
By zeca

Published on Apr 8, 2004


Well, chapter 7 is ready and much quicker than chapter 6, :-). Anyway, I hope you like this chapter; it's much more family oriented but good things will develop, I promise. A thank you to everyone that has emailed me and please continue to do so to: pookie_story@hotmail.com, and to Jack my editor for having the patience to read all this a lot of times =P... I hope you like it

Don't forget to mail me?.


Pouts 7

"Nate, you should visit your aunt, she called and said that she missed you..."

I rolled my eyes. I looked up at my mom. "I have to study..."

She didn't even flinch, "Well, you could take a break...you need it... your father will take you..."

I was about to reply when she stopped me, "You're not in a very good position to argue with me...just shut up and eat."

I swallowed my anger and focused on my plate. My dad was totally ignoring our conversation. My mom turned to him. "You can take Nate, right?"

My dad nodded. I was feeling sick all of the sudden. After dinner my mom immediately demanded my dad and I go the car and to my aunt Mary's house. As we traveled, for the first five minutes or so we were silent. I was looking out of the window, trying to gather my thoughts and think of what to do.

This was not my week and I couldn't wait for tomorrow to be over so that the weekend would begin. I was sick of having to face Adam at school; and now that I had been threatened by two guys as well. I was starting to think that my life was lousy; I didn't like that. I had to solve this mess, and Jess was the first thing on my list. My dad brought me back to reality, almost startling me.

"So... school's going OK?"

I nodded.

"Your girlfriend...Cathy right? She OK?"

I rolled my eyes, "She's not my girlfriend..."


My dad focused his gaze on the road and I rolled my eyes and returned to the view. We were silent again. It would have been awkward if I hadn't already got used to it. He was almost a stranger to me.

"You know... I am proud..."

I turned to him, "Huh?"

"I'm proud, I may not show it; I may not be the best father, but I am proud of you..."

I was a little shocked. "Not that I'm complaining, but where is the coming from?"

He gulped and continued. "I know you don't get along with your mother very well, she can be very stubborn... but I love her... and I love you too...you're my son... We may not talk much; and I may not be there every time when you may need me, but remember that I do love you and that I'm proud of you."

I didn't know what to say. My dad had never, and I mean never, said something like that to me.

"Where is this coming from?"

He glanced over at me briefly. "I saw you and Adam the other night!"

I felt my face pale; and a tensing in my chest as I if my heart stopped. My stomach churned and I had this sickening feeling. He knew.

"Don't worry... I'm not angry... I'm just worried, but I trust you. I know that you're responsible and that you can take care of yourself. I just wanted to let you know that I'm OK with you, and don't be afraid to talk to me."

I felt nauseous and my mind was reeling. This was too much. I stared at the road and didn't say a word. He knew and he was OK with it. This week kept on getting better; if I had been seventy I wouldn't have survived this week. This would have been too much for my weak heart.

The car stopped. I looked at my dad and studied him. I didn't know what made him say those things. I never knew he had this inside him. I always saw him as another guy that occupied the same house; but now, he had revealed himself someone that loved me. Maybe we had never get along, but there was no better time than now to change that.

I leaned into him and hugged him. He tensed momentarily, but softening, quickly hugged me back.

I whispered, "I love you too, and thanks for not freaking out. I really need you."

He sighed, "I'm sorry for how all our lives have been, I know I fucked up, but I want to make up for the lost time!"

I nodded. I got out of the car and he lowered the car window to speak to me. "I'm going to Bob's to take care of some paperwork, I'll be here in half an hour... give Mary a hug for me!"

I nodded and he smiled. He drove off and I stood there digesting all that just happened. Finally some good stuff in the middle of all the shit that was my life. I gave another sigh and walked towards the front door.

My aunt had one of those neat, little houses, with a small yard out the front. All the houses in the neighborhood were pretty much the same. There were very few variations; two front windows either side the front door; all white with a red rooftop. I knocked on the door and my aunt appeared wearing an apron with a cigarette held in the corner of her mouth.

"Good to see you!"

I smiled, "I was in the neighborhood and decided to visit my aunt..."

She laughed, "Your mother made you come, right?"

I blushed.

She laughed again, "Don't worry... nothing wrong with that...I needed to talk to you...come on in."

I entered and she led me to the kitchen where she was baking some cookies. That brought back memories. I sighed and sat looking at her.

"So how is school going?"

