
By zeca

Published on Mar 31, 2004


Well, chapter 6 is here, a lot darker and a new tone for the story... sorry for taking so long, but had a lot of study and little time...again thanks to Jack, my editor for keeping up with me and for giving his time to edit this... and to everyone that has emailed me, please keep on doing so to: pookie_story@hotmail.com... I need a lot of feedback.

Now for the good part:

Pouts 6

I was walking back to my house carrying a plastic bag holding my dirty clothes. The atmosphere at Cathy's was awkward for the rest of lunch. I was angry and they didn't know how to handle my mood. I was still trying to understand how the fuck he had the nerve to even try to see me after what he had done!

I was so into my anger that I almost collided with Brad.

"Hey, there Nate... !"

I faked a smile. "Hi...sorry about that..."

"No problem...you seem a little upset..."

I sighed. "Just some problem...don't worry..."

He looked at me; his hazel eyes searching my face for some answer. He crossed his arms and smiled. "Hey, would you like to come for a drink of coffee or something?"

I was about to say no when he interrupted. "I'm not taking a No... the house is empty, and I need some company!"

I sighed and nodded. He grinned and we walked towards Adam's house.

"Where is everyone?"

He opened the front door. "Well, Bri and Mike went shopping, Adam said something about a girl... he left in a hurry..."

I clenched my fists and walked into the house. We sat in the kitchen and he prepared some coffee.

"So, tell me how are things for you at school?"

"They're OK..."

"I used to go there... pretty cool school... Hey...do you still use that old corner near the library?"

"Yeah... smoking ... and other things..."

He looked at me and I blushed. He laughed. "Don't worry, Mike and I used it a lot of times..."


"Yeah... I guess high school was the hardest time for us to be together... Mike was in the football team...and had a reputation to maintain... pretty difficult... but we made it..."

I was interested. He sat in front of me and passed me a mug of coffee. "So... he had a girlfriend?"

Brad looked at me with a curious look. "Yeah... she was a total slut... I caught them once... pretty heavy drama..."

He laughed. "Now that I look back at it, it seems funny; but when it happened... my heart was broken... and Mike chose her instead of me for a while... "

I looked at my mug. "That must've been difficult..."

"Yeah...but thankfully Bri was there for me... she helped a lot. Mike was afraid of losing everything...he loved me, but he wasn't ready to give up his safe world for me!"

I took a sip of my coffee. "Well, time healed our rift... he came to me and apologized... he got tired of being Mr. Perfect... and I loved him so I took him back!"

I sighed. "You never argue? You never broke up again after that?"

He laughed as I said that. "Of course we did, every couple of fights... but you know what? Our age makes things easier.... when you're a teenager you see things in a certain way; you love drama and you just want to be an adult...but when you start to get older you start to appreciate everything that life has for you and enjoy every good time as it comes, and I thank God every day for Mike!"

"He's not the only one..."

I looked up to see Mike and Mrs. Anderson in the kitchen door with their hands full of bags.

Mrs. Anderson rolled her eyes. "Those too can make you feel sick when they start with the sloppy stuff!"

Mike kissed Brad and placed the bags on the kitchen counter. "So are you two guys conspiring against us?"

Brad laughed. "Of course not, Honey!"

Mike rolled his eyes and started taking things out of the bags. "So, everything OK with you, Nate?"

I nodded. "Yeah...but I probably should go now, my mom will kill me..."

They looked at me and shared a look. " OK Nate... but as we'll be going home tomorrow, please come by before that so that we can say goodbye!"

I stood up. "Sure, I'll see you later..."

I walked out of their house and over to mine. My dad's car was in the driveway. I took a deep breath before entering the house. I heard some talking coming from the living room, and as I walked into in, all the talking stopped. My dad was sitting on the large couch; he was leaning back, with one leg crossed over the other, a concerned look on his face. My mom was sitting in front of him, looking straight up at me with a glare that could almost kill.

"Nate, your father knows your intentions..."

I looked at my father. "And what do you have to say?"

My father looked at me. He then looked at my mom and stood up. "I have a lot of work to do..."

He walked towards me and grabbed my shoulders. "You do what your mother tells you to!"

I almost bit my tongue trying to contain myself. He squeezed my shoulders and walked out of the room. I looked at my mom. The glare was still there.

"I am not going to tolerate such behavior coming from you! You will not turn your back on me again, I am your mother and I demand respect! Whether you like it or not, as I am the one paying the bills around here, you will do as I say!"

