leaned into the wall. "You see, I choose Jess over you, my best friend...and in the end you were right all the time... she was a slut...and I didn't trust you... I was so stupid... I don't know how I can ever apologize..."

I smiled, "I didn't help as well, I overreacted and called you names...I guess we both acted stupidly... "

He shook his head. "No, I was the stupid one, I let go of you for her..."

I blushed. "You did what you thought was best..."

He laughed. "Do you believe that? I was scared witless; and I chose the easy path, the one I knew where I would be safe..."

I didn't say a thing.

He took another deep sigh. "I was hoping we could go back where we were..."

I looked into his eyes and it pained me to say what I said. I liked him, I might even be falling for him, but I was not being hurt again, not so easily, "No... not now...you're hurt, and I am not totally OK...we need some time...don't take this the wrong way..."

He looked down and mumbled. "I knew it, I'm stupid, I'm a fuckup..."

I lifted his chin. "Don't say that...I'm just asking for some time... we can't just be together again like that... you need to recover from Jess and I need to recover from all this... meanwhile we're friends again."

He looked up and smiled. He hugged me and whispered. "Thanks, I really need you as a friend, I really do. I promise I'll never doubt you."

I hugged him back. "That's ok, you need to rest now...I'll see you tomorrow..:"

I got up and started walking away. He interrupted me. "Could you stay over?"

I looked at him. "I don't know..."

He pouted. "Please, like the old times...I promise that I'll be good...no sex stuff!"

I chuckled, "Let me just call my mom..."

He smiled. I went to the living room and made a quick call. I walked again upstairs and found Adam sleeping fully clothed on his bed. I smiled at the figure and lay down next to him, hugging him from behind. I kissed his neck and fell asleep.

I awoke feeling a little lost, not knowing where I was. I looked around and I noticed that I was still in Adam's room. Alone. I got up, rubbed my eyes and walked into the hall. I heard some talking coming from the kitchen. When I walked in, Adam and Mrs. Anderson immediately stopped talking and looked at me.

"Good morning Natie..."

"Good morning Mrs. Anderson. Sorry for sleeping over..."

She smiled. "Not a problem, you did that all the time when you were little... sleep well?"

I blushed a little. "Yeah...pretty good..."

Adam laughed. "Mom, give him a break, I explained the situation to you."

She sighed. "Ok...ok...I'll go check my plants, and don't forget, you have to clean the entire house today."

Adam rolled his eyes and Mrs. Anderson walked out of the kitchen. I sat and looked at him.

"You're grounded?"

He nodded. "You want some coffee?"

I nodded back. He brought me a mug and sat in front of me. "We ok?"

I smiled, "I guess so... you have a long way to go, but I guess you'll make it."

He grinned. "Its Sunday...I have nothing better to do... you wanna go play some ball after lunch?"

I smiled. "Sure...like old times..."

He took a sip of his mug. "I was wondering... huh...at school...I was wondering if we could have lunch together again...I missed our lunches..."

"I have to check with Cathy..."

After breakfast I went home. My mom had left a note saying that she and dad were going to be late, having lunch with a friend. I grabbed the phone and dialed Cathy's home.

"Hi there!"

"Cathy? Its me Nate."

"Oh...Nate, what's up?"

I smiled, opening the door to my room. "Nothing special...just got back from Adam's house after spending the night."

Silence. I waited 5 seconds. "Cathy? You there?"

"Sorry, I fell from my chair... I think I heard Adam's name..."

I laughed while unzipping my jeans. "Yeah... long story... Adam caught Jess with Marvin, he needs a friend, we're back together as friends!"


"I know...I'm gonna be careful, I promise. I'm not gonna hurt myself again..."

"I just want the best for you...but please do be careful."

I tossed the pants away, and started unbuttoning my shirt. "Topic change. I wanna know if everything is ok with you..:"

She laughed "Awww, you worried about me? I should be the one worrying?"

I rolled my eyes and tossed my shirt to my bed. "Everything ok with Amanda?"

"Yeah things couldn't be better... But don't try to run away from the main problem...and that is Adam. I don't want to see you go back to where you were. I swear I'll kill him if you ever go back there!"

