
By zeca

Published on Mar 13, 2004


Well, its done... chapter 4... thank you so much to all the people that have send me an email... it really helps, keep on sending them with your ideas, and opinions to pookie_story@hotmail.com... I also want to thank Jack, my editor, for putting up with me and making the effort to edit this story.

Just a side note... Bri, Mike and Brad are from Pookie, my other story... I hope that you don't confuse them with the newer characters... they just appear because I love them way too much to get rid of them.

Note2 sorry for taking so long... I'll try to make the next one quicker

Now for the story:

Pouts 4

I was sitting staring at the sky, trying to understand why the fuck did life have to always find a way to end happy moments. After Adam had shown up at my front door for the second time that day, I managed to send Kurt away. I just couldn't be with him and think about Adam. Now I was thinking that I couldn't see Adam again; talk to him, or even laugh with him. I was going to be just too lost without him.

And the worst part was that I knew it was all my own fault entirely! I just had to hold on until college and then everything would be OK! I stretched out on my bed and eventually fell asleep.

Next day I was walking to school, trying to remember some Math stuff for the test, when I heard someone calling my name. I looked up and saw Mrs. Anderson waving to me. I walked up to her.

"Hi there, Mrs. Anderson!"

"Hi Natie, I have someone I want you to meet!"

From the front door this older guy appeared. He had deep blue eyes and his hair was starting to get grey. His build and the way he moved just made you think that he was a jock. He smiled at me and shook my hand. "I'm Mike, nice to meet you, Bri here told me a lot about you!"

I was a little confused, but then I remembered Mike from Mrs. Anderson's photo album. "Well, she told me a lot about you too! Its good to finally meet you!"

He grinned. "Well, I'm sure Bri has only said good things about me!"

I laughed and looked at my watch. I couldn't stay anymore. "I'm really sorry, but I have to go!"

They both smiled. After I managed to escape them, I was ten minutes late for the first class. It was English. I hated it, but luckily the teacher was in a good mood and didn't say anything about me being late.

Two hours of pure boredom later, Cathy was being filled in on all the details of the previous day. "Seems like you have your hands full!"

I sighed. "I just don't know what to do...I don't want to loose Adam..."

She put her arm around me. "Tell you what...you told me that tonight your parents are going away for your Aunt Susan's birthday right?"

I nodded.

"Well, how about Amanda and I show up and we make some dinner and spend a quiet evening watching some movies or something?"

I gave another sigh. "Sure why not?"

She grinned. The rest of the day went by uneventfully. I found myself in my living room saying goodbye to my parents. After they closed the front door I started towards the kitchen.

If there was one thing that I knew how to cook, it was pasta. I loved it and knew how to do a damn good one! I also decided to make some cookies. I always wanted to try and it seemed like the right time. Soon I had flour on my face, hands and arms. My hair was also white and I was starting to realize that I should have stuck to the pasta.

When I was almost to the point of throwing the damn the mess that was to be cookies away, the doorbell rang. I walked towards it, cleaning my hands on the apron that I was wearing. I opened the door and I think my mouth fell open in shock. Adam stood there also blushing and with his hands behind his back.

"What are you doing in here?"

He looked at me apprehensively. "Cathy told me that you were having dinner together and she invited me."

I started imagining all sorts of ways to torture Cathy, but managed to keep a straight face. "Well, they probably are almost here, come on in!"

He entered and seemed really uncomfortable, ...like me. We stood there in an awkward silence.

I decided to break the silence. "Well, you can help me finish dinner..."

He smiled and walked towards the kitchen. Seconds later the phone rang. I picked it up.


"Nate? It's Cathy here, I'm having some problems ... Amanda wants a romantic dinner alone, and I can't make it..."

I rolled my eyes. "You planned this didn't you?"

I could almost hear her smile. "Do you really think that I would do such thing?"

I almost replied, but she managed to speak first. "I'll see you Monday, have a good dinner!"