I took a deep breath. "Is that all?"

"No! You are grounded from now on ...until I say otherwise! You will come straight home from school and I don't want to see Adam or your girlfriend!"

"What? I'm no fucking kid!"

"Watch your language! You may not be a kid, but you sure behaved like one today! Go to your room and I don't want to see you before dinner!"

I glared at her; and if a look could kill... Well, it didn't work. I turned around and for a fleeting second the idea of running away from home crossed my mind. I shook my head and walked to my room. I fell onto the bed and eventually fell asleep.

The next day I woke before my alarm. I went through my morning routine and found myself in kitchen eating cereals. My mom appeared in her robe.

"Good morning, you got up earlier today!"

I didn't even look at her. "Good morning!"

She sighed. "You're behaving like the little kid now? Gonna pout too?"

I grabbed my bag. "I'll see you later!"

I walked past her and out of the house. I was so angry that even the birds singing irritated me. Adam's car was still in the driveway and I thanked God for that. I had stolen a cigarette from my dad, and carefully hidden it in my pocket before leaving home. I decided to go to the park to have a quick smoke. I wasn't really a smoker, but when I was in need like now, the flesh was weak...

I sat near a tree and checked my watch. I still had 15 minutes. I took a long drag from the cigarette and sighed.

"I didn't know that you smoked!"

I looked up and saw Kurt. "Hey, you couldn't show of more skin, Eh?"

He blushed. He was wearing some sleeveless sweater than left nothing to the imagination.

"You OK?"

I took another drag. "Couldn't be better!"

"I see... mind if I take a quick drag?"

I was surprised but didn't show it. He took the cigarette and took a long draw. He gave me back the cigarette and exhaled the smoke.

I looked at him. "You smoke?"

He shrugged. "Sometimes... bad habit I guess..:"

I got up and was at eye level with him. I looked around and couldn't see anyone. I grinned and leaned against him, my mouth near his ear, "You are very sexy in that sweater, could almost eat you right here." I nibbled his ear while whispering this to him. He sighed and his hand started to caress my stomach. I took a step back and grinned again.

"We're gonna be late for classes!"

He groaned and smiled at me. "You sure as hell are the biggest tease I've ever met!"

That word brought back memories. My smile almost fell, but I managed to keep my expression. I took another drag and we both walked to school.

I was late for class, but I didn't care. It was Chemistry. Cathy spotted me and smiled. I smiled back and took my seat. She kept giving me odd glances during the class. When it ended she came over to me.

"Hi, there's something different about you today..."

I stood up from my chair grinning. "Good morning to you too!"

She took a long sniff of me. "You've been smoking too? You don't smoke, Nate!"

I looked at my watch. "Look Cathy, I have to go, I kind of have plans!"

She looked stunned. I kissed her forehead and walked out of the classroom. Truth was that I didn't want to face her and answer her questions. I wasn't going to have a heart to heart conversation. I just didn't want to be vulnerable again. No one was getting close to me. I was not going to go there again. I was tired of it!

I almost ran out of the building. I had English next, but I was going to skip class. Right now, I couldn't face Adam or Jess. I was too sick of all that mess. I walked to a small magazine stand, the same one that I had previously used to buy cigarettes.

"Good morning, I would like a pack of Marlboro, please."

The vendor looked at me suspiciously. He gave me the pack and I gave him the money.

As he gave me the change, looking hard at me. "You look a little innocent to be smoking, so young..."

I took the change and faked a smile. "Well, innocence is not forever..."

I walked out of there lighting another smoke. I remembered what Brad and Mike had asked and decided to go to Adam's house to say goodbye.

On the way, I spotted the tree where Kurt and I had made out. I grinned with the memory. That was the best way; two people meet, they like each other, they make out; and then each of them go their own way; no complications, no feelings, no getting hurt... just simple pleasure and enjoyment. I was never going to fall in love again. No way was I going to let myself get caught again in a situation like that one with Adam.

I looked at the sky and grinned to myself. I was a new man. I took a drag from the smoke and thought. "Fuck romance, I'm going to enjoy life!"

I saw Mrs. Anderson, Mike and Brad; Adam and Jess were also standing there talking. I threw the smoke away and took a deep breath. I was going to be stronger than them.

"Hi, Nate, you made it...I though that you were not going to show up!"

I smiled at Brad, totally ignoring the nervous look from Adam. "Yeah...I'm free of classes..."

Mike smiled. "I'm glad you came...Bri is just now taking us to the airport."