"Good... "

She smiled and took the cigarette from her mouth exhaling the smoke. "Your mother came here yesterday, she was a little pissed you might say..."

I rolled my eyes.

She smiled at that and returned the cigarette to her mouth. "She said something about you don't wanting to go to med school..."

I groaned, "I just said that I was thinking of Biology or something else, maybe..."

She looked at me and sighed, "I always said that you should go to med school... I thought that you wanted that...but if you wish to follow another career, then I won't mind..."

I smiled, "Thanks..."

She looked at me. "But!"

I sighed," I knew there was a but somewhere..."

She smiled and walked to the balcony and continued to prepare the mixture for the cookies. "You have to understand where your mother's coming from!"

"I have heard the story. You were very poor and she doesn't want me to also struggle financially..."

She stopped and looked straight at me. "Yeah, well that's only part of the story!"

I was curious, and dragged my chair nearer to her.

"What I'm gonna tell you can't leave this house; and your mother would kill me if she knew I was telling you this. But I don't want you to hate your mother; I hated mine and I know that it's not healthy to hate your mother!"

"What happened?"

She walked to the sink and washed her hands. She grabbed a chair and sat in front of me. She put the smoke on the ashtray and lit another one.

"Your grandparents were poor. Our mom didn't work and dad was a miner. We had to start working really early. Most of the money went to our mother and she was never happy with it. You mom is the oldest; she was the one that protected Susan and me. She was always fighting with mom, and I hated mom for giving her such a hard time."

She blew out a cloud of smoke; and paused, thinking.

"Your mom decided to leave for college; she had saved some money and left after a huge fight. Your mom was determined to escape our poverty. Susan and I made plans to do the same, but we had to wait. Some months later, your mom invited me to go over to her place for a visit. I was more than happy to go. When I got there I was surprised. She was living in a reasonable place, clean with a very acceptable bathroom."

"We spend the first day talking and catching up on all that had happened. Your mom went out that first night; and spent most of the night out. I was very naïve and didn't think it odd. On the second night the same thing happened; so, with my curiosity aroused, on the third night I decided to follow her; to see if there was maybe a new boyfriend in the picture. I found your mother leaning into a car's window. She was a prostitute. I was beyond shock. The perfect picture I had of her was shredded. "

"After that visit I returned home; and your mother later came home for Christmas. I now saw her in a very different light; and she also started to look very different. To make a long story short, she had started getting into drugs. I managed to convince her to stop; and after some month, she met your father and started to get her life together."

I was shocked. I never imagined my mom like that. I was now feeling a bit guilty about thinking of her as a bitch.

"I didn't know..."

"And you don't, you won't ever comment on this to your mother! She doesn't want you to go through anything like what she experienced. She was desperate. She only wants the best for you. We had a tough life. She only wants you to be happy. She developed a mask to hide all of the painful emotions of those years; she is very strong."

I think that I was sitting with my mouth hanging open; my mind was reeling. I heard the honk from my dad's car and stood up. I hugged my aunt. "Thanks... I promise I won't tell her..."

She smiled, "Just give her a chance...she will change..."

I kissed her cheek and walked from her the house. On the way back home my dad and I made small talk. I was starting to see that my dad was a great guy, funny and smart, he even made some comments about his future son in law.

When we got home mom was sitting in the living room watching some TV. She looked up at me with her usual cold stare and I felt pity for her. I walked to her and stood in front of her.

"Mary's OK?"

I nodded, and continued to stand staring at her. She seemed so cold, so distant, but I was searching to see a human there. Like a little light in the end of the tunnel, expressions of emotion played across her face. She looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Something wrong?"

I shook my head. She looked back to the TV again and I continued to stand before her. I was wondering how I could make for all the stupid things I had said and the stupid ways I had acted.

She looked at me now a little annoyed. "What?"

I leaned into her and hugged her. "Good night, and I love you."

It came out soft, almost as a whisper. She was rigid as a board. I kissed her temple and walked to my room. I had a smile on my face; the best way to get inside my mom was by loving her, and I was going to do just that. I stripped off my clothes and climbed into my bed; I was closing my eyes when the bedroom door opened. My mom peeked in and walked towards me. She looked at me for what seemed like an eternity and leaned to kiss my temple. "Good night, I love you too!"

She tucked me in and left. I was smiling. I had managed to penetrate her barriers. I was wining my mom back. The week was not that bad after all! I had made up with my parents.