She hung up. I sighed and walked into to the kitchen to find Adam with his hands full of flour mix. I looked at him surprised. "You know how to make cookies?"

He grinned. "Of course, it's the only thing that I can cook! Here I'll show you!"

I walked towards the table and stood there not knowing what to do. He came and stood behind me and took my hands. I started to feel a little uncomfortable. He ignored me and put our hands into the bowl full of cookie mix. He started showing me how to do it right. His mouth was right next to my ear, whispering. I was starting to loose my cool and I couldn't even think right.

His hands were still glued to mine trying to show me different ways to play with the mixture. I was enjoying it, but couldn't understand the sudden change. I backed away form him.

"Adam, what's wrong with you? You ran away from my house, you show up for dinner and now this?"

He cleaned his hands. "I think that we need to have a serious talk..."

I sighed. "I agree!"

He sat on a chair and I sat in front of him. He took a deep breath and started.

"I'm sorry for over-reacting; I should have been a better friend..."

I continued looking at him, waiting.

"I...Well...I was a little shocked! I don't have a problem with gays and lesbians. Hell, I know Brad and Mike, and they're great, but you were my best friend..."

"I'm sorry...I should have told you sooner...and in a different way..."

His eyes were looking directly at me, like if they were trying to catch something. My stomach felt tense and my hands were sweaty. I realized that I hadn't been close to Adam like this for some time; I had missed that feeling.

"That was what I originally thought! I thought that I was angry because you had not confided in me, but that wasn't the reason!"

I was surprised and confused. "Then what was it?"

He was nervous, I could tell. He grabbed a fork and was playing with it in his hand. He was playing a lot with his hair and I could just see something in his eyes.

"Well... we have been friends since forever right.. and well...we always played and wrestled and all that shit...you know...kid stuff."

He was rambling. I could sense that; so I grabbed his hands and looked into his eyes. "Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you!"

He dropped the fork and gulped out. "I...I think that I'm gay!"

This was one of those moments that no one can describe. The only thing I can say is that I was shocked, I was sitting there looking at him with my mouth wide open. I don't know how long I stayed like this looking at him. He brought me down to earth.


"I'm sorry Adam...I'm a little shocked...I mean...I never expected...I mean...you...all those girls...I mean..."

He gave me a nervous laugh.

"But I don't understand how that can make you mad at me?"

He got up and walked towards the window. He stared at it for a while. I was starting to get worried. I continued sitting, looking at him not knowing what to say or do.

And then he spoke almost as a whisper. "Do you remember your twelfth birthday?"

On that moment I couldn't. I had to make a huge effort to remember it. My mom threw a surprise party. It was cool, Adam had stayed over that night.


"Well, you remember that I slept over?" I nodded. "Well, I couldn't sleep. I looked at you and I don't know why, but I kissed you...I don't know if you were awake or not, but I did."

I didn't remember. I was starting to get even more confused.

"I don't know why I did it! I just had the urge and so I kissed you. Afterwards I went to sleep and never mentioned the incident again. I had forgotten about it; until I saw you with Kurt around the corner. I was shocked, but I was feeling some other thing...I couldn't place it at the time, but now I know...it was jealousy!"

He turned to me and I dropped my eyes to the table. This conversation was taking a turn that I wasn't quite ready to face. I had recently discovered that I had a crush on him, and managed to forget it momentarily when with Kurt; and now, he comes here and out of the blue...

"I don't know what's wrong with me, I don't even like other guys! I just feel these intense feelings towards you..."

I looked up. "You sure about this? Are you sure its not some phase, or some crazy, passing thought!"

He shook his head. "No, I wouldn't be here if I hadn't thought this through! I just... I have these feelings for you, and seeing you with Kurt made me realize what I was. It was a major shock! I didn't want to be gay! But then Mike talked to me and he helped me..."

I didn't know what to say. I was sitting there looking at him. I don't know what he was expecting, I don't know if he wanted me to say that I loved him too, and jump into his arms. I was confused to the max. I got up and went to check on the pasta. It was ready. I grabbed it and started preparing it.