Brad looked at me and nodded at Mike. He then hugged me and whispered. "I know that you're hurting, but time will heal the wounds... "

He then let go of me and walked to the car. Mike was next; he hugged me as well. "You be good, and don't do anything stupid!"

I smiled at him as he got into the car. Mrs. Anderson turned to Adam. "I'll see you later boys!"

She started the engine and the drove off. I waved to them until the car was out of sight. I dropped my hand and my smile. I turned to the happy couple. Before I could think of an excuse to leave, Jess spoke.

"You smell like an ashtray!"

I bit my tongue, but I couldn't control myself. "No one could quite smell of sluttish sex like you do..."

Her mouth opened in shock and Adam looked at me as if I was from another planet. "What the fuck does that mean?"

I smiled. "You heard me, or are you deaf?"

She turned to Adam. "Are you going to let him talk to me like that?"

Adam turned to me with a pained look. I took out my pack of cigarettes and looked straight at him. "Don't worry, you can't hurt me anymore than you already have ... !"

I turned my back on them and walked away. I lit another smoke and needed every little bit of strength I had to hold the tears back. I felt a hand on my shoulder forcing me to turn around.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I looked at Adam trying to sense his thoughts and mood. Some steps behind him Jess was standing with her arms crossed, glaring at me. I took a long drag of my smoke and answered in a low tone. "Nothing, absolutely nothing, I'm fucking perfect. I couldn't be better! I mean... my boyfriend cheats on me with the school's slut, my mom is being a total bitch and I just want to crawl into a hole and die... Yeah...I couldn't be better!"

I tried to walk away, but Adam had a strong grip on me. "This is not you, Nate. You're hurt, I can see that, and I am sorry, but..."

I rolled my eyes. "But what? You just can't ..., Huh? Look, I have never asked you for anything, and I sure as hell am not going to start now, you go back to your perfect life and your girl-friend, I'll go on my own way..."

I managed to free myself from his grip and walk away. This time he didn't try to hold me. One part of me wanted to just run back to him and apologize, but the other managed to keep control and I continued my way back to school.

I had Biology before lunch, and I focused on the class. I didn't even look at Cathy. When the bell rang she managed to grab me before I could escape.

She looked me right in the eyes. "You are coming to lunch with me!"

That tone didn't leave you the right to answer. I nodded and we walked in silence to the cafeteria.

We ate for five minutes in total silence. I was feeling really uncomfortable. Cathy decided to break the silence.

She gave a loud sigh capturing my attention. "Look...I've been thinking on a nice way to say this..."

I opened my mouth to speak but she stopped me.

" I am your friend, and it hurts when you don't trust me. I trusted you with all in my heart. Friends are there for the bad as well as the good moments; and I don't like to see my friends shut me out, ..it hurts too much... I just...don't do this, Nate!"

I looked down, and she continued. "I don't like seeing you like this Nate, it's just isn't you... and I am not going to be ignored again, don't shut me out, ever again, please..."

I looked up and smiled. "Cathy, I can't say that I am totally OK...but I'm just dealing with things my way; I'm not shutting you out, I do really appreciate you caring for me and I'm sorry if I hurt you... but I just need time... please... "

She sighed. "I don't like this... keeping things to yourself only makes it worse, but I'm gonna trust you... but promise me you're not gonna do anything stupid!"

I laughed. "I promise, don't worry... that's the second time someone has said that... What? Am I wearing some kind of sign on my head saying that I'm stupid?"

She smiled. "Just remember that I'm here..."

I nodded. "So tell me how things are with your better half?"

Her smile got bigger. "Well, we had dinner at her place yesterday, very romantic... "

"I'm glad... things are OK, then..?"

She sighed. "Well...we talked about something..."


"Well, we were on the sofa, talking and cuddling, and she like brought up the idea of me moving into her place after graduating..."

"Oh... you're not ready?"

She shook her head. "No, I am ready...I'm just afraid that it's going to make things bad between us..."

I grabbed her hands. "Don't worry... things will turn out OK... !"

I looked up to see Kurt walking in. He seemed even sexier than earlier in the morning. My body started to crave for him. It was like if I needed some of him from time to time... He looked up and saw me, his face turning into a grin.

Cathy rolled her eyes. "You are a horn dog..."

I grinned. " Why not? ...I'm single now... have to enjoy life..."

She looked at me in a funny way and sighed. "Go on then, I'll see you later... !"

"You sure?"