I chuckled. "Yes mom."

She laughed. "You better hear me. Or I'll spank your ass."

"Ohhh, kinky!"

She groaned. "You are sick... "

"Actually I'm just needing a bath, and that's just what I'm gonna do... "

"Yeah...I can smell you over the phone."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm gonna hung up now!"

"Yeah, I know you love me."

"Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do! See ya tomorrow at school."

"See ya love."

I hung up and walked into the bathroom. I entered the shower and let the hot water relax my muscles. I needed this so bad. I gave a huge sigh. Adam was back in my life. I had to take things slow...I had to be certain that this time was for real. I was not going to let myself be cheated again. I was so into the shower that I almost didn't hear the bell ringing.

I grumbled all the way to the door, dripping water, holding a towel around my waist. I opened the door to find Adam with a smile on his face.

His eyes saw every part of my body. "Yes?"

He snapped out of the trance and looked into my eyes. "You forgot your wallet in my room..."

I grabbed the wallet. For some seconds I felt some electricity going through my hand. I looked into his eyes and he was looking back at me.

"Sorry for interrupting... I see you were having a shower..."

He looked me up and down again. I blushed. "Yeah...thanks anyway..:"

He grinned. "Hey...are you alone?"

I nodded.

"You want to have lunch with me?"

I hesitated. I didn't know what was going to happen. But I was starting to freeze so I just nodded. His grin got wider and he entered.

"I'm gonna finish showering, you help yourself..."

He walked into the kitchen. I walked into the bathroom and finished my shower. I came out and was wrapping the towel around my waist when the door openned. Adam's head appeared. "Hey, your mobile rang. It's Cathy..."

I walked towards him. He leaned closer and we were inches apart. It almost seemed like he was leaning to a kiss. He handed me the phone and left.

I was a bit stunned. I was brought back to reality when I heard Cathy screaming in the phone.

"Were the hell were you? And why are you with Adam?"

"I..huh...well...lunch you see..."

"Oh, you're stupid already? I can see that things are going pretty well over there... "


I was stupid. I was still trying to recover. Why did he have this effect on me?

"I was just calling to ask you about math homework...I forgot to record it..."

I gave her the details and hung up moments later. I gave a huge sigh and got dressed. I walked into the kitchen to find Adam sitting eating an apple.

"Its still early...wanna watch some TV?"

I looked up at the clock, he was right it was still early. I nodded and we walked into the living room. We sat side by side. I turned the TV on to some movie channel. Some sappy romance was on. I rolled my eyes and changed channel. News. Changed again. Weather. Nope. More weather. Nope. Sport. Nope. A documentary about ants. Not in the mood. News. Nope.

While I was zapping through the channels I felt Adam's arm come around my neck. I shrugged it off. For a few seconds all was ok, but the arm returned. I turned to him.

"Adam. What do you think you're doing?"

He grinned. "Stretching my arms..."

I rolled my eyes. "You do remember that you told me that putting your arms around the girls neck was your first move. The first of a complicated plan to get into the girls pants?"

His grin got wider. "Yeah...but you're not a girl..."

"I'm glad you noticed it."

He stuck his tongue at me and turned to the TV. I continued on zapping until I found a cool movie. I leaned into the sofa and focused on the movie.

Half the movie later Adam's hand rested on my knee. I looked at him, not believing this.

"Adam, are you feeling ok?"

He looked at me with his goofy grin. "Yeah...couldn't be better...:"

"Adam? I told you, ... just friends..."

He nodded his head. "Yeah...I know..." I rolled my eyes. He laughed and leaned closer to me. His hand rested on my face. "I think you missed a spot here..."

He caressed my cheek. I closed my eyes for a brief second. I missed his touch. I missed him. I missed having someone close to me. But reality hit me when I felt his lips touch mine. This wasn't right. He had been a jerk. I couldn't take him back.

I jerked back and opened my eyes to see him smiling. "There, all clean now."

He stood up stretching his arms. His shirt rolled up a bit showing some of his stomach. I gulped. He caught me and his smile got wider. "Wanna grab something to eat before playing some ball?"