Adam appeared behind me. "You're not gonna say anything?"

I looked at him. "What do you want me to say? I'm a little confused right now..."

He looked down. "I just want my friend back..."

That sigh made my heart melt. He looked so lost. I dropped the pasta and hugged him. It felt good to be holding him again. He tensed up at first but hugged back after a while.

After all that, we had a cool dinner; it almost seemed like nothing had happened. It felt good to be at ease with Adam. It seemed like the old friendship was back; he was smiling, his eyes had that sparkle again; he was a new person.

After eating, he showed me the couple of movies that Cathy had picked for the night. One was some horror film, and the other a new comedy. I chose the horror flick to view first. Adam didn't complain. We sat on the couch next to each other not touching. After a while I looked at Adam and watched him, studying his face. He was into the film, not even noticing my staring. His blue eyes were shining in the light from the screen; he was wearing a black shirt with the top buttons undone. I hadn't taken the time to notice him fully.

Sometimes when we were in his room, listening to some music, he would be lying on his bed with his eyes closed and I would sneak glances of him. I don't know if he noticed that I would stare at him.

He looked at me and smiled. I blushed and changed my gaze to the TV. After a while I felt his hand cover mine. I could feel the heat coming from his hand. I was nervous. I continued staring at the TV. I felt him move and his leg was touching mine. I was looking at the TV, but my mind was focused only on the body next to mine. The sensation of where we were touching was all consuming.

Adam leaned into my ear and whispered. "Lean into me!" I gave him a confused look and he grinned. He put his arm around my shoulder and gently pulled me to him. He managed to pull me to sit between his legs. I was really tense; I didn't know what to do. I had never done this before. I had made out, but never cuddled with someone. He probably felt my muscles tensing up, because next thing I know he is giving me a small massage.

I started to loosen up. After a while I leaned back onto his chest and give a little sigh. I could imagine his smile. His arms closed around my stomach and we stayed like that watching the movie. My head found a perfect place to rest on his shoulder. A sudden urge of braveness came over me and I grabbed his hand. His finger intertwined with mine, my other hand started rubbing his upper arm.

This felt so right. There wasn't anything sexual, just pure feeling. I didn't care about the movie, I was happy to be resting on Adam. I was in that state where you're not asleep or awake.

"Huh, Nate? The movie ended..."


He gave a little laugh. "Do you want to watch another one?"

I gave a small sigh.

"I'll take that as a yes..."

He gently pushed me aside and got up to change the movie. I watched him crouch to change the DVD. I smiled to myself thinking of the times we had spent doing this same thing without the closeness. I've had known Adam since forever and only recently realized that it was more than friendship that I felt... and now I found out that he felt the same thing... I was so lost into my thoughts that I didn't noticed Adam standing in front of me with a stupid grin on his face.


"You were daydreaming, thinking about me I hope..."

I blushed.

He laughed. "I'll take that as a yes!"

I patted the couch motioning him to sit. He grinned and instead dropped himself on top of me. He laughed and started tickling me. I was screaming for him to stop, but he was having too much fun.

"You know, when I tickled you, it was only an excuse to feel you up!"

I laughed. "Pervert!"

He stopped laughing and stared at me. My laugher eventually died down and I stared back. He leaned into me and planted his lips on mine. It was our first kiss. It was the first time that I was feeling his lips. My arms closed around his neck and I let myself go into the kiss. I felt his tongue and opened my mouth to him.

He was a very passionate kisser. I found myself moaning and his hands quickly were starting to feel my stomach. I let my hands fall to his butt and started feeling him up. I was in heaven, and by the sounds he was making I bet Adam was also. We were interrupted by the sound of keys in the front door. I quickly got up and tried to straighten up my clothes.

Adam grinned at me and sat on the sofa. I rolled my eyes and walked towards the front door.