"Just go and make that stupid look on your face disappear..."

I grinned, kissed her cheek and walked towards Kurt. He continued to grin.

"So, you OK?"

I looked at him. "Couldn't be better..."

He licked his lips. "Wanna go and talk outside?"

I laughed. "Sure, lets talk outside..."

We walked out of the school building and around to our corner. The moment we were alone, my hands went for his lower back, pulling him into me. "You are so fucking sexy today!"

He laughed. "I will have to wear this sweater more often!"

I groaned and my mouth went for his neck. He moaned, and his hands stroked and massaged my butt. I loved the taste of his skin, but something wasn't right with me, like as if I was doing something wrong. Something in me wasn't into this. I tried to shrug those thoughts away and moved my lips to his. He smiled and let me have him.

When our lips touched, again something troubled me and I couldn't kiss back. There was something wrong here. I froze and he continued on kissing me for a few moments before realizing that I had stopped.

"Something wrong?"

I stepped back. "I... I...I'll see you later..."

I walked away rummaging through my pockets looking for my cigarettes. I was confused about what was happening inside my head. I was nuts. I couldn't even make out without feeling guilt. But why was I feeling guilty when Adam was the one that had cheated on me? Why couldn't I just forget him and move on?

I continued on walking; I decided to skip the rest of my classes. I went home and checked the mail. There was a letter for me with my name written in big letters. I opened right there on the street.

Dear Nate

I'm sorry for not discussing this person to person, but Mike and I had a plane to catch and the kids are waiting...so you must be wondering why I am writing to you? Well, I saw you and Adam kissing. And I'm happy for you guys. But... I sensed something wrong when we talked. Mike spoke to Adam and we got something of a picture of what had happened. I don't blame you for the way you are acting. I can only tell you about another guy that once had the same feelings that you have now and tried to kill himself. It wasn't pretty. He almost succeeded. He needed a lot of support and help from friends...

I'm not saying that you want to kill yourself or anything like that. You are a very intelligent young man, you know better than that suicide resolves things, but I just want to tell you that things get better. You may be in "deep shit" as you call it, but you have to believe that someday you will see the sun again.

Mike did something like that to me. I reacted the same way that you did, but eventually I forgave him. I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just asking you to believe in the future, `cause that's something that you always have if you believe in it!

Wishing you the best


I stared at the letter for what seemed like an eternity. I folded it and put it in my back pocket. My head was starting to hurt. I just wanted to lie down and forget everything for a few minutes.

I woke up and it was morning. I looked around and I was in my room. I was fully dressed and there was a note in my nightstand

"I hope that you don't ever fall asleep fully clothed again. Mom"

I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom. After the usual morning routine I walked into the kitchen to find my mom drinking her usual coffee.

"Good morning mom!"

"Good morning Nate... what happened yesterday?"

I wanted to get out of there. "I was really tired..."

"Well, next time take your clothes of first...it's not you that has to wash them..."

I ignored her and made myself some breakfast.

"What's wrong with you lately? You're acting so strange..."

"I guess its puberty..."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't mock me young man, I'm serious... !"

I stood up. "So am I..."

I walked out into the fresh morning air and to school and got there surprisingly early. I sat in the front stairs and waited for Cathy.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to see Jess standing there with an angry look.

"I want to talk to you..."

I rolled my eyes. "And I have to listen?"

She ignored me. "I didn't like the way you talked to me before."


She almost spat fire from her mouth. "I know that you're a pansy; I have no problem with that, but keep your paws of Adam, he's mine, and it's not my fault that you caught us making love!"

I glared at her. "Now look here..."

She pointed her finger at me. "NO...you hear me now! I am dating Adam... you don't like me, and I certainly don't like YOU, so keep away from us and everything will be OK... or else..."

I laughed. "Or else what? You gonna scream until you burst my ears?"

She didn't even blink. "I have more influence that you can even imagine, I always get what I want, whether it's sex with Adam or total humiliation for you. You decide. So keep away, and don't Fuck-with-ME!"

I was getting really angry. "Who the hell do you think you are? Some fucking Madonna? Fuck you, you don't scare me! And you can fuck Adam when and where you want, see if I care, its not my fault that he's too stupid to see what a total slut you are."

Her face turned into a huge smile. She looked behind me and I turned around. Adam was standing there with a shocked look on his face.

Jess almost knocked me over while walking to Adam. "Good morning, Sweetie!"

She planted a full tongue kiss on him and he responded.