The next morning I was in the kitchen before my mom had risen. I was making some breakfast as she walked in with her robe.

"Good morning, mom"

She smiled, "Good morning, Nate."

I sat in the kitchen table eating my cereal. She made some coffee and sat in front of me.

"I never asked yesterday... how was the conversation with Mary?"

"Ok...she was baking some cookies... I have to learn how to cook, or I'll starve to death when I'm living alone..."

She smiled, "You could take some lessons from Adam, I heard that he's a great cook..."

I flinched at the name, but managed to keep my smile, "I'd prefer to learn from you..."

Se looked hard at me and I could feel the emotion on her face. I had hit a spot again. I knew it. I grinned and continued on eating some cereals.

"I'm sorry..."

I looked up at her. I almost couldn't pick what she said; it came almost as a soft whisper.

"I'm sorry for being so stubborn and not listening to you..."

I smiled at her, "Don't worry, Mom, as long has we can start over..."

She looked at me and I could see a tear on her cheek; she smiled, "I have to go slow, but I promise to be a better mom than what I have been... it will take time, but I'll do my best!"

I grabbed her hand. "Take all the time you need, I'm not going nowhere!"

I looked at my watch and grabbed my backpack. I kissed her forehead. "I'll see you later!"

I walked outside to see a sky with some clouds, but to me it seemed like a perfect day. Oh, it felt so good! I had managed to feel something so good with my mom. Adam's car was gone from the driveway, but I could care less. I didn't give a fuck about Adam right now. It felt good to be at peace with my parents. It was like a huge burden had been lifted off my shoulders

I spotted Cathy waiting for me near the usual tree. I surprised her from behind, hugged her, lifted and spun her around. She gave a little yell, but quickly realized who it was, she laughed and I put her down.

"Good morning, I can see the day started well for you!"

I kissed her cheek. "My mom and I actually hugged and I kissed her, I haven't kissed her for what? ... ten years?"

She laughed "I'm glad you're OK with your parents... how did that happen?"

"I'll tell you while we walk, ...or we'll be late."

I told her everything. She listened without comment from beginning to end. When I finished, she smiled. "You're lucky... you have a second change, grab it and hold on to it!"

"I plan to..!"

We entered the main hall and it was already full with students about their business.. We walked to her locker and I noticed Adam and Jess entering hand in hand. My spirit fell a little, but not like last time. I was better now, stronger, and I was going to be better than Jess.

They passed by us and didn't even notice. I exchanged a look with Cathy who just shrugged. Morning classes went by like a rocket and we found ourselves eating lunch like a pack of starving wolves.

In the middle of our lunch I looked up and noticed that Jess was whispering something to Adam and looking over at us. She was making this expression that almost made me want too puke. She leaned harder into him and licked his neck. I looked around and as no one was looking, I gave her the finger. She smiled and moved her tongue to his ear. I rolled my eyes and looked into Cathy's eyes.

"You still like him don't you?"

I didn't answer.

"Thought so."

We left the cafeteria and walked to a quiet place by a tree. Kurt passed by.

"Hi Nate! What's up?"

"Nothing much...Oh, this is Cathy, ..Cathy this is Kurt!"

They shook hands.

"So, you're a friend of Adam now?"

He looked at me "Look, I'm sorry about the other day... I didn't want to do that...but he made me...I tried to defend you, buy Jess is more convincing than me, if you know what I mean..."

I was confused. "No, I don't know what you mean..."

He looked around, and leaned closer. "She gives head to at least three of Adam's friends. He doesn't know...she tried to persuade me, but I managed to escape it... I don't want her mouth near my cock anytime soon..."

Cathy made a disgusted look, I laughed, "I see...I knew she was a slut, just didn't know how much... poor Adam..."

Kurt grinned and shook his head. "I have to go, I'll see you guys later."

He walked away.

"I'm not kissing her again ever in my life!"

I laughed at Cathy. " Can you imagine where she had been with her mouth when she was whispering I your ear the other day?"

Cathy looked disgusted. "You're sick, you know that?"

I was enjoying this, "What if she put some leftovers on your cheek? Something microscopic?"

She slapped my arm. "Stop it, Nate! I'm feeling sick!"

I laughed, "Lets go, we have Biology now, I think we're gonna start on the human genitals today!"

She groaned and we walked towards the classroom.

After classes I was walking home feeling surprisingly well. I knew that when I got home I wouldn't have to face my stupid mother, but a new mother. I wasn't afraid.