"You came home early..."

My mom looked at me. "The party ended sooner..."

She brushed past me to her room. I looked at my dad who was shaking his head. "Your mother got into a little fight with your aunt Mary... "

I nodded. My mom and Aunt Mary had this love-hate relationship. It was not unusual to see them fighting like this.

"Ah, Adam, you're here! Come to keep Nate company?" I looked at Adam standing behind me with his trademark smile. "Yeah...how are Mr.Bradford?"

My dad laughed. "None of that Mr. crap. I'm John! And I'm OK, thanks. I should go to check on my wife like the good old husband, ..some day you'll understand, boys... It was nice seeing you Adam...!"

They shook hands and my dad walked into his room. I looked at Adam who had this strange shine to his eyes. He got closer to me. "Don't I get a goodnight kiss?"

"Adam...my parents are right next door..."

He grinned and leaned into me. The kiss was quick, but it left me craving for more. I opened the door for him. "Now go, before I have to tear those clothes off!"

He laughed and went out. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

After all that stress I slept like a baby. It seemed that I hadn't slept like that in years... Of course, life isn't perfect and I had to woken up with my mom shoving the phone in my face.

"Honey, Cathy wants to talk to you!"

I groaned and grabbed the phone. "Mmm..Hello"

A cheerful voice came from the other end. "Good morning to you too, Sunshine, it's a beautiful day, sleep well?"

I looked at the clock over my pillow. "Cathy? Why are you calling me at eight in the morning on a fucking Saturday morning?"

"I love talking to you..."

I would have rolled my eyes if they were open. "Spill it!"

"Ok, ok... not a morning person are you?"

"You don't know half of it..."

"I wanted to know how last night went..."

I was struck speechless, mainly because it just hit me that last night had happened and it all hadn't been a dream. The cookies, the cuddling, the sofa, the kiss, everything was real. I suddenly felt more awake, and my stomach felt weird, like butterflies were there.

"Hellooooooooo? You awake?"

"Sorry, was daydreaming..."

She laughed. "I bet I know about whom..."

"And how did things go with your Beauty?"

"She had to work yesterday night..."

I laughed. " You planned last night didn't you? What happened to the dinner for two?"

She was silent for a few moments until I heard a sigh. "Ok, ok... I'm busted, but was it worth it?"

I rolled onto the other side of the bed. "More than you can ever imagine..."

"That good, huh?"

I mumbled a quick yes. I was too lost in the memories from last night. I had to make new memories. I was already picturing myself being with Adam this morning, ...I missed him.

"Sweetie, you aren't listening to me, you wanna crash the mall this afternoon?"

"Sure, Adam has practice so I won't have anything to do..."

She groaned. "You've been with him once and you already seem like a sappy couple..."


"Not one bit...I'll show up at your house at two, see ya!"

After all that talk I was hungry; for food and for Adam. I got prepared in less than fifteen minutes and ate in less than two. I left my mom talking to herself in the kitchen and walked towards Mike's house.

"Good morning Mrs. Anderson!"

She looked up from her flowers. "Good morning, Nate! You came to see Adam?"

I picked a strange tone on her voice. It seemed like she knew something, but I was probably imagining things.

"Yeah, he asked me to wake him up, we have a lot to study..."

She didn't take her eyes from the flowers. "Sure... go in..."

I walked up the stairs and into Adam's room. Adam was a slob when it came to sleeping. He had a double bed and he made sure every bit of it was occupied with his body. He had his legs spread, his arms above his head, sleeping with a content smile on his face. I took a few seconds to burn the image on my brain... before I jumped onto him.

"Good morning lazy head!"

He opened his eyes startled and looked around, and then focused on me. He grinned.

"You know... most lovers wake up their prince with a kiss..."

I laughed. "Who said you were my prince?"

He yawned and stretched his arms. After that he smiled. "You missed me?"

I pretended to be in deep thought. "Hmm...a little bit!"