I nodded.

He walked out of the room. I stood up and walked into the bathroom. I splashed some cold water and tried to regain some strength. I had to be strong. I couldn't just go back to his arms like that. I was not going to be weak.

I walked into the kitchen to find Adam breaking some eggs. He looked up at me.

"I though that we could eat some omelet. I'm not that hungry...if you want to make something else its ok with me..."

"No, no...its ok..."

I sat in front of him. "You need help?"

"No, its ok...I can handle a single omelet!"

I watched him cooking, making small talk. It seemed like we were back as best friends. But there was something wrong. It seemed like he was trying to please me. To not make anything wrong. Trying to be perfect. During lunch and later at the ball, it continued. He was always smiling, never argued, and he even let me score some points. This was getting strange.

When we were drinking some water in his kitchen I decided to ask him.

"Adam, are you sure you ok? `Cause you've been acting weird all day."

"What do you mean?"

I lowered my glass. "Well, you're always smiling, you never argued with me, and you even let me score... You sure you're feeling well..."

He smiled. "Maybe you're getting better..."

I rolled my eyes. "Adam, tell me, if we're gonna be like we used to, we have to trust each other..."

He lowered his glass. "Nothing's wrong..."

I walked towards him and grabbed his hand. Looking into his eyes, I asked. "Tell me."

He looked back at me and I could see the fear in his eyes. He brushed my hand away and faced the window, away from me. "OK... I'm afraid..."

I was confused. "Afraid of what?"

He turned to me. He bit his lip, clearly he was nervous. "Afraid of messing up again, of doing something that will make you go away...I need you in my life again, and I don't want to screw things up again..."

I sighed. "Adam, you're a human being, you're going to make mistakes, and I'm here to forgive them, like you're there for me too... I'm not going anywhere. Last time you really hurt me, but if I agreed to be your friend again, it is because I trust that you won't hurt me again... "

He threw his hands in the air. "But I don't know if I won't do it again. Last time I was stupid and a coward, I know that. But what if I have to be that again? What if I don't have any other choice but that? I can't just throw everything away and grab onto something that I don't even know if it's real"

I was not surprised. "I expected that..."


I sighed. "You give too much value to your reputation and to what others think. Every time you pass the hall you check to see if anyone is giving you an odd stare, and if you do you spend the day trying to figure out what you did wrong... I'm not expecting you to give up on everything for me... I like you a lot, but I'm not going to make the same mistake again..."

"So I was a mistake?"

I rolled my eyes. "Don't victimize yourself. I chose to be with you. I took the risk. I didn't mind what you could did. But in the end I ended up hurting myself. I am not going to make the same mistake again. You love yourself. You're not ready to love anyone else. You're selfish and only care about yourself. As much as it costs me to say it, you used me and Jess, not that she didn't deserve it, ...but you did!"

He was standing with his mouth hanging open. His eyes clearly showed hurt. "I can't believe you said that. I was your best friend. Why didn't you say that to me before?"

"Because before you were only my best friend, I accepted you for what you were, the good and the bad, but when the bad side of you hurt me...well things changed, I have to tell you this...I like you a lot, and it pains me to have you right here and not being close with you. But I have to protect myself. Until you realize what you really want."

"I...I...can't make that choice now..." I smiled. "I know...I'm not asking you to do that right now... I'm gonna give you some time...come to me when you're ready...and then tell me what you really want. I don't want to be your boyfriend while you're not certain if you want me, nor even your friend unless you're certain that you want to be mine yourself..."

He nodded. I leaned into his face and kissed his cheek. I smiled and walked out of the kitchen and out of his house. My parents were already there when I arrived.

"Hi there Nate, you seem a little down, everything ok?"

I turned to my dad. "No, but I hope that it will be..:"

He smiled. "That's my boy. Your mom said that she had something to talk to you about ... she's in the kitchen."

I nodded and walked to the kitchen. My mom was making a cake. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hi, Nate!"

"Hi mom, dad said that you wanted to talk to me..."