I remembered that Adam had practice today; I could pass by his house and see Mrs. Anderson. I had missed her. So I went straight into her house. I heard noise from the kitchen and walked in there expecting to see her.

"Mrs. Anders..."

I stopped in mid-hug. There stood Adam, five inched from me with an apple in his mouth, looking surprised to see me. I quickly stepped back

"I though that you had practice today..."

"I was hungry, I decided to grab something to eat here..."


We fell into an awkward silence. I was looking at the ground. I couldn't stand the silence and asked the first thing that came to my mind.

"So...you're having a game this weekend?"

He nodded


"Yeah... it's a tough team, but we can handle them..."

I gave him a little smile. "Well, I guess I'll go now... good luck with practice..."

I turned back and started walking away. I had made a couple of steps when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Adam grabbed me, then spun me around and planted a full kiss on me. I was surprised. He opened his mouth and explored me with his tongue. He dropped the apple and his arms came around my neck. I lost all my resistance and my arms wrapped around his waist.

As soon as it started it was over. He stepped back, grabbed another apple and walked out without a word. I was stunned, stupefied and lost. I just stood there.

"Nate? Is that you? Hey! You seem a little pale? You OK?"

I looked around and saw Mrs. Anderson holding a bag full of groceries. I shook my head and helped her with the bags.

"I'm fine Mrs. Anderson..."

She smiled, "I told you to call me Bri...would you like a small snack?"

I smiled back, "Sure... I dropped by to see you... everything OK?"

She walked to the fridge. "Just fine... my roses are starting to grow, and my garden will be even more beautiful..."

I smiled at that. Mrs. Anderson was a simple woman. She didn't hate anyone; she was nice to everybody and loved plants. She was a great woman. I loved talking to her.

"I bet it will be... Mike and Brad, OK?"

She sat in front of me and handed me a sandwich. "They called yesterday...everything is fine... they send hugs by the way."

"They were great guys..."

"Yeah...they are perfect for each other...if it wasn't for Brad, then Mike would probably be lost, he wouldn't had finished college...and if it wasn't for Mike, Brad would feel very lonely, and wouldn't have that special someone that could make him laugh..."

I just smiled and ate my sandwich.

She continued. "I haven't seen you around that much...are you sure everything is OK?"

I gulped, "Yeah...been busy with school and everything..."

She looked at me suspiciously. "And I guess that being upset with Adam has nothing to do with it?"

I was shocked. I dropped my sandwich on the plate and stared at her.

She laughed, "I may be old, but I'm not dumb! I noticed the change right away in Adam, and it was obvious... and I don't like that girl either."

"What do you mean?"

She leaned forward in her chair. "I have never thought much of Adam's girlfriends... and I'm sure not going to start now with this one...it's obvious you don't like her... Brad and I talked a bit about it...I know her mother... you can't blame her for being the way she is..:"


Mrs. Anderson stood up and walked to the stove. "I met this girl's mother once. Didn't like her the first moment my eyes fell on her..."

She started preparing the coffee. "My husband was still alive then. We were at a party; I can remember why... she was all smiles but so transparent with her intentions; I could see the desire on her eyes. She wanted my husband. I wasn't worried, I trusted Carl. Yes, I discovered that she tried to seduce him, and the shocking thing is that she was married, and still is...that poor husband of hers..."

She sat in front of me with her cup steaming. "Now...I never mentioned this to Adam...I trust you, you're a smart guy, I know you won't say things... I just want the best for my son... "

I was confused, ..Was she trying to say something to me?

I looked at her. "Well, Adam's a big boy, he knows what he's doing... I can't force him..."

She took a sip of her coffee. "Adam's not that simple. He's just like Carl. He hides what he really feels. He really worries about what others think of him. It's just the way he is... and I worry about him every day. I pray that he will find that right person to make him happy and show him that life is more than worrying about the views of other people... Like I did with Carl..."

Her eyes lost some of their sparkle; She looked at the cup and took another sip. I was really confused about the whole thing. I needed to clear out of there.

I stood up. "Thanks for the snack, Mrs. Anderson, I really appreciate it."

She smiled, "No problem, and don't forget what I told you."

I nodded, kissed her forehead and walked from the house. I took a deep breath the moment I put my foot outside. First the kiss and now Mrs. Anderson with her revelations... I needed a shower and a smoke. Real quick.