His smile grew bigger, his hands moved to my waist. "Just a little bit?"

"Hmmmm... maybe a bit..."

His hands moved to my ass. "Just a bit?"

My heart started beating faster. I felt my cheeks hotter. As I was about to answer, he started tickling me. I hated that. I started laughing hard. He managed to roll us over and pin me on his bed with my arms above my head.

"Feeling kind of sexy, Mr. Anderson?"

He gave me his trademark smirk. "Only for you, Mr. Bradford..."

He leaned into me and licked my neck. He started moving up towards my mouth and stopped inches from it.

"I need to brush my teeth!" he whispered.

I groaned. "You've got to be kidding me!"

He grinned and walked towards the bathroom. I was left there laying on his bed thinking of ways to get back at him. But when I looked up to the bathroom door and saw him only dressed on his boxers, all those thoughts vanished. His grin grew even wider.

"See something that you like?"

I blushed and sat upright on the bed. "Adam, can we talk seriously now?"

He sat next to me and put his hand on my leg. "What's wrong?"

"Where do we stand now?"

He looked at me for a moment and his gaze moved to the window. "I don't know... I like you a lot...but you're my best friend, and I don't want to loose that..."

I looked down. "So, you don't want anything too serious, is that it?"

He put his finger on my chin and lifted my eyes to meet his. "I didn't say that, I was just trying to say that I was a little afraid... I do want to try this... but I don't want to loose you as a friend..." I nodded my head. "I understand..."

He smiled and leaned into a kiss. "Hey, its Saturday, I have practice until five pm... wanna go to the mall and grab something to eat?"

I got up from the bed. "Actually. I'm going with Cathy, so you can meet us there... "

He got up and embraced me from behind. "You know what? I can imagine us like this in forty years..."

I laughed. "You'll grow tired of me by then!"

He squeezed me tighter. He planted a soft kiss on my neck. "Impossible, I've put up with you for seven years, another forty won't be a problem!"

I sighed. "I have to go and do some school work..."

He didn't even hear me. His kisses on my neck were getting more intense; I had to force myself from his embrace. "I'll see you at the mall, call me when you get there!"

He stood there grinning in his boxers. "Tease!"

It was the second time that someone had called me that. I laughed and walked out of his room. I was so into my own little world that I almost walked into Mike.

"Hi there, Sport!"

I looked up at him and smiled. "Hey Mike, what's up?"

"Nothing much, Brian's taking a shower... we can't share here, Bri's rule!"

I was confused. "Why is that?"

"Because those two can get very noisy, if you know what I mean!"

I looked behind Mike to see Mrs. Anderson, smiling, carrying a pot full of flowers. "Adam's awake?"

I nodded. She and Mike had these stupid grins on their faces. Something was up and I didn't like to be the only one that didn't know what was happening.

"Well, I have to go... I'll see you later..."

They both said their goodbyes and I walked out of the house. I managed to do some schoolwork and by two I had Cathy on my door with an earsplitting grin.

"Ready to burn some money?"

I grinned. "Of course!"

I looked behind her to see Amanda. "You brought your girlfriend?"

Amanda smiled. "I hope you don't mind, but I need to spend more time with my Cathy!"

They smiled at each other, and I rolled my eyes. The thing I loved about spending time at the mall was the peace that it gave my spirit. There were no plans; we were there just to spend time, no stress involved. Amanda and Cathy were the typical shopaholics. They wanted to see every store and every last piece of cloth. I just went along with the ride.

"So things OK with you and Adam?"

Amanda and I were sitting, waiting for Cathy to try on an evening dress; she didn't want to buy it, she just liked trying it on.

"I think so..."

She smiled at me. "It's your first relationship... I mean gay relationship right?"

I nodded.

"Well, I know that we don't know each other too well, but can I give you a little piece of advice?"

I was interested. "Shoot!"

"Enjoy every bit of time you spend with him; it's hard to have a relationship, and a gay relationship is even harder. There will be rough times, I can tell you. You enjoy those small times you spend with him and remember them!"