"I was just trying to defend you from this piece here, but forget him, lets go, we're way better than him..."

Adam looked me up and down. Hurt clearly on his eyes. He looked straight at me and put his arm around Jess. "Yeah, let's go...I missed you... let's go to my car..."

I was staring at them walking away. I had never called Adam stupid. It was just something that I knew that he would hate. He was a smart guy... and private ... and hated to be treated like some guy that didn't have brains. I had crossed the line... Jess set the trap and I had fallen into it like a bunny...

But I was not going to feel guilty. He had cheated on me. I had no reason to feel guilty.

Cathy appeared smiling.

"Good morning..."

I looked at her. "I'm a jerk!"

Her smiled fell. "What happened?"

I told her everything that had just happened. After that I took a cigarette and lit it. She grabbed it and tossed it to the ground, crushing it with her foot. "You're not going to smoke in front of me... and as for Jess, well... it's a difficult situation.. you hurt him, he hurt you... someone has to give in..."

"I'm not gonna give in, no way!"

Cathy shrugged. "Men... let's go or we'll be late..."

The morning went by fast. I only had the third class with Adam and that didn't go well. He didn't even look at me. At lunch Cathy and I were sitting quietly minding our own business when Jess appeared out of nowhere.

"Good morning, Cathy!"

Cathy looked up with her mouth full and nodded.

"I came here to ask you if you wanna have the rest of the lunch with us..."

She pointed at a table where Adam and his friends were sitting. Kurt was also there, and that got me confused. Cathy gulped and smiled at Jess. "I'm fine here... but thanks..."

Jess put her hands on the table and leaned into it, her hair falling down covering her face from me. She mouthed something to Cathy while pointing at me. Cathy dropped her sandwich and took a deep breath.

"Look, Jess... I don't want to have lunch with you. I hope that you understand that, and I don't take too kindly people mocking my friends. I hoped for more from you, I was hoping that you were somewhat of an adult and understood that calling Nate names is not gonna take you anywhere, now if you'll excuse us, we were having a quiet lunch!"

Jess waved her hair and looked at me. She walked over towards her table. "Don't forget our little talk, Bradford..."

I looked at Cathy. "You didn't have to do that..." She smiled. "I never liked the bitch anyway and besides I couldn't eat next to Adam and not throw up."

I smiled back and grabbed her hand. "Thanks... but you know that probably she won't leave you be now..."

She shrugged. "Let her come... I'm not afraid of her... I do kind of pity her, she's just so shallow, but forget her...let's talk about other things that won't take my appetite away!"

The rest of the day was uneventful. When the last period ended Cathy and I agreed to have some coffee and invite Amanda over. We were walking down the main hall talking to ourselves when Jess appeared with two friends. We ignored them and continued our way. They were smiling at us like they knew something we didn't. We walked outside to find the parking lot almost empty. I waited there seated on a bench while Cathy excused herself to call Amanda from a public phone.

I heard steps behind me and looked up to see this huge guy with Kurt behind walking towards the bench. The approached me and sat down with each of them on either side.

I looked at Kurt. "What's up?"

He didn't answer, the other guy answered with a deep voice. "You're Nate, right?"

I nodded.

He smiled and leaned along the bench, his arms came around me. "You know? Adam's a great guy... really cool and a real friend... we heard you were trying to mess with his girlfriend... Jess?"

I laughed at that, he didn't even flinch, his hand rested on my shoulder and squeezed it "I do hope that you don't, or else you might never use this arm again, I want you to keep away from Jess, period. If I see you even looking at her, I swear that you won't live to repeat it."

He was hurting my shoulder and I glared at him. "Now listen here!"

Kurt rested his hand on my arm. "Don't Nate, please just shut up... we'll see you later, let's go Marvin!"

Marvin glared at me and they both stood up and walked away. I was shocked, angry and needing of a cigarette.

"You're not gonna smoke again...what did those two want?"

I looked up at Cathy and smiled. "Nothing... Is Amanda's coming?"

She nodded. "She'll be there in half an hour... let's go!"

We had a great time in the coffee shop. Amanda was interested in how I was doing, but conversation quickly changed to lighter subjects. I laughed a lot and my anger was forgotten for a while.

When I got home all I could think about was Jess and how to get even. She was playing all the cards she had, and I didn't have anything to play against her...yet.


Well, its done, I hope you like it...took me a while to write it...email me to pookie_story@hotmail.com ... until next time

Next: Chapter 7

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