"Yes, I was wondering when you were going to introduce us to your girlfriend..."

I blushed. "She's not my girlfriend, mom..."

"Oh nonsense! Mrs. Anderson said that the two of you are inseparable."

I rolled my eyes. "We're best friends, mom..."

"If you say so..."

I chuckled. "Was this all you wanted to talk about?"

She nodded.

I kissed her cheek. "You're crazy, mom, I'll be in my room if you need me..."

After that conversation with Adam, we didn't spend much time together. We would greet each other in school. We would sometimes make small talk. But no serious stuff was involved. I guess he was really thinking. He was considering what to do. I played it cool and gave him some space. One week later Cathy and I were waiting near the biology lab for the class to start when Marvin and Kurt appeared.

"Hey, Nate."

I looked at Kurt. "Hi Kurt. Morning Marvin."

Marvin grumbled something. Kurt turned to him. "Hey, could you buy me some chocolate?"

Marvin looked at me and glared. He nodded at Kurt and disappeared.

"Can I speak to you alone, Nate?"

I looked at him. "Whatever you have to say to me, Cathy can hear to..."

He shrugged. "Sure... I just wanted to apologize for Marvin's behavior...he was out of line with that scene... "

I smiled. "Don't worry... I wasn't worried..."

He half smiled. "I know that you probably hate me..."

I started to protest, but he stopped me. "Let me finish. I should have stood up for you. I know that... but I made new friends over here. This is not a big city, and you can't be alone. I thought that I could handle it, but I can't. I just... I'm sorry...I promise that I won't ever bother you."

"Kurt are you ok? You have friends here. You don't need to turn to those stupid pricks, we're here for you..."

He seemed nervous. "I know...it's...I can't explain it... I'll see you later..."

He walked away. Correction: he almost ran away. I looked at Cathy. She shrugged. After the last morning class, Cathy and I went to the cafeteria. We sat at our usual table and started to eat. I saw Adam with his tray and nodded at him. He smiled and walked towards us.

He sat in front of me and smiled. "Can I join you?"

I looked at Cathy. She shrugged.

"Sure... But aren't you gonna sit at your usual table?"

He grabbed his sandwich. "I don't feel comfortable there...besides I prefer to eat with my true friends...:"

I looked at Cathy. She was also surprised. Someone behind us coughed. We both looked and there stood Jess with a pissed look.

"Adam aren't you gonna join us?"

She was pretending that Cathy and I weren't there. I rolled my eyes and turned to my food.

"If I was going to join you, I would have sat over there instead of here, don't you think?"

She inhaled real loud. I smiled at that.

"Sweetie, I now that you're hurt over what you think you saw, but...:"

Adam interrupted her. "But what? It was all an optical illusion? Please...I heard guys give better excuses..."

"Honey, I only love you...I was so blinded by your victory that I couldn't see who I was kissing..."

Adam laughed. "Yeah, you were blinded alright, but not by the victory, you were blinded by Marvin's cock!"

I heard Cathy gasp. I almost spat out my food with laugher. Jess inhaled again "If that's how you want it..."

She turned around and walked towards her table, all the time with a plastic smile. I turned to Adam totally surprised. He was happily eating

"Adam? Are you there? Was it really you that said all that?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Don't be silly. Of course I did, I'm tired of that bitch... its time to move on and try to make up for the lost time..."

I blushed. Cathy stood up smiling. "I guess it's my cue to leave...I'll see you in English..."

She walked away. It was almost time for the next period so the cafeteria was almost empty. There were just a few guys eating slowly; Jess's crowd and ... Adam and me. He turned to me.

"I've been thinking a lot...I came to a conclusion."

My heart was pounding. I had been waiting for this all week.


"And, I'm gonna tell you later, I'll give you a ride home, for now let's focus on food..."

I groaned. "Who's the tease now?"

He laughed and we finished our meal. I couldn't concentrate at all during the afternoon. I was worried about what he was going to say. I almost ran when the last bell rang. Cathy just laughed and kissed me good luck. I spotted Adam leaning against his car with his arms crossed. He was deep in though. He didn't even notice me. I slowly and silently walked to him and quickly tickled him catching him off guard. His face was priceless. I tickled him until he regained some strength and grabbed my hands. "You're in so much trouble now."