My parents weren't home yet. I almost ran to the shower and relaxed under the warm water. I heard the front door opening and knew that someone had arrived. I ignored it for a while and continued showering, trying to forget the sensation of Adam's lips.

I came out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist and almost knocked my dad over.

He laughed, "Easy there, boy... I didn't know you were home, I thought you were over Adam's... but anyway, I need your help, we're making dinner for your mom tonight..."

I was surprised. "You know how to cook?"

He laughed again, "Of course I do, how do you think I survived at college?"

He walked to the kitchen and I changed into some lighter clothes. My dad really knew how to cook, and I was surprised by all of it. And my mom was pleasantly surprised to see the dinner ready and the table arranged.

She looked from me to dad. "Not that I'm complaining, but are we celebrating something?"

My dad hugged her. "Our second chance!"

She smiled at me and kissed dad. I rolled my eyes, "Get a room you two!"

They laughed. It was so weird being this comfortable around them. After so many years of distance, of respect and authority, this was totally new.

"So, I'm hungry, what did you guys made?"

Dinner went especially well. We laughed and made some small talk and the food was good. I went to bed smiling again, but still with thought of Adam's lips on my lips and face.

The next day I met Cathy and told her everything.

She groaned, "You two are worse than a bad soap opera!"

I rolled my eyes, "I don't know what to do..."

She put her arm around my shoulder. "Just go with the flow, and worry about it later...now let's go, we have a test tomorrow, and I don't want miss this class."

Morning as usual went by like a rocket. I wasn't hungry, but Cathy convinced me into going with her. She had big news, and I was looking at her waiting for the revelations.


She smiled, "So what?"

"The big news you had to tell me?"

Her smile got bigger, "Oh, that..."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, that...come on tell me!"

She laughed, "You are worse than my mother..."

I gave her the finger.

"Don't you tease me, young boy!"

I groaned.

"I said yes!"

I was confused. "Yes to what?"

"To Amanda's invitation..."

I was surprised. "You will try living with her?"

She nodded. "When I start college; I know my mom will go ballistic, but I don't care... I wanna try this, I love her."

I squeezed her hand. "I'm happy for you!"

She smiled. "Nate, are you sure you're OK? I mean with what happened lately, I don't blame you for feeling down..."

I shook my head. "Don't worry... I can manage..."

Jess passed by us, followed by Marvin. She smiled at us and Marvin glared at me. I felt a shiver run down my spine.

"I feel sorry for Adam...that slut's cheating on him with his so called friends..."

"Adam's a big boy, he can handle himself...he made a choice, he has to live with the consequences."

I nodded. "Still, I feel sorry for him..."

The rest of the day was uneventful. After school I was walking home with my head clear from problems when I saw Jess and Marvin walking together. An urge of curiosity came over me and I decided to follow them. They walked together for ten minutes until they arrived to some old public bathrooms.

They looked around and I hid behind a tree. They entered together. I crept quietly to the door and leaning to listen could hear the unmistakable sound of moaning and slurping. I closed my eyes trying to not think about what was happening. I heard a small gasp of pleasure come from Marvin and just felt sick.

I backed away and walked towards home; I decided to talk to Adam. Even if he didn't probably didn't want to listen, he had been my best friend for many years and I wasn't going to let him be cheated on like this.

I found him parking his car. I waited for him to come out.

"Adam, I need to talk to you..."

He sighed," Look, about yesterday..."

"Forget yesterday! I need to tell you something."

He was a little stunned. "Ok, I'm all ears..."

"I followed Jess and Marvin today..."

He sighed, "Nate, please, you're not gonna start again..."

"It's true, I saw them going together to a public bathroom! She is cheating on you!"

His cheeks got redder. "Look, I know you're still hurt because I dumped you, but I'm with Jess now, we love each other, I don't want to hear these lies from your mouth; and in your own words, I'm too stupid to even understand them!"

"Adam, please."

He walked by me and turned around. "No Nate, I'm the one asking you, leave me fucking alone, I don't need you and I don't love you, get that in your head."

He took one last look at me and walked inside. I was planted there for what seemed like an eternity until I grabbed some courage. I ran to him, grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"Then tell me that the kiss didn't meant anything!"

He looked around. "Please Nate, just go away..."

I squeezed harder. "Say it!"

He took one long look at me and sighed. ."Fine, it didn't mean a thing."