I was a little worried. What did she mean by that? She patted my back and we both looked up to see Cathy in her evening gown. She looked stunning, and I could see the twinkle in Amanda's eyes.

"You look amazing!"

Cathy looked up at Amanda and smiled. "Thanks!"

After that we stopped for a little coffee to regain some strength.

"So little Nate, tell me more about last night!"

"Well, he helped me bake some cookies, we watched some movies, and then he went home..."

I knew she was expecting more, but I was going to make her work hard for this.


I took a sip of my coffee. "And what?"

Amanda gave a little laugh. It was interesting how different they were. Cathy was more outgoing, carefree and immature. Cathy gave this naïve image and it was impossible to not love her. She was like a little kid; of course at times she had her adult phases. On the other hand, Amanda was more reserved, more intellectual, and she was pretty cool. Maybe it was the age difference, I don't know, but they seemed like a match made in heaven. They were so comfortable together.

"Come on Nate... I wanna know!"

I looked at her with a stupid grin. "I have no idea what you're talking about..."

Cathy groaned and rolled her eyes. "Did something happen between you and Adam?"

Just as I was about to reply, my phone rang, ..it was Adam.


"Hey...I'm at the mall, I brought some friends, I hope you don't mind, where are you?"

"We're at Pascal's...!"

"Ok, see you in five!"

I hung up and looked at Cathy. "Where were we?"

She threw her hands in the air; she was smiling though, so I knew we were OK. We continued making small talk until Adam arrived. He introduced his two friends. I didn't register their names. One of them fixed his gaze on Amanda, ...if only he knew.

"So, what are we gonna do now?"

I looked at Adam not knowing what to say. "Well, we can watch a movie or something..."

Everyone agreed. We chose some B grade film. I was sitting between Adam and Cathy. Amanda had the guy next to her, and he was trying to make small talk.

I leaned into Cathy's ear. "You jealous?"

She laughed and whispered back. "I know she is with me; a lot of guys hit on her right next to me, but she takes it in her stride every time; you get used to it after a while..."

I leaned into my seat and looked at Adam. He was looking right at me.

"How was practice?"

"Good... coach wants to win the next game... very important to him... I'm tired though... !"

I gave a small laugh, the lights started to dim so I took the chance to lean into his ear. "Maybe I can give you a back rub later!"

He smiled at me and mouthed the word tease.

After the film, Adam's friend decided to leave. Not that I complained. Adam seemed tired, and as Cathy and Amanda were a little tired too, we decided to just go home. Adam drove into his house and stopped in his driveway.

"You want to come up? My mom, Mike and Brad went out dinner, probably a long night out...!"

"Of course!"

He smiled and we walked into his house. The moment we entered it, he hugged me from behind and sighed into the back of my neck.

"Miss me?"

He groaned. "Sorry for bringing my sports friends, they insisted and I couldn't say no"

I sighed. "That's OK..."

We were silent for a little while... standing there in the main hall just deep in our own thoughts and enjoying the feeling of each other.

Adam decided to break the silence. "I'm sorry..."

I was confused. "For what?"

"For not behind the type of boyfriend you want..."

"And what is that?"

"Out...open... only like this, only behind closed doors... I'm sorry... I just can't make that big jump right now...!"

I knew that, ...and frankly, I wasn't ready either...

"I have to keep on dating Jess, you know..."

I swallowed hard and nodded.

"I just can't dump her..." His hands grabbed my arms. "Promise me that you won't be jealous!"

"You know I can't promise you that!"

He made another small kiss on the back of my neck. "I have no feelings towards her...I may be with her with my body, but my heart and soul are with you..."

"Adam... "

"Just promise me!"

I nodded my head. He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Come on, let's go to my bedroom.


Well, its finished, I hope you liked the new chapter...keep on sending mails to: pookie_story@hotmail.com thanks for reading.

Next: Chapter 5

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