I laughed. "You gonna give me a ride or what?"

"Jump in."

I opened the door and saw a red rose lying in the passenger seat. I took it and looked at him. He smiled and nodded.

I laughed. "This is so typical, but thank you."

He rolled his eyes. "Only you would want to ruin the romantic mood..."

I smiled and sat with the rose in my hand. He started the engine and drove off.

"So, what was the conclusion?"

"Well...I realized that I was a total jerk...and that nothing can ever erase what I did, but... I also believe that everyone deserves a second chance...even me..."

He had this hopeful look on his face. I smiled at that.

"That's true...but are you ready to be in a monogamous relationship? People will wonder why you're not dating anyone..."

He sighed. "Yeah...but I have to learn to ignore what others think...I can't live like that forever right? And besides with you by my side things will be easier..."

He grabbed my hand. I looked at him and nodded. He understood the gesture and smiled back

"I just hope that Cathy and Amanda can forgive me..."

I laughed. "Believe me. After the scene you made with Jess today, you're more than forgiven by Cathy..."

He grinned. "She deserved it. I can't believe that she thought that she could get back together after I caught them..."

I sighed. "I guess that besides slutty she's stupid also..."

He nodded and continued on driving.

" I just hope that Kurt's ok..."

Adam turned to me. "Speaking of him... I want to be nearby when you talk to him..."

I laughed. "Jealous are we'"

He nodded. "Damn right I am... I see the way he looks at you...and I saw you both in the corner...I don't want to see it again..."

I laughed and he continued in a lower tone. "But I do have to admit that it was pretty hot."

I smacked his shoulder. "You did not say that!"

He laughed. "I am a human you know."

I shook my head. "You're unbelievable."

He looked at me and stopped the car. We were home. "Yeah...but you love me anyway..."

I blushed. He smiled and kissed me. ...Our first kiss. I mean, our first kiss on our second try. There was no tongue. ...Just an innocent kiss. When we finished we were both smiling. My smile quickly faded away when I looked over into Mrs. Anderson's eyes.

"What's wrong, Nate?"

Adam turned around and saw his mom. He opened his door and hugged her.

"You were right mom, ... everyone deserves a second chance."

I got out of the car and stood there not knowing what to do or say. Mrs. Anderson smiled and hugged me. "I'm pleased that you're with him. You're going to be good for him, ..I know it. And Brad is gonna be thrilled."

I smiled at that. "I'm glad you're so supportive..."

She chuckled. "I was starting to think that you would need a push... you have been drooling over each other for quite some time...quite sickening if you ask me..."

I was shocked.

She laughed. " Oh don't worry, I have had plenty of experience with Brad and Mike, I can catch on to these things..."

"Mom, leave him alone... you're scaring him."

I looked at Adam. He had his arms crossed over his chest smiling at us. I stuck my tongue out at him. "She's not scaring me more than you with your driving."

"You did not say that!"

I let go of Mrs. Anderson. "It was a pleasure Mrs. Anderson, but I think my mom is expecting me, I'll see you later.."

I kissed her quickly and ran home. I heard Adam behind me. I almost crashed against my front door. I had almost opened my door when Adam got me. He grabbed my arms, spooned me around and pinned me against the door, with my arms above my head.

We were breathing hard. He leaned into me. "So, you were saying something about my driving..."

I smiled. "Yeah... something about how wonderful it is, and how you should be a professional driver..."

He chuckled. I looked around thanking God for the plants that were hiding us. He leaned closer and kissed me. I returned the favor. This time there was no mood for innocent kisses. It was a full one, tongue involved. He let go of my hands and put them around his neck. I let go of his lips and went for his neck.

He moaned in appreciation. His hands went for my back and started exploring. His mouth found my ear and started nibbling on it. I opened my eyes with the pleasure and my heart almost exploded.



Well, another chapter completed...thank you all for reading, keep on sending them to pookie_story@hotmail.com see ya soon

Next: Chapter 9

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