I took one long look at him, dropped his arm and backed away. "Ok...I'll leave you alone then... I hope you're happy with Jess... I really do."


I was holding the tears back. "No really, you two make a great couple. I was stupid to believe that I had a chance... I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll see you later at school..."

I walked into my house and into my room. I wasn't going to cry over him, not now, not ever. I opened my biology book and focused on the embriological development of a bird. I didn't even hear the door open, so I almost jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You OK?"

I looked up to see my father looking at me concerned.

"I saw you coming to your room and you seemed a little upset..."

I nodded.

"Are you sure? Is everything OK with Adam?"

That was it. As soon as he said the name, the tears started falling. I was sobbing. My dad sighed and put his hand on my shoulder. I leaned into his stomach and hugged him, sobbing into him. One of his hands started caressing my hair.

"Its hurts, and I would give anything to take that away from you, but remember that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

I sobbed even more. He continued patting my hair. I managed to compose myself and leaning back wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry dad, I didn't want to mess your shirt..."

He smiled, "Don't worry, I'm here for you... If you need me I'll be downstairs."

He walked out of my room, turning one last time before closing the door. He smiled and left. I took a deep breath and went to the bathroom to clean myself.

A few weeks passed. My parents and I started getting even more comfortable. We had long talks and they started to support my idea to take a biology degree. Cathy was always there by my side. She supported me in the early days after my heartbreak, she and Amanda were a great help. I stopped smoking and started doing more exercise. I almost never saw Adam. Sometimes we would see each other on the hall, but no word was spoken. Jess still kept giving me warning glances. Kurt got more and more distant. I almost never saw him.

I was starting to get over Adam. I was starting to get used to seeing him with Jess in the cafeteria feeding each other and making out. The first few times were really hard, especially with Jess looking at me the whole time. I kept visiting Mrs. Anderson from time to time, always when Adam was away. She managed to convince me to go and see one of his games. She didn't want to go alone, and I like a good little boy went with her.

So, there I was sitting watching a game of basketball. I noticed Jess in one of the front rows cheering for our team. We won. Mrs. Anderson and I waited for everyone to leave and started to get up when we noticed some commotion. A group of parents were in a small circle with the coach. He seemed a little angry.

"I just want to know who is Adam Anderson's dad or mom!"

Mrs. Anderson stepped up. "I'm his mother, has something happened?"

"Follow me, Mam!"

Mrs. Anderson grabbed my arm.

"No Mam, only you..."

I glared at the coach, Mrs. Anderson stood unmoved. "He came with me, I'm sure that what you have to say can be heard by him..."

The coach rolled his eyes and groaned, "Just follow me..."

We followed him into a small office with no windows. We opened the door to see Marvin and Adam sitting in chairs. Adam had his arms crossed; an angry look on his face, Marvin was holding a pack of ice to his cheek.

"Take a seat, Mam..."

We both sat.

"I called you in here, because your son has hit another student." Mrs. Anderson opened her mouth in shock. I was shocked too. Adam had never hit anyone.

"Is this true Adam?"

Adam looked our way and nodded, turning his head the other way again.

"I have to say that since Adam is not usually like this, and as he is a good player, this won't go further than here, but I have to warn you that if there is a repeat of this then he may be suspended..."

Mrs. Anderson had an angry look on her face. "I assure you that this won't happen again. Thank you for warning me, and please tell this boy's parents that I'm sorry."

The coach smiled, "Don't worry, Mam. You can go now, I have to call Marvin's parents..."

We all stood up and walked out of the office. Not a word was said the whole way to the parking lot. I almost jumped when I heard Mrs. Anderson's voice.

"Can you take Adam's car? I need to have a serious talk with him."

I looked at Adam a little unsure. He tossed me his keys and entered his mom's car. I drove off to Adam's house. I am not a good driver, but I do my best.

When I got there, they weren't there yet, so I locked the car and sat on the front porch. I wanted for at least ten minutes until I saw the lights of Mrs. Anderson's car. They both climbed out of the car but Adam passed by me and into the house. Mrs. Anderson had a smile on her face and stopped in front of me.

"I think you should talk to him..."

I was surprised, "Me? I don't think so..."

Her smiled got wider. "Just try... please..."

I groaned, she knew I couldn't say no. I stood up.

"Ok, but you owe me a lot of pies for this one..."


Well, chapter 7 finished...?... I hope you liked it, and please do send some feedback to pookie_story@hotmail.com Thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 8

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